Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Urban slum

After walking around the community, the two went to the guard room. The guard room is quite large. There are two desks by the window, and there is a row of file cabinets on the wall. The walls are pasted with faded work rules and handover procedures. The scale configuration at the beginning of the establishment can be vaguely seen. There was only one person on duty now, and a camera was set up by the door. Qi Chuchen knocked on the open door, and the guard turned his head, “Are you the police?”

The two of them walked into the guard room, took out their credentials and introduced themselves, “I want to get to know you a little bit.”

The guard nodded, “Is it here for Wu Dong? You can ask.”

Zhang Chao began to ask, and Qi Chuchen took out this record.

“What is the situation in your community? The old community or the family home? Who are the people who usually live here? How is the law and order usually? How many people are on duty at the doorman?”

The guard picked up the big tea mug and drank, and slowly began to talk about the situation in the community.

This community is a state-run manufacturing entrepreneurial hospital built in the 1980s. It is a welfare sub-house. The first people who moved in were the employees of the factory. In the mid to late 1990s, the factory’s operations went downhill until it went bankrupt a few years ago. Except for this family’s courtyard, all other land was sold out. Usually there is one person on duty, with three guards in total, three shifts, and the law and order is pretty good.

“We looked around, the outer wall is incomplete, just flip in. There is no property here, no security, and no camera. You are on duty alone. It is certainly impossible to patrol. Is law and order good?” Qi Chuchen was surprised. Asked.

“Hey, it’s because it’s poor! The factory didn’t work at the beginning, then, if you have the ability to go out and find another way, you will move out. The house here is rented out, and you can’t rent a lot. Those who are willing to come here to rent are all Working at the bottom of the society. Except for the old employees who still live here, they feel old friends and colleagues are together, but they are all poor. The thief walks around this door, and the law and order is of course better.” He picked up the tea cup and drank a sip of tea, casually spit a piece of tea into the ashtray.

“In this case, you don’t have the meaning of guarding the gate. Who pays you?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“Although the factory collapsed, this family yard is still there, and there are still a few property owners. There are still parking spaces in this yard that can be rented out. We say it is a gatekeeper. Basically, it is about managing cars in and out and opening doors. Pay attention to the cars. Don’t be stolen. Most of our salary comes from these parking fees. We were all employees in the factory before. The factory went bankrupt and laid off. We had no education and skills, and we were old. If there is a way, whoever comes to visit the gate Ah.” The guard said this with a wry smile.

When Qi Chuchen and Zhang Chao heard this, they understood. No wonder there are no cameras at all, and no one has repaired the walls. This is a slum in a downtown area. The guards only care about cars and people, and ask him about suspicious people. Thinking of this, Qi Chuchen still asked with the attitude of giving it a try.

“Have you seen any suspicious people in the past half a month? For example, the raw faces who came in and out in the middle of the night? Are you familiar with the male owner of that family in Wudong?”

The guard shook his head, “I know that his name is Long Xingmin, who is also in this factory. It is said that he is very kind to people. He is an old and good person, but he does not take the initiative to contact people. Let me tell you the truth. Our duty is also open during the day. Focusing on it, I basically close the door to sleep at 11 or 12 in the evening, and there are no cars going in or out anyway. I know that there is a car to press the horn. But I know that the relationship between the old sun head and Long Xingmin seems to be very good. I often watch him play chess and drink. , But the old grandson has not been in the past few days, so he probably went out to play.”

Qi Chuchen heard: “Do you know where the old grandson lives?”

“The third floor of the second unit of the eighth building, here, that’s the one.” The guard pointed.

The two bid farewell to the guard and knocked on the door in Building Eight. One household was unopened, and the other household came out to inform the old grandson that he had gone to his daughter’s house in another place. They had left before the National Day, and they should be back in the past two days. Qi Chuchen left his phone number and asked the neighbors to let the old grandson contact him when he came back, so he left.

When going out, Qi Chuchen left a phone call to the guard just in case. He still bothered to see the old grandson’s notice, and then took away the surveillance video of the guard’s room for nearly a month, although he knew that valuable clues were found inside. The possibility is low, but it is better than nothing.

The two visited in a circle, and it was past three in the afternoon when they drove back to the city bureau.

When Zhang Chao arrived at the Municipal Bureau, he went directly to the forensic office, and asked him to speed up his time to do an autopsy and compare his DNA to determine the identity of the deceased. . . Only wait now.

Gao Rui thief ran to Qi Chuchen, twisted for a long time, and whispered: “Brother, you dressed like this today and drove a luxury car again. Are you going to go on a blind date?”

Qi Chuchen turned his head, did not speak, and stared at Gao Rui expressionlessly. Gao Rui’s heart was straight when he was seen. After five seconds, he couldn’t hold back anymore. “Brother, I’ll check the situation of the owner’s daughter. I’ll tell you when I’m back.” After speaking, he turned his head and ran away.

In the evening, the forensic doctor initially issued a comparison result. The biological samples such as the hair extracted from the pillowcases and bed sheets in the large bedroom at the crime scene were compared with the DNA of the deceased, and it was confirmed that it was the same person, and it was basically confirmed that it was the owner of Long Xing. At the same time, Long Xingmin’s daughter had already arrived in Fengqi by plane. After receiving the news, the police took it directly to the police station for cell sampling, and finally determined the identity of the deceased again.

After sampling, Qi Chuchen made a transcript by the way.

The girl’s name is Long Yalei, she is very simple in dress, although she doesn’t use pink and white, she looks pretty. I am studying chemical engineering at a key university in Longdong City. My family’s economic conditions are not good, and my tuition and living expenses are all dependent on my own work-study, part-time job, and tutoring to make money. It’s been a long time since I had to work part-time. The air ticket I came back today was bought from the instructor by borrowing money. The question is almost complete, Long Yalei asked, “Can I go home? If this happens, my mother must be very scared at home.”

Qi Chuchen nodded and told Gao Rui to drive the girl back.

After nine o’clock in the evening, the third floor of the city bureau was still brightly lit, and the forensic doctor had just finished the autopsy and drove out the report and gathered everyone in the conference room to present the situation. The forensic doctor put the slides one by one and began to explain the situation:

1. The deceased was 1.71 meters tall and weighed 60 kilograms.

2. The comparison between Long Yalei’s DNA and the DNA of the deceased was completed. The probability of parental authority reached 99.97%. The deceased was Long Yalei’s father, Long Xingmin.

3. The freezing time is too long. At present, it can only be determined that the death time exceeds 7 days, and efforts are still being made to reduce the scope.

4. There is no life reaction on the cut surface of the broken corpse, the corpse is divided after death.

5. Judging by the stomach contents, he was killed 3-4 hours after dinner and had alcohol consumption before death.

6. The cause of death was initially determined to be poisoning. The specific poison and the way it entered the human body are still being tested.

7. When smashing the corpse, there is no attention to the rules at all, it is purely hacking. The wound on the body of the deceased was judged according to the edge of the knife: two or more tools were used, a knife, a machete, and a chainsaw. Except for the chainsaw, the other two tools were all picked up on the spot, with the same contrast blades and no fingerprints.

There is not much information, and the articles are key. From the discovery to the report ten hours, the forensic doctors really tried their best.

After the forensic report, everyone began to ask questions, Zhu Zhen: “Which hand does the murderer use?”

Qi Chuchen: “Apart from the bathroom, are there any blood stains in other parts of the refrigerator?”

Luo Hao: “Are there traces of other people at the scene?”

The forensic doctor synthesized everyone’s questions and continued to play slides to tell the situation.

“Except for the deceased Long Xingmin, only the second person’s fingerprint is Long Xingmin’s wife: Liu Sulian. The fingerprints are mainly distributed at the entrance door and refrigerator, and the others have not been detected temporarily. We still did not give up the investigation, and we will repeat it again if necessary. Return to the scene of the crime. The murderer is right-handed. Regarding the blood stains, most of them are concentrated in the bathroom. The refrigerator has but not many. We speculate and analyze that the murderer is likely to have a process of waiting for flushing after completing the dissection of the body in the toilet, etc. After most of the blood has flowed out and washed away, it is carried in a basin in the bathroom and transported to the refrigerator for storage, so there is basically no blood outside the bathroom.”

“How long does it take to wait for most of the blood to flow out and wash away?” Zhang Chao asked.

“The cutting method and the washing method have an effect. In theory, it takes at least 20 minutes. We did not find plaques in the freezing part, which means that it does not exceed two hours from the death of the dead to entering the refrigerator.” The forensic doctor replied.

“In other words, it took at least half an hour for the murderer to cut small pieces, rinse them out, and put them in the refrigerator after killing them.” Qi Chuchen said.

The forensic doctor nodded, indicating that there is no problem with this understanding.

Everyone looked at each other and communicated in a low voice, saying that there were no new problems for the time being, and the forensic doctor packed up the information and went back to step up the examination. Zhang Chao began to arrange work, and the next day he continued to screen Long Xingmin’s social relations and investigate the activities of Xia Long Yalei and Liu Sulian in recent times. Then he announced that he would stop work and go back to rest. The days for working overtime would be long in the future, so hurry up and recharge.

After the meeting, Qi Chuchen went back to the office and checked his mobile phone. Yan Mu sent a message after 7 o’clock. He had been busy without looking at the mobile phone. When he saw this, he quickly replied: “I have just finished my work, ready to go home.” Then He threw the phone in the drawer and entered Zhang Chao’s office.

“I think there is something a little weird.”

Zhang Chao glanced at him, his eyes seemed to say that it is the most strange that you dress like this today, “Huh? Tell me, what have you found?”

“When the little girl Long Yalei came to the game in the afternoon, I found that she was too calm, there was no sad mood, and she didn’t even care about whether it was her father who died. It was a bit abnormal.” Qi Chuchen started from Zhang Chao. Dropped a cigarette out of the cigarette case on the table and lit it for himself.

Zhang Chao gave him an angry glance, “Do you suspect that Long Yalei is suspicious?”

“No, I just think the family relationship in their family may be a bit incongruous? Anyway, it’s affirmative. I will go to their family home to find out again tomorrow. I don’t know if the old grandson is back.” Qi Chuchen said in the last sentence. Is talking to oneself.

Zhang Chao mastered the smoke in front of him, “MD, treat me as a smoking room, get out after smoking, I can’t get pharyngitis for these two days and I was poisoned by your bastards.”

Qi Chuchen put out the cigarette butt, ran back to his seat with a smile, and looked at the phone. The latest WeChat message was half an hour ago, and half an hour passed unknowingly. Open WeChat and take a look,

“Supper, do you want me to pick you up?”

Qi Chuchen hurriedly replied, “No, take a good rest.” After returning to this article, Yan Mu didn’t reply again. Qi Chuchen continued to open the forensic report, and the on-site information looked like.

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