Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 The most poisonous

The statement was reposted overwhelmingly, and Qi Chuchen also picked one and sent it to a small group of several of them. Seeing the news, Li Ang was the first person unable to sit still and rushed to Zhang Chao’s office to ask what was going on.

Zhang Chao took advantage of the situation and summoned several involved personnel to the conference room, and Qi Chuchen gave a briefing.

Qi Chuchen concealed the information provided by Gu Yao and analyzed the incident from several other angles.

The modus operandi in the loose powder box can cause deterioration of taste, but it needs to be taken for a long time. The taste is normal at the beginning of taking it. How can a person with such a high sensitivity of Wu Boyan’s tongue fail to taste the taste of what he drinks? One or two times can be said to be deteriorating or other reasons. How can you not doubt it more than once?

If it is someone else poisoning it, it must be a close person, only Wu Boyan’s wife or a customer service agent. Although the customer service staff is fixed, they are not fixed by one person. They are fixed by several people. So the most suspected one is Sun Mengmeng.

Sun Mengmeng knew clearly that Wu Boyan didn’t drink, how could he add medicine to the wine he drank, and it was too obvious that he wanted to cover it up.

When I went to the Romon Roland Hotel to collect material evidence that day, it was too early to clean the room, but everything in the room remained unchanged and was left for the police to collect. If Wu Boyan knows too much about retaining physical evidence, then there are many ways for people who are poisoned to destroy physical evidence. The physical evidence has not been destroyed and the retention is sufficient, which only means that the poisoning of others may not exist at all.

The drug component was detected in the milk bottle, but Wu Boyan drank the whole bottle. There are only two possibilities: first, when he ingested it, his sense of taste had a problem and he couldn’t taste it; second, he tasted it and acted. To make a full set, one must pretend not to taste it. If it is the first possibility, then the problem is not caused by the drug, if it is the second possibility, the intention is even more obvious.

Sun Mengmeng was invited to the city bureau for inquiries, and news on the back foot began to explode. All the photos were taken clearly, as if they knew the police’s path from the beginning, and just waited for the police to come and take the material.

Sun Mengmeng was secretly taken photos of the rendezvous, indicating that she had an unfair relationship between men and women outside of marriage, and Wu Boyan knew about it.

All this is that Wu Boyan had to retreat and adjust his body when his illness caused a taste disorder, and wanted to use Sun Mengmeng to change the matter into a nature. It is fair to say that Sun Mengmeng was out of the game, and he took a rest for a period of time as a victim. He avoided divorce and separation of family property, and minimized the loss of retirement. The way of retreat was paved. The police played a role in this incident. Unspeakable accompany running plus long sets.

“How do you know that Wu Boyan must be able to taste the powdery taste? If he does not taste it, then all the following assumptions are invalid. He was indeed poisoned.” Li Ang asked.

“Yes, the key to all the following inferences is whether Wu Boyan can taste the medicine when he has a healthy taste. Do you remember the package I asked you to give me?” Qi Chuchen said.

The eyes of several people in the conference room were straight, and Li Ang exclaimed, “Have you eaten?”

Qi Chuchen nodded, “I asked you if there is anything wrong with eating for two or three days. If you say no, I will eat it. Not only did I eat it, but I also fed it to others…”

Everyone was even more shocked when they heard that they were being fed.

“Who did you feed? Are you poisoned?” Several people almost screamed, and Zhang Chao turned pale and looked at Qi Chuchen.

This is a bit too big, right? ?

After Qi Chuchen took the powder back that day, he divided it into three 0.5G portions using a small scale, and put them in the teapot, white water cup, and pomegranate juice.

The three liquids have different tastes and different temperatures. It is tested that the powder dissolves quickly and completely. After Yan Mu came back from socializing, he urged Yan Mu to drink for different reasons. Although Yan Mu didn’t say anything clearly, Qi Chuchen knew from his reaction that he had a peculiar smell. Because Qi Chuchen did not expect Qi Chuchen to “poison” himself, Quan regards it as a person in poor condition and he doesn’t like what he drinks.

“Brother Chen, you are a real man, awesome!” Gao Rui exclaimed first.

“You are so cruel, what does your boyfriend do? How can you be sure that he drank it?” Li Ang continued to ask.

“He has a light diet and rarely eats irritating food. He trades in red wine and often tastes his own wine. Now he also makes high-end ingredients, importing and exporting fruits, and tasting is indispensable. Although not as exquisite as Wu Boyan, he still pays more attention to taste buds. protection.”

As soon as Qi Chuchen finished speaking, everyone understood that a person who was a bit picky about the taste could taste the taste of the added drink, but how could Wu Boyan not taste it.

“By the way, there is a clue provided by the enthusiastic crowd. Boyan Wu, who attended the most recent food competition as a judge, collected money to give a gold medal. The gold medalist was originally a good performer, but he performed abnormally in the finals and performed very badly. Several judges are all The taste was wrong, only Wu Boyan had no strange expressions when he tried it. He praised him and gave him a gold award. Later, other contestants were unfair and exposed to the media. The title was: “Is the veteran of Mei Food Jian’s acting too high after receiving black money?” It’s still taste disorder.” Qi Chuchen finally told everyone about the revelations in Zhang Beiqiang’s email. Lin Lin always put together the whole thing, not the whole thing for outsiders.

In the evening, another piece of news once again detonated the hot spots of the whole network. From the perspective of analyzing the incident and restoring the truth, the author posted the news about Wu Boyan that broke out in the past two days, together with Wu Boyan’s official statement, that Sun Mengmeng was secretly photographed when he met her boyfriend. News that the food selection has been suppressed. An all-round analysis of Wu Boyan’s taste disorder caused by illness, wanted to get his cheating wife to commit criminal poisoning, used his contacts to pressure the police, wasted social resources, and wasted taxpayers’ money in this self-directed drama. Thanks to the fact that the police in Fengqi City are not afraid of public opinion and pressure, they have not wronged a good person.

As soon as this news came out, it detonated the entire network and was reposted by various parties. Some social media apps were almost paralyzed. Qi Chuchen’s coded photo was licked by a bunch of fans, saying that the mosaics couldn’t hide his handsome face.

Yan Mu naturally saw the news again, and immediately turned to Qi Chuchen and sent a sentence: “They can only look at you through the mosaic, I can take a look at you naked and think about it…”

Qi Chuchen had a chill, and after thinking about it, he went back that night and confessed to Yan Mu about the medicine given the previous two days.

Yan Mu didn’t have a big reaction when he heard it, meaning that if you drank it, I will do an experiment for you and support you in your work. Qi Chuchen didn’t realize that this matter would not go so easily until he went to bed at night. Since you have given me the medicine, I must show you how it works.

The next day Qi Chuchen asked for leave. The WeChat message sent to Zhang Chao was only one sentence: He was retribution for drug administration, and he was bedridden and asked for a day off.

In the afternoon, Yan Mu called Qi Chuchen to meet up in the evening and told him to have something to eat at night.

“After you’re socializing, I’ll pick you up.”

“No, I can come back by myself.”

“I’m here to pick you up, you can rest assured to drink, now the end-of-the-year driver is not easy to bargain. Don’t fight with me, if you don’t let me pick you up, I will not allow you to go out to socialize in the future.”

“Everything, it’s up to you.”

With Qi Chuchen’s strong backing, Yan Mu’s subsequent entertainment, one after another, was more fierce. Two times, Qi Chuchen, under the leadership of Vice President Yan Mu, directly went into the box and carried people out. Yan Mu’s vice president didn’t know that Qi Chuchen was a policeman, and that he was a high-quality criminal policeman. He could only sigh that he was so young, strong and strong.

After Yan Mu’s assistant heard about it, there was a time when Yan Mu went to gossip in the noon. Which one of you went up and down made Yan Mu a big red face. After holding back for a long time, he didn’t know how to answer the little girl. The little girl did not expect to hear the answer from her leader, but came to her own conclusion: a body like you is probably the life of being crushed

Then he ran out of the office before the leader ranted “Bonus halved”.

After eleven o’clock that evening, Qi Chuchen was waiting for Yan Mu at the entrance of an entertainment club, Yan Mu walked out with a tired expression.

“You left so early?”

“No, they are against it, I’m not feeling well.” Yan Mu shrank again as he said, pressing his stomach hard with his hands.

Qi Chuchen saw that Yan Mu’s face was wrong, frowned, and decisively took out the phone and made a call. The person who answered the phone was the doctor in charge of the designated hospital of the Municipal Bureau.

When the other party saw Qi Chuchen’s number, he received the first sentence: “Vice Detachment Qi, where did you hurt this time?”

Qi Chuchen choked with a word almost forgot what he was about to say: “My family drank too much, and it seemed to have a terrible stomachache.”

“Hurry up and take you to the hospital. I will make arrangements for you.”

Qi Chuchen hung up the phone and kicked the gas pedal. When he dialed the phone, Yan Mu wanted to say that it was okay, but when he hung up, he was already speechless in pain.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor and nurse had already pushed the bed and waited at the door. Qi Chuchen carried him up and ran into the emergency room.

After entering for more than half an hour, the doctor came out and told Qi Chuchen that there was slight stomach bleeding and the problem was not serious. It has been dealt with. After the infusion, you can prescribe some medicine and go back to eat, but you must not drink any more.

After four o’clock in the morning, after the infusion, Qi Chuchen carried a bag of medicine and helped Yan Mu back home. He took care of Yan Mu to sleep first, and then went to the kitchen to cook porridge. There was a meeting the next morning, and there was no way to ask for leave. Qi Chuchen made sure that Yan Mu’s stomach did not continue to ache. He divided the medicine for the day, put it on the bedside, and told him to go to work for a long time.

Yan Mu recovered relatively quickly. After resting at home for two days, she went back to work again. There were a lot of things at the end of the year, and she continued to socialize, but stopped drinking.

When the end of the year was approaching, Qi Chuchen realized that there were so many things about the police force, all kinds of reports, and all kinds of meetings. In the past, all these things were done by Zhang Chao. Now he is also the leader of the detachment. Although he has a deputy, he will also attend with Zhang Chao. For some speeches and reports, Zhang Chao deliberately let him come, and he has more things to prepare. . Fortunately, there is no social entertainment after get off work. Qi Chuchen can go home on time. He is always busy preparing for meetings at home until 11 or 12 o’clock. In addition, he has to take care of Yan Mu and pick him up after Yan Mu has finished socializing. Two people often sleep at two or three o’clock. The first time I felt: Nian was sad.

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