Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Secret room broke

“Okay, don’t look at it. It’s useless to spend time!” Zhu Zhen said.

What made Xiao Ruien change his attitude in an instant was a blood test report, which clearly stated that he had taken DU products within 20 hours and indicated the types of DU products.

Of course Xiao Ruien clearly knew what was in the cigarette he smoked with Su Zhankun that night. He thought that by washing away the cigarette butts and soot, the police would not find out. He also knew it was illegal here. Who knew that he didn’t want to be known too much by Yan Mu. After being frightened, he had no choice but to quickly clear the relationship. As a result, the police took his blood for a test.

What Xiao Ruien didn’t know was that Qi Chuchen knew when he walked in that day: What happened in their room? The so-called blood drawn after believing that he was drugged was just going the boat.

“How long have you and Su Zhankun known each other? Was this appointment made on a temporary basis or an appointment in advance?” Zhu Zhen asked.

“I have known each other for more than three years. I met him when I was traveling in Thailand. I told him before this time that I had an appointment to meet at Rainbow Club that night.” Xiao Ruien’s voice stopped and her expression was normal.

“How much do you know about Su Zhankun?” Zhu Zhen continued to ask.

“We can’t talk about understanding this relationship, but he should be a rich second generation.”

“Oh?” Zhang Chao said the first monosyllable after coming in.

“I don’t play with poor people. They can’t afford to play.” Xiao Ruien said lightly.

Except for the two heads inside and outside the interrogation room, everyone else felt 10,000 critical strikes.

The interrogation room door was knocked suddenly, and Zhang Chao signaled to come in. The person from outside sent in, the dagger that Qi Chuchen found downstairs behind the Yue Guest Hotel, and the DNA test report of the blood on it. Zhang Chao lifted the bag and shook it in front of Xiao Ruien.

“Do you know this knife?”

Xiao Ruien stared at the bag with complicated eyes, looked at it for a long time and summoned the courage to say something.

“I didn’t kill it.”

“You helped the murderer deal with it neatly. Are you sure you are not an accomplice?” Zhang Chao said.

Except for Qi Chuchen and Zhang Chao, everyone else was a little confused. In the afternoon, I knew that Qi Chuchen had found a possible murder weapon, but what did this matter have to do with Xiao Ruien? Before, everyone else felt that this confined environment was difficult to break through. But when Zhang Chao arranged the investigation, he didn’t mention this at all. It seems that this secret room environment is not something worth mentioning at all.

“I just don’t want to be implicated. I didn’t kill people, and I don’t know the murderer.” Xiao Ruien’s voice gradually became quieter.

“It’s stupid!” Standing behind the one-way see-through glass, Qi Chuchen uttered two words, his voice was so clear that everyone heard it.

Xiao Ruien gave up the struggle and quickly explained what happened before the police arrived after waking up that morning.

The two of them entered the room that night, and after smoking a cigarette, they didn’t fall asleep until after two o’clock. Just two days after arriving, Xiao Ruien had not adjusted the jet lag, and unexpectedly fell asleep that night. When I woke up in the morning, I found myself holding something in my left hand. Opened his eyes and saw that he put his left hand on the edge of the bed, holding a dagger with his palm facing down, with the blade hanging in the air outside the bed.

Xiao Ruien was sober in an instant, holding a dagger in shock. Sitting up and calling Su Zhankun, Su Zhankun didn’t respond. He squeezed the dagger, walked gently to Su Zhankun’s bed, and saw Su Zhankun with a quilt covering his body from head to toe.

Trembling, he stretched out his right hand and opened the quilt. He saw Su Zhankun lying on the bed with blood under his body. Knowing that something was wrong, he took the quilt back, ran to the bathroom barefoot and threw the dagger in the sink to rinse. Then pour all the cigarette butts and ash in the ashtray in the room into the toilet.

When smoking cigarettes the night before, in order to get rid of the smell as quickly as possible, they kept the windows open. After Xiao Ruien and Su Zhankun were together, they would smoke this cigarette every time they met, and Su Zhankun found them. He also knew it was illegal, so he was always more careful, and the first thing he thought of after discovering that Su Zhankun died was to destroy this trace.

After handling the soot, Xiao Ruien went back to the bathroom to soak the towel and wiped the dagger carefully. After making sure to wipe it several times and there are no fingerprints or blood stains, throw the dagger out of the window while it is still dark, then close and lock the window.

Then he walked around the house and took out Su Zhankun’s clothes to make sure that there was no special smoke before calling the police.

After calling the police, thinking about what else to do, remembering Yan Mu, he called quickly. Yan Mu didn’t answer, so he sent a WeChat message asking him to come and help him.

He thought that Yan Mu could handle everything on his behalf with the lawyer’s qualification certificate. As a result, not only did the procedure fail, but Zhang Chao and the others didn’t take it at all.

“You said you slept very deep, that means you didn’t hear anything after you fell asleep?” Zhu Zhen asked.

“I usually don’t sleep that deep, and I don’t know what happened that night, and I didn’t hear any movement. If it weren’t for my jet lag, I wouldn’t wake up so early that day.” Xiao Ruien said.

“Let’s do this for today, remember this matter first, and then discuss it after you see your performance.” Zhang Chao knocked on the report on the table.

When Xiao Ruien came out of the interrogation room, Yan Mu was already waiting at the door, and several other people also came out next door, except for Qi Chuchen. Yan Mu didn’t have to stay too much, so he called Xiao Ruien and left. After walking away, he heard Zhang Chao’s voice coming from behind.

“Let’s do this for today, and I will arrange the work for tomorrow morning, and everyone will go home.”

Qi Chuchen returned to the office and drank water while holding a cup. After drinking it in his mouth, why was the water hot? Several people squeezed into Zhang Chao’s office again,

“This Su Zhankun’s family information seems a bit mysterious?” Luo Hao said first.

“Well, it is not ruled out that he is the illegitimate child of a rich family. After all, with his income, it is impossible to afford a place like Yunyin’s return journey.” Zhu Zhen said.

“The house of Yunyin’s return journey is a not very intimate gift. The characteristic of this place is that at the beginning of construction, the house type and decoration can be customized according to the owner’s preference. And Su Zhankun’s house does not use this special service at all, just use The developer’s template. So we don’t rule out what Zhu Zhen said.” Qi Chuchen said.

“This murderer killed someone and stuffed his dagger to make him fine. He is very professional, and he is very professional.” Gao Rui said.

“Judging from the selection of daggers and the traces left on the scene, it is indeed very professional. It does not rule out the work of professional killers, so the points raised by Zhu Zhen are very questionable.” Qi Chuchen continued.

“So, we have to help him find his father?” Zhu Zhen said with a smile.

“Yes, tomorrow’s job is to help Su Zhankun find his father.” Zhang Chao arranged the direction of the next day’s work. “Luo Hao, you will continue to look at the monitoring tomorrow and pay attention to whether there is any trace of the professional killer. Zhu Zhen, you can check Su Zhankun’s Money exchanges. Others wait for the forensic doctor to examine the report on the other side.

Yan Mo drove Xiao Ruien home in the car, leaving a sentence, in the last few days, it is best not to go out blindly, stay at home, and hurriedly pack some clothes on the third floor. When he went downstairs with his bag, Xiao Ruien, who was sitting on the sofa playing with the remote control Lianliankan, asked, “Brother Mu Mu, where are you going? When will you be back?”

Yan Mu said something was okay, so he went out and drove straight to the ink painting garden.

When Yan Mu arrived, the community was quiet, Qi Chuchen’s car was parked downstairs, and he walked around safely and found a vacant parking space.

Qi Chuchen drove the car back to the community. After parking, he habitually raised his head and looked into the house. There was no light in the darkness. Suddenly I didn’t want to move that much. I sat in the car for a while. When I entered the building, I walked to the elevator and stretched out the button, and then retracted. I didn’t want to listen to the quiet midnight elevator loneliness and took a heavy step. Go upstairs along the stairs.

The door opened, and a cold rush came towards his face. Qi Chuchen stepped into the room without turning on the lights, turned on the air conditioner, adjusted it to 28 degrees, and sat on the sofa in the dark waiting for the temperature to rise a little bit.

The door was knocked lightly, Qi Chuchen hesitated about who this point was? After a while, the door knocked again, Qi Chuchen walked to the door and asked in a low voice: “Who?”

After the word “I”, Qi Chuchen opened the door and saw Yan Mu standing outside with a bag.

“It’s so late, why are you here?” Before he finished speaking, he let go of the door and walked back to the sofa.

“I won’t come, I won’t see you tomorrow if I open my eyes.” Yan Mu entered the house and found that the lights were not turned on and the balcony curtains were open. The inside of the house was vaguely visible.

Then walked to the sofa and held Qi Chuchen’s hand, “Why is your hand so cold.”

Qi Chuchen was dull and did not speak, he still felt cold, too lazy to speak, like a mouth, the only heat will quickly dissipate.

“I apologize for what happened today. It caused trouble to your work. After receiving the news, I wasn’t vigilant enough to tell you the first time.” Seeing Qi Chuchen didn’t speak, Yan Mu spoke first.

“I’m not angry with you.” Qi Chuchen spoke lazily.

“I know you won’t be angry. This is my self-reflection as a family member of the criminal police, and my consciousness is not high enough.” Yan Mu said with a smile.

When Qi Chuchen heard this, he couldn’t help but smile, “You really know how to enclose yourself.” After speaking, he glanced at the bag that Yan Mu put next to him, “What do you mean?”

“Where are you and where I am. You live here these few days, and I also live here with a change of clothes, and then I brought you a few shirts and sweaters. You can change them. Can I live?”

“All right, I can barely take you in. I’ll take a shower first, and the guest bedroom also has a bathroom.” Qi Chuchen stood up, walked to the side and turned on the floor lamp.

“I don’t want the guest sleeping, I want to live with you.” Yan Mu was anxious when he heard the guest sleeping.

“I didn’t ask you to sleep in the guest room. I said that the guest bedroom has a bathroom. You don’t need to wait for me to finish taking a shower. You are washing it. I quickly wash and sleep. I’m so sleepy. Brother Mu.” Qi Chuchen’s originally languid voice was in the last two. It makes people feel a bit coquettish at the time of the word.

When Yan Mu heard this, he went to the second bedroom happily.

When Qi Chuchen finished washing out, Yan Mu had already packed up and hung the clothes he brought over into the closet. Qi Chuchen glanced at it and said, “Just stay a few days to see if you are busy.”

Yan Mu didn’t speak, just smiled and listened to Qi Chuchen’s thoughts.

When the two were lying on the bed, Qi Chuchen leaned in. Perhaps the air conditioner was turned on enough, and the coldness that was soaking in the bones finally faded after entering the house, leaving only the warmth of the bones.

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