Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2873: After reunification is really good

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Guishuang's system has an advantage. For Ganing, there is also a problem of suitability or improperness. However, in reality, the thing is that Cecil Celian combined with Guishuang's situation to develop the Guishuang Empire. How can a targeted system fit the Han Empire perfectly.

Therefore, it is not suitable to be unsuitable. It is unsuitable to say more. Instead of struggling with a system that you cannot surpass no matter how hard you try, it is better to overthrow it directly, take the part you need most, and then build yourself. Way of fighting.

Large caliber, great power, close combat, long-range fire suppression, this is the direction of Ganning ’s naval development, close combat, ship jumping battle, these once classic combat methods, Ganning completely gave up, because even if this tactic continues to develop It is also impossible to bring victory to Ganing.

Compared with the development of the Han army in traditional tactics, Guishuang's accumulation in this area is really too strong, even if the Han army wants to catch up, it is not so easy. , Give up all the unnecessary ideas in the brain.

Zhou Yu also has some speculation about Ganing's behavior. After all, Ganing is a general who has no shortage of adventurous spirits. Zhou Yu still has a considerable knowledge. Based on this, he also guesses the possible development direction of Ganing. Zhou Yu also has a slight idea about this. Dabbing, but compared to Gan Ning who gave up everything in the past and took a big step towards a new road, Zhou Yu is more of a combination of the two.

"Well, it strengthened the lethality of the naval gun." Zhou Yu has understood what Ganing is. A high-speed warship is ordered in 80%, and long-range attacks. This method is actually okay, but Zhou Yu is not very good. The point of optimistic about this method is that if the opponent's defensive style can block this long-range attack, that is basically the rhythm to be completed.

Of course, this kind of problem, if it is said to Ganing, it becomes a problem of caliber and plate armor. The final result is that I ca n’t get through the other party. That is because the caliber is not enough. As long as the caliber is large enough, the problem can be solved. .

It is true that there is nothing wrong with this statement, but the same is true for the other party. Compared with the naval artillery that Han has just started, the other party does not know how many generations of group defensive styles have been developed. How to say, Zhou Yu does not produce Doubt is not enough.

"Although it has been greatly attenuated than before, the power is still quite guaranteed. The world's essence gas etching technology is used to convert a large amount of heaven and earth spirit gas into the lethality of the ballista. And because of the high-speed live ammunition, it hits one shot. In the case of no cover, it is enough to smash the commonly used fifth-generation ships. "Ganing said with satisfaction.

"Broken the fifth-generation ship?" Zhou Yu's mouth twitched twice, but the fifth-generation ship was able to take a lot of people, that is to say, when the gun went down, one person would be gone.

"Well, this is the result of the efforts of the Zhang family and Ji Cai of Nanyang to reduce the recoil as much as possible. In terms of power, the accumulated cloud gas can achieve fast recharge in a short time, and overload recharge. The maximum power is said to be Enough to bombard the sixth-generation ship into slag. "Ganing said proudly. This was his most satisfying weapon.

It is needless to say about the power. The Han room is still very experienced in doing this kind of thing, and it has Zhangjia ’s world etching technology, and the energy conversion technology from Tong Yuan, plus some other developed technologies. , Lethality can basically be guaranteed.

However, power is no problem, power is no problem, this thing has other problems on Zhou Yu's side, I really think Zhou Yu has never considered this aspect at all?

"What's the range? How accurate is it?" Zhou Yu asked slightly curiously. Since it was determined that Ganing was taking this path, there was nothing to say. What was the biggest problem, Zhou Yu also knew. Also wondering whether to go this way.

"Range ..." Gan Ning's mouth twitched and could shoot to the horizon. Although there is a way to remotely observe light and shadow, the range of this gadget is actually quite terrifying, and the range of remote observation of light and shadow is not a big problem.

Not to mention the use of light and shadow observation, which focuses on barrage-level strikes. The problem is that naval guns launch barrage attacks. Are you kidding me?

Of course, it is not completely impossible to shoot, but there are only a few real high-kill permanent ballistas. The others are at most super heavy, which ca n’t make a barrage.

Coupled with the terrible range, then the accuracy is needless to say. Anyone who is far away is attacked by feeling. In fact, the accuracy is also the same. This is also the same thing.

In this era where there is no fire control and it is entirely based on feelings, there is no good way for the Han room. Of course, it is no problem to get closer, but it is easy to get caught in the face of Guishuang. The opponent rushed into the face, the melee was really unbeatable.

"Let's study it again. Although this thing is good, let's study it again." Zhou Yu sighed and said, he was not good at saying anything. The range was too far to be observed. The accuracy was below that range. Even more so, even Ganing didn't want to say that this weapon really made Zhou Yu helpless.

"In fact, this design is mainly used to run while playing, relying on ultra-long-range shooting, which allows us to attack when the other party cannot observe us, and achieves unexpected effects." After thinking about it, Gan Ning Said the core point of his own design.

Since I can't fight head-on, I will experiment from other directions.

"The core is speed and lethality, White Horse's fighting style." Zhou Yu thought for a while and said.

"..." Gan Ninggan smiled and said after a while, "Not at all. If you really have the absolute speed advantage of White Horse on land, then this tactic has an absolute advantage. After all, compared with land, The sea will always be flat. If you have the advantage of speed, you can chase while playing, or running while playing, you can rely on speed to kill each other. "

Ganing used to think this way, but the reality is a different matter. The Han Room's ship actually took the route of the city wall, also known as the battleship, with thick skin and high attack.

This kind of ship is destined to not be too fast. Even the improved seven-generation ship may not have the speed advantage when facing Guishuang, which is very embarrassing.

"Well, let's get on the boat. After you get on the boat, this design is pretty good, but no matter how you design it, you will inevitably need to face the enemy in the end." Zhou Yu shook his head, and the design of the ship could not be changed, "mainly we Now there is no capital to defend the enemy from the navy, otherwise, your design is indeed not wrong. "

Zhou Yu didn't pursue more on the speed. Even in this respect, Zhou Yu knew that it could only be accomplished through years of technical updates. As for tactics, now they can only use these indiscriminate ones. Fighting things together, after all, the battlefield is the best place to detect tactics, it is useless to talk about anything on the paper.

"Well, I can only go one step at a time, this time it means testing." Gan Ning has nothing to say about this. Zhou Yu's statement is really not a problem, but only in the case of knowingly losing. Unless there is a compelling reason, Ganing will never do this. First, he will rely on his own advantage to drag it off.

Zhou Yu didn't say anything, just nodded. Guishuang Navy was also a pressure for him, and after the southward journey, the actual governor of the navy was Zhou Yu. The power is not in the hands of the group, except Sun Ce This one who played soy sauce in the Southeastern Theater was all under the command of General Zhou Yu, and his power was great enough to be called terror.

Of course, in exchange, Zhou Yu ’s responsibility is also very large. It can be said that the entire Guishuang navy, from the mainland to the Indian Ocean, and now the group of navies running to the Pacific, must rely on Zhou Yu to command the navy to suppress it. In fact, it is also very heavy.

"General Mi, you and General Xu led 14 large ships and some small and medium-sized warships to Youzhou. They went to meet with Youzhou Jian Shi Tianyu, and mobilized at least two legions of armies that can fight in water. After heading to Moling to fill up the naval forces, the two parties met together in Fuso. "Zhou Yu swept across the cheeks of the group of people in front of him, clearly recognizing the current normalization of the Han room, suppressing the inner restlessness, and ordered extremely calm.

"Yes!" Mi Fang and Xu Sheng stepped forward and clenched their fists, then backed away and said.

Soon, a huge fleet was divided into two groups, one large and one small on Donglai. The large fleet went south to Moling, and the small fleet went north to Youzhou.

"Go ahead at full speed, test the speed of the ship!" Zhou Yu stood on the flagship and coldly commanded the fleet with flags. After all, it was not a house after all. Thousands of lives were pressed on Zhou Yu's shoulders. That's not to say.

Before going to the battlefield, understand the performance of your car. When the battle starts, you will save your hands and feet. For opponents of this specification, Guishuang, for the Han room, it is exactly equivalent to a front foot is still at the starting point, and the rear foot is at the end. Archenemy.

In addition, naval warfare and land warfare are very different, that is, naval warfare is likely to wipe out a well-trained elite in a very short time, and soon you will not respond at all, even the **** is left. Down.

Therefore, even Zhou Yu had to carefully consider this, but fortunately, the benefits of the first battle had already been obtained in advance. The seven-generation ship at the foot and the strengthening of Fusang Shenxiang, not to mention, after these two strengthenings, Zhou Yu was one. It feels really good after reunification.

Things that used to be dealt with in the past can now be completely handed over to others, and then they can do things that are more suitable for themselves, without having to fall into complicated non-professional work.

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