Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 sunlight

When Yan Mu carried the last carton into the car and returned to the bedroom, Qi Chuchen had already packed some personal clothes into a small suitcase.

Yan Mu went into the bedroom and was about to carry the small suitcase down. Qi Chuchen said, “Let it go, wait for it.” He walked to the door and turned off the light, then turned around and asked: “What time is it.”

Yan Mu looked at his watch: “It’s less than six o’clock.”

“It’s still early, why don’t you do something.” Qi Chuchen had already walked up to Yan Mu while speaking, stretched out his arms around the opponent’s neck, raised his head slightly, and pressed his lips to it.

“Pa” A string in Yan Mu’s mind broke on the spot and flew out of the sky. When the mouth was invaded by the warmth and slippery, consciousness finally returned to the cage.

Yan Mu put his arms around each other tightly, both of them took off their coats when they entered the room, and at the moment they were singles. Separated by two thin layers of fabric, each other’s gradually warming body transfers fiery heat to each other. Qi Chuchen stretched out a hand to pull out the shirt tucked into his trousers, and unbuttoned the bottom two buttons. The thin layer of muscles on the waist and abdomen is the result of year-round fitness maintenance.

What Yan Mu was thinking at the moment was: This guy really went to work in the city bureau this morning? ? Isn’t it going to secretly make up lessons?

Yan Mu hugged the person tightly, causing Qi Chuchen’s feet to hang in the air for a while, and then fell on his side. Yan Mu whispered in his ear, “Is it really early?”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Qi Chuchen spit out three words in a sullen voice.

The hoarse voice stimulated Yan Mu’s throat to tighten, no longer restrained at this moment, and kissed the other party’s face again, and then moved along the cheek to the lips.

The breathing increased again, the clothes were removed, the exposed body skin was white, the muscles were tight, and the waist and abdomen were especially obvious. The touch is not soft, but it is a different feeling. People who are irritating want to grab it.

It was a bit cold and the air conditioner was not turned on. Yan Mu pulled up the quilt under her body and put it on the two of them. Qi Chuchen’s face was flushed at the moment, but his eyes fixedly looked at Yan Mu with a smile.

His eyes met, like a burst of fireworks, “My dear, you have a great ability to set fires.” Yan Mu leaned over and exhaled warmly in his ear and said, then he leaned his hand under the other party.

Qi Chuchen naturally knew that the next step in the development of the plot could not be purely chatting with a quilt, and tried to adjust his breathing and spit out three words “bedside table.”

Yan Mu felt cold. Of course he knew what this time was referring to, but he prepared this thing at home? At that time, the fire faded a bit, and the bedside table was opened, and there was a small round white porcelain bottle in it. I picked it up and looked at it: LOGO has five capital letters and a big sign.

Fuck, is it wasteful to use it here? ? The fire, which had faded a bit, now pounced on again, burning more intensely. Yan Mu twisted the lid and reached into his fingers to dig out a large piece of white and firm paste, warmed his palm, and put on his fingers. In fact, it didn’t matter if it was not warm. After all, everything on the whole body is hotter than your fingers now!

The light in the living room came through and hit Qi Chuchen’s eyes. The light was a little dazzling. He felt like he was lying on the beach under the scorching sun, with the hot sun burning on him and the hot beach under him. The dry sand gravel is fine and dense and brings tingling pain, the burning is obvious, and the pain is also obvious.

A wave of waves came over and counted the body in the bag, soaking into the gravel under him. The waves receded and took away some gravel, rubbing the skin, and took away a trace of pain. Another wave of waves, another wave of flowers, layer by layer, pounced from a distance, spreading from the feet a little bit, over the knees, over the waistline, over the Adam’s apple, over the top of the head.

The fine sand under him sucked up the salty sea water and became smooth. Under the strength of the retreating waves, he led him to slide down. He wanted to struggle in his heart, but his limbs floated with the tide. That’s it. Look at the waves. Where to go. The waves hit again, this time rolling up the white sand, rolling up the sunlight, fiercely straight above the head.

Finally he slipped down completely, the noise in his ears went away, and the only struggle in his heart completely gave up. Exile himself sinking into the brackish sea water, he couldn’t open his eyes, and didn’t want to open his eyes, he only knew that at this moment, his hair was wet, his eyelashes were wet, and every inch of his skin was wet. The tide overwhelmed the tight lips, and the moment it poured into the nasal cavity brought a feeling of breath, and a tear slipped from the corner of the closed eyes and merged into the wave of extinction. . .

“Would you like to wash it down first?”

“Okay” Qi Chuchen’s voice was still a little hoarse.

Yan Mu assisted Qi Chuchen and walked into the bathroom. As soon as he entered the door, Qi Chuchen waved his left hand.

Pop, it’s darkness.

When he talked, his mouth was depressing, and he changed to a strong smile and climbed on his face. In the darkness, Qi Chuchen’s forehead was placed against Yan Mu’s neck, and he used his strength to stand and wash.

The sprinkling of hot water warmed the body and made the heart warmer. This state of whole-hearted attachment made Yan Mu very useful, washing and drying, all inclusive.

The two of them lay on the bed and rested with their arms around. Yan Mu once again saw the small round white porcelain bottle on the bedside table: “You use this brand of face cream?”

“Well, I used to have skin allergies, and there were a lot of acne during adolescence. My mother bought me a full set of this one. Later, it got better, but occasionally allergies, I always keep it and use it from time to time.” Qi Chuchen voice Already normal, he shrank into his arms again while speaking.

The phone rang untimely, Qi Chuchen sat up immediately after seeing the phone, and Yan Mu also got up and put the quilt up.

“Old Du, good evening.”

“Yes tomorrow afternoon, I’m free, I’ll go to school to find you.”

After hanging up the phone, Qi Chuchen told Yan Mu about calling this person. This person is a well-known domestic psychologist: Du Jinming. Already in his sixties, he is currently working as the head of the psychology department at the number one university in China. He is also a visiting professor at several well-known domestic universities, one of which is Fengqi University. I haven’t taken students personally for many years, mainly doing academic applied research and popularization.

It happens that such an authoritative expert who has not led students for many years is Qi Chuchen’s in-service graduate tutor a few years ago. It can be said that Qi Chuchen is an exception for many years. As long as you come to Fengqi on a business trip, you will meet Qi Chuchen. If you haven’t touched it for more than half a year, Qi Chuchen will make a special time to fly out to visit.

“You go to study psychology because of your work.” Yan Mu lifted the slipped quilt up again, and stretched out his arms to take the person over.

Qi Chuchen shook his head, “I thought I was sick.”

When Yan Mu heard it, Qi Chuchen went on to say: “I have been with some girls before and have no desire to interact at all. Talking about love is like an exam, what should be done, not what you want or want to do from the heart, so I felt that I had a problem. I started to get in touch with psychology, but later I got more in touch, and I abandon it when I knew I was not sick. But Mr. Du is really good, and I have used many of his theories in my case, and they are indeed very good. actual.”

Yan Mu knew about it in the first half, and Qi Chuchen had said it before, but it was the first time he knew about it in the second half. Think about it as if I have never experienced a period of confusion. I am sure when I sprout, and it is a kind of luck. Thinking of this, I felt inexplicably soft in my heart: “You are not sick, but you didn’t meet me earlier!”

Qi Chuchen turned his head when he heard the sound, “When did you have such a thick skin?” Even though he said that, there was no trace of irritation in his tone, as if there was still a little sweetness.

Yan Mu smiled and touched his face with his hand: “Professor Du is studying criminal psychology?”

Qi Chuchen shook his head: “Lao Du’s theory is that with the rapid development of science and technology, people’s desires are diversified. It is not comprehensive to study criminal groups and specialize in criminal psychology. Divided into criminals and non-criminals. This transformation is uncertain, so only a comprehensive understanding can grasp the point of transformation and make breakthroughs. And try to avoid it in advance.”

The two sat on the bed and chatted for a while. When it was after nine o’clock, they got up to pack up and drove back to Yunyin. When going out, Yan Mu opened the drawer of the bedside table and glanced at it, and then looked again at what was inside.

The two went home and ate something casually, and Yan Mu moved everything up to the third floor. The layout of the study room next to the master bedroom has been adjusted. A set of bookcases has been emptied. A new set of desks and chairs and Yan Mu’s set are of the same color and style. The desk lamps, computers, and stationery are all available. It was not like this when he left in the morning. Qi Chuchen looked a little surprised: “When did you get it?”

“The things were ordered yesterday and moved here at noon today. You can make do with it first, and later add them slowly.” Yan Mu put a box of Qi Chuchen’s materials on the table so that Qi Chuchen could stand and organize it.

This can’t be called improvising, Qi Chuchen is at home, holding the notebook wherever he is, where is the desk, and the information is scattered at hand, and he can be free and casual. But now there is someone who helps you to be thorough, and your heart is filled with warmth again, and you can’t help but want to give someone a hug, but let’s do the right thing first.

The next morning, Zhang Chao received the “Letter of Understanding for the Family of the Victim” written by Long Yalei. The two sat in the office and looked at the content. It was quite comprehensive and had all the key points. Qi Chuchen looked at the amount specifically: one ten thousand and three thousand rounds.

What’s very special is that Long Yalei completely tore open her own wounds in this letter of understanding, saying that because of the shamelessness of the deceased, her cowardice and tolerance, she did not know how to take up the weapon of law to protect herself, and finally brought this tragedy. . He ruined the murderer’s second half of his life, and I hope this mistake can be remedied.

In addition to the letter of understanding, Long Yalei also handwritten a letter specifically asking Qi Chuchen to pass it on to Zhao Xiaogang after reading it, instead of passing it to Zhao Xiaogang to read it directly. After the two of them read carefully, they arranged Zhao Xiaogang to the interrogation room again, this time there was no recorder.

Qi Chuchen showed Zhao Xiaogang the letter of understanding and told him about it. Zhao Xiaogang was very shocked, Qi Chuchen organized the language and slowly opened his mouth.

“Maybe you are both schoolmasters, so your savvy is amazing. We didn’t say anything except to inform Long Yalei that you are the murderer. She offered to write you a letter of understanding and asked us to tell you something.”

Zhao Xiaogang’s expression turned from shock to disbelief.

“Long Yalei said that she felt very ashamed of what you did. If she hadn’t been hurt and cowardly isolated everything from the outside world, she might have discovered your abnormality long ago and should have had the courage to expose your sins. As for the victim you are in jail. If one day, you have the opportunity to be in the sun again, regardless of wealth status, I hope you can become friends. After all, you are now friends of life and death.”

When Qi Chuchen walked out of the police station in the afternoon, the sunlight was just right, and he remembered a sentence for no reason: There is a shadow in front of him because there is sunlight behind him.

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