Mythic Cultivation: My Tongtian can’t be this Cute

Chapter 15: Mortal Marriage

On Longevity Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi and Redcloud Ancestor sat across from each other in Wuzhuang Temple. A teapot, two cups of steaming tea, and a plate of Ginseng Fruit lay on the table between them.

Each Ginseng Fruit resembled a newborn toddler, red and plump. If a human were to see this, they would be aghast at the atrocity, but immortals like the two present knew that this was only a defensive facade of the fruit.

Redcloud Ancestor threw a Ginseng Fruit into his mouth and chewed it. Juice gushed out and dripped down his lips. He narrowed his eyes as he enjoyed the flavor and sensation of the fruit’s flesh before swallowing.

Upon seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi's lips twitched but said nothing. He had known Redcloud Ancestor for countless eons. Why had he expected him to change his habits?

"That Haotian, isn't he afraid of angering Daoist Tongtian?" Redcloud Ancestor suddenly said as he looked up in the direction of the Thirty-Three Heavens.

"Why should he be?" Zhen Yuanzi asked.

"Haotian arbitrarily allowed the Dragon Clan to join the Heavenly Court without permission. Isn't he afraid of Daoist Tongtian taking action against him? Is he relying on the Dao Ancestor's support?" Redcloud Ancestor questioned.

"You're thinking about it too simply," Zhen Yuanzi said. "How do you know this isn't Daoist Tongtian's intent?"

Seeing Redcloud Ancestor's confusion, Zhen Yuanzi elaborated. "If anything were to go wrong, Haotian would take the fall while she remains unharmed. If everything goes as planned, she is still the largest beneficiary of Haotian's actions."

"Is she not afraid of Haotian's influence overtaking hers?" Redcloud Ancestor asked.

"No matter how powerful Haotian is, he will never become a Saint of Heaven. He can only struggle within Daoist Tongtian's palms,"  Zhen Yuanzi explained. "Among the Saints of Heaven, who do you think has the most transcendental status?"

Redcloud Ancestor pursed his brows. If he had to divide the Saints into three ranks, then he, Zhunti, and Tongtian would belong to the weakest group. Tongtian was the last to become a Saint, but she was one of the Three Purities, so she should not be underestimated. Zhunti had to make forty-eight vows, which greatly limited him. As for himself, he knew that he wasn't as talented as the other Saints as he had only severed two Corpses before becoming a Saint of Heaven by merit.

As for the middling rank, it included Nuwa, Jieyin, and Laozi. Although Nuwa became a Saint of Heaven the earliest, the coercion she emitted upon her consecration was equal to his. Redcloud Ancestor hypothesized that, like him, she hadn’t severed all three Corpses and merged them. Laozi and Jieyin were both beyond his ability to perceive.

However, without a doubt, the one that stood in front of all Saints was Yuanshi. Ignoring the coercion that was stronger than even Jieyin and Laozi's upon consecration, Yuanshi was consecrated twice.

"Daoist Yuanshi has the most transcendental status," Redcloud Ancestor said.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head. "You're thinking of strength. I cannot gauge their strength, but in my eyes, Daoist Nuwa has the most transcendental status, followed by Daoist Tongtian."

"Daoist Yuanshi formed the Enlightenment Sect, so he must propagate his teachings in order to secure more luck. You, the two from the West, and even Laozi are the same. However, Daoist Nuwa and Tongtian are different," he said.

"Daoist Nuwa's Karmic Luck is tied to humanity, how can she not take action?"

"If it were when the Demon Clan still reigned, it would be different," Zhen Yuanzi said. "However, now that the Way of Heaven wants to make humanity the protagonist of the world, it is different. Even without her personally taking action, the other Saints will help her nurture humanity. Even you fought for the position of the human rulers' teachers."

"She doesn't need to do a thing, and her share of Karmic Luck will increase," he finished.

Redcloud Ancestor ruminated over Zhen Yuanzi's words and found himself agreeing with the logic. "But how does Daoist Tongtian have a transcendental status? She still has to manage the three realms."

"You forget that she is the Head of the Six Great Emperors," Zhen Yuanzi said. "She can allow the other emperors to manage most of the work and direct the overall goal of the Heavenly Court. While others work hard, she can reap the benefits. And, she doesn't need to compete for Karmic Luck since the Heavenly Court represents a large portion."

"That remains to be seen," Recloud Ancestor said. "If Haotian reaches the Primordial Origin Realm, he will threaten Daoist Tongtian."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head. "You and I both know how hard it is to reach the Primordial Origin Realm. I continuously seek the Great Dao, but it always seems to be out of my reach."

"That is because you don't hold enough Karmic Luck," Redcloud Ancestor said.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head. "What should I do, create a sect and compete with Saints? The amount of Karmic Luck I can gather that way is too limited."

"There is a way," Redcloud Ancestor said. "The key lies with your lifebound artifact, the Realm Atlas."

"This?" Zhen Yuanzi asked as a golden yellow book appeared in his grasp. The book depicted all the land in the Three Realms and allowed him to take control of any masterless earth veins. With it and enough preparation, Zhen Yuanzi had the confidence to stall against any Saints of Heaven for a short period of time.

"Exactly." Redcloud Ancestor nodded. "I calculated it a bit, and its uses are far more miraculous than you think. If used well, the amount of Karmic Luck you could gain would not be inferior to Daoist Tongtian's."

Zhen Yuanzi stared at the Realm Atlas. It had accompanied him since his birth, but he had never discovered its capabilities. Even if he could gain Karmic Luck equal to the Heavenly Court, it also invited the jealousy of Saints.

"Will it infringe on the Heavenly Court's interest?" Zhen Yuanzi asked, his heart moved.

"Nonsense, none of the Six Great Emperors rules the Earthly Realm," Redcloud Ancestor persuaded.

"Give me some time to decide," Zhen Yuanzi finally said.

In the human tribe near Huaxu Mountain, a young boy of five years old lay on the grass with his hands behind his head. The boy stared at the sky beneath the cool shade and sighed.

Moments later, the sound of little footsteps entered the boy's ears, and he knew who it was immediately. As he expected, a little girl his age wearing fur clothing ran toward him.

"Fuxi, Fuxi, what are you doing?" the little girl asked as she stopped in front of the boy. She had milky-white skin, exceptionally bright eyes, and a melodic voice. Even at a young age, everyone knew she would become a beauty far surpassing immortals.

"Nothing, just thinking, Nuwa," Fuxi said.

The little girl was Nuwa, and she was born in the same year as Fuxi. Since she was young, she liked to cling onto him and follow him wherever he went.

Nuwa lay next to Fuxi but with her chest on the ground. She rested her face on her palms and asked, "Thinking about what?"

"Survival, food," Fuxi said. "When the hunters successfully hunt game, everyone in the tribe won't go hungry for days. But if they fail, very few of us can eat a full meal. I want to think of a method to feed everyone."

"But aren't you still a child?" Nuwa asked.

"I know, but I want to do something. Everyone treats me so well," Fuxi said. "Even if the foraging or hunt fails, they'll still make sure I'm full."

"They just want you to pay them back after the Great Immortal teaches you how to cultivate. It's just a trade," Nuwa said.

"I know, but that doesn't excuse the feelings. I always feel like I'm meant to do something. As fellow humans and people of the same tribe, shouldn't I do something for them? I want everyone not to go hungry and be able to go to sleep full every day," Fuxi said, finally staring at Nuwa.

Nuwa pursed her lips. "You're too nice."

However, Fuxi didn't answer her. Nuwa pouted. Fuxi always sunk into his own world when he was deep in thought. She turned around, wondering what Fuxi found fascinating.

In the tree, there was a spider web. At the center, a spider was slowly crawling toward a trapped butterfly. Upon reaching it, it began to wrap its prey in a silk binding. No matter how the butterfly struggled, it only became more trapped.

"I got it!"

Nuwa almost jumped out of her skin upon hearing Fuxi's exclamation. She turned around to see Fuxi standing up and running toward the village. She sighed helplessly and ran behind him.

Back in Huaxu's residence, Fuxi got to work. He used any strings he could find, hide, vines, just anything, and constructed a rudimentary net. Once he was done, he and Nuwa ran toward the river.

With Nuwa's help, Fuxi cast the net into the water. When they reeled it in, the net had become full of holes, but there were three fish caught within.

"Haha, you did it. You really did it!" Nuwa turned to look at Fuxi, only to see him staring at the caught fish in discontent.

"It's still not good enough," Fuxi muttered. Then, he carried the net back to the village and took it apart again.

In the next few days, Fuxi redesigned the net and tested it over and over. As the days passed, the other tribespeople discovered Fuxi's action, and when they saw his success, they began to help him.

On the seventh day after Fuxi reeled in his newest net, it was packed to the brim with large fishes. He laughed. "I did it!"

Nuwa's brows twitched, and she looked up. Unseen by mortal eyes, clouds of merit descended. Half went to Fuxi, and the other entered the fishing net, turning it into a low-grade meritorious spiritual artifact.

No one else, not even Fuxi, noticed that his net had turned into a spiritual artifact. He just thought the net became a bit shinier.

In the next few years, Fuxi continuously showed his wisdom and creativity. By the time he turned fourteen, he had already developed a mature method of domesticating livestock.

Now, his tribe had grown exponentially. It even reached the ears of the surrounding tribes, and they merged with Fuxi's tribe. The current chief even wanted to give Fuxi the position of chief, but Fuxi rejected it, saying, "I will be going to the Great Immortal to learn cultivation. How can a leader be away from his people? It is better for you to stay the leader and let me take the position when I return."

Faced with Fuxi's words and wisdom, the chief agreed. After that, Fuxi rode on the qilin to Shouyang Mountain. The qilin was the same one that delivered food to his mother when she was still pregnant.

The qilin had the cultivation of a Profound Immortal, and it protected Fuxi on his journey. Although Golden Immortals had become scarce in the current world, they still encountered rogue demons who threatened them.

Fuxi, who had not embarked on the road, was powerless and could only rely on the qilin. It was a perilous journey, but Fuxi persevered. Ten years later, he finally reached Shouyang Mountain.

As Fuxi ascended the mountain, a misty fog surrounded him. Instead of feeling fear, Fuxi felt refreshed. It felt as if he had lived his whole life surrounded by fog that was only now cleared. He could see better, hear more, and think faster.

Fuxi sighed at the magical abilities of immortals. He had already reaped immense benefits just on the way to visit his future teacher.

Not long later, Fuxi and the qilin arrived at a flattened land on the mountain. The mist had dispersed as if it had never existed, and there was a temple built in front of a pond filled with lotuses.

Fuxi dismounted the qilin and walked in front of the temple. He bowed. "Fuxi asks to meet the Great Immortal."

"Come in." At the gentle voice’s words, the temple doors opened by themselves.

Unafraid, Fuxi walked in with his back straight. His pace was neither hasty nor sluggish, showing his calmness. Inside the temple, he saw a man wearing light-brown robes.

"I still haven't told you who I am, have I?" Xuandu asked. Fuxi shook his head. "I am Xuandu, the only disciple under Laozi, the Heavenly Venerable of Virtuous Way and the founder of the Human Way."

Fuxi's breathing hastened. Although humanity had lost many inheritances and legends, they still knew of a few integral legends, such as humanity's four ancestors, Mother Nuwa, and the founder of the Human Way. "Student greets Teacher."

Xuandu smiled.

For the next few hundred years, Xuandu taught Fuxi Laozi's Grand Purity Scripture and guided him. Occasionally, Fuxi would descend the mountain and distill the knowledge among the tribe, causing them to produce numerous Earth Immortals and a few Sky Immortals.

Xuandu had to sigh. He spent eons reaching the Great Unity Realm, but Fuxi only needed a short few hundred years to reach the Golden Immortal Realm. Luckily, the more outstanding Fuxi was, the happier he became.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have instructed Fuxi to ascend Shouyang Mountain after fourteen years. He wanted Fuxi to develop a connection with humanity. As a human, Xuandu naturally wanted humanity to prosper.

After reaching the Golden Immortal Realm, Xuandu ordered Fuxi to lead humanity wholeheartedly. Fuxi agreed and, unless he had something urgent, would rarely return to Shouyang Mountain because he had his hands full.

Fuxi perfected the domestication of livestock and fishing nets. The primary livestock were cattle, pork, and chicken, descendents of the first three lifeforms Mother Nuwa created.

As Fuxi's fame spread, more and more tribes willingly submitted to him. Under his rule, they prospered and no longer went hungry. Seeing that humanity's material needs were satisfied, Fuxi worked on lifting their spiritual needs.

He saw that children only knew their mothers and not their fathers. From then on, he established the marriage system. Before a man and woman could have a child, they must marry. To differentiate them, he created logograms to signify their union.

As the leader of humanity, Fuxi used himself to propagate the custom. He proposed to his childhood friend, Nuwa, and she agreed. On the day of their wedding, the skies were clear, with no rain or thunder in sight.

At the suggestion of Nuwa, they built an altar with a statue of Mother Nuwa, their creator. Fuxi felt it was suitable, so he agreed. As the two walked toward the altar and prepared to pray to heaven and earth for its blessing, a phoenix cry pierced the sky.

Fuxi, Nuwa, and the crowds of humans turned to see a qingluan flying towards them with clouds exuding rainbow light trailing behind it. The cerulean bird carried a figure twenty meters tall on its back. Soon, the mythical bird stopped above the altar.

The humans didn't need anyone to tell them who the figure atop the qingluan was, they knew in their hearts. This woman, with her face covered by a veil of mist, was the creator of humanity, Mother Nuwa.

Unlike the rest of his species that kneeled on the ground, Fuxi stared at Nuwa's figure in a daze, feeling as if he should know her. He was broken out of his stupor when he felt someone pulling his clothes. He turned to see Nuwa pulling him, and he quickly kneeled too.

Although his eyes were on the ground, he felt as if Mother Nuwa was staring specifically at him.

"The Way of Heaven above, the heavenly marriage and earthly marriage have been established. Fuxi represents yang. Nuwa represents yin. Their union is in line with the trend of heaven and earth, and I hereby establish the mortal marriage!" Mother Nuwa's voice felt extremely familiar to Fuxi. However, his thoughts didn't linger long as the Karmic Merit descended.

Like when Mother Nuwa established the heavenly marriage and earthly marriage, the Red Hydrangea absorbed twenty percent of the merit. After it absorbed the merit, it exuded a sacred golden light. After many eons, the Red Hydrangea had finally reached the top-grade meritorious spiritual artifact and could compete with top-grade cardinal spiritual artifacts.

Mother Nuwa spared one last glance at Fuxi before she and Caiyun, the qingluan, mysteriously vanished as if they had never appeared.

Fuxi frowned. After Mother Nuwa took her share of the merit, the rest of the merit flowed into Fuxi and Nuwa. Fuxi absorbed his merits to increase his cultivation, but to his shock, Nuwa actually directed her portion into him.

"Why?" Fuxi asked.

Nuwa smiled. "Husband, you are the ruler of humanity. Rather than wasting the Karmic Merit on me, you should use it instead. I'm already a Sky Immortal, that's more than enough for me."

Fuxi sighed upon seeing Nuwa adamant about her choice. He absorbed all the merit, and his cultivation rose past his teacher's and reached the peak of the Great Unity Realm, just one step away from the Great Firmament Realm.

After Fuxi's marriage, the custom spread throughout humanity. Eventually, names were attached to the logograms signifying each human's relations. People carved logograms representing their family’s name on turtle shells, and groups with the same logogram became known as clans.

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