Mythic Cultivation: My Tongtian can’t be this Cute

Chapter 15: Titans and Demons Clash

"What is the meaning of this!?" Nuwa shouted as she flew out of her immortal grotto. Behind her, Fuxi flew out with a furious expression, clutched in his hand was the Fuxi Qin, his lifebound innate spiritual artifact.

The two had been quietly minding their own business and digesting their gains from the Dao Ancestor's sermon. The two even created their own unique methods of refining essence into qi.

Fuxi and Nuwa had attempted to comprehend one of the three thousand laws expounded upon by the Dao Ancestor. They knew it was the foundation for the next step, so they wanted to prepare for the next sermon.

Nuwa was even under greater pressure. As one of the six people sitting in the front, she couldn't show any signs of weakness in front of the other guests of Violet Heaven Palace. She had thought she prepared quite well, but then she felt the advancement of the Three Purities in Kunlun Mountain.

Even Fuxi had to sigh at the Three Purities' talent and said they deserved to sit in the first three prayer mats. Nuwa didn't say anything and just tripled her efforts. She wanted to break through the Great Firmament Realm before the Dao Ancestor's second sermon.

The pressure on her shoulders only increased when she felt a fourth pressure originating from somewhere on Buzhou Mountain. It was impossible for this fourth person to be someone sitting in the first six prayer mats unless Jieyin and Zhunti traveled to Buzhou Mountain for some unknown reason.

Nuwa estimated she could attempt to break the limit before the time for the second sermon; she just never expected the Titan Tribe to discover their immortal grotto and attack them at this point in time and ruin her plans.

The army attacking them was composed of over a hundred giants, each at least equal to a Golden Immortal of the Great Unity, and led by Zhurong and Qiangliang, the Titans of Fire and Thunder.

"Buzhou Mountain belongs to the Titan Tribe. All trespassers must leave or die!" Zhurong said without an ounce of mercy.

"Bullying people too much!" Nuwa shouted as the lower half of her body elongated into that of a snake. "We were born here, this is our home!"

"Who cares whether you are born here or not? If I say you are trespassing, you are trespassing! Trespassers must leave, and demon trespassers must die!" He opened his mouth and spewed out a fiery hot flame.

She took out a lantern with a lotus pattern on it, the high-grade innate spiritual treasure, Treasured Lotus Lantern. Light shone out from the lantern and fell onto the giants behind Zhurong and Qiangliang. The light entrapped them in bubbles, sealing their ability to move and escape.

Fuxi held the Fuxi Qin vertically and started playing with one hand. The notes turned into crescent blades that soared towards the two titans.

Qiangliang rushed forward and roared. His roar shattered the land and rang like thunder. Fuxi's crescent blades all shattered under its sheer volume.

Fuxi grunted and retreated behind Nuwa. He placed the Fuxi Qin horizontally on his lower half and started playing with both hands. Musical warriors bearing blades sprung forth.

Qiangliang roared again, but although cracks appeared on the musical warriors, they did not shatter. Zhurong stepped forward and spewed a fiery breath that evaporated the incoming soldiers, forcing Nuwa to use her Treasured Lotus Lantern to block his attack.

With Nuwa's focus diverted, the treasured light on the giants weakened. Coupled with Qiangliang's roar, they shattered, freeing the trapped giants.

With the addition of the hundred giants, Nuwa and Fuxi were slowly forced into a disadvantageous situation. Left with no choice but death, the two fled. Not only did Zhurong and Qiangliang chase them out of their birthplace, but they wanted to exterminate them now.

Nuwa and Fuxi continued to flee from the pursuit.

"Do they really think we are so easy to bully?" Nuwa said as she ran with Fuxi.

"Sister, conserve your strength. If they send another titan at us, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape unharmed," Fuxi said.

Unfortunately, it was as Fuxi feared. The Titan Tribe sent another group to pursue them. This time, there was only one titan, but he was Tianwu, the fastest of the titans in direct speed.

"I'll take your life, demons!" Tianwu shouted as he flew towards them with cyclones shrouding his fists.

With the addition of Tianwu, Nuwa's and Fuxi's situation deteriorated. They couldn't defeat Zhurong, Qiangliang, and the hundred giants, and they couldn't escape with Tianwu cutting them off.

"Sister, escape first. I'll come after you later," Fuxi said as he stood protectively in front of Nuwa.

"No, I won't leave without you!" Nuwa said. "We were born together, and I won't abandon you."

"Stop being so stubborn! Only one of us has a chance to escape," Fuxi said. "You sat on one of the first six prayer mats, your accomplishments in the future will be limitless!"

"I only sat on that seat with your help. If it hadn't been for me, you would have sat on one of them," Nuwa said.

"Stop being so stubborn and leave!" Fuxi shouted as sweat dripped down his face. "If you don't leave now, it'll be too late!"

"I want to see if the two of you are able to escape under my watch!" Tianwu said as he appeared in front of the only escape point.

Fuxi sighed. "It's too late now, sister."

"I have no regrets," Nuwa said as she faced off against the Titan Tribe.

After a few hundred moves, Nuwa was knocked to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Sister!" Fuxi shouted. The instant he was distracted, Qiangliang appeared in front of him and struck him to the ground too. He vomited a mouthful of blood and bits of internal organs. Although he only appeared bruised from the outside, Qiangliang had used a sound attack to injure his insides. Had Fuxi not been knowledgeable in this aspect, his injuries would have been far worse.

"You're finished!" Zhurong shouted as he jumped towards the fallen along with his fellow titans.

"You dare kill the members of my Demon Clan?" A proud voice shouted. Accompanying the voice was the ringing of a bell.

Zhurong, Qiangliang, and Tianwu were knocked onto their backs. Taiyi slowly descended from the sky like an exalted ruler. "You damn brutes should perish."

Holding the Chaos Bell in hand, he charged at Tianwu, but Qiangliang quickly appeared in front of the downed titan to block the attack. He blocked it but couldn't fully defend against the powerful strength behind it, sending him flying.

"Qiangliang!" Zhurong shouted. With eyes of fury, he spewed out an incinerating column of red.

Tianyi snorted and placed the Chaos Bell in front of him, blocking Zhurong's fiery breath. He promptly engaged the titans, brimming with killing intent, but although the titans were at an obvious disadvantage and received an injury in each clash, Taiyi couldn't land a decisive blow.

He turned his eyes towards the hundred giants, and killing intent spilled out.

"Stop!" came Zhurong's furious cry, but Taiyi ignored him and set about killing the giants. In the end, Tianwu only managed to save less than twenty in addition to Zhurong and Qiangliang.

Taiyi didn't chase after them and, instead, focused his attention on Nuwa and Fuxi. "Are fellow Daoists alright?"

"Many thanks for Daoist Taiyi's aid," Fuxi said as he saluted Taiyi with a cupped fist.

"What's the courtesy for? I'm the East Emperor of the Demon Clan, it is only my duty to save all demons in danger," Taiyi said. "The Titan Tribe won't give up easily. How about coming back with me to the Demon Clan's headquarters?"

Nuwa and Fuxi shared a look. They knew what Taiyi wanted, but they nodded. They could leave Buzhou Mountain and avoid conflict, but they wanted revenge!

Soon, there were only a hundred years until the Dao Ancestor's second sermon and the previous guests of Violet Heaven Palace traveled to the chaotic boundary.

When the Three Purities arrived at Jade Spirit Mountain, over half the guests had already arrived. Without talking to anyone, the three of them walked in front of Violet Heaven Palace's entrance and waited. Due to their superior strength, none of the congenital gods dared block them, staring from afar with awe.

Twenty years later, Di Jun led a group of five hundred demons to Violet Heaven Palace. The most eye-catching ones following behind him were Taiyi, Nuwa, and Fuxi. After Taiyi broke the limits of the Great Firmament Realm, many demons willingly joined the Demon Clan.

Tongtian didn't know if it was her imagination or not, but she felt that Tiayi was staring at her. However, whenever she turned to look, he was always talking to his brother. 'Is it just my imagination, or is he holding a grudge over the gourd incident?'

Not long after, the two from the West came. They learned from their first mistake and left earlier. When Tongtian laid eyes on Jieyin, her eyes widened in surprise when she saw that he had also broken the limit of the Great Firmament Realm.

'Sure enough, he has the talent and luck to become the Dao Ancestor's disciple. If the West weren't so barren, he might have equaled us, the Three Purities," Tongtian's thoughts halted to a jarring stop as she reviewed what she had just thought.

Although she admired Jieyin for his talent, that didn't mean she would praise Jieyin as her equal. The only ones capable of equalling them were the twelve titans, but she still thought she and her brothers were superior. Something altered her thoughts.

Tongtian took another look at Jieyin and frowned. Whenever she looked at him, she felt as if she was looking at a long-lost friend or sword sibling. The more she looked, the greater the feeling became. 'Just what law did Jieyin comprehend? It's terrifying to manipulate my emotions with just a look. However, it's not enough.'

She wasn't the only one who noticed. Laozi and Yuanshi did too, and they used their own methods to eliminate Jieyin's influence. An otherworldly and ethereal aura cloaked Tongtian's body. No emotion can stand the passage of time.

'I can't underestimate him, but compared to him,' Tongtian's eyes flashed towards Redcloud Ancestor, Kunpeng, Golden-Winged Great Roc, and Kong Xuan. 'None of the ones who originally sat in the front six seats and anomalies broke through their limits.'

Tongtian also looked at Nuwa with some disappointment.

Unknown to her, Kong Xuan was actually also observing the ones who broke the limits of the Great Firmament Realm. The Three Purities breaking the limit did not surprise him much, but it was Jieyin's and Taiyi's breakthrough that shocked him.

He and his brother, Jinchi, the Golden-Winged Great Roc, had also been invited by the Demon Clan with the promise of learning the method to break the limits of the Great Firmament Realm. Kong Xuan scoffed and rejected the offer then and there. He even clashed with the Demon Clan's messenger because of this. Although he defeated the messenger, he didn't kill him. It wasn't the time to have a falling out with the Demon Clan yet.

If Kong Xuan guessed correctly, the method was nothing more than using a law to temper your qi. Once your qi broke the limits of the Great Firmament Realm, use it to refine the self and break the limit.

He had already comprehended parts of the Law of Fire, Law of Water, Law of Wood, and Law of Metal. Now, he just needed to gain a glimpse of the Law of Earth to combine them into the Law of the Five Elements. Still, he wondered what law the Three Purities, Jieyin, and Taiyi used to break through the limits of the Great Firmament Realm.

He didn't have time to ponder the question for much longer as the gate to Violet Heaven Palace opened. Haotian and Yaochi exited and welcomed everyone in. Haotian glared at him as he passed, but he didn't care.

After everyone sat down and Haotian rang the Purple Gold Bell, Hongjun appeared on his cloud throne. Kong Xuan's fiery gaze focused on him.

"For the second sermon, I will explain the method to become a Quasi-Saint."

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