Mythic Cultivation: My Tongtian can’t be this Cute

Chapter 49: First Clash

Inside a tent built out of iron rods and leather stood a group of humans crowding around a diorama of the surrounding land. They were Gongsun Xuanyuan, Xuanyi, and his generals. There was a tense silence as their gazes pierced the diorama. It was as if it had a physical presence, grasping their throats and preventing them from speaking.

“Their army numbers in the millions,” General Fei’s replacement, General Zhang, said. “The information our spies sent us indicates that the Jiuli Tribe moved their entire population. They’re here to stay.”

“Is it possible that a portion of their numbers are non combatants?”

General Zhang shook his head. “There are no noncombatants in the Jiuli Tribe. Every single one of them is a warrior. Even their slaves are fighters, because only the strong survive under them.”

“In other words, Chiyou is betting everything. If we can win, it will devastate them for years to come,” Xuanyuan concluded.

“But our army is only a fraction of theirs,” General Zhang said.

“It will be a difficult victory,” Xuanyuan said. “But do not forget our advantages. Our weapons and armor are superior to theirs. They rely on skin and fist, while we have swords and shields. Whatever attacks that make it pass will be blocked by armor. It’ll be difficult for them to defeat us.”

Xuanyuan scanned his generals and sister. “But at the same time, defense will not lead to victory. We can fight a defensive battle, but victory will not come easy.”

“Even if we can’t win, we can hold them off. The more time passes, the more equipment and soldiers we will have. And victory is a foregone conclusion,” a general said.

Xuanyi glanced at him. She opened her mouth, but in the end, she said nothing and looked away.

“That’s true,” Xuanyuan said. “However, is it not the same for them? The Jiuli Tribe lived on desolate lands, but once they spread their roots here, they will also be able to seize equipment. It may not be as good as ours, but by then, our greatest advantage will weaken. No, we must push them out.”

All the generals frowned. Because of the sudden invasion, they had not received accurate information about Chiyou’s army. Because of that, they only sent five legions. That resulted in the death of a sizable fraction of their army and took away their initiative.

None of them expected Chiyou to be so bold as to relocate the entire Jiuli Tribe out of nowhere. Had it not been for the East’s plentiful resources, such a massive migration would have caused a major percentage of his tribe's people to die.

Before anyone realized it, Chiyou had already nailed himself to the East, and it would take much more effort to pull out that nail.

“It’s impossible for us to push them out with the difference in numbers,” General Zhang said. “Your Majesty, I suggest a decapitation strategy. Since we can’t compete in numbers, we have to kill their commanders. Once we take Chiyou’s head, or his nine generals’, their morale will fall and give us a chance. The more their pillars are beheaded, the greater the chance of success.”

Xuanyuan nodded in agreement. “Beloved official’s words are correct. This is the best strategy.”

“Brother,” Xuanyi said, taking this moment to stand out. “Will it really be so easy? The strategy hinges on our side having more powerhouses than them. The Jiuli Tribe’s physique is much stronger than the average human. Will our powerhouses outnumber theirs? Even if we do, can we compete? Their warriors have been honed through countless life-and-death situations.”

The generals looked indignant, but owing to the fact that Xuanyi had warned the folly of General Fei’s actions, they did not dare to question her foresight. So, they turned to Xuanyuan, hoping that he would give them guidance and morale.

“Then what do you suggest?”

“Call for aid,” Xuanyi said. “During my years under Master, I learned about the location of several immortals. As long as we seek them out, a few should heed our call for aid. We can also openly recruit these wandering immortals.”

The generals who heard this also perked up their ears and sought their liege’s response.

Xuanyuan did not show any disapproval, but asked. “Then what would be their reimbursement? How can we expect them to help us? If they help us, there must be a price. Besides, they are not human. Not of one race, not of one heart.”

“But then, the casualties will be much higher,” Xuanyi said, frowning.

“It is a trial humanity must undergo,” Xuanyuan said. “How can humanity stand up on its own two legs if it must seek outside aid in this civil strife? Enough, my mind is made. Humanity will not seek external aid.”

Xuanyi sighed and nodded. She wasn’t a ruler, and her brother must have foreseen what her eyes and mind couldn’t predict.

With the overall strategy decided, the war council moved onto refining a plan to behead the Jiuli Tribe’s leaders. After ironing out the plan, everyone dispersed. They needed to alert their subordinates to the plan. For Xuanyi, she didn’t need to do anything but rest.

Unlike the others that attended the war council, she had no official position or duties. All she needed to do was to make sure she could exert her maximum strength.


She turned around and saw her brother. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be preparing?”

“I just wanted to talk to you alone,” Xuanyuan said as he stood next to his sister. The two stood alone, as if they were the only pair of humans in the world. “The next battle will be dangerous beyond anything we have ever experienced.”

“Don’t tell me you want me to sit it out? I’m telling you that it’s impossible,” Xuanyi said.

Xuanyuan smiled. “I wish. But even I know how dangerous it is. To win, I have to be able to use everything, even if it means sending out my dear sister into battle.”

Xuanyi stared at her brother. For a moment, it felt as if the space between them had transformed into an untraversable gulf separating the two forever. “You’re a good leader.”

“Of course I want you to be as safe as possible. If anything, I hope you can avoid Chiyou in the upcoming battle,” Xuanyuan quickly added. “I just came to speak to you regarding your gift to me.”

Xuanyi glanced down at the bronze sword resting in its scabbard on her brother’s waist. “You mean the sword Master gave me?”

“Yes.” Xuanyuan nodded. “Although it’s only a weapon, I don’t plan on unsheathing it.”

“Even if your life is in danger?”

“Yes,” Xuanyuan said again. “Your Master said that only the ruler of humanity can unsheathe it. But, it is ultimately not something humans made. To call it the sword of humanity is giving outsiders the right to decide humanity’s ruler. Only humanity can decide its ruler. So I don’t plan on unsheathing it.”

Xuanyi opened her mouth. She wanted to call him stupid, idiot, and foolish, but when she saw the determination in his eyes, the words disappeared from her tongue. She could only sigh. “You’ve become more willful.”

He laughed. “I prefer to call it wise.”

The two siblings stood next to each other in silence for hours, knowing that this may be the last peaceful time they would spend together.

Days later, Xuanyuan stood in front of an army a million strong, each one dressed in armor and armed with a sword and shield. Across from them stood Chiyou, a saber sheathed at his waist and riding atop a ferocious beast with orange fur and black stripes, a tiger. Behind him stood the members of the Jiuli Tribe dressed similarly to Chiyou, bare chested. Their sun-beaten skin had a reddish-bronze tint that differentiated them from the fair-skinned humans of the East.

For the first time, the two overlords with the greatest chance of inheriting Sovereign Shennong’s mantle laid eyes on each other. It was a stark but predictable contrast. Both of them had already gleaned what they needed from the brief interaction prior.

The two needed no words. Everything that needed to be said had already been said.

“My people,” Xuanyuan began, his sonorous voice spreading to every corner of his army and even the front of the Jiuli Tribe. “The time of battle is upon us. It is a war that must be fought. Chiyou is barbaric and cares not for the common people, those who live under him will suffer.”

The soldiers felt shaken, and their commanders fell grim. “My people, think of those behind you, supporting you. Your parents and ancestors. Think of the people you support: your children and your younger siblings. It is for those reasons that you fight, not just honor and glory.”

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. “It is a war that must be won. The losses will no doubt be tragic, but will you back away in fear of death? No—”

Xuanyuan’s rousing speech was interrupted as Chiyou released a roar that shook the earth. “Weak, cowardly men! Die and become the foundation of my, Chiyou, rise!”

Chiyou’s figure seemed to grow, as if imprinting itself into the hearts of all those who saw him. It brought his soldiers courage and instilled fear into his enemies. He charged straight toward Xuanyuan’s army atop his steed, with the Jiuli Tribe following close behind.

Xuanyuan frowned. He wanted to raise morale, but Chiyou interrupted at a crucial point before he could finish. If he did not reassure his army, their combat effectiveness might fall to even less than before his speech. He snorted, and it thundered into all ears on the battlefield. “Now’s the time, my soldiers. Go forth and slay the calamity of humanity!”

His army marched forward with their shield held high and spears ready to thrust. They were like a mobile wall, impervious to any mortal stampede. However, Chiyou was more than mortal and he ripped through the first layer of soldiers as if tearing through paper.

Soldiers flew into the air, their breath stopped as their eyes dimmed, never to reflect the light of life again. Chiyou was like an elephant stomping ants to death with each movement. Even a casual swipe from his arms killed hundreds of soldiers in an instant. It was only natural. After all, he had the power of a peak Profound Warrior and the majority of the soldiers weren’t even Earth Warriors.

Not just him, but his nine generals showed similar ferocity. They did not have the same intensity or power as him, but their strength eclipsed any individual member of Xuanyuan’s army. They were like wolves preying on a herd of sheep.

“Stop!” Xuanyuan shouted. He was only one man, and could not face Chiyou and his nine generals alone, but he still bravely blocked Chiyou.

Chiyou’s power at the peak of the Profound Warrior Realm shocked him. His nine generals displayed strength in the early Profound Warrior Realm, at the very least. Not only did the Jiuli Tribe have more experts than Xuanyuan’s army, but they had more soldiers as well.

In order to reverse the situation, he had to defeat Chiyou to sow discord and doubt among the Jiuli Tribe, and he had to do it fast. Not just to reduce the casualty as much as possible, but to prevent the nine generals from aiding Chiyou. Once that happened, he would have no chance.

Xuanyuan appeared in front of Chiyou with his fist reared back. He bellowed as he punched forward with all his strength.

Instead of shrinking back, Chiyou released a savage grin as he punched, too. Fist collided against fist. The collision lasted for only an instant as the kinetic energy forced both punches to rebound backward. Xuanyuan skidded back while Chiyou was knocked off his tiger.

Xuanyuan hissed as pain erupted from his knuckle and a numbing sensation spread up through his forearm. Chiyou also felt the same sensation, but having far more battle experience, he ignored it and continued to attack, releasing a punch with his uninjured hand.

The elder Gongsun twin could only do his best to dodge Chiyou’s punch, the pain dulling his reaction. From then on, he could only defend as Chiyou went on the offensive, not giving him a chance to counterattack.

“Your Majesty!” a few soldiers called out. They gritted their teeth and charged forward with their spears in place to skewer Chiyou.

Alas, their spears did nothing but screech as they slid across his skin, failing to even puncture it. In fact, it only enraged Chiyou further. He waved his hand, sending the brave spearmen to their deaths. However, their death did accomplish one thing: give Xuanyuan an opportunity to breathe and attack.

Xuanyuan poured the anger he felt from the death of his men into his attack and unleashed several punches on Chiyou. Chiyou, not one to back down, retaliated. Even with the opportunity created from the death of his men, he found it difficult to suppress Chiyou. The latter began overwhelming him the longer the two traded blows.

Chiyou laughed. “Xuanyuan, I didn’t expect you to have such strength. Even among my nine generals, you can be considered among the stronger ones. Submit to me and I will spare your life!”

“Chiyou, just kill me if you wish. Why are you trying to humiliate me? I will tell you right now, I will not acknowledge you even in death!” Xuanyuan roared.

“Then die.” Chiyou increased the ferocity of his attacks. He dodged less, allowing Xuanyuan’s fists to land on his body more frequently, but simultaneously, Xuanyuan also received several punches.

The two continued to trade blows. The stalemate would have lasted for a long while, but out of nowhere, a barbarian nearly as tall as Chiyou came and kicked Xuanyuan, sending him flying away.

“Are you alright, Sire?”

Instead of joy, Chiyou glared at the barbarian, one of his generals. “Heliu, don’t you dare interrupt my battle with Xuanyuan? He’s my prey! Do you think me so weak that I would need help?”

Heliu quickly shook his head. “No, Sire, I didn’t mean it like that. How could I doubt your strength?”

“Then leave.” Chiyou didn’t waste any more words and slapped Heliu away, sending him flying back.

While Chiyou sought out Xuanyuan, the battle between the two armies raged on. Five of Chiyou’s nine generals were held back by Xuanyuan’s generals, but like him, they were suppressed and could only force a stalemate. One general was held back by four beasts: the Chu, two bears, and the pixiu who followed Xuanyi from Kongtong Mountain.

The rest of the three generals were free to wreak havoc among Xuanyuan’s army. Chiyou’s tiger also contributed, but compared to the top combat powers, it made no splash in the chaos of war.

Among Xuanyuan and his top combat powers, only Xuanyi stayed behind. Not because she feared battle. If anything, she wanted to join the fray, but reason held her back. She observed the battle between the two armies and saw chaos.

The soldiers of both armies just crashed into each other with no order. It was every man for himself, and it just seemed like a collection of group battles rather than a war conducted between two armies. Although she didn’t consider herself a master tactician, she quickly shouted orders throughout the battlefield to reorganize the disarray, nipping the weak points of the front line and emphasizing the advantages.

As time passed, the balance of the battle shifted. Although the Jiuli Tribe still held the overwhelming advantage, their offensive no longer progressed. Casualties decreased on Xuanyuan’s side, while increasing within Chiyou’s army. The most deaths came from his three unrestrained generals’.

For a time, the two armies reached a delicate balance, with neither side progressing. But Xuanyi knew this would not last long. If nothing happened, then Chiyou’s force would eventually break through Xuanyuan’s blockade and win the battle, causing countless casualties and making the following battles all the more difficult.

Sweat poured down Xuanyi’s forehead. She had not partaken in battle, yet the stress she experienced was not one iota less than her brother’s, some might say even greater. Her mental fatigue accumulated as she weighed the gains and losses of each command she gave. She knew that one wrong order could cause catastrophe for the army; the lives of each soldier were in her hands.

Xuanyi clutched the scabbard on her waist so hard that her knuckles turned white. Unaware, she observed the entire battlefield, not allowing a single detail to escape her senses. Naturally, such high-intensity scrutiny drained her spiritually.

“Right wing, retreat five li back and secure the defensive line. Vanguards, retreat; shielders, step forth!”

“Central legion, maintain your position at all costs!”

“Third legion, move one li to the right. One of Chiyou’s nine generals is coming your way. Prepare yourself!”

“Sixth and eighth legions, brace yourself! Kuafu and General Zhang’s battle is moving toward you!”

Xuanyi shouted command after command. A small part of her wondered if she was going to use up all the saliva in her lifetime. Would her mouth be forever dry after this battle?

“No!” she shouted.

Baiye and Tingle, two of Chiyou’s generals, teamed up to defeat the squad of Profound and Sky Warriors keeping them at bay. As the battle raged on, more and more Sky Warriors died, giving the advantage to the two members of the Jiuli Tribe. And now, a Profound Warrior died, completely breaking the balance.

No matter how she predicted events and shouted commands, there were always things out of her control. Xuanyi could only watch as Baiye and Tingle jumped into the middle of the seventh legion and wrought havoc. Their nearly three-meter tall stature grew until they resemble giants twenty meters tall. Of course, this was only a hallucination brought about by their aura, but the impact could not be neglected.

Xuanyi wanted to charge in and block the two herself. Even though she was a Sky Immortal, she was confident she could stall two Profound Warrior level fighters. However, she stayed put. She knew that commanding from the back would maximize her usage instead of charging into the fray as another soldier.

However, that did not solve the problem before her. Xuanyi sighed. They needed to retreat. The battle could no longer be won or even end in a tie. The best solution now would be to suffer a loss now in order to win the war. As long as they retreated and gave up some land, they would be able to preserve most of their fighting power.

She contacted her brother and told him about the situation. The message distracted Xuanyan, allowing Chiyou to land another punch on him, but he did not care. Right now, he had to decide whether to continue fighting or not. It’s not that he didn’t believe his sister’s judgment, but losing the first battle would invariably lower his prestige and the unity of his men, creating an even greater disadvantage.

Xuanyuan turned to see the tragic situation of his army. For a moment, he briefly entertained the idea of going all out to kill at least one of Chiyou’s nine generals to shock the Jiuli Tribe and keep his army’s morale even after they retreated. Alas, he could not bear to think about the amount of casualties it would take.

Just as he went to give an order to retreat, the battlefield changed.

Light rained down upon the battlefield, striking the Jiuli Tribe’s army and sowing confusion and destruction. Only those in the Sky Warrior Realm or above could make out the shape of the lights. They were sword-shaped energies released by thirteen humans, each holding a sword in hand, standing in the sky.

“Who are you!?” Chiyou bellowed, stopping his attack on Xuanyuan and glaring at the thirteen swordsmen.

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