Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Actor online

At half past nine, when Qi Chuchen stepped on the dots and walked into the bar, it was when the crowd was drunk, the music was screaming and noisy, and the poorly-lit corner was vaguely hugged by people. Qi Chuchen walked to the bar, picked a well-lit location, threw the Land Rover car key on the bar, ordered a glass of non-alcoholic mojito, and drank slowly.

After drinking two sips, a man walked over and leaned on Qi Chuchen, and blew into Qi Chuchen’s ear, “Handsome man, why don’t you drink.”

“If you are drunk, how can you see your handsome face clearly?” Qi Chuchen hooked down the man’s chin with his index finger.

“Handsome guy, what’s your name.”

“I said I won’t return tonight.” Qi Chuchen picked up his glass and shook it, scanning the surroundings with his left light.

“It’s a coincidence, I don’t want to go back, okay if you take me away.” The man approached Qi Chuchen as if he had no bones and twisted.

Qi Chuchen tried his best to restrain the goose bumps.

“Baby, I haven’t had fun yet, you go to the side and wait for me, and I will hook you, then you will come over, let’s play in another place.” He stretched out a hand around his boneless waist and straightened him. .

Boneless stood up, pressed against Qi Chuchen’s cheek, and kissed fiercely, “Then you remember to call me.” He turned and left.

The people in ambush outside the court were stunned, and whispered: “Damn, Brother Qi is very relaxed tonight!!”

“It seems that he was kissed by that man just now?? This sacrifice is a bit big.” The other whispered and looked at Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao was suffocated and couldn’t laugh, his Mai was connected to Qi Chuchen, and a smile would be heard!

After eleven o’clock, it was still peaceful, except for the occasional teaser, there was no change. After drinking a glass of wine, Qi Chuchen ordered another, still sitting, his eyes glide across the crowd from time to time, looking like a cat looking for prey. Qi Chuchen picked up the glass again and shook it, ready to wait until the glass of wine was finished. .

At this moment, a person came next to Qi Chuchen and lay down directly in Qi Chuchen’s arms. Qi Chuchen didn’t get surprised and hooked up the person’s face with his index finger. He was immediately shocked. His eyes were enthusiastic from the bottomless pupils, and he didn’t move. It seemed that all the pauses were naturally just moved by this face.

Qi Chuchen instantly understood the deep meaning behind Kong Zhao’s words, “He looks like this, he is most likely to be hidden.”

Qi Chuchen adjusted his expression, hooked the corner of his mouth, and said in an extremely ambiguous tone: “Little handsome guy, your face is so painful!”

Zhang Chao heard the sound coming from his earphones, his back tightened. Everyone held their breath. This was the agreed-upon code phrase. If Chen Jia appeared in women’s clothing, he would be called “Little Beauty” when he came in front of him. The opposite is called: Little handsome guy.

Chen Jia came, and had direct contact with Qi Chuchen!

“Then do you like it?” Chen Jia lay still in Qi Chuchen’s arms, looking at Qi Chuchen with straight eyes, as if he was about to draw the opponent out of a raging fire.

“I like it very much, can I buy you a drink?” Qi Chuchen called the bartender to order a “Passion Coast.” After the bartender adjusted it, he pushed it in front of Qi Chuchen. Qi Chuchen took the wine glass with one hand to Chen Jia’s mouth, and took Chen Jia’s waist with one hand to help him up.

“I think this name is very suitable for our meeting tonight.”

Everyone on the sidelines was obviously very nervous. Hearing Qi Chuchen’s words from the earphone, they felt inexplicably relaxed. This brother opened the door today, and the matter was settled.

Chen Jia continued with Qi Chuchen’s arm, and took the wine glass handed over with the other hand, “You are really bad, you order wine of this height, what should I do if I get drunk?”

“How can you get drunk? It’s because of our meeting tonight.” Qi Chuchen picked up his wine glass and touched Chen Jia’s glass.

Chen Jia saw Qi Chuchen’s car key on the bar, “Honey, did you drive the car today?”

“Yeah, where I want to go to play, I will drive you, and I can also play in the car.” Qi Chuchen picked up the key and shook it.

Chen Jia pressed the key on the bar counter and leaned close to Qi Chuchen’s ear and said, “I don’t like cars. I like the natural environment in the wild, which is more exciting.”

Qi Chuchen swept the key aside, “Baby, you are so spicy, I like it.”

“Then where do we go to experience the natural environment.” Qi Chuchen tightened Chen Jia’s waist and bit the last four words hard.

“Cross the back alley and go out to the other side of the river.” Chen Jia continued to breathe in Qi Chuchen’s ear.

Qi Chuchen made a hesitant look, “Will there be anyone? I am most afraid of people ruining the atmosphere.”

Zhang Chao has already made adjustments off the court and transferred people to the back alley to hide.

“There will be no one…” Chen Jia took another sip of wine.

Qi Chuchen squinted at Chen Jia, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, calculating the time in his mind. It’s almost done. I stretched out my right hand and swept Chen Jia into his arms. The car keys were all left at the bar and didn’t take them. He said in Chen Jia’s ear: “Baby, let’s go.”

Chen Jiayuguang scanned the car keys on the bar, looked at the anxious expression of the man in front of him, and took Qi Chuchen to the back door with satisfaction.

Qi Chuchen walked out of the back door with Chen Jia in his arms and entered the back alley. After all, he scanned the geographical situation of the back alley. It was said that it was a back alley, but it was not a completely closed alley. There were many roads extending in all directions. Chen Jia had run away from this place. Risk, Qi Chuchen was led by Chen Jia and saw a small forest at the end of the alley in front of him. The forest should be the riverside that Chen Jia said before. The end of the alley and the forest showed a T-shape. People of Zhang Chao might Arranged some to be there.

Chen Jia pretended to be drunk, still muttering in his mouth, to make Qi Chuchen hug him tighter. In fact, he was also watching the surroundings to see if anyone passed by.

When a few meters away from the entrance of the alley, Chen Jia suddenly moved, his right hand moved slightly, and then suddenly poked Qi Chuchen’s stomach. Qi Chuchen reacted very quickly, reaching out his right hand and grabbing Chen Jia’s right hand and squeezing hard, “What are you doing?! “Chen Jia turned outside, took out something from his trouser pocket with his left hand, and slashed towards Qi Chuchen’s right arm. While Qi Chuchen yelled, behind the alley, a dozen or so people rushed forward to push Chen Jia to the ground.

Qi Chuchen’s right arm was soaked with red blood. Zhang Chao quickly took out the paper and gave Qi Chuchen a cover to stop the bleeding.

Chen Jia was small and thin, and was unable to resist after being pushed down. Soon, he was handcuffed with his hands behind his back. He was lifted up by two plainclothes and stood still, escorted to the road. Chen Jia was bitter when he walked past Qi Chuchen. Glancing at him, two words came out from his mouth: “Bitch!” The teeth were crunching.

Qi Chuchen, me? ? ? ?

After Chen Jia was escorted away, some policemen were still busy taking pictures to check if there were any omissions on the ground. They filled the evidence bag with two things Chen Jia had left on the ground. One was a knife that scratched Qi Chuchen and the other was a knife. A syringe with a short needle should contain veterinary anesthetics.

A detective ran back, holding the car key that Qi Chuchen had lost at the bar, Zhang Chao took it, “Let me drive.”

A group of people returned to the city bureau mightily. Zhang Chao first sent Qi Chuchen to the hospital for bandaging. The wound was not too deep and no stitches were needed, but the length was not short, and an arm full of gauze was wrapped around it. When Qi Chuchen got in the car, he picked up the leather jacket that was thrown in the car yesterday and put on it from the back seat. The long sleeves just covered the gauze. Then get in the car and return to the city bureau with Zhang Chao.

When the two returned to the office, everyone returned, and everyone knew that Qi Chuchen was injured again in the action tonight! Yes again!

Chen Jia has been taken into the interrogation room, Gao Rui, Zhu Zhen, inside, Chen Jia has not spoken.

When Zhang Chao entered, Chen Jia didn’t even lift his eyelids. It seemed that everything outside had nothing to do with him.

Qi Chuchen looked outside, after watching for a while, Qi Chuchen opened the door and walked in. Walked to Chen Jia and knocked on the table.

Chen Jia looked up at him, his expression extremely disdainful.

“Do you know that you are attacking the police?” Qi Chuchen pointed to his arm.

“Huh!” Chen Jia breathed out again in his nose, “The police can betray their feelings and be mean!”

Qi Chuchen looked awkward, and everyone in the interrogation room and outside also looked awkward. Where did this come from?

“Who have I betrayed??” Qi Chuchen asked.

“You go to the bar with Luo Zheyu on your back and go to the bar. Isn’t that a betrayal?” Chen Jia said.

“You may have misunderstood. I was protecting him out of official business. Luo Zheyu is still single now, who knows if he is waiting for someone.” Qi Chuchen caught the point for Chen Jia to continue talking and began to deceive him.

Chen Jia raised his head when he heard the second half sentence: “I want to see him. I won’t say a word if I don’t see me. Let me see. You don’t need to ask, I will explain it all.”

Qi Chuchen didn’t answer yes or no, and walked out of the interrogation room with Zhang Chao.

“Notify Luo Zheyu?” Zhang Chao said.

“Notice. But it’s not now. I’ll spend it first. At dawn, it doesn’t matter if Luo Zheyu will come or not. I’ll consume him first. Let’s change shifts and guard.”

“Well, everyone has come in and talked about the matter sooner or later.” Zhang Chaochong beckoned the person standing outside the interrogation room, led him back to the office, entered the door and clapped his hands, gathered everyone in front of him, and arranged every hour. After a shift, everyone was temporarily disbanded and rested. In an instant, a group of meeting rooms and offices lay down. Everyone is too tired.

The long dark night finally passed, the day dawned, and the sun was about to rise. This new round of sun not only rose in the sky, but also rose in the hearts of everyone in the criminal investigation team of Fengqi City. In the night that just passed, it caused Chen Jia, the major suspect with two deaths and one wound, was finally caught.

“Chen Jia caught it, and he proposed to see you, so you can consider seeing you or not. If you are willing to meet and tell me, I will pick you up. If you don’t want to meet, I will send you to work for a while. You think about it. No hurry.” Qi Chuchen sent a WeChat message to Luo Zheyu.

At 7:45, Qi Chuchen received a text message from Luo Zheyu: “I have packed up, you can pick me up to the city bureau.”

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