Mysterious country

Chapter 62 In front of the window

Although Lao Wang only spoke part of what he said and was killed by the ghost before he finished speaking, it was not difficult for Xia Qi and Leng Yue to deduce something based on some of the content he revealed.

First of all, it is known that Xiaoli suffered all kinds of miserable treatment during her lifetime.

First, she was a kidnapped girl and may have suffered a lot of humiliation before being sold to Boss Chen.

Second, after she was brought back to Hulu Village by Boss Chen, she tried to escape many times, but was stopped by the villagers and reported to Boss Chen.

Third, after being forced to marry the fool Chen Cong, she was often beaten by Chen Cong and beaten and scolded by Chen Cong's wife.

Fourth, Hu Daniu threatened her with something, which forced her to have a relationship with Lao Wang and others.

The above four points were undoubtedly obtained through previous inquiries and investigations, but in Xia Qi's view, these factors were not the direct reasons for Xiaoli's transformation into a ghost.

Because some time after the above things happened, Xiaoli did not choose to commit suicide. She still lived well until the thing that Lao Wang mentioned before he died but failed to say happened.

That was Boss Chen asking a few of them to kill someone.

Who is this guy? Why does Boss Chen want to kill "him"?

Was it because of this person that Xiaoli committed suicide and had such resentment?

Is this person still alive? Is there really some crucial connection between them?

Doubts ensued, which also made Xia Qi and Leng Yue move faster and faster. During the process, Xia Qi analyzed and said:

"Maybe, this is a tear-jerking story of sadomasochism.

Xiaoli, who had a miserable life experience, fell in love with a man in the village, so she felt that there was light in her world. Unfortunately, this thing was discovered by Hu Daniu, a beast, who then reported on them and forced her to have a relationship with them. .

But in the end, the matter was discovered by Boss Chen, so Boss Chen found Lao Wang and other confidants and asked them to get rid of the man.

In this way, Xiaoli, who was desperate, finally committed suicide with huge resentment, and then turned into a ghost and came back to take revenge. "

Xiaxia Qi saw that Leng Yue didn't respond when he said this, so he added another sentence:

"The story is simple, but the human heart is complex."

"I don't want to save them." Leng Yue suddenly said at this time.

Hearing this, Xia Xia Qi laughed dryly, shook his head and said:

"No one asked you to save them. At most, we are just saving ourselves and tricking them into telling the truth. Because only by clearly understanding the ins and outs of this incident can we possibly have a way to solve this incident."

Leng Yue didn't say anything after hearing this, and it was difficult to see his face clearly in the night.

Xia Qi feels that Leng Yue is a very naive person. Although he usually looks very cold, listening to his words and seeing some of the things he does, it is undoubtedly like a child who has not been baptized by reality.

Although he admits that cold bitches are more effective than him in facing ghosts, of course he is not useless at all. Speaking of which, he still has some analytical talents. Speaking of which, he can only do this Make some contribution.

Although he looks like a funny person, he is a very clear person in his heart. The reason why he is so cowardly like now, running around in the incident like a funny passerby, is he talking about something? It's because he has no way to deal with ghosts and doesn't have much capital to protect himself.

But it's not that he has no confidence at all. As the saying goes, high investment and high returns, since the growth of evil spirits' physiques is much more difficult than that of normal people, they will naturally be far stronger than them when they grow up.

Thinking of the scene in the future when he was so awesome and so flashy, and the cold slut could only follow her like a bird, Xia Qi could not help but feel a secret feeling in her heart, and she couldn't wait.

The night was gloomy and terrifying, and the sound of the wind was like a ghost's roar, repeatedly surrounding the ears of everyone who had not yet fallen asleep.

Among these people, Qi Dali was naturally included.

Qi Dali was well-known for his strength in Hulu Village. He was so strong that one person could often do the work of three people, so he was nicknamed "Dali Dali".

Qi Dali is not a scheming person. Basically, he will treat others with all his heart. Because he was taken care of by Boss Chen when he was young, he obeyed Boss Chen's words. He drank with Boss Chen on weekdays, and when he was happy, Boss Chen would call him his godson several times.

In the eyes of Qi Dali, who has had no parental care since he was a child, Boss Chen is his relative and his father. So no matter how the villagers view Boss Chen, in his eyes, Boss Chen is the one who treats him best and is the most worthy of his trust.

Lying on the damp bed, he was tossing and turning. He used to snore when he touched the pillow, but today he couldn't sleep no matter what.

Logically speaking, he had been working in the fields for a day, and his body was quite exhausted, so he should have fallen asleep smoothly, but in fact, he was not sleepy at all.

He felt extremely depressed and had a feeling that he couldn't express. It felt like he had done something wrong and was afraid of being discovered and punished.

Perhaps this feeling is called panic.

Because Qi Dali was always straightforward in what he said and did, the villagers secretly called him Chen Cong's second fool. To put it bluntly, Chen Cong was recognized by the villagers as the big fool, and he was the second fool.

Because of this, he has never been able to find a wife, but Boss Chen did promise him that he would help him find a wife.

"Damn it, why can't I sleep?"

After tossing and turning for a long time, Qi Dali finally stopped insisting and sat up irritably with a hard knock on the bed board.


As soon as he sat up, a deafening thunder sound came from the window, which made him tremble all over.

"It rains every day! It rains every day!"

Qi Dali shouted loudly as he got off the bed, swung his arms and came to the window, trying to close the open window.

Because the light outside was very dark and he was somewhat night blind, the scene outside the window was completely dark for him. Of course, he wouldn't think about it at all. At this moment, someone would be standing in front of the window, watching him coldly.

Standing in front of the window, Qi Dali did not rush to close the window, but tried hard to look out the window, as if there was something that caught his attention in his vision blurred by the darkness.

And just when he was trying hard to see clearly outside, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, illuminating the darkness outside.

In the bright shining moment, a woman covered in water was standing outside the window very close to him, glaring at him viciously and ferociously!


Qi Dali was startled by the woman who suddenly appeared outside the window, but just when he wanted to take another confirming look, the outside world was swallowed up by darkness again.

His vision returned to its original state. A cold wind was blowing in the room, and the unclosed window kept making a "bang-bang-bang" sound under the instigation of the wind.

After a day's break from the rain, it finally couldn't help but start raining again.

(This book has been published in Sanjiang. Everyone, go get a ticket and vote for Sanjiang. Anyone with a starting account can get it and vote. After Sanjiang is released, this book will change from the previous daily single update to Double update and enter normal update status.)

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