Mythic Cultivation: My Tongtian can’t be this Cute

Chapter 47: War Erupts

From atop the mountain, Tonggu looked down. Her gaze did not leave the scope of the mountain; it didn’t even reach the foot. No, it landed in the middle of the mountain where a piece of rather flat land existed. Standing atop the flat land was a flaxen-haired woman in yellow robes swinging a sword. It was her disciple, Gongsun Xuanyi.

Her disciple wasn’t alone on the mountainside. Well, not alone by the strictest definition.

Aside from Xuanyi, there was no other human on the mountain, but accompanying her were four animals. There were two black and white bears that towered over her at three meters. And those two were the most normal-looking ones of the group.

There was another animal, one with ash-colored fur. Compared to its brethren, it was pitifully small, standing on four legs and only reaching Xuanyi’s chest. Multiple rings of black fur circled the animal’s bushy tail, and it had a black fur around its eyes that resembled a mask. Although it appeared cute and docile, it was actually the most ferocious of the four animals. Its name was a beast known as Chu.

The last and certainly not least of the four animals reached over three and half meters even while sitting. It resembled a winged lion with a single horn growing from its forehead. Despite its ferocious appearance, it exuded a slothful aura made especially prominent as it cuddled against the two bears. It was a beast never recorded before, so Xuanyi called it a pixiu.

The four animals were native to the mountain. Except for the pair of bears, the four beasts would battle one another if they encountered each other, but in front of Xuanyi, they were as docile as pets. Xuanyi hadn’t tamed them or beat them into submission. The four just naturally gathered around her.

Xuanyi herself also felt comfortable around the four animals. Neither she nor they felt any bloodlust toward each other. She wasn’t an animal lover. During her days as a hunter, Xuanyi mercilessly slew any animal she came across and used them to clothe and feed herself.

It was a wondrous encounter that Xuanyi couldn’t help but question. Although it puzzled her, she didn’t reject the animals’ companionship. Aside from them, the only other being she talked to was her master, and that was only for guidance.

She was grateful toward her master, but that gratitude and respect caused a thin divide between the two of them. Xuanyi yearned to reach her master’s height one day, but relying solely on her master for companionship was impossible.

These beasts just so happened to fill in that void. Xuanyi couldn’t even help but wonder if her master had forseen Xuanyi’s loneliness and sent the four animals to become her companions.

Over a hundred years had passed since she met them. Xuanyi still looked the same as the day she became Tonggu’s disciple. The one thing that changed was her cultivation base. She was no longer just a strong mortal, but a practitioner of the Immortal Path.

Xuanyi firmly placed her feet on top of the earth with each movement of the swordplay. Her swordsmanship radiated denseness and heaviness, like an immovable statue. During this, the four animals that accompanied her lounged nearby, occasionally yawning with time. They always accompanied Xuanyi. Even when hunting for food, they never strayed themselves too far. If prey couldn’t be found within the limited range, they wouldn’t eat.

The animals weren’t mere beasts, as they could absorb the essence of heaven and earth. The day they opened their spirituality, they would become demons, but not like the demons that massacred the human eons ago. Instead, they would become Xuanyi’s closest companions and most devout guardians.

She continued to practice her swordplay until the sun dipped into the horizon. Once the light dimmed, Xuanyi stopped and wiped off the thin sheet of sweat covering her forehead. “I’m done.”

She released a sigh. For over a hundred years, Xuanyi had always honed her swordsmanship from dawn to dusk. Never a moment too early nor a second too late. The only exception was when she went up the mountain to seek guidance from her master or when making a breakthrough in her cultivation.

The yellow-haired swordsman looked at her four companions with a smile. “Come on, let’s return for the night.”

The animals yawned one last time before standing up and following Xuanyi. The group of five walked a bit higher up the mountain and eventually reached a natural cave carved out of the mountain. They walked in, and Xuanyi smashed two stones together to form a spark to light up the animal fat lamps.

The low flames illuminated most of the darkness of the cave. At one end, there was a bed of straw and leaves, which the two bears moved toward. The Chu climbed up the walls, curled its tail around a tree root, and hung from it. Finally, the pixiu walked towards its own corner full of objects. Unlike the bear’s bed, the pixiu liked to gather shiny objects, especially gold and silver. It looked like a terribly uncomfortable bed, but the pixiu slept on top of it as if it was made of the clouds that floated in the sky.

As for Xuanyi? She walked deeper into the cave until she reached a dead end.

She didn’t know why, but she felt a sense of closeness to this space, like a home away from home. This place was the reason why she hadn’t felt very homesick despite the long years away. Adding up all the years she lived, she spent far more time away from her brother than together. It would be a lie to say she didn’t miss him and other people, but the sense of intimacy eased those feelings.

Furthermore, her cultivation rose by leaps and bounds when cultivating in the depth of this cave. Cultivating in this location yielded twice the effect with half the effort compared to outside.

Xuanyi expected the idyllic days to last for at least a few more decades, but she received a message from her master to ascend up the mountain and meet her before the sun rose. This was the first time that Tonggu had summoned her since she accepted Xuanyi as a disciple.

“Master, is there something wrong?” she asked upon seeing her master.

Tonggu was lazily laying her back against the tree. Were it not for her giant size, she would look like a person who had just gotten tired and decided to take a brief rest. Instead of answering Xuanyi’s question, Tonggu replied with one of her own. “Disciple, how long have you stayed here?”

Although confused, Xuanyi answered honestly. “A hundred and twenty-nine years, Master.”

“So short?”

Although Tonggu only meant to whisper to herself, Xuanyi still heard her. Her expression became flabbergasted. Was a hundred twenty-nine years short? For a congenital god like Tonggu, perhaps. But to a human like her, it was more than the sum of all the years she lived.

“And what have you learned during your years on the mountain?” Tonggu asked.

One by one, Xuanyi reported what she learned. “For over a hundred years, I have studied the sword. I have also reached the Sky Immortal Realm of the Supreme Purity Scripture. Although I do not cultivate the Nine Revolution Arcane Art, I have learned many of the techniques in it.”

Tonggu nodded. “Your strength is no longer considered weak in the Three Realms, but neither are you strong. Disciple, it’s time for you to descend the mountain and return to your brother.”

“Are you chasing me away, Master?”

Tonggu shook her head. “You’ve been on this mountain, secluded from the outside world for too long. Soon, a great war will erupt between two forces to determine the third ruler of humanity. At this time, you should support your brother,” Tonggu said.

Xuanyi’s pupils shrank into needlepoints. “Is it dangerous?”

“Yes,” Tonggu said, with no reservations. “How can it not be? The future of humanity hangs in the balance. The loser will likely suffer a fate worse than death.”

“Can’t Master intervene? With Master’s power, isn’t it simple to choose humanity’s next ruler?” Xuanyi asked.

An amused smile appeared on Tonggu’s face. “This is a matter of the human race. Unless one side discards their humanity, it would be problematic for immortals like us to intervene. To intervene means bearing karma. The karmic ties can help us, but just as likely, it can hinder us.”

Xuanyi’s expression fell.

“You don’t have to worry too much. Your brother still has a very high chance of becoming humanity’s next ruler,” Tonggu comforted.

Tonggu waved her hand, and a sword forged from bronze appeared in front of her. The bronze sword was over ten meters long, but after it floated in front of Xuanyi, it shrunk until it was a perfect fit in her hands. “Take this. When the time is right, the true ruler of humanity will pull the sword out of its scabbard.”

“Thank you, Master!” Xuanyi said. She hugged the sword to her chest. For the first time she laid eyes on it, she felt a sense of intimacy, yet also melancholy. She even had the urge to keep it, but logic won out. Xuanyi planned to give it to her brother when they reunited.

“Since there’s nothing left, go,” Tonggu said.

“Disciple bids Master farewell,” Xuanyi said. She kneeled on the ground and knocked her head on the ground nine times before turning around and leaving.

Tonggu said nothing as she watched Xuanyi descend the mountain. Finally, when her eyes could no longer see Xuanyi or her four animals’ backs, she turned toward the side. “Aren’t you going to meet her? After all, she’s your third sister.”

From behind the tree Tonggu leaned on, out stepped a middle-aged man with white hair growing out of his temples. He wore simple white robes and appeared ordinary. “I’m happy that she is alive again, but meeting again is too awkward. I know her, but she doesn’t remember me. Also, she’s a bit different from what I remember. Much more violent.”

Tonggu’s laughter answered Wutian’s words. “What, violent? Xuanyi is just pursuing strength. Although she has forgotten the memories of her past life, the desire to become strong has deeply embedded itself into her soul.”

She stared at Wutian. “Also, didn’t you say you had no intention of accepting Xuanyuan as your disciple? Why is he learning your Eight Source Ascension Art?”

“It’s just a coincidence. Just like how Youxiong discovered my Eight Source Ascension Art and created the Hasbeart External Art, Xuanyuan was lucky enough to stumble upon one of my inheritances,” Wutian said with a shrug. “But I didn’t expect him to worship me, causing my Karmic Luck to increase.”

Tonggu rolled her eyes. Who would believe him?

Not long later, Wutian left, leaving Tonggu alone. Finally alone, she narrowed her eyes and stared at the cave Xuanyi called home. This wasn’t a simple no name mountain, but the spiritual mountain which birthed the Kongtong Seal. The essence of heaven and earth might have declined, but it did not take away the special origin of this mountain.

“Is it really a coincidence?” Tonggu looked up and at the heavens, specifically where her true body was. “I hope I’m not overthinking.”

Xuanyi journeyed back to Zhuolu. Along the way, she came across many more cities, towns, and villages. It was a far cry from the sparsely populated scenery she had crossed when searching for a master. Before, human settlements were concentrated near those powerful clans. Now, in Xuanyuan’s territory, they were evenly dispersed.

But they weren’t haphazardly strewn across his territory. There was a certain pattern to them that brought about a unique charm. After a certain distance, Xuanyi would come across a city or another kind of human settlement. She couldn’t walk a hundred kilometers without seeing patches of farmlands.

Of course, it wasn’t completely uniform. Humanity had not reached the point of transforming the terrain on a greater scale.

However, it was already amazing to reach this point. Xuanyi had never gone to the wastelands or the West, but she didn’t think her brother’s opponent would be able to convert the region into a prosperous paradise like he had.

Upon entering Zhuolu, an air of festivity filled the air. Red banners filled the streets and bundles of red hydrangea flowers hung around every corner. ‘Did Brother find me another sister-in-law?’

It was not the first time she had seen such an occasion. The only difference was the ones she experienced paled in comparison. It was no wonder. After all, Zhuolu had grown tremendously in the years she was away, and the population had increased even more than the city itself. Comparing the prosperity of the capital of Xuanyuan Territory with the other cities was akin to comparing stone and mud.

Xuanyi slowly walked through the streets, trying to synchronize the landmarks she once knew with its current iteration. Only when she arrived at the palace in the center of the city did she feel something familiar. Even then, the palace had also undergone a dramatic change. Xuanyi only recognized fifty percent of its structure.

She blinked in surprise when she saw the guards. They didn’t exude the aura of immortality, but the energy they possessed was equal to an Earth Immortal’s essence. Xuanyi originally thought that she would return with great fanfare and surprise her brother with her newfound strength, but it seemed that it would not be so simple. If the two guards were equal to Earth Immortals, surely her brother would have the power of a Sky Immortal?

Still, she slipped past the two guards. Although Xuanyi was only a realm higher than the two guards, she had learned many techniques. Although she was in the Sky Immortal Realm, her true combat potential equaled an average Profound Immortal.

Involuntarily, Xuanyi found herself walking to the bride’s room. The sky had not yet become dark, meaning that her brother should still be entertaining guests. Only when dusk arrived will her brother and the newly married wife spend the night. Before then, she wanted to take a peek at her fourth sister-in-law.

Xuanyi’s expectations rose. All three of her sister-in-laws were beautiful women of different types. If one rated them, they would all receive ten out of ten ratings, but ranking them from the best to worst depended on personal taste.

“Stop, who are you!?”

Just before Xuanyi reached her new sister-in-law’s room, a warrior appeared. She blinked as she looked at the guard up and down. “You’re actually in the Sky Immortal Realm?”

The guard snorted. “What Sky Immortal? I’m a Sky Warrior. Intruder, you better not resist. Maybe His Majesty will feel merciful and spare you the death punishment.”

An unnatural smile appeared on Xuanyi’s face. Death punishment? As if her brother dared. Still, she stared at the guard, wondering what expression he would make upon discovering her identity.

The guard felt all the hair on his body rise from Xuanyi’s strange gaze. He growled and reached for the weapon on his waist. The moment he was about to brandish his weapon toward Xuanyi, a voice stopped him.


“Your Majesty!” the guard said upon seeing a beautiful woman, who appeared to be in her early thirties and dressed in a grand yellow dress, come forward. When he saw her walking toward the intruder, he couldn’t help but call out, “Be careful!”

However, neither the woman nor Xuanyi paid attention to the guard. The woman in yellow smiled. “Long time no see, Sister Xuanyi.”

Xuanyi also smiled as she looked the woman up and down. “I was gone for a hundred years, but I didn’t expect you to also become a Sky Immortal, First Sister-in-Law.”

The woman in yellow was Xuanyi’s first sister-in-law and Xuanyuan’s first wife, Xi Lingshi. She smiled and reached for Xuanyi’s hands. She turned toward the guard. “Why haven’t you greeted the princess yet?”

The guard, who was stunned by the turn of events, quickly sheathed his weapon and kneeled. Although he was one of the strongest humans under Xuanyuan’s control, he had only joined after Xuanyi left. He knew of her, but didn’t know what she looked like at all. “Warrior Pingcheng greets Princess Xuanyi. Please forgive my earlier offense.”

Xuanyi stilled. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to forgive the guard, but his mannerism caught her off guard. She had already sensed it, but the etiquette had completely changed. Everything was proper, and it all felt foreign to her. As Xuanyuan’s sister, how should she answer?

“Okay, just make sure not to let it happen again,” Xi Lingshi said for Xuanyi upon seeing the latter’s befuddlement.

Once the guard hid himself again, Xi Lingshi smiled and brought Xuanyi to the banquet hall, where brother and sister reunited. “Brother, you’re already a Profound Warrior?”

On the way, Xi Lingshi had already explained what happened to the Gongsun Tribe—no, it should be the Gongsun Clan now—and the developments. Under Xuanyuan’s civil management, the prosperity of the territory under him grew exponentially. The only flaw was that there were no powerful experts like the Jiuli Tribe. That all changed when Xuanyuan chanced upon a martial inheritance, the Eight Source Ascension Art.

Naturally, the creator of the Eight Source Ascension Art could not be hidden for long. When Xuanyuan discovered the creator of the cultivation method was the Martial Ancestor, he led the entire city in burning incense in respect and gratitude to him.

Although the Eight Source Ascension Art was amazing, few people had the qualifications to learn it. Xuanyuan could, but most of humanity couldn’t. So, like his ancestor, Youxiong, Xuanyuan condensed his understanding of the Eight Source Ascension Art and created the Xuanyuan Inner Canon. From there, he disseminated it throughout the territories under his control, erasing the greatest flaw of his bid for hegemony.

Still, it surprised Xuanyi how fast Xuanyuan grew. She, who had the guidance of a major power, only reached the Sky Immortal Realm after a hundred and twenty-nine years, while Xuanyuan directly reached the Profound Warrior Realm. ‘With his talent, Brother must become the next ruler!’

The two siblings didn’t talk for long. Xuanyuan introduced Xuanyi to his subordinates. While Xuanyi observed them, they observed her in turn. Standing side by side with Xuanyuan, it was clear to all that the two were related. Although Xuanyuan appeared in his mid-fifties and Xuanyi looked young enough to be his daughter, no one would think the two were father and daughter.

Because the two exuded the same majestic aura. Xuanyuan had developed a noble and majestic temperament from his years of ruling his territories. Even if he was really just a regular mortal, not many Profound Immortals could eclipse him in terms of aura. And Xuanyi? Although her aura wasn’t as strong as Xuanyuan, she also exuded a sense of majesty.

The ministers and subordinates of Xuanyuan could only sigh in amazement. Sure enough, they were brother and sister.

After introducing them, Xuanyi and Xuanyuan separated. Although it was a scene of celebration, Xuanyuan’s work did not end. Because he did not use force to unite humanity like Chiyou, many factions formed under his control. He had to manage every faction's strength and coordinate them. If he messed up, not only would he waste a large amount of manpower and resources, it would hinder the goal and might even waste all the manpower and resources invested.

It was tiring work, but Xuanyuan did not complain. Since he had the ability, he would shoulder the fate of humanity.

Xuanyi did not regroup with Xi Lingshi, Feng Leishi, or Tong Yushi. If Xuanyuan was the leader of the men, then the three of them were the leaders of the women. As such, they also had to manage them. Although most women did not hold much power, they held a significant amount of sway over their spouses. Never underestimate the ability of a woman to influence their husband, especially in bed.

So, Xuanyi stood in this crowd of unknown faces alone. She sighed. At this moment, she realized that many things had changed, and she could no longer return to those carefree days.

A few hours later, Xuanyuan left to spend the night with his fourth wife. His fourth wife was a woman by the name of Momu. If Xuanyuan’s first three wives were three beauties of different types, then Momu was the complete opposite.

It was said that Xi Lingshi was pleasant to look at even without cosmetics, then Momu was terrible to look at even with cosmetics, such was her ugliness. A face with no definite proportions, a forehead that resembled a spindle, a nose as thin as string, a body as wide as a box, and skin the color of lacquer.

With such qualities, many people disagreed with Xuanyuan’s decisions to marry Momu, especially those clan leaders and ministers with daughters. However, Xuanyuan said a woman’s virtue should not be solely based on their appearance, but their deeds.

Although lacking in physical features, Momu had a bright mind. She was a renowned healer in the land under Xuanyuan’s territory, with a gentle nature, inventive ingenuity, and medical prowess. However, what caught Xuanyuan’s attention was when Momu invented the mirror.

And so, he decided that Momu would be his fourth and final wife.

When Xuanyuan’s marriage ceremony ended, Xuanyuan’s territory entered another round of development, but before it could finish, the Jiuli Tribe invaded.

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