Mythic Cultivation: My Tongtian can’t be this Cute

Chapter 60: Haotian Returns to Heaven

Yu the Great’s reign lasted for one hundred twenty-nine thousand and six hundred years. When he ascended, he reached the peak of the Quasi-Saint Realm, comparable to Zhuanxu. As the last ruler of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, there was no need to select a successor from the talents among humanity. Instead, he chose his eldest son, Xia Qi, as his successor.

From then on, the elective monarchy of the government transformed into a hereditary monarch. From then on, the first human dynasty came into being. Its name was Xia.

However, the major powers of the Three Realms no longer paid attention to humanity. It was as if the era of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors had condensed all of humanity’s luck, past and future, into that single era. The talent of humanity declined at a rapid rate.

The lifespan of regular humans decreased, and those that didn’t cultivate lived only sixty to eighty years at most, and only if they lived in the best environment. For those living in a harsh environment, they might not even reach forty.

The number of humans capable of cultivating also decreased. Earth Immortals, who were as common as clouds, became rare experts in the human world. Because of this, cultivation increased in popularity. Humans were very contrary creatures. If they could get something easily, they would not appreciate it, but when it became hard, they learned to cherish it.

As the son of Yu the Great, Xia Qi also learned from one of the Interception Sect’s inner disciples. Because of this, the influence of the Interception Sect spread far and wide. When Xia Qi had children, he would ask a member of the Interception Sect to teach his children. Daoist temples were a staple in almost every city.

The Twelve Golden Immortals and the Mount Shu Sword Sect would also occasionally appear and accept a few nominal disciples, but their influence was only a drop in the bucket compared to the Interception Sect. Coupled with their rooted interests in the Xia Imperial Family, the Interception Sect held onto their influence.

Even martial arts could not overcome the popularity of the Interception Sect. Contemporary humans only thought martial arts helped develop the body and fight, not extend their lifespan. To succeed in martial arts, a human needed great perseverance and willpower. It took longer for martial arts to show results, especially for the weakened humans.

In comparison, the Interception Sect had created a simplified cultivation method, one that drastically reduced the talent required. Correspondingly, the potential also decreased, and many would only reach the Inner Formation Realm in their entire life.

The Human Temple dispatched many warriors to propagate the influence of martial arts and diminish the influence of the Interception Sect, but they could not change much. If they simplified martial arts too much, then it would really only become a method for humans to develop their body and fight.

The Interception Sect simply had too many members. Because of the sheer number of disciples Redcloud Ancestor accepted and the disciples his disciples accepted, many people began to call the Interception Sect, the Sect of Ten Thousand Immortals. Originally, demons composed most of the members, but now, more and more humans joined it. Just the sheer number was enough to defeat all other sects formed by the Saints.

As the years passed, Xia Qi passed the throne to his son, and his son would do the same in the years to come. Not only did the influence of the Interception Sect persist, it became more rooted. During every emperor’s reign, an immortal from the Interception Sect would hold the position of Imperial Preceptor. Because of this, Saint Redcloud occupied a large portion of humanity’s Karmic Luck and his cultivation speed increased.

The years passed, and the undercurrents between the Saints’ sects rose. Many of them wanted to increase their influence and grab a portion of humanity’s Karmic Luck, but the Interception Sect maintained their iron grip. Millions of years passed, but the Interception Sect’s influence never lost control, and the Enlightenment Sect showed faint signs of uniting with the Liberation Sect.

Because of the fights between the Saints’ sect, the tranquility of humanity declined. The Xia Dynasty also started to decline, even with the support of the Interception Sect. Their influence diminished and the border generals guarding the eastern, southern, western, and northern lands no longer heeded the emperor’s decree. These four generals became rulers in all but name.

Although these four generals didn’t openly rebel, the influence of the Xia Imperial Family declined with each generation. Finally, Xia Jie inherited the throne. He was moody, untalented, and tyrannical. He did not care for the people and only knew how to bury himself in opulence.

The people lost faith in the Xia Dynasty. The four border generals rebelled, claiming that Xia Jie lost the mandate of heaven, and thus was no longer worthy of the throne.

The war of the four generals was a proxy war between the Saints. Eventually, Shang Tang defeated the Xia Imperial Family and the other generals, proclaimed himself as king, and established the Shang Dynasty. From then on, no ruler took on the mantle of emperor.

Shang Tang made Chaoge the new capital of humanity and titled his loyal followers as princes, dukes, marquis, count, viscount, and barons. They numbered eight hundred in total and the title would pass on forever down their familial line unless the entire family line ended.

He divided the nine provinces into eight hundred prefectures and distributed them among the newly titled nobility. Although they owed allegiance to the King of Shang and had to pay tribute every year, the new nobility had near absolute control of the prefecture and could formulate a few laws. In some prefectures, the local law was stronger than the national law.

Through dismantling the former powerful centralized system and creating powerful feudal nobles, the seeds of destruction were planted, but for now, peace returned to humanity under the leadership of the Shang Dynasty. Many years passed, and during the rising prosperity of the Shang Dynasty, a child was born in the Yao Prefecture.

When the child was born, a bright light illuminated the sky, turning night to day for a few moments. Because of the miraculous phenomenon, Prince Yao named that child Yao Guang.

Yao Guang grew up in the lap of luxury, but remained humble and cared for the people. Since young, he would leave the city and help the poor and suffering, the deserted and single, the hungry and disabled. Soon, Yao Guang’s kind, intelligent, and wise reputation spread to Chaoge.

The contemporary king of Shang summoned Yao Guang. After seeing Yao Guang in person, the king instantly felt a sense of intimacy and betrothed his daughter to Yao Guang. From then on, he became the son-in-law of the king of Shang.

Yao Guang stayed in the capital of Shang and advised the king. His suggestions created a new era of prosperity for the Shang Dynasty. Not long later, his father Prince Yao died, and Yao Guang returned to the Yao Prefecture to become the next Prince Yao. However, he did not cut off contact with the king of Shang and continued to advise him.

Years later, the king of Shang died of old age and the crown prince ascended to the throne. In spite of the cooperation between the previous king and Yao Guang, the new king was very wary of Yao Guang. How could he not? He was the ruler of the Shang Dynasty, but a mere prince had higher prestige than him. Although Yao Guang had proved himself loyal, the new king worried that he secretly wanted to change the dynasty from Shang to Yao.

Just as the new king began to plot, Yao Guang announced that he would abdicate from his position to seek the Immortal Path and no longer concern himself with the mortal world. The new king was suspicious that this was a plot to lower his guard, but as the years passed and the fame of Yao Guang dwindled, he no longer worried.

The new king did not innovate or reach a new height of prosperity. But with the firm foundation established by his father and Yao Guang, he had no issue continuing the dynasty. Once again, the years passed, and when he reached his twilight years, a miraculous phenomenon occurred in the Shang Dynasty.

A radiant white light filled the sky and cascaded over the entire Shang Dynasty. Anyone touched by the light would see a shadowy figure in the center of the light. The common people bowed in reverence, praying to the gods, for only the divine could cause such a miracle.

The king of Shang was protected by the dragon qi of the country, so he did not kneel, but once he caught sight of the shadowy figure, he remembered who it was. The shadowy figure was Yao Guang, Prince Yao from two generations ago!

His mind spun. The king recalled that Yao Guang had left to pursue the Immortal Path. He originally thought that Yao Guang was just using it as an excuse to retreat and show that he had no intent on changing the dynasty. After all, the king had received the personal tutelage of an immortal from the Interception Sect. If he couldn’t succeed, how could Yao Guang?

Now, however, reality slapped him in the face. The king of Shang was filled with regret. If he had not been wary of Yao Guang, could the two have pursued the Immortal Path together? Could he have also become an immortal and possess an infinite lifespan?

While he wallowed in regret, the shadow figure spoke. His words did not travel through air, but echoed in the souls of all touched by the light.

“I was born Yao Guang, but that is not my true identity. I experienced many reincarnations. Each time I failed to embark on the Immortal Path, but I succeeded in this life and reawakened my true self.

“I was a fragment of the piece of jade formed from chaos. Thanks to the grace of the Dao Ancestor, I gained spiritually and served him as an attendant. My name is Haotian!”

“After the Titan-Demon Tribulation, I became one of the Six Great Emperors, the East Great Emperor of Greenflower,” Yao Guang—no, Haotian announced. “I stood below only one and stood above all others. All life came under my rule, and I controlled their growth. I worked tirelessly and accumulated many merits.

“When the foreigners invaded, I led my immortal army to fight against them. Unfortunately, my soul was injured because of the betrayal of one I trusted,” Haotian said. “Thanks to the grace of Her Eminence, the Jade Emperor, I underwent reincarnation and restored my soul. Now, I, Haotian, the East Great Emperor of Greenflower, have returned!”

After those final words, the brilliant radiance vanished, and the people regained their vision.

“Look, what is that!?” The speaker pointed his fingers at the center of the Earthly Realm. He didn’t need to point, because people, demons, and creatures from all walks of life saw a colossal tree. Its bronze-like bark made it resemble a metal pillar that supported the heavens and earth. It was the Allheaven Jianmu Tree that had not shown up for many eons.

Nine rays of light shot out from the Yao Prefecture toward the peak of the Allheaven Jianmu Tree. When the rays vanished from their sight, so did the colossal tree.

Haotian’s return sparked many legends, one that the people passed down for many years. In the future, many more legends would come into being because of him and his family. Humanity gained a new fervent desire for cultivation, one that would last many years to come, but that had nothing to do with Haotian.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty on your safe return!” a golden immortal said as he raised a cup of immortal wine to Haotian.

Haotian sat on the seat of honor and raised his cup in acceptance. He had returned to Vast Heaven Palace in the fourth layer of the Heavenly Realm.

On his right sat a woman donned in a white dress with complicated golden embroidery. She appeared to be in her late twenties and exuded an invisible pressure not one bit weaker than Haotian. She was Yaochi, the West Great Emperor of Curved Array, one of the Six Great Emperors like Haotian.

Sitting on Haotian’s left was a middle-aged woman who exuded a noble aura. Only, her noble aura was insignificant in the presence of so many powerful immortals attending Haotian’s returning banquet. To her left was Haotian’s younger sisters and their seven children.

All of them exuded auras of Earth Immortals, but they were rampant and uncontrolled. When Haotian ascended, he could not cut off his connection with the family he made in the mortal world, so he brought them all with him back to the Heavenly Realm. Some of his children had already died, or had too much karma with the mortal world, so he only brought seven. Still, Haotian helped extend the lives and recover the health of those that remained. He did this only up to his grandchildren, though.

“When one person is enlightened, their chicken and dogs also ascend to heaven” described the situation perfectly. Haotian used a massive amount of resources to raise his wife and seven children into the Earth Immortal Realm. Because of this, they could not control their energy.

Under the scrutiny of the immortals, each who possessed a higher cultivation base, they had to force themselves to maintain their calm facade. They dare not speak or move too much lest they make a foolish mistake. Especially Haotian’s wife, the princess of the Shang Dynasty. She kept glancing toward Yaochi before swiftly looking away.

The only one observing everything without any reservation was Haotian’s younger sister, Yao Ji. Contrary to her siblings and mother, Yao Ji’s temperament matched her youthful looks. She was like a young child, constantly looking at new and exciting things, not knowing the heights of heaven and earth.

“What’s that?” Yao Ji asked, pointing at the entrance.

Haotian and the other immortals also focused on the entrance. They had already long sensed the fluctuations before Yao Ji noticed the radiant light.

An empyrean clad in white robes walked in. He possessed a pair of white furred wings with black stripes. He was Jinxing, the Metal Luminary. “Welcome back, Your Majesty, the East Great Emperor of Greenflower. Now that you have returned, I shall return to my position next to the Jade Emperor’s side and yield all power to you.”

Jinxing waved his hand and a jade seal engraved with a flower floated toward Haotian.

Haotian accepted the Greenflower Emperor Seal and thanked Jinxing. “I will visit Her Eminence and convey my thanks.”

Jinxing nodded and left.

The banquet went on as usual. When it ended, Haotian fulfilled his promise.

When Tongtian saw Haotian, she didn’t waste words and waved her hands. A silver and gold pagoda and a mirror appeared in front of her. “Since you have returned, I will return the Eight Treasures Vast Heaven Pagoda and Vast Heaven Mirror to you.”

Upon seeing his two most precious spiritual artifacts, Haotian’s eyes lit up. “Thank you, Your Eminence.”

Tongtian nodded and dismissed Haotian. When Haotian returned to Vast Heaven, he fulfilled his duties as the Greenflower Emperor while also leaving many tasks to the subordinates who remained loyal. Most of the time, he spent cultivating. Although he had returned, he hadn’t recovered his full strength yet.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, Haotian finally returned to the peak of his previous cultivation base, the Intermediate Quasi-Saint Realm. However, he did not stop there.




A mountainous pressure emanated from the Vast Heaven Palace. One thousand li, two thousand li, four thousand li, eight thousand li, fifteen thousand li, thirty thousand li, sixty thousand li. It reached ninety thousand li before stopping and dissipating.

Inside Vast Heaven Palace, Haotian’s eyes showed elation as he saw his Corpse formed from his obsession, but he quickly suppressed his emotion. He was but an advanced Quasi-Saint now. Forget a Half-Saint, he couldn’t even compare to a peak Quasi-Saint.

Haotian’s eyes revealed a trace of hatred. “Kong Xuan, just you wait. This hatred, I will definitely repay it.”

Of course, he didn’t reveal a trace of it. He had long since learned that Kong Xuan had reached the Primordial Origin Realm. Even if he merged his three Corpses, he would only be a peak Quasi-Saint at best, not even a Half-Saint. He needed more power.

Not even someone like Haotian had the confidence to break through into the Primordial Origin Realm without any help. So, he turned his eyes toward the Earthly Realm. Specifically, on the Longevity Temple. As long as he obtained one of Zhen Yuanzi’s Grandmist Gold Qi, he could become a Saint of Earth and take revenge!

When Haotian left the Heavenly Realm, Tongtian shook her head. If Haotian sought her aid, she wouldn't mind listing him as a candidate for the second Grandmist Gold Qi in her hand. As for the first one, she would use that to sever the karma from her first life before she entered reincarnation and became an ordinary mortal in the previous iteration of Pangu’s chaosworld.

Her gaze penetrated through the thirty-three layers of the Heavenly Realm and landed on the Earthly Realm. After so many years, the Shang Dynasty had begun its decline. Soon, it would be time for the next tribulation of the Three Realms.

Tongtian sent out invitations to her brothers. It was time to plan.

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