Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 104

Chapter 104 arrival

Although Wanwen is a small city, working hours are also congested. Various types of jams, non-motorized vehicles rushing for red lights, and the constant sound of horns give people the illusion of a noisy big city. Lao Zhou had a rest all night, so he drove naturally. He had been in a sparsely populated foreign country for many years. Obviously, he couldn’t easily deal with this kind of traffic situation.

Just two blocks away, I turned left at a green light at an intersection and was shocked by an electric bicycle that suddenly rushed out, hitting the steering wheel, and colliding with a right-turning car…

Although the off-road vehicle looks tattered, it has a very solid skin, but the bumper is concave, and the small car hurts more than it is, and the front half of the car is concave. The owner of the car jumped out of the car and called the police without saying anything.

As soon as the traffic police arrived, the owner of the car stepped forward and spoke a big deal with the traffic police in dialect. The traffic police walked over and asked the butler to show his driver’s license. As soon as the butler took it out, Qi Chuchen’s thoughts were broken. Sure enough, the traffic police took it and saw it and it was a fire: This is a foreign driver’s license, and it’s illegal for you to drive here!!”

Several people were taken directly back to the traffic police team, and the off-road vehicle was dragged to the parking lot of the accident. A few people and the traffic police had a good deal, and finally paid a fine of several thousand yuan, avoiding more serious penalties.

It was the afternoon when the three of them came out of the traffic police team. Qi Chuchen opened Song Huanzhang’s suitcase and flipped to Song Huanzhang’s domestic driver’s license. Zhou drove, Qi Chuchen drove to the destination.

If there were no delays due to the crash, I would have arrived in the small town at lunch, but now it is close to the evening and a few people are still galloping on the road. Another text message came in, another place name, in a small town in Congshan, Yunfeng Province. Zhang Chao roughly estimated that if it would take 5 hours to pass from the previous Wanwen border, it would be Panshan Road and no expressway. And they are still at least an hour’s drive away from the first target town on the Wanwen border. Seeing the darkening sky, they are sure to move forward tonight.

They didn’t plan to tell each other about the temporary incident. The two of them combined this place should be today’s suspension point, and they won’t let them go. They will arrive here tonight first.

On the dark mountain road, there was no street light, and occasionally oncoming vehicles illuminate the abyss on the side of the road, and Qi Chuchen’s hands holding the steering wheel were all sweaty. In order to avoid sweating and wearing makeup, the temperature of the air conditioner in the car is quite low. Qi Chuchen has resisted the endless coolness of the spine that climbs to the back of his head all the way, and concentrates his energy on the hand holding the steering wheel as much as possible.

He hasn’t heard Yan Mu’s voice for many days. He doesn’t want to figure out how many days and how many hours. He is afraid that the number will cut off the nerves that he has been trying to strain and break the isolation he has worked hard to build. The wall isolates the bits and pieces of the two people in the past, isolates Yan Mu’s exhortation and care for him, and the love and care that he inadvertently reveals anytime, anywhere. He hypnotized himself, Yan Mu was still on the third floor of a house on Yunyin’s return journey, waiting for him to finish his mission and return home. He was only going to save one of the countless victims he had experienced during his police career. They were no different. They are all waiting for the police to take them home.

After one o’clock in the morning, the car finally arrived at the place indicated in the text message. They did not enter the town. They chose a small road away from the main road on the edge to turn off the car, pulled out the blanket from the trunk, and prepared the car for the night.

After two o’clock in the morning, the text message rang again, and this time it pointed to a village on the border between Yunfeng and Feng. Qi Chuchen recognized that place. They passed by on the path where Zhao Xiaogang was arrested last time.

The two calculated the time, it used to take more than ten hours.

“This should be the last place.” Zhang Chao said.

“You said he would tell me to go at night or during the day?”

“At this time, according to Song Huanzhang’s physical condition, he should have been asleep after a day in the car today. If he sees the news in the morning and leaves, it must be night. If according to Li Bin’s previous inference, Qiu Ke has the best chance of crossing the border in the middle of the night.”

“So he will definitely deal with the trouble before crossing the border. No matter what, I think we will leave now and buy time.” Qi Chuchen suggested.

“Next I will drive, you rest.” Zhang Chao got out of the back seat and jumped into the cab and started the car.

“The last part of the road, let me go in by myself.” Qi Chuchen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, lit a cigarette, and the flames from the lighter illuminated his eyes, and a beating flame in his pupils stirred his nerves.

“I walked here with you, and I should be with you in the end.” Zhang Chao’s tone couldn’t hold his beak.

“No, Song Huanzhang will not allow his close friends to accompany him on the adventure. No matter what happens afterwards, I can’t take care of the two people, nor can you take care of them. We are all in, who is directing outside? Do you think we have the opportunity to face Qiu Ke directly? If there is, it is definitely not in front of Yan Mu. No matter what will happen tomorrow night, I hope we can keep the last hope.” After Qi Chuchen said this, he opened the window and let the chilly night breeze flow into the car. The wind in the mountains was mixed with the residual heat during the day, and the fishy eyes mixed with soil and leaves were painful.

Along the way, the two did not speak again, until dawn, Qi Chuchen replaced Zhang Chao and continued to drive, Zhang Chao deployed on his mobile phone for the upcoming action.

In the afternoon, the three drove to another small mountain village one hour away from the destination, where Zhang Chao and Lao Zhouhui were separated from Qi Chuchen.

Zhang Chao carefully put the earphones on Qi Chuchen’s earlobes, and Qi Chuchen touched his ears: “I remembered that time in the bar again…”

The two laughed at the same time. Zhang Chao hugged Qi Chuchen, and Qi Chuchen hugged Zhang Chao: “After the task is completed, remember to take me home…”

“Let’s go home together!” Zhang Chao tensed his arms hard, and then turned his head and opened the car door and strode out, leading Lao Zhou and disappeared into the dense forest.

Qi Chuchen raised the glass of the car, leaving a small gap to ventilate, picked up the phone to adjust an alarm clock, grabbed a hat and put it on his face, and fell asleep against the driver’s seat.

Qi Chuchen woke up again, the sky was completely dark, he pushed the hat on his face onto his head, picked up the phone and looked at it, it was quiet, and he started the car and drove to the final destination.

The village was getting closer and closer, and there was still no movement on the phone. The car lights were shining on the mountain road in front of the black and white, and he was about to enter the village. Qi Chuchen saw a person standing by the road, motionless watching the road. direction.

Qi Chuchen slowed down and approached the person slowly, but the person saw Qi Chuchen’s car approaching without any indication. Qi Chuchen felt abnormal. He looked at the time. It was less than ten o’clock. Judging from the time point instructed by the person who sent the text message, it was not abnormal that this would arrive. He finally stepped on the brakes when the car was about to completely drive past the man. He saw the man turning his head and looking at his car from the back mirror. After looking for a moment, he walked over and knocked on the window.

Qi Chuchen rolled down the car window,

“Your last name is Song?”


“This is your car?”

Qi Chuchen’s mind suddenly turned around: “No, the previous car was in an accident and couldn’t be driven.”

“What’s the license plate number?”

Qi Chuchen searched for the license plate covered with mud spots in his mind and reported a string of numbers. The other party moved the door, but did not open it. Qi Chuchen unlocked it and jumped up when the other party opened the door with a click.

“I will show you the way.”

“Not into the village?”

“If you don’t enter, the place you are going is not in the village.”

Under the guidance of the visitor, Qi Chuchen drove the car unhurriedly, and while driving, he was nagging, such as the road was too difficult to walk, and he couldn’t see clearly. He took out the medicine bottle and took the medicine twice. Until the person said impatiently: “You must arrive before one o’clock in the morning. If you don’t arrive, you will be at your own risk.”

“Why don’t you come to drive? I really don’t dare to drive this black light.” Qi Chuchen said along the way.

The other party struggled for a few minutes, “Damn, the first time I lead the way and meet you like you, it’s really annoying, get out of the car.”

Qi Chuchen hurriedly stepped on the brakes, got out of the car and exchanged positions with the visitor. There was a slight vibration from Qi Chuchen’s mobile phone in his pocket. He pulled the car door and took a look at the mobile phone. There were three words on the screen: I have followed. He looked back and looked at the road behind the car was quiet, and the surrounding jungle was quiet and scary.

After changing people, the speed increased significantly, “Do you often drive this road?”

“No, I have never walked this road. The roads in the mountains are like this, from childhood to adulthood.” The man was very alert.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know, I’m only responsible for sending you to the escort.” After that, no matter what Qi Chuchen asked, the other party didn’t say more, and drove the car silently.

The car finally stopped at the entrance of a col. The person in the driver’s seat pointed at the dark area at the bottom of the col and said: “See you, you can drive down this road to the end.” Without waiting for Qi Chuchen to ask again, he opened the door and strode into the dense forest next to him. After a while, he rolled out a motorcycle covered with leaves.

“Say that you haven’t walked this road?”

There was a roar of the motorcycle, and the red spot of the taillight quickly disappeared on the way when it came.

“I’m here. The target is in a col. It should be a house. I’m not sure who is in it. The person who brought me here has already left.”

“There should be a signal when you go in, unless Qiu Ke is inside. Yang Ying caught a signal emitted by a tracker, which is very close to your current position. It is likely that you had installed it on Yan Mu before.” Zhang Chao’s voice.

“Qiu Ke is going to be inside. It will save trouble. I will kill him first.” Qi Chuchen opened the car window and lit a cigarette. The smoke rose very little, and the dark house looked even less real. People waiting for me Will it be inside?

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