Mystery: The Transcendental Path From Angels

Chapter 33 - :Night

   Klein turned his body, closed the door, and sealed the inverted candlestick, knife-like branding, and evil statues of the Six Gods inside.

   Let them continue to “sleep” in the constant darkness and silence for thousands of years.

   patted the dust on the clothes and changed his hand.

   Then quickly returned to Miller Carter’s basement, and the bodyguard had disappeared into the air habitually.

   Miller Carter was pacing in the basement, when he saw Klein coming out, he hurriedly asked:

   “How is it? What’s the situation inside?”

   Klein had already thought about his excuses, and said with an expression of fear:

   “It’s very bad, there are many snakes, and many places have collapsed.”

   “I plan to collect some information, find all the staff, and be prepared for a second exploration.”

   “You’d better not send anyone in during this time. Believe me, there are more venomous snakes than you can imagine.”

   The old gentleman Miller took a light breath and asked in a little horror:

   “Will they swim over?”

   “Do you know any professionals who deal with snakes?”

   Klein nodded immediately and said, “I will find someone to cooperate and try my best to handle this matter.”

   “It’s cold autumn now, and snakes don’t want to move.”

   “As long as you don’t send people in and disturb them, nothing will happen.”

   “Okay, please as soon as possible. During this time, I will close this door so that no one can enter.” Miller heard the words and relaxed a little.

   Klein saw that the real but not all words had stunned the employer, so he quickly put down his lantern, pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and said:

   “Next, I will collect some information, first figure out the layout of the underground building first, and then explore.”

   “You need to tell me which viscount is the original owner of this house.”

   Miller bought this building precisely for the name of the former noble industry, and immediately replied:

   “Viscount Pound.”

   “What do you know about him and his family?” Klein asked in a professional manner.

   Miller thought about it:

   “I don’t know much, I only know that they won the title in the’Battle of Oath’.”

   “There was a glorious time, but it suddenly fell down for some reason some decades ago.”

  The battle of oath?

   The battle of oaths that began in the Fifth Age in 738?

   Klein asked thoughtfully:

   “Then do you know where Pound from the Baron currently lives?”

   “Sorry, I don’t know.” Miller shook his head slightly.

   Klein asked for a few more questions. Seeing that he could not get more information, he left and returned to No. 15 Minsk Street.

   At this time, it was nearly half past 5 o’clock, and the sky was gloomy and dim, just like night.

   Olbia also no longer entangled with her not harvesting natural spirits, and began to prepare dinner.

   She learns the recipes in the newspaper and wants to make a Fenebot noodle.


   made noodles mixed with meat, sauce and vegetable dishes.

   The taste is unexpectedly good.

   Klein was also full of praise.

   After eating and drinking, Olbia went back to the room to rest.

   As for the bowls and chopsticks, naturally Klein cleaned up.


   The night comes as scheduled.

   Still that house.

   The house where Mr. A held the party.

   The purple fox wearing a fox mask looked at Mr. A, who was still sitting with his feet up and down.

   “The Dark Sage is coming in a week.” Mr. A said to Zihu, “Help me kill him.”

   “I can’t do it,” the purple fox said in a hoarse voice.

   “What? You can’t do it? Are you lying to me?”

   Mr. A was very angry, patted the table hard with his hand, pointed at the purple fox and said.

   “At the beginning, you said to cooperate with me, and I completed your commission. UU看书

   “Now my request is coming, you actually said that you can’t do it.”

   “Do you want to break the contract?”

   “Believe it or not, I will tell her everything about you.”

   Olbia looked at the angry Mr. A and said helplessly: “It’s not that I don’t want to help you! My strength does not allow it.”

   “Hmph! You are a liar! You are an angel!” Mr. A obviously doesn’t eat this set.

   “You actually say that strength is not allowed.”

   “To tell you the truth, I’m only Sequence 9: Assassin now.” Purple Fox slowly exploded another big melon.

   Sequence 9: Assassin! ?

   It turns out that one of the potions that the purple fox asked for last time I drank it myself!

   Mr. A thought he (she) would cultivate some forces secretly to fight her!

   Damn it!

   actually deceived myself.

   Now no one knows until he (she) is killed, and he wants to kill the Dark Saint.

   The purple fox watched Mr. A’s murderous intent on himself, and was very calm, and said unhurriedly:

   “Hehe! Do you want to kill me?”

   “Although I myself is Sequence 9, she is not”

   “Would you like to gamble, do you die first or I die first!”

   Hearing this, Mr. A also calmed down.


   Although Purple Fox is only in Sequence 9, she is not.

  Who knows if the purple fox will die, I can’t afford to gamble.

   “Actually, there is another way!” Zihu said slowly, seeing Mr. A let go of his murderous intentions.

   This transaction must be completed absolutely, so that Mr. A can get more resources in the future.

   Purple Fox made up his mind secretly.

   “You can lead the Dark Saint to her side!”


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