Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2339: How am I brave

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Zhang Song took the secret letter, quickly scanned it, and his heart sank, but instantly understood that the letter was not easy to come by. After reading it, it was naturally closed and returned to Yan Yan, and then Yan Yan was in front of him. Liu Zhang's face turned Mi Xin into dust.

"Evening soldiers all night, let alone say, be determined to have enough!" Liu Zhang said very seriously, "Zi Qiao, you stay, make preparations to recruit Yizhou Minfu, to ensure smooth logistics."

"As early as last year, I had transferred the grain and grass to the county town along the road to the southwest. General Yan only needed to bring the grain for three days on the march from Chengdu, Shu County to Guangdu, and then carry the three days of military food from Guangdu. Go to Wuyang, and then take grain and grass to Nan'an, all the way to the south. "Zhang Song immediately assured that Zhang Song had made arrangements when he recruited elite soldiers back to Chengdu last year.

Since ancient times, soldiers, horses, and horses have not moved ahead of the grain and grass. Only if there is no problem with logistical support, the army can move forward smoothly. The biggest problem of the expedition of the labor division is the difficulty of logistical support, and the possible problems of soil and water dissatisfaction.

The latter can be forcibly overcome by the current recovery of the spirit of the world, and the problem of the former is the troubles that have existed so far. As long as humans are still carbon-based creatures and need to eat, then logistics must not be lacking.

The ancient labor expedition logistics also has a very big problem when the road is impassable. The limit of 150 days, if the previous place to transport supplies is more than 150 days away from the place where supplies are needed, basically it can be collected give up.

The reason is very simple. No matter whether it is transported by cattle or horses, these things need to be eaten by themselves. For a distance of 150 days, people who transport materials only need to eat 300 kilos of food. More, but more food.

In this way, there is a limit distance in mathematical terms, that is, the maximum amount of materials that these people can carry and the amount of consumption per day will have a limit time.

Even with it, there will be a cost ratio, which is the question of whether it is worthwhile to eat less on the road than it is in the past. Generally speaking, half of the food eaten on the road and half of the past is already the limit of the war.

Of course, both Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu had eaten 90% of them on the road, and only 10% of them were delivered. I will also kill you.

Therefore, it is only in the art of war that the enemy is eaten, and the enemy is eaten for one minute, which is ten minutes better than me, but relatively speaking, the more the materials are eaten by the logistics delivery team, the faster the speed of delivery. Quick, after all, things are less and it's easier to ship.

Generally speaking, for an army carrying three to five days of dry food, as long as the quality of the dry food is reliable, it only needs to solve the drinking water problem, and the logistics does not need to be carried. The army carrying about seven days of military food can guarantee its own marching speed and will not be carried by the heavy load. drag.

From Shujun to the Indochina Peninsula, fight once, Zhang Song ’s suicide came back to solve the problem of sending troops again. It is really necessary to transport materials from Shujun as logistics support. If an accident occurs in the front, Shujun ’s conscription is ready for five months. In the past, Zhang Song had time to think that the daylily was not cold, it was estimated that it was all over, and it was a ghost.

Therefore, the first thing Zhang Song killed back last year was to solve the logistics problem, and logistics transportation must not be a problem that restricts the speed of marching.

There were only two ways Zhang Song could think of at the time. One was to build roads, but save it. The area near Chengdu has not been repaired, and the Hancheng Expressway in the north has not been repaired. This is not a matter of money. It is directly manpower. The problem.

The group of Zhang Su, Wang Lei, Huang Quan, and Li Hui beeped at the time to build a road from Zhongnan to Chengdu. Not to mention the start of work, the agenda was not mentioned. The group of unlucky children crossed the southwest. Still need to drill the forest.

Naturally, the most execution-worthy plan prevented the manpower from being killed. Zhang Song could only use his brain power. While dealing with Sichuan and Sichuan affairs, he tried to find a way around. Finally, he accidentally thought of a word called light illness preparation.

Why is the speed of the army moving slowly? To put it bluntly, it is because when the army is marching, it is necessary to ensure that the slowest part will not be disconnected, so the entire army will be particularly slow.

Just like the mixed infantry and legion, why the marching speed is the same as that of the infantry? To put it bluntly, it is not to take care of the slowest part. It is not the fastest legion but the slowest legion that determines the fastest marching speed of a legion.

If you think about it this way, Sichuan and Sichuan are basically infantry, and the standard marching speed is not slow when all the soldiers are fine soldiers. The reason is that it will delay the time. Isn't it just a squadron, and the more time the squadron drags on? Long, the more food needed, the more food, the slower the speed.

It is simply a vicious circle.

With a big stroke, Zhang Song directly cut the squadron, and chopped the squadron. When the soldiers were all elite veterans, the speed was at least five times faster.

Okay, let ’s do it now. Now we just need to think about how to live without the soldiers of the squadron. This is not a problem for Zhang Song, a person with the spiritual talent to find teammates. The spiritual talent that can be used three times a year is It takes one time to solve this problem, and the problem is solved. Don't rush the team and set up a grain storage point directly.

As long as each soldier carries no more than 15 kilograms of dry food, that is, a seven-day meal, it does not affect the marching speed. That is to say, as long as each food hoarding point is separated by no more than a seven-day march, the Shu army can achieve light illness. preparation.

The remaining problem is the setting of food storage points. Anyway, Liu Zhang basically doesn't care. How to arrange the house is also Zhang Song's own matter. In this way, Zhang Song directly changed the distribution of the house in Shujun, and even began to concentrate on it. The population of each of the main counties and counties guarantees a sufficient amount of food in the government library.

Also due to the invasion of the Huns the previous year, Sichuan, Sichuan, Wenwu had to give Liu Zhang an explanation, completely wiped out the southern part of Yizhou, the Nanman people were also included in the rule, and the social conflicts were reduced a lot. Otherwise, even if Zhang Song plans to do well, it will not May be implemented.

When Liu Zhang heard a word of joy, he liked to give himself a command. Zhang Song said that I had finished the processing. You are waiting to see the result.

"How long will it take to march southwest in this way?" Liu Zhang glanced at Zhang Song with great satisfaction, and then asked.

"Forty days, at the speed of General Yan's marching, you can arrive within forty days." Zhang Song said steadily, he had verified these things. For this, he evacuated the Shujun government library to Almost to the extent of the horse race, then one city after another moved over.

But Liu Zhang wouldn't care about these things, even if he knew how Zhang Song did this, I'm afraid he would pat Zhang Song's shoulder and say that it was really good to do it.

"In this case, General Yan, it's up to you. If the situation ahead is not good, I will send a letter to me, and then I will go to the southwest for personal warfare." Liu Zhang pressed the sword handle with one hand, and looked at Yan Yan majesticly.

Yan Yan nodded expressionlessly, and gave Zhang Song a look. Zhang Songxin understood that he would definitely look at Liu Zhang and would not let Liu Zhang go to the front line. It was not Zhang Song and Yan Yan who looked down on Liu Zhang. To tell the truth, Liu Zhang went to the front line to take the lead. You can definitely boost morale, but the problem is that if you go to the front line, Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, and others will certainly not be able to perform.

"Evening at night!" Liu Zhang shouted loudly, and then picked up the drumstick himself, and knocked towards the war drum equipped on the city wall.

The dull marching drums, the horn that rose later, and the neat stepping sound, accompanied by Yan Yan and others jumping off the city wall, in the darkness where the firelight failed to shine, a large number of people wearing black plate armor The soldiers stepped out, and then came a neat roar.

"Send troops!" With a troop dispatch, Yan Yan strangled with one hand, the horseshoes stepped into the air, then roared, rushed forward, and all the soldiers began to march in large strides.

At the same time, Zhang Song ordered all the civil servants who were still on the inner city walls to work overtime temporarily to deal with the problems left over after Yan Yan and others left.

Soon, in addition to a few guards on guard, on the walls of the inner city of Chengdu, Liu Zhang and Zhang Song and Yuan Shu and Ji Ling were two pairs of princes.

"Yuan Highway, how about my bravery?" After seeing all the soldiers in Chengdu, Liu Zhang flicked his wide sleeves and looked at Yuan Shu with arms arrogantly.

It ’s not Liu Zhang ’s hobby for Jinyi night travel or something. He likes to show it to others, especially Yuan Shu is a fellow of his level.

Yuan Shu looked at the black armoured army that had disappeared at the gate of the city. Even if he had experienced wars, and he had also led the strong army, he had to admit that Liu Zhang ’s demeanor and strength that he showed before could be regarded as being able to be on the table and placed in front. It hasn't been a problem to call it a one-way leader in recent years.

"Huh, the guy who doesn't have 400,000 Jiashi actually asked me this question!" Yuan Shu said with a sneer, wanting to get his Yuan Shu's acknowledgment, if you think about it too much, I wouldn't speak because I wouldn't convince you to bite me, " Tiger comes, let's go! "

After talking about Yuan Shumian sneer, he turned and stepped away directly. Although Yuan Shu was dissatisfied with his mouth, he also felt that, according to Liu Zhang ’s performance this time, the so-called 150,000 expensive frost army attacked the Han Dynasty. Frost wanted strange results.

"Asshole!" Liu Zhang's original look was arrogant and arrogant. As a result, Yuan Shu went up to a pot of cold water to directly pour Liu Zhang out, so that Liu Zhang couldn't even speak out. After a while, he reacted and watched that it was no longer in darkness. Yuan Shu roared among them, "Fuck, Yuan Road, don't go for a species, I will teach you to be a man now, and stop me."

Zhang Song smiled and pulled Liu Zhang, my lord, you are so majestic for a quarter of an hour

It ’s hard to say that persuading Liu Zhang to persuade Zhang Song to feel inexplicably exhausted. In the first quarter, Liu Zhang was still holding a male soldier, sitting in the southwest, shepherding, and his own powerful Han family clan. After a quarter of an hour, it became a peace. Yuan Shu determined the bear child.

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