Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 239: The True Demon and the Mythical Dragon Elephant (I)

Chapter 239: The True Demon and the Mythical Dragon Elephant (I)

"Didn't expect contribution points to show up this late at night."

As he spoke, Chen Chu slowly stood up, took out the Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd from his bracelet, and snapped his mask into place, covering his face as he looked toward the invisible Maximus.

He was in a pretty good mood right now. After killing that Giant Cult Apostle earlier that day, he had traveled nearly a thousand kilometers without encountering a single new target.

He had almost given up hope, thinking the cultists had all been eliminated, but now, someone had shown up willingly.

"Human, you actually detected my presence?" Maximus said in a deep voice as he revealed himself, feeling slightly annoyed that he’d be discovered.

Their invasion had been full of unexpected troubles. Originally, the two-week recovery period was supposed to be enough for him to recover most of his strength. But after being here for just a few days, he had been exposed and hunted by advanced cultivators.

The attack on them wasn’t even the worst part. With his strength at the beginning stage of the Sixth Demonic Mark, he could easily kill human cultivators of the same level. He wasn’t afraid of those in the late stages, either; even if he faced a temporary disadvantage, he could escape at will, and if the enemy insisted on fighting to the death, he could rely on his demonic physical strength to outlast them.

What he hadn't anticipated was that these humans would operate in groups of at least three, nor that they had cultivated the Blood Chain Demon Sealing Formation, specifically designed to trap and kill elite Purgatory Demons on the front lines.

With his demonic techniques suppressed, he had suffered minor injuries during his escape. And now, even this weak human genius had managed to detect him in his concealed state.

Looking at Maximus’s non-human form, Chen Chu showed a look of surprise in his eyes. "Which demon cult are you from? You look quite strong."

Chen Chu had never come across any information about the Purgatory Demon Clan, so he mistook Maximus as being a member of one of the demon cults, thinking that he was similar to the Blood Emissaries who could transform into monstrous beings.

Chen Chu's words made Maximus feel insulted. His voice turned icy. "Despicable human, I am a mighty true demon of the Purgatory Demon Clan, not some garbage from the Alliance of Cults. As punishment for your insult against the true demon race, I will make your death even more painful."

As he spoke, a four-meter-long spear covered in scales appeared in Maximus's hand, and a dreadful aura began to emanate from him. All of the snakes, insects, rats, and mutated creatures within a hundred-meter radius frantically fled, driven by instinctual fear.

Such an astonishing sight made Chen Chu narrow his eyes and say slowly, "A true demon from Purgatory, an alien race different from us humans."

"Indeed." Maximus lifted his chin slightly and said proudly, "The Purgatory True Demon Clan has stood tall in the infinite worlds for hundreds of thousands of years. The newly arrived human race is no match for us.

"Every member of our clan is incredibly powerful, and we can defeat all other races. When facing an opponent from the same level, we’re invincible. We are renowned throughout the infinite worlds."

"So strong! No wonder so many strong cultivators from my race have gone to the mythical world." Maximus's words made Chen Chu's expression even more serious.

The official information he had encountered upon entering the mutated beast battlefield had given him the impression that there had been a lack of power, which had prompted the desperate development of military weapons. Now he knew why.

It seemed tonight would be a fierce battle.

Maximus’s aura felt equivalent to the early stage of the Sixth Heavenly Realm, suggesting that this Purgatory Demon Clan member was quite powerful. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare claim to be invincible when facing opponents of other races from the same level.

Suddenly, Chen Chu felt a surge of excitement, his blood started to boil. Since his breakthrough, he had yet to encounter an opponent worthy of a battle. Even those demon cultists, who had been at a higher level than him, had been easily defeated within a few moves.

There was pent-up energy inside him, with nowhere to release it.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Chu felt his muscles swell slightly, as an endless power began to surge. He spoke in a deep voice and introduced himself. "Human race, Chu Batian."

Seeing this human suddenly become serious, Maximus felt an inexplicable sense of unease.

What is this? Just a middle stage Fifth Demonic Mark human genius, yet he gives me a sense of danger?

Maximus slowly stepped forward, speaking in a deep voice. "Remember the name of the one who is going to kill you today: Maximus-Derrick Holmesia Briel, a noble of the Purgatory True Demon Clan."

Seeing as Chen Chu had introduced himself in a knightly manner, Maximus responded with courtesy, a reflection of his noble upbringing in the Purgatory Clan. Of course, the main reason he responded was because Chen Chu hadn't signaled for backup. If he had, Maximus wouldn't have bothered with formalities and would have struck him down with thunderous force.


As Maximus took a step, the ground shattered instantly, the air exploded, and the demonic qi he emitted blocked out the sky, as his black demonic spear pierced through the air..

In response to this formidable strike, the roaring and trumpeting of the Dragon Elephant resounded within Chen Chu. Instantly, his muscles unleashed an explosive power, and his body even became covered in golden scales, resembling a humanoid dragon elephant.

The substantive divine and domineering aura around Chen Chu caused the surrounding air to explode, forming circles of white, turbulent waves of wind. The halberd in his hand emitted a dazzling light that stretched over five meters, making the entire weapon appear as though it was ten meters long. As he swung the halberd back and forth horizontally, waves of golden and red light illuminated the night sky.

Facing the invincible Purgatory True Demon Clan member, Chen Chu unleashed his strongest power, activating his Divine Might Tyrant Body.


As the halberd, entwined with gold and red light, swept across, the demonic qi surrounding the spear was instantly shattered. Immediately, Maximus felt an indescribable and overpowering force surging towards him.


His entire body shot out like a cannonball, stirring up a turbulent gust of air as he crashed into the forest a hundred meters away. The impact shook the forest, sending clouds of dust into the air.

Chen Chu was momentarily stunned by this scene.

Brother, didn’t you claim that your true demon clan was invincible when facing opponents at the same level? How come you couldn't even withstand one attack from me in my normal state?

Despite the demonic aura that instilled fear in living beings, he turned out to be surprisingly weak.

Maximus, who had been sent flying, was equally bewildered.

I was actually blown away by a single strike! And that human's cultivation level is a whole major realm lower than mine!?

Maximus laid in a crater created by his fall, still gripping his demonic spear as he looked at the two large trees he’d snapped during his crash landing. He wore a look of utter disbelief and self-doubt.

This disbelief quickly turned into shame, and that shame transformed into rage. An endless fury surged within him.


Cracks appeared on Maximus' black armor, and an immense burst of demonic qi erupted from within him, transforming into billowing black smoke that shot skyward. Simultaneously, an even stronger aura spread out, instilling a deep fear in all living creatures nearby.

Roar, roar, roar!

In an instant, every mutated creature in the forest, regardless of size, let out terrified roars and fled in all directions in a massive exodus driven by instinctual fear.

Crack! Crack!

Amid the dense and black demonic qi, the sound of bones stretching could be heard. Soon, accompanied by heavy footsteps, a gigantic figure emerged from the forest.

Maximus had undergone a dramatic transformation. He had grown over three meters tall, completely covered in red scales. An additional pair of thick arms had emerged from under his armpits, wielding a two-meter-long dagger in one hand and a one-and-a-half-meter-long machete in the other.

Two large lumps had also formed around his neck, looking grotesque and menacing, as if heads might emerge from them at any moment.

Most notably, however, Maximus' qi had surged nearly tenfold, creating a force field around him that caused the ground to crack continuously under the immense pressure. His prominent curved horns, combined with a snake-like tail, made him look like a demon incarnate surrounded by waves of demonic qi.

“Human, this is my true form, the True Demon Body. The state you saw earlier was merely a sealed version of myself for easier entry into your world. You should feel honored to witness my full glory.”

Chen Chu nodded slowly. “So that’s it. I was wondering why you seemed so weak.”

This time, however, Chen Chu didn’t believe Maximus’ words. It was clear even to a fool that Maximus had unleashed an explosive ultimate move, similar to the Elephant Fury Rune.


The ground exploded, and Maximus instantly vanished from his original position, charging at Chen Chu with supersonic speed.

The demonic spear in Maximus' hand glowed with a dazzling black light, distorting the surrounding light. As it moved, it appeared as if it tore a black passage through space. As he approached Chen Chu, the spear abruptly expanded and split into eight ten-meter-long spear shadows that closed in on Chen Chu from all directions.

In an instant, a circular ring of gold and red light exploded around Chen Chu, rapidly expanding to form a five-meter-high wall of true power that swept outward, shattering all of the demonic spears.


A dazzling black and gold shockwave erupted. Wherever the explosion hit, the ground collapsed, sending countless clods of earth to fly in all directions.

Amid the violent storm, the spear surrounded by black demonic qi appeared in the air, vaguely forming a ferocious shadow of demons roaring toward the sky. The spear's tip, as dark as a black hole, emitted a powerful aura that seemed capable of piercing through anything.


With the roar of a dragon elephant, a gold and red halberd pierced through the sky, changing its trajectory dozens of times to intercept the spear. The moment the halberd and demonic spear clashed, the gold and red Dragon Elephant True Power on the halberd exploded.


The brilliant golden-red light nearly illuminated the entire night sky, sending white waves of air that rolled out more than a hundred meters.

At the center of Chen Chu and Maximus' clash, the ground had collapsed, forming a crater that was twenty meters in diameter. It was as if two colossal beasts were confronting each other.

Chen Chu's wrist started to tremble, and the dragon elephant roared within him. Then, the explosive force threw the two fighters back.

The moment they landed, an explosion occurred under their feet. With a supersonic roar, golden and black light burst out from beneath them, as they clashed together again.


The heavy halberd, with its brilliant golden-red light, clashed against the dark, domineering spear enveloped in demonic qi. The explosive impact created a cacophony of shattering sounds.

Crack! Crack!

The ground beneath Chen Chu fractured and split, with rifts extending over ten meters.

Despite Maximus' bulging muscles and explosive demonic strength, he couldn’t overpower Chen Chu, whose body was covered in golden dragon scales, with the roar of the dragon elephant emanating from within him.

This was the power of the Tyrant Body Divine Might. It turned Chen Chu into a humanoid dragon elephant, with unstoppable and domineering strength.

Even with Mximus’ bloodline abilities activated, and entering his incomplete three-headed, four-armed true demon form, Chen Chu was still matching him in power.

The intangible demonic aura that inspired fear in all living things was repelled by Chen Chu’s divine aura, the clash of which causing the surrounding air to rumble with deep booms.

Looking at Chen Chu, much shorter than himself, Maximus spoke in a low voice. "Chu Batian, you have earned the right for me to remember your name."

As Maximus spoke, the daggers and machete held by his two additional arms slashed silently toward Chen Chu. The strange black light on the blades erased the light around them, moving without a sound, but then...

Chen Chu swung his halberd, dislodging it from the demonic spear. Using his right foot as an axis, he spun and swept his halberd in a circle.


The domineering halberd swept away the machete, dagger, and even the spear that had tried to pierce through once more.

At that moment, Chen Chu swung his halberd forward. The dragon elephant roars along with his divine and tyrannical aura filled the air, making him resemble an enraged dragon elephant.

Boom, boom, boom!

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