Mysterious country

Chapter 40 Supervisor’s Authority

Although he said that, in fact, there was only the [Staff Support] function bar that he had not checked yet.

Controlling the consciousness and clicking on this function bar, a long column suddenly popped up on the dial like a spring.

From bottom to top they are:

(General staff)


(senior manager)


(Senior Manager)



The position column that appeared on the dial at this time was not unfamiliar to Xia Qi, because Fu Haiyi had mentioned it to him as early as when he was at the Golden Office Building. I think the three (???) at the top of the dial should mean that you don’t have permission to view it.

And this is probably why Fu Haiyi and the others suspected that there would be a "boss" above the director.

Xia Qi was originally very curious about this kind of thing, but thinking that he had just become a full-time employee and his evil spirit physique was so deceptive, he could only temporarily suppress his doubts about his position.

After all, even Fu Haiyi, as the supervisor, didn't know anything, so why would he, a small employee, have to find out too much.

Except for the position at the bottom (ordinary staff), which was lit, the other positions above were all dim. However, he tried clicking on it and found that there were two job columns that he could click on.

One is the job column (general employee), and the other is the job column (supervisor).

Xia Qi first clicked on the job column (ordinary staff). After clicking in, an orderly text description appeared.

"1. Provide a car

2. Provide dormitories

3. Provide company protection from worldly interference when participating in paranormal events.

4. Provide salary

5. Provide medical subsidies and living allowances

6. Provide promotion qualifications

7. Provide self-improvement qualifications”

There is no doubt that these 6 points are the benefits that ordinary employees can enjoy. As for the third point of providing company protection, I think it is the work ID card with an invisible portrait. If you encounter trouble, just show it. In addition, point 7 provides self-improvement qualifications, which should refer to strengthening or learning spells.

After just a brief glance, Xia Qi withdrew from it, and then eagerly clicked on the (supervisor) job column.

After clicking on it, an orderly text description also appeared, but the content was different from that of (ordinary staff).

"1. Enjoy the right to request rescue from superiors once

2. Enjoy the right to double your honor points

3. Enjoy the right to commission on team honor points

4. Enjoy promotion rights

5. Provide private accommodation

6. Provide a car

7. Enjoy supervisor-level command authority and necessary execution authority

8. Need to comply with supervisor-level disciplinary rules

9. Enjoy all the rights of ordinary employees”

Xia Qi stared at the dial intently, her heart beating restlessly in her chest. The supervisor's treatment was much better than that of ordinary employees.

Not only in terms of material, but also in terms of life-saving.

You have the right to ask your superiors for rescue once. The supervisor's superior is the senior supervisor, who is presumably much more powerful than the supervisor, so asking for rescue is basically equivalent to saving an extra life in the event.

Not only that, the honor points received for solving the incident are doubled, and the team's "commission" is actually taken just like sales!

Although he didn't know how much this "team commission" would be, even if it was only 2 or 3 points, at least it would be better than nothing. After all, it was completely free.

As for the "enjoyment of executive-level command rights and the necessary execution rights", this should be what Nangong Yun told him before, that he must obey the orders of his superiors in important events. On the other hand, the "need to abide by supervisor-level punishment rules" naturally means rewards and punishments.

Thinking of this, Xia Qi's face suddenly showed a look of surprise, finally solving the mystery of Liang Ruoyun's appearance.

According to his guess, Xu Tianhua is really likely to be alive. As a senior manager, Liang Ruoyun will appear at that time. In all likelihood, it is because he received Xu Tianhua's rescue request that he appeared in Xinhua Bookstore and incidentally saved him.

"It seems that Fu Haiyi didn't lie to me on this point. Being a supervisor is indeed much better than being an ordinary employee!"

Xia Qi is gearing up, and her desire to climb up is getting stronger and stronger.

Because there was no way to prepare food in advance, Xia Qi had no choice but to turn to Nangong Yun in order not to starve, hoping that Nangong Yun could arrange a candlelight dinner for him.

In fact, Nangong Yun was indeed enthusiastic. When Xia Qi found her, she had already prepared dinner.

A very luxurious hairy crab dinner.

Xia Qi had only heard of hairy crabs but had never eaten them before. Now that she saw the hairy crabs, her mouth was watering and she was not polite to Nangong Yun at all. She directly grabbed one from the plate and ate it.

There were only two of them at this dinner, and Liu Yanmin did not attend. According to Nangongyun, Minmin was lonely and unbearable and ran out to make a date.

Xia Qi originally disliked Liu Yanmin, so after hearing that he would not come over, he naturally clapped his hands in his heart and couldn't help but become more appetizing.

During the meal, Xia Qi did not waste time and just simply ate. He also asked Nangong Yun some questions about her physical condition.

But because Nangong Yun did not have an evil spirit constitution, Xia Qi didn't ask for much information that would be helpful to him, but he did learn some things about "spells".

According to Nangong Yun, the company's employees are only divided into two types of people, one is those who learn magic, and the other is those who have ghost properties.

Among them, people who studied magic made up the largest proportion, nearly 80%, and only 20% had ghost properties. Among these people, they are also divided into those with the constitution of evil spirits, the constitution of evil spirits, the constitution of wronged souls, etc.

Although people with ghost physiques have innate advantages, the abnormal consumption of honor points makes it difficult for them to grow in a short period of time, so that more than 95% of newcomers with ghost physiques are killed in the process of growth.

But then again, the remaining five percent are terrifyingly powerful.

It's just that they are a very small minority after all. The vast majority of employees rely on magic to fight against ghosts.

To put it bluntly, magic is the art of exorcising ghosts. It is also called exorcism, exorcism, and magic. In short, it is the same thing in the company, which is to deal with ghosts.

However, it is not easy to learn it well, and it also requires honor points, because you need to use honor points to upgrade the spell.

For example, as an ordinary employee, the spells you can redeem are only level 1 spells. When you are proficient, you can upgrade the spells to level 2.

As the level of the spell increases, the damage it does to ghosts will become greater. Similarly, the honor points consumed will also become higher.

However, due to talent, even if they learn the same spells, the combat power displayed by each person is completely different. There are also situations where someone is extremely strong, but someone is extremely weak.

After listening to Nangong Yun's words, Xia Qi couldn't help but lament the importance of talent again.

Effort is important, but if there is no talent as a backing support, the outcome is destined to end in disgrace.

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