Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Business trip

Qi Chuchen and Gao Rui started visiting as soon as they went to work the next day. Today, there are three boys, one is doing sales in the bank, the other is doing Internet cafe maintenance in an online game company, and the other has just graduated from a junior college and just passed an external job in the tax bureau.

Perhaps it is different from the work unit, people have learned to be mature and introverted. The three boys reacted plainly to Long Yalei’s high school rumors: they didn’t have much contact, and heard rumors from others, but they couldn’t verify it. Who knows if it’s jealousy.

None of the three of them continued to live in the family home after working, but they had been hearing about Long Yalei’s family for many years. It is possible that girls with good grades have always been paid more attention. For this result, Qi Chuchen had long anticipated it. After all, he didn’t really come to ask these old trivial matters. What he wanted was to contact these people to see if anyone might actually be involved in the case.

After three o’clock in the afternoon, Zhu Zhen and the others had all visited and returned to the office. In the past two days, apart from finding out the current situation of these two dozen classmates, their work units, and where the crime occurred, no valuable information was asked. Someone knew about Li Muling’s questioning by the police before, and no one dared to say nonsense without evidence, for fear of causing trouble for themselves.

Everyone gathered in Zhang Chao’s office to report on their work. After everyone had finished speaking, Zhang Chao threw out a few pages of printing paper.

“This is the economic situation of Long Yalei who I entrusted to investigate in Longdong City.”

This is the running water of a Longdong Agricultural Bank savings card, and the account holder is of course Long Yalei. The account opening time is three months after entering Long Yalei University. This card will deposit a sum of money from time to time, ranging from two to three thousand to as many as 10,000. The storage time is irregular, there are more than a dozen pens in total, and the average is two to three pens per semester. All are cash deposits, and only deposits are not withdrawn. The accumulated balance has exceeded 80,000.

“The buddies who helped to check did their best. They also checked the recent bank monitoring and confirmed that it was Long Yalei who deposited it. I remember that Long Yalei said that the last time he came back, he asked the counselor to borrow money to buy the air ticket?”

A few pages were circulated in the hands of a few people, and everyone felt a little puzzled: Why didn’t you move the money? What is the meaning of this money?

Zhang Chao knocked on the desktop and looked at Qi Chuchen. Qi Chuchen met Zhang Chao’s eyes and looked at each other for a few seconds, “I’ll make a call first.” After finishing speaking, he got up and left the office.

After a while, Qi Chuchen returned to the office: “You want me to go to Longdong City, right? Yes, I have a condition. I have to borrow someone from them.”

“Isn’t it just a matter of going through the formalities? Say! Who? I’ll do it.” Zhang Chao said without burden, picking up the phone and dialing.

“Dong Peiling.” Qi Chuchen slowly uttered three words.

Zhang Chao, who was smoking, suffocated his breath and shook the world, and buckled the receiver back to the landline. Zhu Zhen beside him was also surprised.

Who is Dong Peiling? The deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Longdong City is capable of fighting and fighting. It is said that there is also a high-ranking pro-dad with a profound background. In one arrest, after hurting his knee, the arrests were less, mainly for interrogation and prosecution. It is said that no matter how hard-mouthed drug dealers get into her hands, they are all honest and slapped. Is this great **** a small reminder that can be used casually?

Qi Chuchen looked at Zhang Chao quickly turning away from his breath: “I knew you were having difficulty.”

Zhang Chao’s complexion eased when he heard the words, and he held up his cup and prepared to drink smoothly, and said exactly who he was going to adjust.

“I called her just now, and if I agree, you just need to go through the formalities.”

Cough cough cough cough, Zhang Chao’s sip of water couldn’t go down in his throat. Didn’t you read the almanac when you went out this morning: It’s not suitable to go to work today? ?

Zhu Zhen looked at Qi Chuchen incredulously: “Brother, do you know your relationship with Vice Team Dong? I heard that the sisters are single?”

Qi Chuchen directly ignored the last sentence and looked helplessly at the rising tide, “Yes. Oh, what are you doing in such a panic? Hurry up and report it, do you want to go!!”

“Go and go! Get out of here, the car after 7 o’clock in the evening. I will report to your ancestor!!” Zhang Chao waved violently.

Qi Chuchen walked out of the office, began to sort out various documents, took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Yan Mu: “I am going on a business trip at night, and the return date is unknown.”

After half an hour, Qi Chuchen and Gao Rui walked out of the office, ready to go home to pack up, and go to the station at night.

Just out of the office building, Qi Chuchen saw the black Mercedes parked at the door at a glance, took out the key and threw it to Gao Rui: “You drive my car home, and then drive to the train station to park.”

Gao Rui just wanted to ask you how to get there and saw the car at the door. This is a special car. Qi Chuchen quickly walked to the side of the car, pulled the co-driver away and got in: “Why are you here?”

“You said that the return date is unknown. I won’t come. I don’t know when I can see you again. Where do I go now? What time is the car?” Yan Mu held the steering wheel and looked straight at Qi Chuchen.

“Go home first, I pack my luggage, and the car after seven o’clock in the evening.” Qi Chuchen felt warm when he listened to Yan Mu’s words.

Qi Chuchen returned home and went straight into the bedroom. He put out a suitcase from the closet and began to pack his clothes. Yan Mu leaned against the door frame, took out the mobile phone and pulled it for a while and put it back in his pocket. Putting his hands in his trouser pockets, he watched Qi Chuchen clean up intently.

“Recently, the whole country has cooled down. Bring two thick coats to prevent you from catching a cold.”

Qi Chuchen buried his head and put the quick-drying clothes in the box: “Okay.”

Yan Mu looked at the figure from behind, his heartbeat slowly speeding up. Take two deep breaths and continue to stare at someone who is squatting on the ground and keeping his hands clean.

Such a familiar scene made Yan Mu’s heart tighten for no reason.

Qi Chuchen put the documents in the mezzanine, and the computer collected the suitcase, closed the suitcase, stood up and stomped his numb feet, “What time is it?”

“It’s past five.” Yan Mu leaned firmly against the bedroom door.

“It’s still early.” Qi Chuchen turned and faced Yan Mu.

“It’s still early, why don’t you do something?”

Yan Mu looked at Qi Chuchen with a wicked smile. Before Qi Chuchen could even say the word ah, he grabbed people and hugged him into his arms, with his lips pressed against him. Qi Chuchen, who was surrounded by a familiar breath, flushed, closed his eyes in the first reaction, and his mouth was stiff and he dared not move.

Yan Mu let out a chuckle, sticking out his tongue, prying his lips apart, and slid back and forth on his teeth twice. One hand embraced Qi Chuchen’s back waist, the other hand supported the back of the neck, and gently squeezed the soft flesh on the opponent’s neck. Qi Chuchen loosened his teeth reflexively, and stretched out his hands to hold Yan Mu’s back tightly.

The tongue with a bit of cool mint took the opportunity to slip into the mouth, and began to slowly outline the contour of the opponent’s tongue along the tip of the tongue. With gentle sucking, the cool mint breath filled the entire mouth, causing a burst of growth. The strands are sweet and greasy.

Yan Mu opened his eyes slightly to see that Qi Chuchen’s face was no longer serious and tight, and closed his eyes slightly to increase the range and range of sweeping in his mouth.

This is a gentle and slightly predatory kiss, starting with a dragonfly tapping the water, then going to the breeze across the lake, and finally stirring the water. The chills aggravated and awakened Qi Chuchen’s tongue, chasing the seemingly non-existent blueberry mint smell, and gradually greedily asked for that chill. Only the sound of overlapping breathing remained in the quiet bedroom.

Yan Mu gently retracted his tongue, closed his lips and once again deeply sealed Qi Chuchen’s lips, stretched out the four fingers of his right hand to lightly support his cheek, and wiped the small moistness on the corner of Qi Chuchen’s mouth with his thumb. Taking the person into his arms again, Qi Chuchen buried his head against Yan Mu’s chest, listening to the rapid and powerful heartbeat in his chest. The heartbeat slowly calmed down, and Yan Mu relaxed his arms, holding Qi Chuchen with one hand, and holding the box beside him with the other.

“It’s just right now.”

Qi Chuchen’s face was red, and his cheeks reddened at the moment when he heard the sound. The mechanical closing and locking of the door allowed Yan Mu to pull into the car, and remained boring and silent.

Yan Mu started the car in no hurry, stretched out his right hand and stroked Qi Chuchen’s face, “What’s the matter? Unhappy?”

Qi Chuchen took two deep breaths, feeling the burning sensation on his face, “No, I didn’t expect you to be such a rascal!” The ending sounded with a smile.

“I’m a rascal? Huh? Who pretended to be asleep and tricked me to kiss you last time?” Yan Mu smiled and turned over the old account.

“Then don’t blame me, I didn’t pretend to be asleep, I just didn’t sleep well! I can’t relax my vigilance under any circumstances. This is a professional habit for so many years. What if there are bad people?” Qi Chuchen heard Yan Mu’s dissatisfaction. ? Then he said quickly: “Who knew that the bad guys were so terrible this time, not for my life, but for my heart!”

Hearing the sound, Yan Mu leaned on the steering wheel and turned his face to the right, and couldn’t help laughing. The right hand slipped off Qi Chuchen’s face and held the left hand, “Well, I want your heart.”

The two of them held hands all the way to the station, Yan Mu’s face kept holding back an uncontrollable smile, Qi Chuchen felt very annoyed every time he glanced at it.

As soon as he arrived at the station’s parking lot, Yan Mu answered the phone, and it seemed that someone was going to deliver something. Qi Chuchen saw that it was only past six o’clock, and was not in a hurry to get out of the car. After a meeting, a delivery clerk knocked on the window and handed in a bag of lunch boxes. Yan Mu took it and handed it to Qi Chuchen, “I’ll give you the dinner. The food on the train is afraid that you will not eat well.”

The two got out of the car, Yan Mu took out the suitcase from the rear trunk, and pulled it by herself. He wanted to hold Qi Chuchen with his right hand. He grabbed Qi Chuchen’s shoulders and walked towards the ticket check. Walked to the ticket gate and saw Gao Rui who was already waiting there. Gao Rui took Qi Chuchen’s suitcase. Yan Mu patted Qi Chuchen on the shoulder: “Come back and tell me to pick you up.”

The hand slid down from the shoulder to the position of the hand, gently squeezed the palm of the hand, and blinked. Qi Chuchen rubbed his thumb on the back of Yan Mu’s hand twice before they separated.

“Okay.” Qi Chuchen carried his things and turned and went into the ticket check.

The two got into the sleeping car, Gao Rui put the suitcases. Qi Chuchen put the take-out bag on the small dining table, took out a box, several boxes of meat and vegetables, two soups, and three boxes of lunch.

“Two people, no wonder it’s so heavy, Gao Rui eats.”

When Gao Rui heard that he had food, Pi Diandian sat down and picked up a box of lunch, “Brother, that’s your boyfriend.”

Qi Chuchen paused: “Yeah.”

“Hey, I think it’s pretty good, better than a rich woman!”


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