Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Gossip Conference (Part 2)

get off work overtime continuously on weekends, and almost always leave work after ten o’clock every night. The draft, PPT one change, two change and three changes were finally confirmed, and then a few people began to communicate in parts, unconsciously the time came to the day when the sharing meeting was held.

On Wednesday morning, all members of the Interpol team dressed in straight police uniforms arrived at the office in order.

In Zhang Chao’s office: Zhu Zhen, Luo Hao, Gao Rui and Qi Chuchen are all present. Several people gathered together to sort out the process and connect. Zhang Chao took a few pages of printing paper and spread it on the table,

“In the morning, I will mainly talk about it. Gao Rui and Zhu Zhen will explain the points in the middle. In the afternoon, it will mainly be Chu Chen. The three of you will cooperate with these parts. Then host Chu Chen, no special host words are needed. , Is the link between the previous and the next.”

Several people checked the link part and the order of appearance. Zhang Chao looked at the table below,

“The above should be almost ready. Let’s wait for the leaders to enter in advance.” Zhang Chao took a few people to the multifunctional studio and conference room on the top floor of the office building.

At 8:45, Qin Lili and her colleagues in the administrative department had arranged the conference room to be fully prepared. There are more than one hundred seats, and the front two rows have already put brand names and tea cups. There was a stack of four-legged stools behind. Projection, voice control, and camera have all been debugged, the live channel has been launched on the intranet, and specialized technical personnel have been in place. Zhang Chao led all the members of the Criminal Police Detachment to stand at the door to welcome the leaders and colleagues who were coming one after another.

At a quarter past nine, the sharing session started on time, Zhang Chao stepped onto the stage, and Qi Chuchen sat down and pressed down the first background shot of the projector.

“Dear leaders, comrades, good morning everyone. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come here to participate in the case analysis summary meeting of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Fengqi City Public Security Bureau. This meeting is mainly for the 707 series that we have just cracked. The homicide case is comprehensively summarized and analyzed. At the same time, we will share our response measures and some new ideas and ideas in the future criminal investigation work based on a series of situations derived from the process of solving the case. The leaders who attended the meeting today are… (Leadership list is omitted) ). Today’s meeting consists of four parts, the first part is the summary of the case report; the second part is the new ideas and ideas for the future criminal investigation work; the third part is the criminal psychology analysis of this type of case; the fourth part is aimed at reducing the crime rate of this group of people Feasibility discussion; now I will bring you the first part.”

Zhang Chao talked about it all morning. In the middle, Zhu Zhen, Luo Hao and Gao Rui came to the stage to explain and demonstrate. The leaders in the front row nodded from time to time, and Qi Chuchen watched by the side, knowing what Zhang Chao said before: “There will be more things to do in the future” and it was half done.

At lunch time, there was an intermission. Everyone ate in the cafeteria. Colleagues kept coming over to say hello to Zhang Chao, stupefied that the cafeteria felt like a five-star hotel was hosting a banquet.

The second half started on time at 1:30. There were more people than in the morning. The spare four-legged stools had been moved in the morning. Many people stood behind to listen, and more people stood in the afternoon. Qi Chuchen came to the stage and gave a brief opening remarks, and then began to give the third and fourth parts, and the other three co-operated to talk about their respective parts.

The last part is the questioning session. Basically, colleagues ask questions. Leaders do not need to ask questions here. Naturally, Zhang Chao will report specifically when necessary. The questions I asked at the beginning were all about the points discovered in the case and the questionable parts in the sharing process just now.

When everyone asked about the same professional question and no one asked any more, the two people sitting in the back seats of the conference room looked around the audience, then stood up, and the whole picture instantly turned to the gossip scene.

“Policy Officer Qi, I am Xiao Li from the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Provincial Department. I am mainly responsible for the compilation of the internal journal of our Provincial Public Security System. I would like to ask, in the trapping operation, what skills do you have regarding the disguise of the police officers? Can you introduce it? Or is it your image design based on any clues?” The tone of this Comrade Li’s question was straightforward and very serious, but before he finished speaking, some soft laughter came out from below.

Okay, I can’t hide it, this is justified gossip. In fact, it is the dress that Zhang Chao requires, but can you say that? Can’t! Can you push Zhang Chao up? Can’t! Therefore, Qi Chuchen, a bomb disposal expert, made his debut.

“Hello, Comrade Li. In our previous cases, the requirement for disguise was that the passerby, the less sense of existence, the more successful. In this case, because of the particularity of the person involved, what we need to disguise is to have a strong appeal. “Qi Chuchen paused.

“Although we don’t preach about judging people by appearance, it is undeniable that appearance is the primary productive force at certain times. Especially in this case, the people involved have a visceral tendency toward beauty. In order to prevent the suspect from appearing To attract his attention for a while and increase the success rate of subsequent arrests, we must increase the viewing of the disguise. Only by becoming the focus as much as possible can we attract his attention as soon as possible in the crowded occasions where the suspect appears.”

What Qi Chuchen didn’t say in his heart was, don’t ask me why I was wearing such a pretense, I had to know that that day was a torn sack, wherever I went, he would come and kill me directly, so I didn’t dress up. Like a peacock. . .

“Officer Qi, how do you deal with uncontrollable situations that have nothing to do with the suspect at the deployment site? For example, you have attracted some unrelated personnel to hinder the arrest. Can this situation be avoided?”

Halfway through the conversation, many people below began to whisper to each other with a smile, and occasionally glance at Qi Chuchen. Okay, at that time, the recording seemed to have been fully broadcast.

“This situation does not need to be avoided. In any arrest operation that requires camouflage, there is no need to avoid the situation of extraneous branches, because this is normal. Only if there are extraneous branches, the disguise is successful, and the attracting target is only Time issue. We only need to learn to resolve. For example, when our Captain Zhang was arranging that day, we arranged two or three similar characters to enter in the same field, so that when there was an unexpected situation that a single player could not resolve on his own, teammates could Cover each other and protect each other so that the arrests can continue.” As soon as Qi Chuchen’s voice fell, I don’t know who was taking the lead in applauding. In an instant, the audience thundered with applause.

Fortunately, the sharp gossip questions are these two. Judging from the on-site response, Qi Chuchen can be regarded as answering the gossip people very satisfied. The sharing session ended in a peaceful atmosphere. When the leaders were sent off, several leaders patted Qi Chuchen on the shoulders: “The criminal investigation detachment has a large number of talents, and the detection rate of our Fengqi City will be raised to a new level just around the corner!”

All the leaders were sent away, and it was past six o’clock after finishing the meeting and returning to the office.

Zhang Chao walked over and threw a cigarette to Qi Chuchen, leaning against Qi Chuchen’s desk and lit the cigarette: “You kid can’t see it, this speech is getting stronger and stronger. Today, the voice of a gossiping crowd is stunned. The professional and rigorous packaging you have not forgotten to put a high hat on me, the kid has a future!!!”

Qi Chuchen lit a cigarette: “Otherwise? I sold you? You asked us to wear a pretense, and I asked you, I don’t know???”

The whole office including Zhang Chao laughed.

Gao Rui smiled and said: “After a major event, I can finally spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with peace of mind.”

“Mid-Autumn Festival? What Mid-Autumn Festival? Isn’t it still early.” Qi Chuchen sat on a chair and faced Zhang Chao.

“Be confused, the day after tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival.” Zhu Zhen said.

“The day after tomorrow?” Qi Chuchen’s eyelids jumped.

“Yes, Friday the day after tomorrow.” Gao Rui said.

I want to finish! Three words flicked through Qi Chuchen’s mind. He took out his cell phone to read it. After Saturday, Yan Mu never sent WeChat or text messages. Is this misunderstanding that he spent the Mid-Autumn Festival with others? Angry? Have to explain,

“I only knew that Friday was the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the previous case, someone we protected asked me to eat, so I agreed.”

Qi Chuchen was busy sending it, only to find that he was talking messy after sending it. Soon Yan Mu responded with a message: “Yeah”

What does this mean? Forget it, don’t want to, continue smoking. Zhang Chao gently twitched the corner of his mouth next to him.

Luo Zheyu sent Qi Chuchen a WeChat message at noon on Friday,

“You go to the Yuhe Mansion first after get off work, I will pack some things here in the afternoon. Tell me when you get there.”

“it is good.”

Qi Chuchen thought that Luo Zheyu was about to reschedule at first, and was quite happy, but the result was as expected, and he was immediately lost in his heart. Doesn’t this buddy have no family, no friends, can’t make an appointment with an ambiguous person. What’s more, you can’t ask me to inquire about the news as spiritual food to fill the emptiness just because you have an unforgettable relationship with Chen Jia.

After getting off work at six o’clock, Qi Chuchen drove to the Yuhe Mansion with great energy, and sent a text message to Luo Zheyu at the door. Luo Zheyu quickly got out and got in Qi Chuchen’s car. Today, Luo Zheyu is wearing a dark green polo shirt with a slim fit, underneath a pair of beige slacks, and his hair is still meticulously groomed.

Luo Zheyu pointed the way and the two drove to a Cantonese restaurant not far away. Perhaps because of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the weekend, the tables were already full. Luo Zheyu had booked a table in advance, so he didn’t have to wait and took the table directly. After ordering a few signature Cantonese dishes, Luo Zheyu asked, “Would you like some wine?”

“We have a ban, no alcohol, sorry.” Qi Chuchen waved his hand.

“Well, then I drink, how about you drink some juice to accompany me?” Luo Zheyu asked.

Qi Chuchen made a please gesture: “You don’t think you are at a disadvantage.”

So Luo Zheyu ordered another small bottle of red wine and a pinch of pomegranate juice.

Qi Chuchen was thinking about how to speak. When Qi Chuchen asked Chen Jia about the situation, he was wondering what he didn’t say, but Luo Zheyu said first: “Officer Qi, the family is not in Fengqi?”

“My parents left two years ago. I am the only child. I left home when I was studying, so I am here alone.”

“It’s a coincidence, me too. My parents and my eldest brother are abroad, and I am alone here.” Luo Zheyu raised his cup.

“That’s a toast to the fate of the two of us having dinner on Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Qi Chuchen picked up the pomegranate juice, smiled and said nothing, thinking in his heart that you have no one to celebrate the festival, I have it! ! !

The food has not been served yet, and the two of them just held the wine glasses and chatted with each other.

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