Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Broken life

The next day when Qi Chuchen got up, Qi Chuchen’s face was not peeling so badly, and Zi Lai Hong had faded a lot, so he could see people anyhow.

Yan Mu specially drove Qi Chuchen to work. He told him not to eat irritating and spicy food for lunch. If his face is serious, call him to pick him up to the hospital.

When he reached the entrance of the Municipal Bureau, Yan Mu was worried. He turned to his side, stretched out his hand and touched his face, ears, and took a close look at the peeling area before he let Qi Chuchen get out of the car.

Qi Chuchen got out of the car and saw Luo Hao standing beside the car stupidly, and said hello: “It’s pretty early.”

Luo Hao nodded and shook his head immediately. What did he see just now? The boss’s boyfriend kissed the boss on the cheek for a long time, and he was holding his cheek to kiss, his face was red, and the world was getting worse. . .

The continuous sudden drop in temperature indicated that the midwinter had come. The inertia brought by the cold has steadily increased the public security situation in Fengqi City. Not to mention that there are no major cases, even petty thefts are much less.

Qi Chuchen went to the community that day, and the basic anti-drug construction work has been carried out for nearly a month, with no major changes. After all, this matter will not be effective until the critical moment. Of course, everyone would rather never have a critical moment that needs to be manifested.

Qi Chuchen was sitting in the office, and a drug addict was taking care of family members next door. He put the layout of the interrogation room here. The consulting room was connected to the office, with one-way visible glass in the middle. No matter what the situation there is, when encountering difficult situations, you can provide off-site support here.

Today is a teenager who is in high school. His father used to be a small business man. He became addicted to drugs during social gatherings. Then he took drugs for many years and his family was gone. He has been forced to detoxify several times, and he always relapses. Now he controls the addiction that goes deep into the bone marrow by receiving drugs at designated hospitals every day.

His mother was an elegant and intellectual woman, and she had an enviable family with a good job. Everything was lost instantly because of her husband’s poisoning. Working hard and raising his son part-time, for many years, I hope that love will be turned into a sharp blade to reverse the destiny, so that my husband can return to a normal person and fight for the family again.

Such wives exist in families that have been eroded by drugs for many years, but they are definitely rare. After years of depression and breast cancer, all the money spent on treatment was financed by relatives and friends. After suffering more than a year, I finally passed away ten days ago.

Before he died, he held the hand of his unsatisfactory husband for a long time, and his weak body relied on his breath to speak, which was barely audible. The son lying on the bed heard the last words his mother said to his father: “I didn’t give up on you, but I was tired and didn’t want to fight with fate anymore.”

There was no request, no explanation, no expression of hope, so just left.

The father did not shed a tear, became extremely rational and restrained, and successfully completed his wife’s funeral in a courteous manner.

No longer going to the hospital to get medicine, as if changing overnight. The teenager grew up in such a family and had heard about these things since he was a child. Of course, he would not feel that his father had won the struggle, so he came here today to ask for help.

Qi Chuchen listened to the calm narration of the teenager in the nearby office, picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the staff in the consultation room, “Bring him over to me.”

When the staff saw the information, they told the teenager calmly. Wait a moment, I will report to our leader. So I came to Qi Chuchen’s office to communicate with Qi Chuchen.

After ten minutes, Qi Chuchen and Qi Chuchen returned to the consultation room again.

The boy raised his head and asked cautiously: “Are you a policeman?”

“No, he is our leader and a professor of criminal psychology at the university. His surname is Mu.” The staff member introduced.

This was a circuitous communication between Qi Chuchen and Du Jin. The identity of the policeman could not be revealed, and an identity that was convincing and easy to entrust was used and a pseudonym was used. Of course, this pseudonym and this identity can be checked by any public, except that there is no photo, there must be a resume introduction.

“You can call me Teacher Mu or Professor Mu.” Qi Chuchen replied.

Without waiting for the boy’s reaction, Qi Chuchen then asked: “Did your father have any conflicting behavior before your mother passed away? Anyone other than you, your mother.”

“Conflict behavior?” The boy was puzzled.

“It’s the things that make your father unsatisfactory and make your father emotionally unstable.” Qi Chuchen explained.

The boy thought for a while, “Doesn’t I count if I have not borrowed money?”

Qi Chuchen gave a sign to continue.

The boy talked about what happened half a month before his mother passed away. At that time, his mother was in very bad health. She was in pain all night and couldn’t fall asleep. She drank up to a little water every day and could hardly eat any food. Every day can only be spent on nutrition needles, painkillers and sleeping pills. The doctor informed me that I was mentally prepared and prepared for the funeral. Relatives in the family have also received news that they frequently come to the hospital to accompany the struggling woman through the last journey, comfort the woman, and help her take care of her son.

His father thought that the money was not enough, so the doctor gave up the treatment and began to look for money from relatives in turn. He felt that as long as the doctor had money, he could continue treatment and his wife would still survive.

Relatives who knew the situation knew that at this time, it was not only futile to do more, but the useless work would also increase the suffering of the patient himself, and they declined. The wife’s relatives and younger brothers, the teenage aunts and uncles, denounced the man’s ignorance and absurdity, and even suspected that he was unchanging, borrowing money to buy drugs in the name of his dying wife.

Every time a man came back irritably, he could not help but complain not to lose his temper in front of his wife, and then went back the next day. It was not until two days before his wife died that she finally stopped going out and stayed in front of her sick bed every day, waiting for the wheel of fate to collapse.

After Qi Chuchen listened, asked the boy to write down the home addresses of his uncle and aunt. Then I asked the boy about the time rule for the man to go out recently.

“I am in my second year of high school and my schoolwork is very heavy. I go to school very early and come home very late from school. He is there when I am at home, so I don’t know when he will go out.”

After listening to Qi Chuchen, he told the teenager that if there is an emergency, he can call the office at any time, and someone will help him deal with it.

The staff sent the boy away and came back to ask Qi Chuchen, but they didn’t know what to ask. I always feel that Qi Chuchen’s proposal to meet in person today was not a whim, but he couldn’t tell why he wanted to ask, and he didn’t have any direction.

Qi Chuchen pushed the address written by the teenager to the staff: “Are these two addresses from this area?”

The staff looked at it, “Yes, it’s not far from here, it’s the jurisdiction.”

“Print out his father’s photo, go to these two communities, communicate with the guard and the property management. If you find that this person appears, you will be notified immediately, and then you will notify me immediately.” Qi Chuchen thought about it for a long time, and it is impossible to transfer the team. The people here come to guard a possibility, but it is just right to use the power of the masses in this jurisdiction.

“I’ll do it right away.” Although there are still many questions in my mind, obeying the arrangement is the first priority.

It was not too late, but the sky had already started to darken. After Qi Chuchen packed up and walked out of the office, Yan Mu’s car was already parked on the side of the road.

Recently, there has been a change in work location. Yan Mu has only received two text messages to figure out the pattern, what time of the day and where to wait, and there is no error at all. Qi Chuchen was very embarrassed about this. When he walked out, he could see the arc of the corner of his mouth that was slightly upturned and tried to restrain himself.

It’s the weekend in two days. Yan Mo drove the car and said, “You have been very tired recently. Why don’t we go to the outskirts of the hot springs for a day on weekends?”

Qi Chuchen thought for a while and shook his head: “I’m too tired recently and don’t want to move, let’s next week.”

“It’s okay, you have the final say.” Yan Mu looked forward and stretched out his right hand to hold Qi Chuchen.

Since Qi Chuchen was promoted, he has been as busy with a case or not, often returning home with a look of exhaustion. Yan Mu couldn’t ask specific things, and could only figure out through the time when Qi Chuchen went home from get off work, whether the uncle’s upset today was related to the case or not. If it has nothing to do with the case, he will casually mention to Qi Chuchen how to deal with relevant departments and important leaders, what skills are there, and how to bargain.

Qi Chuchen listened mostly quietly, occasionally assuming an irrelevant scene and asking Yan Mu, what if it were you?

Yan Mu followed Qi Chuchen’s hypothesis to analyze, and the two of them didn’t say anything, and they seemed to have said everything.

On Saturday, Qi Chuchen rarely slept in, got up after 8 o’clock and turned on the TV to watch the news in a sports outfit. Yan Mu came over with a towel after sweating on the treadmill

“Isn’t it tired? Why do you get up so early?”

Qi Chuchen watched the TV without answering, Yan Mu buried his head and brought his face close to Qi Chuchen’s eyes. Qi Chuchen stepped back in shock, “What are you doing?”

“I asked you why? What do you think?” Yan Mu stood up when he saw the person’s soul regained.

“I want a wild man.” Qi Chuchen answered without hesitation.

“Just think about it, no one is better than me.” Yan Mu took the coffee in front of Qi Chuchen and took a sip.

“How are you?” Qi Chuchen raised his head expressionlessly, looking at this increasingly thick-skinned man.

“What do you mean?” Yan Mu raised his eyebrows and swept his gaze under Qi Chuchen.

“Walk around, I will send SAO in the morning.” Qi Chuchen stretched out his hand to push the person away, and continued to watch TV.

After ten o’clock, Qi Chuchen’s cell phone rang on the coffee table, Qi Chuchen stood up and raised his feet and walked downstairs, talking and going downstairs.

“Call 110 first. People come and ask them to talk to me. You watch it there. If you can get close, make sure you are safe and tell me the situation in real time. I will be there soon.”

As Qi Chuchen hung up the phone, the dark gray Magotan rushed out like a cheetah.

He immediately dialed Zhang Chao’s number again: “Take a few people to Building 3, Yard 5, Xiaguang Road, and wait for me downstairs.”

After years of tacit understanding, Zhang Chao didn’t need to ask what was the matter. He immediately picked a few cronies and called to inform them.

Qi Chuchen rushed all the way, and when he received a call again on the road, he confessed a few words and stepped up the accelerator again.

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