Mysterious country

Chapter 134 Being targeted by it

When Liu Zhicheng said this, he didn't know if it was because he was about to reach the key point, but his voice gradually became trembling.

"The heroine Feng Cai lives with her father on weekdays, in a dilapidated thatched house that is almost ready to collapse in the wind. Her father is a perverted beast, and Feng Cai is asked to do a lot of work every day when she comes home. , collecting firewood, lighting fires, cooking, and...being her father's ***.

His father tried to abuse her every day, but during the process, there was only one expression on her face - hatred.

Hated his beastly father, hated her classmates and teachers, and hated the world into which she was born.

Every time her father fell into a deep sleep, she would run to the yard alone, look at the moon, which was often blocked by clouds, and curse everyone with gritted teeth.

Fengcai lived in such hell every day, until one day... Fengcai started to have pregnancy symptoms.

She became dizzy, weak, didn't want to eat anything, and often had symptoms of retching. At first, she thought she was sick, so she didn't care about anything. It wasn't until the head teacher asked her to go to the infirmary for a physical examination that the terrible news finally came. was passed out.

She is pregnant.

However...she is only 15 years old.

At this point, the news spread like wildfire, and she once again became the focus of discussion among the entire class, year-round group, and even the entire school.

Everyone was calling her a bitch, a scumbag, a trash who should have been expelled from school long ago.

No one cared about her, no one even asked why.

The school called her father in and later expelled her for affecting school spirit and discipline.

After returning home, his father seemed to be a different person. He began to greet her with care and concern, with the purpose of getting her to give birth to the child in her belly. Then sell it for money.

But Fengcai refused, because she was pregnant with the dirtiest thing in the world.

Seeing that Feng Cai refused to agree to him, his father beat her severely again until she fainted.

When she woke up, it was already late at night, and her father's pig-like snoring could be heard in the room.

She wiped the dried blood on her cheek, staggered into the kitchen, and took out a kitchen knife.

She wanted to kill that beast, just like he strangled her mother to death three years ago, this beast should have died long ago!

Feng Cai walked to her father's bed with a kitchen knife, and then without hesitation, she slashed her father's neck with the kitchen knife in her hand.

A large amount of blood spurted out from her father's severed neck and sprayed on Feng Cai's face and body. Her father stared in horror, but Feng Cai slashed him with one knife after another.

Fengcai spent one night chopping her father into meat paste, and then fed the meat paste to the dogs.

As for herself, she did not choose to live. Instead, she cut open her stomach with a kitchen knife and died with a strong hatred for the world.

But at this moment, a pair of hands covered with blood... stretched out from her body.

In the period that followed, students and teachers who had hurt her before died one after another, and the school had to suspend classes because too many students had accidents.

The already dilapidated school looked even more dilapidated now. The quiet playground was deserted, with only a vague figure walking towards the gate little by little. "

Liu Zhicheng was obviously telling him the plot of the horror movie. It had to be said that such a perverted plot, not to mention watching it with their own eyes, just hearing it made them feel chills down their spines.

"Although the figure is slowly walking towards the door, as a viewer, what you see is that the figure is gradually enlarging on the screen. The most vivid metaphor is that it feels like the figure is slowly walking out of the screen.

I can never forget the palpitations I felt at that time. Some of my colleagues were so frightened that they screamed and sat on their chairs without daring to move.

Just when the figure was so big that it couldn't fit on the screen, the scene on the screen suddenly changed. Above... above... above..."

When Liu Zhicheng said this, he didn't know what terrible things he thought of, and he stuttered and couldn't speak.

"What's on the screen? Tell me!" Liu Yanmin and Xia Qi urged at the same time.

"Eyes! A pair of big, big eyes!"

Liu Zhicheng stared in horror, and his body began to tremble:

"Those eyes didn't appear in the movie... they were on the screen. Can you understand? Those eyes just appeared suddenly.

We were all so frightened that we didn't know who was the first to leave the seat and run away, and then everyone ran away. In the process of escaping, I also looked back with a feeling.

I saw it!

The figure slowly walking towards us in the movie was sitting on the seat in the row closest to the screen! "

"Mr. Liu, drink some water and calm down first."

Seeing that Liu Zhicheng was a little out of control, Nangong Yun hurriedly handed him a glass of water, signaling him to calm down for a while.

Liu Zhicheng was not polite. After taking the paper cup tremblingly, he sat down again tremblingly.

Xia Qi glanced at Leng Yue and found that Leng Yue was looking thoughtful and didn't know what she was thinking. As for Liu Yanmin and Nangong Yun, they also seemed to be thinking about Liu Zhicheng's words.

After all, judging from Liu Zhicheng's description, the ghost that was staring at him obviously ran out of the movie.

Ghosts from horror movies come to reality and kill people? The more Xia Qi thought about it, the more terrified he became, because he had watched many horror movies before.

After waiting quietly for a while, seeing that Liu Zhicheng's mood was almost stable, Xia Qi asked again:

"What happened after that night?"


"You mean one of your colleagues died?"

"Yeah. After we escaped from the cinema that night, most of the people were separated.

So I took a taxi and returned home half-heartedly.

Not long after that, I received a call from a female colleague. The female colleague asked me to go to her house to accompany her. Because I am single and she is also single, and she is too afraid to be alone.

But...but...but on the phone, I clearly heard the voices of many people!

There was laughter, a baby's cry, and... a woman's miserable wail. "

Speaking of this, Liu Zhicheng seemed to blame himself very much and sighed:

“I was so scared that I hung up the phone and then turned it off.

As a result, the female colleague did not come to work the next day. In the afternoon, I received a call from the police. The police told me that she was dead!

After receiving this bad news, I still harbored a trace of luck, thinking that her death had nothing to do with what happened last night. However, in the next few days, colleagues in the department continued to die unexpectedly.

Only then did I really realize that the ghost was targeting us! "

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