Mysterious country

Chapter 71 Weird

Although they burned the coffin and Hu Daniu's house clean, neither Xia Qi nor Leng Yuexin had any idea whether it would be effective.

As for why they returned to Mr. Chen's house in time, it was mainly because the female ghost might come after her at any time, and also because some equipment and supplies were also there.

Somewhat exhausted, they rushed into the courtyard of Mr. Chen's house. Xia Qi and Leng Yue didn't care what happened to Chen Cong, and went directly back to the house where they were staying before.

Two large travel bags stood conspicuously on the table. The two of them each opened one, took out compressed food and mineral water, and began to eat on their own.

Compared to Xia Qi's exaggerated eating appearance, Leng Yue still behaved very elegantly. In other words, he didn't wolf down a lot of food. He just ate two packs of beef jerky and drank some water to replenish electrolytes.

"We can't stay in a relatively closed environment for too long. Let's eat quickly and leave as soon as we finish."

After adding some food, Leng Yue's condition seemed to have improved significantly.

"Well, I don't know what's wrong. I'm so hungry. The more I eat, the hungrier I get. The hungrier I get, the more I want to eat."

Xia Qi said vaguely while chewing the food in his mouth.

"It should have something to do with your evil spirit physique and the curse of that evil spirit."

Xia Qi naturally knew not to stay too long, so after listening to Leng Yue's words, he stopped eating and directly swallowed the food in his mouth. He put the travel bag on the table on his back and said:

"let's go."

As Leng Yue left Chen's house, Xia Qi suddenly felt like he didn't know where to go. He glanced at Leng Yue and found that Leng Yue also had a confused face.

"Should we stand here until tomorrow morning? I'm almost freezing right now."

As he said this, Xia Qi shivered uncontrollably, feeling extremely cold.

"There is no other way. If that evil ghost still exists, we are seeking death by staying in a closed environment. To be honest, I don't have many ways to stop it."

Through this period of contact, Leng Yue's advantages and disadvantages have become very clear in Xia Qi's eyes. Apart from Leng Yue's sometimes overflowing kindness, his advantage in executing events is that he knows magic and can do it to a certain extent. It plays a role in protection and resistance to ghosts.

As for his shortcoming, he rarely does things through his brain and he doesn't know how to be anxious at all.

So as soon as he raised the issue of what they should do next, he felt that he was wrong, and he should figure out a way for this kind of thing.

"It's not an option for us to just stand here stupidly. Let's go over there and analyze this incident carefully."

Leng Yue seemed to have gotten used to Xia Qi's status as a think tank, so she didn't say anything, nodded and walked forward side by side with Xia Qi.

"Boss Chen and the others should have been killed by the ghost. It stands to reason that the resentment of the ghost should be eliminated. But because of our intervention, we are also likely to become the object of its new round of hatred.

This is evident from the lack of any reaction on our honor roll. "

After each incident, the honor meter will be scored, so through this you can know whether the incident has been resolved.

"Since we haven't received a reminder that the incident has been resolved, it means that burning the coffin has no impact on the female ghost. We still need to continue to stay in this ghost place.

So the question is, what do we need to survive to stay here?

Our execution of this incident seems to have returned to the original point, and it has still become the same as before, unable to fight head-on and unable to resolve grievances. But compared to before, we understand the ins and outs of this incident. "

Regarding Xia Qi's analysis, Leng Yue expressed great agreement and kept nodding in agreement. Xia Xia Qi did not talk nonsense this time, and was still analyzing seriously:

“So what we need to do now is to find ways and means to solve this incident based on the results of our investigation.

What did I work so hard for in the past two days? Isn't it just to learn the ins and outs of this incident and know what kind of feud there is between Xiaoli and Boss Chen?

And now, we all know the truth about it all. "

After hearing what Xia Qi said, Leng Yue finally said:

"Although we have learned the full truth, it does not seem to be of any help to us in solving the incident."

"It won't help. I think we just didn't find it."

Xia Xia Qi didn't agree with Leng Yue's point of view. After thinking about it for a while, he said:

"Our situation is actually very bad, because if we don't find a way to resolve the grievances of the evil ghost, we won't be able to survive. We can't kill it, but it can kill me. The reality is cruel."

"I can feel that its murderous intention is already very strong. If it is allowed to continue, everyone in Hulu Village will be killed."

After saying that, perhaps because she was afraid that Xia Xia Qi wouldn't believe it, Leng Yue added with some embarrassment:

"It's true this time."

"So you lied to me before?" Xia Qi's expression became strange.

"No, I never lie." Leng Yue said seriously.

"You just like the feeling, right." Xia Qi curled her lips speechlessly, no longer dwelling on the matter, and said:

"If what you say is credible, then our situation is even more critical, and we must seize the time to find a solution."

As he said this, Xia Qi suddenly thought of a possibility, hurriedly patted his head and said to Leng Yuewen:

"Don't you think there's something strange?"

"What's up?"

"It's Xu Chong's death."

"What's so strange about this?" Leng Yue looked at Xia Qi doubtfully.

"How many households are there in Calabash Village? How many people are there? How big is the place?"

Xia Xia Qi asked Leng Yue three questions in a row, which also made Leng Yue a little confused:

"How do I know this? What on earth do you want to say?"

"I want to say that Calabash Village is a place as big as a palm, with such a small number of people. Is it possible that no one will notice if a large living person disappears for no reason?"

"No." Leng Yue shook her head: "But people in the village might think he went outside."

"Go outside?" This time it was Xia Qi who shook his head:

"We visited almost door to door, and we asked about this during the process, but have you heard anyone mention that someone went outside?"

Leng Yue didn't speak this time, because they had asked about this as early as when they visited each house, but the people in the village were very traditional and had no idea of ​​leaving Hulu Village, and no one had heard of it. There has been a recent disappearance or death at home.

But this makes things very strange, because Boss Chen and the others clearly killed someone, but no one noticed it at all.

After expressing his confusion to Leng Yue, Xia Qi then asked:

"How do you think this can be covered up so that it won't be discovered?"

Hearing this, Leng Yue fell into thinking. Not long after, she saw his eyes were shocked and he said with some uncertainty:

"Are the people who were killed still 'alive'?"

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