Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 57: Good conditions ~

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"The two of us have indeed verified that it is really a technology that benefits the world. Although both of us are Zhongshan horse merchants and are not good at salt industry, after all, the commerce has something in common. We plan to buy land in Qingzhou to handle salt Industry. "Su Shuang laughed, not concealing it. After all, it was a huge profit, and it was the kind of material necessary in the world. Horses may be unsalable, but for 400 years, the Han Dynasty has not heard that salt will be unsalable.

Chen Xi whispered secretly. What is the place where business is connected? You are completely trying to be a pitman. Even if salt merchants in other places don't even need the capital to suppress the price with you, you can make money. This is basically equivalent to In the industry that robs money, as long as you are not assassinated and your technology is not stolen, even if you squeeze the Han Dynasty into the salt industry, it will not be a problem to form a monopoly in the end.

"I think you also know how much profit this industry has, so don't think about it all for you, and you don't think that when the Han Wu era was robbed of all people as slaves, the main person should cut off the body." Chen Xi didn't care. Say something that will make all businessmen think about it.

"I don't want to," Zhang Shiping said timidly, and then wiped his sweat again. "Isn't it to be a merchant for a lifetime to save some money for future generations? Even if the future generations can be defeated for one or two days, it is considered to be My ancestors did their best for them. "

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping. These two guys are not stupid. What was originally said in the business of business would actually pull the affection of future generations.

"Yeah, it's not easy. How many things people have done today is for the sake of future generations. Since everyone has the same thoughts, we won't say more. Let's go to the court and study them in detail." Chen Xi made a pair Sad expressions of mercy show that everyone is planning for future generations.

"Chen Juncheng has invited." Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping apparently breathed out. This kind of sky-spending and wealthy are ahead, and both of them can't grasp their mentality, and it is inevitable to expose their minds.

Chen Xi smiled and turned and went in. Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang also came in through. For the ancients, it was indeed very rich and rich, but for Chen Xi, there was basically no feeling. He is now melancholy with paper ...

Chen Xi yawned and took a roll of white cloth from a pile of bamboo slips and threw it to Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang. "Before the two came, I was bored and I had already made the contract. What is needed or not suitable? Just click on the place you want, and we can discuss it again. "

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping took the white cloth and began to browse it. After reading it for a long time, they took a sigh of relief and looked at the items above. They were not as arrogant as he thought, and they were not as domineering as official business. All of them are reasonable.

However, Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping are somewhat entangled with the penultimate two or three, one is the division of the salt industry, that is, the regulations that stipulate where they can buy, and the other is that both the channel distributors and the dealers under their jurisdiction need to register. As for the last regulation The final custody and interpretation of the original regulations lie with Chen Xichen and Chen Zichuan of Taishan County. Although this is not very clear, it is not a matter of course. It was not written before.

"Chen Juncheng, we don't understand this penultimate article." Su Shuangsi didn't understand it for a long time, so he pointed to the penultimate article.

"Oh, this is to let me know who you sell salt to, let them sign a name and press a fingerprint, I can help if something goes wrong." Chen Xi said casually.

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping frowned a little, wouldn't this show all the context under the eyes of the official family? In case something goes wrong, it's easy to get caught.

"You don't have to worry about your ideas. What I want is just the sales channels inside the Han Dynasty. As for the outsiders, you have the right to buy the things you exchanged. Of course, I don't want the last distribution channel." Chen Xi saw Su Shuang He and Zhang Shiping frowned slightly, thinking about it and explaining.

"All I want is the first three layers of channels, that is, you sell salt to big salt merchants in each state. These salt merchants need to sign, and then the big salt merchants in each state send the salt to the state county. The salt merchants in the state county need to sign. Afterwards, the salt merchants of the prefectures were sent to the counties, and they were not used anymore. "Chen Xi looked at Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping. As soon as the words came out, it was clear that Su Shuang and the two were relieved a lot, they didn't want them. Sales channel, but on behalf of distributors.

"As far as you are concerned about me, I can make the salt you sell into official salt, so as long as you don't break the law, no one will move you, this is my bottom line." Chen Xi was serious when he said this A lot, I just said that if you do n’t know each other, I ’ll talk about another person. If you cut the two of you and release this technology, a large number of businessmen will come.

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping glanced at each other and nodded slightly. The conditions are now very generous. If they continue to be unfamiliar, Chen Xi may be irritated that he may not be able to eat mutton.

"Okay, let me sign it now." Chen Xi saw Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping eagerly try to speak.

"Okay." Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping nodded and picked up their brushes to sign their names on the white cloth. Then, without using ink pad, they bit their thumbs and pressed a handprint on the white cloth.

"Okay, I have packed up this original, this copy, I now sign the name, and then put on the handprint, you save it yourself." Said Chen Xi took out a white cloth under a pile of bamboo slips, took out the brush and signed himself The name, the thumb is stained with ink and pressed a fingerprint on it. As for biting his finger and connecting his fingers, Chen Xi will not do the painful thing.

"You compare them and collect them without any problems." Chen Xi also handed over the copies and asked Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping to cross-check each other to make sure that there was no problem.

"Chen Junshou, 100,000 dan grains were transported in two batches. The first batch of 20,000 dans was sent to Fenggao along the land within three days. As for the subsequent 80,000 dans, the Zhenjiahui coastal road was sent to Qingzhou and then transferred. The Yellow River entered Jinan and was transported by land to Taishan County. Please remember to receive Chen Taishou. "Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping stunned the copy of the contract in their arms, facing Chen Xi.

"Zhen's family." Chen Xi nodded. "I think you are probably in a hurry to buy land in Qingzhou to prepare salt. I wish you two to earn a lot of money here. I will stop you. "

"According to Chen Juncheng's words, I will not stay here for a long time. Zhang Su's butlers will soon come to hand over other things." Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping are obviously anxious, and after seeing what they want, they see Chen Xi almost didn't talk much, let go and hurriedly left.

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