Mythic Cultivation: My Tongtian can’t be this Cute

Chapter 1: Pangu Forms Heaven and Earth

So, this is my take on the Honghuang/Great Desolation niche. As you might have guessed from the summary, it takes place in a merged canon of all Chinese mythology, folktales, and literature. I hope you all enjoy it as I enjoyed writing this.

In the chaos devoid of colors, light or darkness, existed an egg. The egg floated atop a thirty-six-petaled green lotus. The lotus was a chaos spiritual artifact, the Thirty-Sixth Ranked Jade Lotus of Chaos.

Space could not be measured, and time flowed irregularly. If any living creatures existed in this space, they would have died instantly, but the egg floated above the lotus, unaffected by the merciless environment.

Suddenly, the surface of the egg cracked. In the next moment, the eggshell shattered completely, revealing a humanoid creature. The creature was born with two chaos spiritual artifacts: an ax, called the Heaven Opening Ax, and the Jade Butterfly Disk of Good Fortune, a disk with butterfly designs formed from the shell fragments.

The creature looked above and spread out his arms. "I am Pangu!"

His voice echoed throughout the void, alarming the three thousand chaos fiendgods born before him. Without waiting, Pangu raised his ax above his head and cleaved the space below him in two. At the point where he struck, a small pearl formed.

Pangu Heaven Opening First Art - Chaos Splitter

Pangu's strike sent ripples throughout the chaos. If the chaos fiendgods had been alarmed, now they were shocked.

The newly born chaos fiendgod wanted to use the chaos to fuel the creation of a new world, one that could help him achieve his path.

Generally speaking, chaos fiendgods were incarnations of the myriad laws, and the earlier a chaos fiendgod was born in the chaos, the more powerful they were. However, Pangu subverted that truth. The firstborn chaos fiendgod, the Chaos Fiendgod of Time, instinctually knew that he had zero hope of defeating Pangu.

But he still rushed towards Pangu along with the other chaos fiendgods. He was pushed by instinct, but the greater reason was his desire to stop Pangu. He had a feeling that if he allowed Pangu to continue, chaos would be destroyed.

Chaos fiendgods were born in the primal chaos and lived in it. If it was destroyed, it was akin to severing their path to ascension. How could the chaos fiendgods allow Pangu to do this? They rushed to stop Pangu, despite knowing that it would likely end in their deaths.

The Chaos Fiendgod of Time was the first to arrive, but he did not attack. Instead, he observed Pangu, waiting for a chance.

The first to obstruct Pangu were the weakest chaos fiendgods. Pangu only snorted and swung his ax at them. One swing killed several chaos fiendgods at once.

"All who obstruct my path shall perish!" Pangu bellowed.

Light flew from the fallen chaos fiendgods’ bodies and was absorbed by the Jade Butterfly Disk of Good Fortune. The pearl Pangu formed absorbed the corpses and grew larger.

Pangu glanced at the rest of the chaos fiendgods cowed by his demonstration. He snorted with disdain, raised his ax once more, and cleaved a second time. The second strike rang like a bell in all the chaos fiendgods' minds.

Pangu Heaven Opening Second Art - Open Heaven

"Haha, I don't care if your path is obstructed or not. I just want to battle!" A fearless voice shouted. The owner of the voice was a creature that resembled Pangu, but his arms were slightly longer, and fur covered his whole body. He was the Chaos Ape Fiendgod.

The Chaos Ape FiendGod swung his cudgel down on Pangu. Pangu retaliated with his ax. "Scram!"

The Heaven Opening Ax clashed against the seemingly ordinary cudgel in the Chaos Ape Fiendgod's hands, but to the shock of all those present, the Chaos Ape FiendGod didn't die. He was sent flying back and spat out a mouthful of blood. His weapon reflected his state as it now bore a deep gash.

Seeing this, all the chaos fiendgods resumed their attack, but like the first batch, Pangu unceremoniously killed them with one swing.

The Chaos Ape FIendgod was born relatively late, but he was the incarnation of the Law of War. The more battles the Chaos Ape Fiendgod experienced, the more powerful he was. So, his strength could rank in the top hundred chaos fiendgods.

After dealing with the second and third wave of chaos fiendgods, the chaos pearl absorbed the chaos fiendgod's corpses while his Jade Butterfly Disk of Good Fortune absorbed their laws, and Pangu resumed the creation of the new world.

Between each swing, Pangu had to stop another batch of chaos fiendgods obstructing him. Each swing increased the panic within the mob, so even if they knew they were sending themselves to die, they still recklessly charged.

However, Pangu was not unaffected either. Although the death of each chaos fiendgod increased the foundation of the nascent world, he spent more and more energy slaying them. Each swing became more and more laborious.

Pangu Heaven Opening Third Art - Dividing Earth

Pangu Heaven Opening Fourth Art - Yin-Yang Severance

Pangu Heaven Opening Fifth Art - Five-Element Foundation

Pangu Heaven Opening Sixth Art - Myriad Life Birth

Pangu Heaven Opening Seventh Art - Heavenly Ascension

Finally, right after the seventh cleave, the Chaos Fiendgod of Time struck.

An immense body resembling Pangu's emerged, but unlike Pangu, the new creature had two large wings sprouting from his back. This was the Chaos Fiendgod of Time's body. Floating next to him was a giant clock, the Chaos Clock.

He wasn't the only one who decided to strike. Several more chaos fiendgods chose to appear at this moment. The Chaos Fiendgod of Karma, Chaos Fiendgod of Space, Chaos Fiendgod of Five Elements, Chaos FIendgod of Yin-Yang, Chaos Fiendgod of Samsara. All of them had one thing in common; they were among the top ten most powerful chaos fiendgods!

The first to strike was the Chaos Fiendgod of Five Elements. "All things are born of fire, water, earth, wood, and metal! Five-element destroys all, Five-Element Disintegration!"

A ray of light containing five colors struck Pangu. He paused as a piece of skin flaked off, but he recovered swiftly, shocking all the chaos fiendgods present.

"An ant is still an ant no matter how much bigger it gets!" Pangu said as he brought the Heaven Opening Ax down upon the Chaos Fiendgod of Five Elements.

The others didn’t have the luxury to worry about the Chaos Fiendgod of Five Elements as they each displayed their most powerful techniques.

"All things exist in space. Without space, nothing exists. Thus, space is king! Spatial Severance!" the Chaos Fiendgod of Space shouted as he pointed at Pangu.

A crescent-shaped ripple flew towards Pangu. It sliced a wide gash along his chest, but that too healed at a noticeable rate. The Chaos Fiendgod of Time capitalized on this moment and unleashed his technique.

"All things have time. Without time, there is no progress. No progress, there is no past, present, or future. Thus, time is venerated! Temporal Erasure!"

An arrow seemingly formed of flowing silver pierced Pangu's chest where the Chaos Fiendgod of Space had injured. A hint of blood dripped down Pangu's mouth. He roared and swung his ax, injuring the Chaos Fiendgods of Time and Space.

"All things have cause and effect. Without cause, there is no effect. With effect, there must be a cause. Pangu, you selfishly obstructed our paths. Thus, you must pay the cause and effect! Karmic Shackles!" a chaos fiendgod shouted.

All around Pangu, apparitions of all the chaos fiendgods he slew appeared. They shouted in fury and fear and grabbed onto Pangu, wanting to rip him to shreds and drag him to hell.

"Ants should behave like ants!" Pangu said. With a wave of his arms, he destroyed all the apparitions of the chaos fiendgods. He turned towards the nearest chaos fiendgod and punched.

The punch struck the Chaos Fiendgod of Samara and killed him instantly. The others paused in shock, but they soon realized his intention as they saw a strand of his soul fly into the chaos pearl.

Pangu didn't care about the Chaos Fiendgod of Samara's actions. As long as they didn't obstruct his path, he would not give two farts about them. He turned towards the other chaos fiendgods and resumed his offensive.

The chaos fiendgods used all their tricks and trump cards, but they fell one by one. Finally, only Pangu remained. He turned back to the nascent world and raised his ax one more time, but he suddenly stopped and turned around.

A giant silver river composed of time appeared in the chaos, and a figure fell out. It was the Chaos Fiendgod of Time. Compared to his first emergence, he was in a sorry state. He lost two of his limbs, both his wings, and injuries littered his body. Even his lifebound spiritual artifact, the Chaos Clock, was in pieces.

"Pangu, do you think you'll succeed? I'll tell you right now that you'll also fall under the machinations of the Great Dao!"

Something flickered in Pangu's eyes, but he still raised his ax and brought it down.

That was the last thing the Chaos Fiendgod of Time saw.

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