Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3538: Brand new version

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Sima Jun brought Sima Fu to Chen Xi, just to let the child quickly give up the conspiracy. In this era, no matter how good the conspiracy is, if you encounter an unreasonable military aristocracy, you will be blown up and sealed in Sima. It seems that Jun is not good at this point. Anyway, he still decorated his gentle and elegant family, and decisively moved to the line of violence against violence.

When the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, why did Confucianism not spread? To put it bluntly, it was that in the era when military aristocrats were rampant, Confucian courtesy and benevolence could not be established at all.

To be honest, if Confucius was a Shandong warrior, the fighting power was fierce, and the kind of things that are in line with human morals, such as Li and Ren, but do not meet the background of society, have long been flattened by others.

The reason why it can be passed on in the spring and autumn is half because the Confucius warrior can travel around the country to spread his ideas in the place where tigers and wolf are rampant in the wild.

Even if their thoughts do not conform to the background of this era, many people think that they are not pleasing to the eye, but this thing is in line with human moral concepts. As long as the guy who sees him is not pleasing to himself, his thoughts and ideas can certainly be passed on.

Essentially, if you want to transfer your thoughts and ideas in the age of overlords, you must be strong enough. Without this prerequisite, the situation of the chariots in the Spring and Autumn Period is impossible. Ways to convey ideas and ideas.

At present, Chen Xi has reopened the road of segregation. It is natural for the family to learn the number of ancestors, and then it will sprout. After all, this road has no future by eloquence and calculation.

Just like Wei Bao was blocked by several families at that time, if you rely on aptitude, let alone Wei's own unreasonableness, even if you do it yourself, in the face of those several families, you have to be made into dishes.

So he slipped decisively and put others into a dish. The solution to the problem is a good way. In this era, the conspiracy is no longer a general method of solving problems. The era is changing rapidly. A power-of-fight strategy has lost its value.

When the top family has extra manpower, it will train such a person to prepare for the next battle, but the change of the times has made this person meaningless.

Just like Yang Xiu's back then, when the country was at its heyday, he only needed to stand up to San Gong's position step by step and give orders.

Yang Xiu's way of doing things doesn't care about other people's psychological feelings at all. He only needs to deal with things, as long as the results are good for himself and his own, and treat others as nothing.

This attitude of doing things, Yang family still occupies one-third of the court, as the fifth prince of the third generation, the disciples of the deceased family all over the world, the pressure of the ceiling can be passed on steadily, Yang Xiu's approach is not wrong.

Because at that time, the struggle within the rules only needed to benefit oneself and oneself, the Yang family would be able to take advantage of it, but now, if more than one hundred thousand troops are deployed, even if you have the skills of the third family of the Yang family, as long as there is no recovery of the dead , That's a life.

This is the change of the times. Many of the inherent rules have been crushed. The new rules have grown savagely on the rubble of the times. The only useful strategies are the strategies, tactics, and hearts of the people. As for the political battles that have been learned It is no longer useful to hack and kill political opponents with the help of Han's sword.

No matter how good your eloquence is, how powerful you are to take advantage of the situation, no matter how good your combined wrists are, the strength can't reach a certain lower limit. Just with a single order, the head will solve the problem.

Overbearing can be offensive, but also overbearing can be awesome. The only difference is that the overbearing is strong and weak, and the strength can not be overthrown. It is just the sand sculptures on the beach. As long as the wave is large enough, it can cover all traces. , But the power is strong enough to overthrow the overbearing, that will only awe and let more people gather.

After all, as a person, the innate nature will agree with the concept of the strong.

Don't the big families watch the industry chain in Chen Xi's hands? Do n’t you greet those ranch? Do n’t you greet those farms? Don't you greet those processing plants?

How could it not be greedy, and in the past, an industry that could produce 100 million yuan a year was enough for most families to fight.

Why doesn't it seem to be seen now? Is n’t it just because I ca n’t afford it?

Chen Xi's cake painting is very good, and the realization is also very good, but if Chen Xi does not have the power as it is now, what is the seal, and Chen Xi's industry is divided into one, is it not good for everyone to nest in the Central Plains?

"The conspiracy is meaningful, but that is the future. Now, the tricks used to fight against oneself are not significant." Sima Jun whispered twice under Kou's heart, and he was quite peaceful to himself. Said his grandson.

"Well, I already understand." Sima Fu has been too strongly shocked, and has completely awakened, decided to abandon his development in political battles, and instead exercise more, train his strategy and try to become a useful tactic. Sex talent.

By the way, Sima's family life is very different. Although Sima Fu's official history said that he had failed, he lived in his nineties when he was in his thirties.

"Practice the internal qi cultivation manual I gave you, which is a cultivation method that is compiled by major families and is conducive to physical development." Sima Jun warned Sima Fu.

This handbook of internal energy cultivation has been distributed to villages in Central Plains, and the major families now no longer want to control the impact on the people after their basic qualities become stronger.

After all, in this situation, there is no good choice. At least the local people and the family are of the same kind, plus the continuation of the military prince, and the originally envisaged nine-pin Zhongzheng system was forcibly delisted before it was listed. In the cold age, in the era of the inferior nobles, the major families were still willing to recognize the strong who were promoted from the ordinary people.

After all, the existence of the military knighthood system allows ordinary soldiers to exist from civilians to princes, especially the victory of the Ganges battle, which caused a large number of people with yellow towels to gain a knighthood of rank ten or more after washing ashore.

Such as Li Tiao, this time it is likely to be Feng Tinghou, this brutal way of promotion, if you say too much, you do n’t know the other person, but you need to know the other person ’s knife, who can come up so anxious I really don't mind taking you away.

People in this era are still humans. Although they have been degraded compared with the Chinese in the Spring and Autumn Period, they are still at the human level, so that they will not be in the same level as the people after the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

At present, in order to grab food, the major families are still willing to use the idea of ​​sharpening the knife and cutting the woodworker, and also cultivate the local people into a trumpet. Nothing else, per capita is better than the European barbarian next door. In the future, the current investment can be earned back ten times.

After all, until now, the major families have to consider what it means to maximize the marginal benefits, even if they do n’t have a formula, but their experience and feelings can still make them understand that it is better to choose that path now.

So now the Central Plains people actually got a fairly high-end and easy-to-understand physical training method. What makes Chen Xi speechless is that the major families can really organize the manpower to popularize the people how to improve their physical fitness and make them grow stronger.

Before this group of people was sent to teach people to read and read, people couldn't get it together, but now they need it at home, even if the problem is not completely solved, they are still working hard to advance. I have to say that subjective initiative is sometimes such a thing. It's really important.

Of course, after seeing this group of guys working so hard to strengthen their physical fitness, Chen Xi started to sell milk. Although it ca n’t be sold to all parts of the country, the places near the ranch in the north can still be supplied, even if there is not much production, but in line with Without losing money, Chen Xi supplies a large amount of fresh milk. If it is profitable, it is so-so.

In short, the major families are now somewhat schizophrenic. On the one hand, they are the instincts of the ruling class. They congenitally suppress other lives that peep at their own positions. After the part, it is natural to want to get better and more things.

The former needs to suppress the growth of the general population, and the latter needs to introduce a new variable, that is, the people, after it is no longer possible to grow on its own scale.

So the behavior of the major families now seems to be a little schizophrenic. The forefoot said that family learning and knowledge are the foundation of the family. It cannot be arbitrarily spread outside. Join yourself.

Chen Xi, who looks at it, sometimes wants to laugh. If these families can be anthropomorphized, one by one would probably say yes or no, and the body is very honest and arrogant.

However, this behavior, Chen Xi is very happy to support. After all, from a historical perspective, although a small number of families have an absolute advantage in the proportion of the country, in terms of potential, relying on this group of people is not as good Relying on the people, at least after the popularization of education and the release of the potential of the latter, it is only a matter of time before the former is crushed.

As long as the equality of opportunity can be guaranteed, now these seemingly sturdy sand sculptures will soon be crushed by the people.

"By the way, if you have strong perseverance, you can try a new training method." Sima Jun thought for a while and said, "You are a bit older, and the ordinary way is difficult."

"What way." Sima Fu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Overload intensive training can make you fast and healthy." Sima Jun thought for a while and said, this is the formula that Kong Rong bored out of boredom. "Just a while ago Jiang Ziping sent me more than 20 deer to cooperate With ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and venison boiled together, there is absolutely no problem in supplementing nutrition. "

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