Mysterious country

Chapter 60 Secret (please recommend collection)

At this moment, Lao Wang was completely confused. Although he had foreseen this scene when he chose to escape, it was another thing to see it with his own eyes.

It can be said that he chose to escape before, not because he thought he would be killed by ghosts if he didn't escape, but simply because of the fear of ghosts in his heart.

Just like the old saying goes, if you don't do something bad, don't be afraid of the devil. But the problem is that he did something wrong, that's why he was so scared at that time, and that's why he chose to run away in such embarrassment.

But in the final analysis it was just an instinctive reaction on his part.

Fear comes from the unknown, but when the unknown becomes known, fear will turn into deep despair.

"Hu Daniu is came back to take revenge..."

Lao Wang opened his empty eyes and suddenly murmured.

Hearing Lao Wang's murmur, Xia Qi directly picked up Lao Wang by his collar and lifted Lao Wang, who was falling apart, in front of him, and then warned with a stern face:

"Tell me what exactly you did to Xiaoli, otherwise you will be the next person to die!"

"We forced it to came back...came back for revenge..."

Although Xia Qi asked loudly, Lao Wang was still mumbling to himself.

"This bastard!"

Seeing that Lao Wang completely turned a deaf ear to his warning, Xia Qi's anger suddenly boiled up. He stopped asking any more questions and directly waved Lao Wang's two big mouths away before continuing:

"Please wake up! It has become a ghost now. If you don't tell us the truth, we can't help you."

Speaking of this, Xia Qi suddenly had an idea and added:

"Even if you want to die, think about your family, unless you want them to look like Hu Daniu!"

Hearing Xia Xia Qi mention his family, Lao Wang's empty eyes finally shone a little brightly, and for a while he burst into tears and began to cry and beg Xia Qi:

"I said...I must not let it hurt my family...please..."

Seeing that Lao Wang finally let go, Xia Qi couldn't help but feel relieved in his heart. At this time, he looked at Leng Yue beside him, with a little bit of pride in his eyes.

After Xiao Xiao pretended to compete with Lengyue, Xia Qi hurriedly asked Lao Wang:

"What exactly did you do to Xiaoli, and how many people were involved?"

Although Lao Wang really didn't want to tell the truth, when he saw Hu Daniu's mummy not far away and thought that it might affect his family, he gritted his teeth and had no choice but to tell the truth. However, before speaking, he still told Xia Qi A condition was put forward:

"I say yes, but you must keep it a secret and swear not to mention it to anyone."

Xia Qi and Leng Yue had no intention of telling anyone else, so when they saw that Lao Wang still had concerns about this, they made a symbolic oath, and then Lao Wang said:

"That night, Hu Daniu suddenly came to me and said that he had discovered a secret about Boss Chen's daughter-in-law and asked me if I had any thoughts. I didn't know what Hu Daniu meant at the time, so I asked him what I thought of Boss Chen's daughter-in-law. , how dare I have any ideas?

Hu Daniu gave me a "hehe" smile, said he could sleep with her if he had a chance, and asked me if I was interested.

After hearing this, I just thought that Hu Daniu was crazy. If Boss Chen knew about this, he would definitely kill us, so I rejected him without thinking. After all, I still have a family.

Hu Daniu heard that I didn't want to, so he told me that Boss Chen would definitely not know about this.

Just ask me, if there is a chance to sleep with that little bitch, and this matter will never be known to Boss Chen, or even other outsiders, let me think clearly and not regret it later.

If you say you don’t want to, it’s definitely not because you don’t want to, but because you don’t dare. What man doesn’t want to sleep with a good-looking, good-looking, and young woman? Although I am very timid, after hearing what Hu Daniu said many times, I felt itchy in my heart.

I asked him at that time what secrets he knew about Xiaoli, and he said that if there is a good thing, just go ahead and don't ask so many questions.

Let me think about it clearly, and then give him a letter, saying that he told me this good thing because we are good brothers.

Ever since Hu Daniu told me this, the image of Xiaoli has been in my head, torturing me so much that I couldn't sleep for several days, and finally I couldn't help but find Hu Daniu.

When Hu Daniu saw that I was looking for him, he readily agreed to my request and told me to wait for the letter in the next two days and then arrange the matter.

Then on the next day, Hu Daniu called me to the door of Mr. Chen's house, and soon I saw Xiaoli walking out with her head lowered. Hu Daniu obviously knew her, his face was full of evil smiles and threats, and he asked Xiaoli to do that with me again today, and then their accounts would be settled.

Xiaoli still didn't say anything, she just nodded as if she was resigned to her fate. Hu Daniu ran to me at this time and reminded me to hurry up, because Boss Chen would be back without knowing when.

My mind was confused at the time, and I didn’t listen carefully to what he reminded me.

After that, I took Xiaoli to Hu Daniu’s place. While doing that, Xiaoli was as motionless as a dead corpse, with her eyes wide open and her eye sockets filled with tears.

At that moment, I really wanted to forget it, but I thought I had done it all, so I didn’t care so much. But after it was over, I started to be afraid, afraid of what would happen if Boss Chen found out about him and Xiaoli.

I asked her if she would talk about what happened today. It was only then that Xiaoli finally spoke back to me. She cried and asked me to let them go.

Afterwards, I found Hu Daniu and told him my worries. After hearing this, Hu Daniu told me without any worries and told me to put my heart in my stomach. They are not the only ones who have done this, like Zhao Kuaizui, Qi Dali, Zhang Laizi also did it.

I didn't know that these people also had a relationship with Xiaoli, otherwise I would definitely not get involved, but now that the matter has come to an end, it's too late for me to regret it.

I was always on tenterhooks for the next few days, fearing that Mr. Chen would send someone to look for me one day, but luckily that day did not come..."

When Lao Wang said this, Xia Qiqiang suppressed the anger of beating Lao Wang violently and cursed:

"No wonder you scumbags are being retaliated by evil spirits, you really deserve it!"

Lao Wang didn't say anything, but sighed with regret. Xia Xia Qi motioned for him to continue, and then heard Lao Wang say again:

"Almost 20 days passed, and then Zhao Kuaizui suddenly came to me and said that Boss Chen wanted some of us to do something for him.

To be precise, he asked a few of us to help him kill someone!


Just when Lao Wang wanted to continue speaking, his voice suddenly got stuck in his throat, and then large droplets of water began to ooze from his face visible to the naked eye.


The next moment, Lao Wang covered his face in pain, and his body began to roll on the muddy ground.

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