Mysterious country

Chapter 86 Another bad news

According to Leng Yue, as long as it is a ghost-related event, whether it is a ghost or a ghost, you can get honor points by successfully solving it.

Regarding Leng Yue's statement, Xia Qi also raised his question, that is, Leng Yue must have solved many supernatural incidents before joining the company, but why did he not increase his honor points.

After hearing this, Leng Yue didn't think there was any problem. He just said that it might be related to not signing a company contract, so there would be no reward.

It can be seen that the company does not object to them taking on private jobs as employees.

"Then the matter is settled. I will ask an agent to find a store tomorrow, and then I will post some posts online.

You don’t need to do a lot of business every month, just two or three. "

Although Xia Qi didn't know much about this area, he was familiar with the tricks his grandfather usually used to bluff people. Although it cannot be used to deal with ghosts, it is still very easy to fool some people who do not understand.

After the idea hit it off, both Xia Qi and Leng Yue seemed very excited, and they couldn't help but talk more as they got into the mood.

However, this is limited to Xia Qi. In fact, he has been in a very low mood in the past two days, so he took this opportunity to reveal something to Leng Yue:

"Yueyue, you really made me happy today. To be honest, I've been so sad these days that I want to die..."

Xia Qi told Leng Yue about Li Changye and Yang Shucheng.

After hearing this, Leng Yue frowned and asked:

"Schizophrenia? Are you sure?"

"Well, he probably didn't run away. Schizophrenia plus paranoia of victimization belong to the category of mental illness. In reality, there are many murder cases due to mental problems, but it's just hard to accept it happening around you."

Hearing what Xia Qi said, Leng Yue nodded in agreement:

"Well, it's not just because of anything else."

"What else? What do you mean?"

Xia Xia Qi didn't quite understand what Leng Yue meant.


Leng Yue shook her head and did not explain further.

Seeing this, Xia Qi didn't ask any questions. After all, Li Changye's mental symptoms had been diagnosed, and some of his behaviors were indeed abnormal. There should be no doubt about this.

During this period, Xia Qi also asked Lengyue about Nangong Yun and Liu Yanmin. After all, they now lived under the same roof. Although there was no friendship at all, it reminded him of the time when he lived with Yang Shucheng and the others.

Leng Yue was not very clear about their whereabouts. He just said that they might be going to carry out a new incident. Especially when he asked about Nangong Yun, Leng Yue had a helpless look on his face. It could be seen that Nangong Yun had really annoyed him the past two days.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Xia Qi seemed to have been given a shot of chicken blood. He forgot everything that happened in the past two days and focused on site selection.

Speaking of which, he actually had the idea of ​​opening a store when he was a freshman, but because the people in the dormitory were lazy and funds were tight at the time, the matter was shelved.

Throughout the morning, Xia Qi found several real estate agencies. On the left and right were his and Leng Yue's partners. They were not short of agency fees. Finding a house through them could save a lot of time and unnecessary trouble.

Leng Yue did not go with him. After all, they had a good discussion yesterday. He was responsible for finding a store to open a store and some operational matters. As for Leng Yue, he was mainly responsible for solving the incident. He was helping.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Xia Qi crossed the road and walked into a fast food restaurant. However, before he could reach the front desk to order food, his cell phone buzzed in his pocket.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Xia Qi found that it was a series of unfamiliar numbers. After he answered the call, he discovered that it was actually a call from the police station, and then he heard bad news.

Li Changye is dead.

After receiving the bad news, Xia Qi immediately drove to the detention center without even thinking about eating.

The policeman who called him before was waiting for him here and told him something about Li Changye:

"After you left yesterday, his parents came over not long after. We asked them to meet. During the process, Li Changye's mood was particularly unstable. There were several times when we wanted to end his parents' visit to prison, but in the end we gave them some time. .

After that, Li Changye's mood gradually stabilized. Because of his special situation, he was kept in solitary confinement.

At first he didn't show anything strange. He was probably tired after shouting all day, so he slept from 6pm to 1am, but after that he became abnormal. "

"Why is it abnormal?" Xia Qi was very upset now.

"How should I tell you this..." The policeman was a little indescribable. After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, I'll take you to watch the video from last night."

Following the police into the surveillance room, the staff in the surveillance room retrieved the video from that night under the command of the police.

Before 1 o'clock in the morning, Xia Qi just glanced at it. After all, nothing happened before that. Li Changye really changed after 1 o'clock, so he focused on watching the video during this time period.

The results really surprised him.

Li Changye woke up at 1:05 in the morning. His eyes suddenly opened. After a brief look of confusion, he actually grinned at the camera.

His smiling expression made Xia Qi's hair stand on end for a while, because it didn't look like a person laughing at all, but like a ferocious devil.

Xia Qi felt that Li Changye's face would appear through the computer screen in the next second.

Is that person really Masano?

Xia Qiqiang suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued reading.

Li Changye got off the bed, then tried to push the locked door, then returned to the corner and tried to kick the wall with his feet.

After doing this strange behavior, Li Changye returned to the bed, and then began to desperately scratch his face with his hands.

This scene made Xia Qi's heart feel cold. Although he had seen many people die in front of him, this time it was his friend.

Li Changye grabbed his face frantically, and large pieces of flesh were ripped off from his face, turning into a bloody man in the blink of an eye.

But what's even more weird is that the corners of his mouth are still raised high, he is smiling, and he is deliberately smiling at the surveillance camera.

Looking at them outside the camera with a ferocious smile.

After Li Changye scratched his entire face beyond recognition, he began to bang his head against the wall. Soon, his body began to twitch...until he became completely silent.

The staff cut back to the video, and the policeman asked Xia Qi if he wanted to watch it again. Xia Qi shook his head vigorously. If possible, he would rather forget all this now.

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