Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Unusual place

Qi Chuchen did not expect to be stopped at the door of Yan Mu’s company. The front desk looked at the appointment form and said that there was no appointment, and the leader did not arrange it, so he said he wouldn’t let in. Qi Chuchen asked the front desk to call and ask, but the front desk politely refused, suggesting that Qi Chuchen contact him before coming back.

Qi Chuchen stood at the door and took out his mobile phone to send a WeChat message: “Mr. Yan, I’m at the door, and your front desk said I didn’t make an appointment to let me in. Is it too late for me to make an appointment now?”

Less than half a minute after the WeChat was sent, there was a sound of thumping high-heeled shoes from far to near. Yan Mu’s assistant ran to the front desk, dragged Qi Chuchen into it, walked past the front desk and turned his head and said, “From now on, this Mr. Qi will come in, just come in without notice.”

It was probably the first time that the front desk encountered such a casual host, and said: “Who is this?”

“Old-ban-mother!” The assistant dropped these words and led Qi Chuchen away.

Qi Chuchen looked embarrassed…

Qi Chuchen walked into the office and saw Kong Zhao sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face. Qi Chuchen greeted him and walked to Yan Mu’s desk: “You want to go out?”

Yan Mu’s chin punched Kongzhao and raised it: “Isn’t it because you are asking to meet, I will cooperate. What are you going to talk about, do you need me to avoid it? It’s good for you to talk about it.”

“No need to avoid it, I’ll just inquire about something.” Qi Chuchen walked to the sofa and sat opposite Kong Zhao.

Yan Mu followed and got up, walked to the door and locked the office door, sat down beside Qi Chuchen, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Qi Chuchen.

“I just want to ask, do you understand the night?” Qi Chuchen asked Kong Zhao directly without talking nonsense.

The corner of Kong Zhao’s eyes moved: “Oh? Night? How clean is my rainbow, how messy the night is.”

Yan Mu laughed when he heard the words, and Qi Chuchen subconsciously asked: “How messy can it be?”

Rainbow does not say that it is completely clean, at least the bright face, the big face is clean. So if the night is not clean, how did it stay on for so long? Kong Zhao’s subsequent words solved his doubts.

The night is not positioned, like a hodgepodge, so his guests are not specifically positioned, the hodgepodge, men and women, three teachings and nine streams.

The night is a bar, not like a bar. It seems that his business is not in the bar. Anyone who has been in a bar for a long time will think that he is about to close down when he sees the night, but the night is alive and alive well.

The point of night business seems to be the guests coming and going.

“Selling information?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“You really have a keen sense of smell, so to speak, selling information.” Kong Zhao nodded.

“The information is good or bad, and there are all kinds of things.”

The illegality of the night is not in the night itself, but in the people who come and go. Ye Se was scanned several times, caught prostitutes/prostitution/prostitution/prostitution, arrested for selling illegal drugs, but the arrested were people, and these people later found out that Ye Se had nothing to do with Ye Se, and their trading location was not in Night.

Even anti-drug informants will appear in the night. Ordinary people enter the night as a place for recreation, and those in need into the night are the place to solve their troubles. The same bar, the same business area, but because of the different purposes of the people entering, a few dimensions are created abruptly.

“Don’t you supply the night wine?” Kong Zhao asked Yan Mu after he finished speaking.

Yan Mu shook his head: “That place is too messy, I’m afraid of getting into trouble. Their drinks are all from one of my agents. I’d rather make less money than stick them.”

“Let me just say, Fengqi City, the leader of the imported beverage industry, there is no business you can’t do.” Kong Zhao said with a smile.

“Don’t they come to you directly? The price you have is much lower than your agent?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“They open bars and don’t make money from drinks…” Yan Mu said disdainfully.

Qi Chuchen thought of Zheng Shikai’s magical online shop, which seemed to be the same.

Later, Yan Mu and Kong Zhao chatted about other things, and Qi Chuchen sat on the sofa and fell into deep thought. The two of them didn’t bother him, they were still chatting enthusiastically about other things.

Qi Chuchen figured out why Zheng Shikai could do this job for so long, no matter what the source of his money is, as long as it starts from people who come and go through the night, he can get a steady stream of nourishment as long as he doesn’t leave.

In a place like the night, unless the operator himself has a problem, then he will continue to exist. It can be said to be deformed, but there is reasonable value for existence.

Qi Chuchen felt that there was a mess of things separated by a layer of things in his hand, and he was about to touch the essence, as long as he touched the essence, he was about to turn to the root.

After staring at Zheng Shikai for ten days, he found out Zheng Shikai’s pattern. I go out after four o’clock in the afternoon every day and take the bus to go to work at night; I go home from get off work at three o’clock in the morning every day, and I basically don’t go out at home. The only anomaly was that I rushed out of the morning rush hour one morning. I took two bus stops to the subway station. The destination of the subway is unknown. It was close to five o’clock in the afternoon that day when he went home, changed his clothes and went out quickly, and then hurriedly took a taxi to go to work at night.

“How many times did he send the courier? When did he send it? Before or after going out that morning.” Qi Chuchen asked.

“I have sent it three times, both before and after going out. The delivery time is before going to work in the afternoon, and I took it to the courier and sent it. The three times were sent by different express, and the package was sealed, so I couldn’t see what was inside.” Report to the staring police.

“Keep on staring. If he goes out in the morning, let me know.”

Qi Chuchen used Zheng Shikai’s online store to record and once again asked the courier company to provide data on the three packages.

The various express delivery data makes it easy to identify the orders that have been brushed, all of which are light weight, and the express delivery fee is also the starting price.

If there is an anomaly, there are two online stores that sell several boxes of facial masks, but the weight of the express package is significantly lighter, and the two orders belong to the repurchase customers of two different login devices.

Qi Chuchen intuitively felt that Zheng Shikai had a problem when he went out that day, and used the surging crowd to cover his whereabouts in the morning. There must be some problems with the things you sent, but you can’t rush to search at home. If Zheng Shikai has a problem, it is definitely not a small problem. How big a pot can be drawn behind a line depends on how to pull the line.

Qi Chuchen regularly meets with Li Xiu’e every week, listening to her continue to respond to questions, and chatting with her casually. After Li Xiu’e feels the concern from the leadership, she has never called other departments to petition for an unprecedented time.

As for Li Xiu’e’s change, the person who felt the most was the director of the police station. Qi Chuchen later went to the police station to return the information and asked him to help check some other things. He looked at Qi Chuchen’s eyes as pious as he saw the merciful Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and almost knelt down when he mentioned Li Xiu’e.

It was seven o’clock in the morning that morning, Qi Chuchen just woke up and the phone rang. He saw that the detective who had arranged for Zheng Shikai’s home to call was over, and he quickly picked it up.

“Brother Chen, he’s downstairs, and he looks like he’s going out.”

“You try to follow, if you can’t keep up, go back to his house and continue guarding.”

Qi Chuchen hung up the phone, checked the time, and patted Yan Mu: “My dear, send me a trip.”

When Yan Mu heard this, he quickly opened his eyes and got up. After living in a block for almost half a year, Yan Mu has cultivated a unique secret code. When he sleeps, no matter when Qi Chuchen answers the phone, he can close his ears and not listen to the content and continue to sleep. Whenever Qi Chuchen asked him, especially as long as Qi Chuchen yelled: “My dear,” no matter how much he loves Zhou Gong, he can immediately open his eyes and get out of bed.

After eight o’clock, the policeman who was staring at called again,

“Lost, he took the subway three or four times, and all got off at the interchange station with the most crowded traffic. He walked in a very random direction. He went where there were more people.”

“Go back and guard, let me know if there is any situation, I may come over later.”

Qi Chuchen picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the police station chief: I may be going out on the field with me today. You arrange to wait for me in the station.

Qi Chuchen commanded Yan Mu to send himself to the community anti-drug base station. Yan Mu didn’t ask how he came here today. When he left, he said: “Tell me when I get off work at night, and I will pick you up.”

Qi Chuchen first called the staff into the office and told her that she might go to Zheng Shikai’s home for a visit today, and asked her to arrange work, and then said that this home visit was confidential and should not be disclosed.

Qi Chuchen spent an hour explaining to the staff. The train of thought for the interview: The drug production and trafficking reported by Li Xiu’e must not be mentioned. With a mentality that is abnormal and requires family members to coordinate and adjust, just like communicating with many family members of DU withdrawal groups, we must be gentle and active, and remember to be “soft.”

After arranging the staff, Qi Chuchen immediately went to the police station to find the director and told him that he was going to visit Li Xiu’e’s son’s house today. He urged his family to cooperate in restraining Li Xiu’e’s behavior in the name of the police station. Be careful not to mention the content of Li Xiu’e’s recent report, in short, it is the official toughness and seriousness!

After many years of experience, the director not only understood the requirements when he heard Qi Chuchen’s words, but also knew that this matter might have a deeper inside story. All he needs to do is to cooperate well and act in his true colors. Don’t ask more about other things.

Qi Chuchen arranged for the director to drive the police car of the police station and parked in the residential area rented by Zheng Shikai before lunch.

Qi Chuchen asked the director to flush out the rear of the car and parked in a place where Zheng Shikai could see it when he entered the complex. In the middle of the journey, Qi Chuchen went out and took three takeaways from the car of the person he was staring at, and then explained to them for a while to adjust to: The police car entered Zheng Shikai’s field of vision, and they could see where Zheng Shikai was reacting.

Once Qi Chuchen went there, he took a look at the structure of this community. This is an old community with only a few buildings, little greenery, scattered surveillance cameras, and it seems that there is no formal property management. Probably because the location is close to the busy city, the number of households is rich in structure, and there are many people of different ages coming and going.

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