Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 119 Are you satisfied? (2 in 1 6k, extra chapter for leader 6062111)

In front of Mount Odiles, the gods gathered.

But unlike in the past, this time, they were neither invited nor spontaneously congratulated, but to overthrow the owner here.

The power of many gods intertwined, turning into invisible oppression, making the mountain silent. At this moment, there is no non-god here.

"In just twenty years, it's even a trance. Thesis, I don't know why, I regret it a little."

Standing on the side, Oceanus, the god of the ocean, looked at Zeus standing in front, not knowing what his mood was.

A hundred years ago, the other party was still a weak, newly born baby, and he could change his fate with just a wave of his hand. Twenty years ago, he had nothing and could only take risks to sneak into the mountain and rescue his brothers.

But now, the other party's power is so strong that he even fears it. If this continues, even if Kronos is overthrown, he may be his next threat.

Even a greater threat than his father.

"But this is the end, Oceanus, the power of the gods is like this. External objects like the golden apple can make us reach the peak faster, but they can't improve it even a little bit."

The Goddess of Water can also feel the power of the god in front of her, but she has a different opinion.

"Maybe he can get the power of the God King, but his share may not be as good as his father. Every time it is passed on by force, the power of the God King will be damaged by a point. At this level, it can't threaten us."

Nodding, Oceanus thought that the other party was more or less his "son-in-law", so he was relieved.

Uranus lost his kingship and could beat his children. Kronos had the kingship, but was besieged by the gods. When Zeus came, he would be quieter.

Unless he could have power other than the priesthood and kingship, but this was impossible. So far, Oceanus has only seen similar signs in the Lord of the Spirit World, and the power shown by the other party was not very strong.

Medium god power, maybe now it is strong god power. If it weren't for those enviable powerful artifacts, the other party's power would be just so-so.

"Tell me, what is Kronos thinking about now?"

The Ocean God was relieved after putting his worries aside.

You don't need to ask to know that his brother is probably sitting on his throne, tortured by regret and fear.

Otherwise, the other party would not have not shown up until now, watching the gods besiege him.

"Be alert, he is the king of gods after all. And there is the underworld, have you sent someone to watch it?"

Just now she was still worried, but now she is proud again. Looking at her husband, the goddess of the original water was also a little helpless. In front of her, Oceanus has always been like this.

"Of course, our lonely daughter, Styx, has more or less joined Zeus's side, so let her watch there."

"But I think that even if something happens, she will probably just be a spectator. In comparison, the two original gods who once returned empty-handed may pay more attention."

"Just remember it."

Thesis was also a little helpless with his eldest daughter. She has lived in the underworld since her birth. The only time she left in recent years was when Zeus created the Olympus pantheon not long ago.

She chose a suitable opportunity. As the first god to join, she asked Zeus to be the guardian of the oath. Faced with this request, the young god decisively agreed.

As a king, with such an identity, it is easier for others to be convinced of his words. Moreover, with this power, the promises made to him from now on also have a partial binding effect. Zeus has no reason to refuse such a win-win situation.

As for his own words and deeds, he should also pay attention to them from now on. Zeus doesn't care much. For ordinary trivial matters, he will naturally keep his word. And if it is some major events, the worst thing is to pay some price.

As they were talking, the Ocean God couple noticed that there was a commotion among the gods surrounding the sacred mountain. Immediately, a god walked out of it.

"Okay, it's about to start. Thesis, let's witness the end of the second generation of the God King together."

Thinking about the danger of the last God King change and the current leisure, Oceanus couldn't help but smile.

"Well, let's see Kronos off."

Nodding, where Thesis's eyes were, Zeus had already walked out of the gods. The goddess of water could see that Poseidon on the side looked a little unwilling, but still did not move.

No matter in terms of achievements or connections, Poseidon was far inferior to his brother, so at this moment, naturally he had to stand up.


"Time flies."

Standing in front of the gods, Zeus thought silently.

Even he himself did not expect that in just twenty years, when he came to Mount Odilus again, he was already a conqueror.

"As expected, outsiders cannot be trusted, and the same is true for brothers. Even among wives and children, only a few can be trusted."

Although the Queen of Gods Rhea helped Zeus, at this moment, he took it as a warning.

It was the Oceanus couple, his nominal adoptive parents, whose family relationship gave Zeus the idea of ​​learning.

However, due to the difference in the priesthood, Zeus could not give birth to tens of thousands of ocean gods like them with one man and one wife. So he secretly decided that for the stability of his future court, he could only say sorry to Metis.

Shaking his head slightly, that was all after he got the throne, Zeus no longer thought about it. He was only one step away from victory, and he didn't want to make a mistake at the last moment.


Nodding slightly to several important gods in the camp, Zeus strode out. He stood in front of the gods, standing in the sky in front of the sacred mountain, standing under the eyes of all the gods in the sky and the earth at this moment.

He could feel that the eyes of the gods were all on him, on the existence predicted by fate. This feeling of changing the world with one word and one action made Zeus deeply intoxicated.

Although the owners of these eyes were not all convinced of him, it didn't matter. Today, he will be here to end the king of the previous era.

'The next era will belong to me, and I will do better. ’

Zeus smiled as he silently thought. He straightened his face, looked at the closed door of the temple, and said the sentence he had prepared for a long time:

"Kronos, my father, I call you this for the last time."

Zeus's voice became louder and louder, and his words were very powerful. He was already looking forward to what his father would look like in a while.

"You are unfaithful to your mother, you are unrighteous to your brothers, and you are ruthless to your offspring. Kronos, in the end, all things responded to this, and they asked me to come here to end your brutal rule."

"Stand up, like a king, not a coward. I will give you a fair judgment as the Lord of the Olympian pantheon."

Zeus' voice echoed between the sky and the earth. He noticed that at the foot of the sacred mountain, there was a tiny figure who seemed to be looking up here. But nothing was enough to attract his attention, so he retracted his gaze and looked at the temple in front of him.

Time passed by, but no one responded to him. Gradually, a low discussion sounded among the gods, and Zeus also felt a little impatient. Just when he couldn't help but make a move, the door finally opened.


The palace of the gods shouldn't have such a sound, but in fact, it appeared. The tall bronze door slowly opened, and vaguely, a figure was retracting his hands to push the door.

With a shock, Zeus's original impatience was swept away. As long as the result was as he thought, he didn't mind waiting a little longer.

He looked over expectantly, and the gods also looked over. They were all curious about what expression the second-generation king of gods who had been domineering and arrogant would have.

Despair, regret, or madness?

In short, it is highly unlikely that he would wag his tail and beg for surrender. That was not the impression of Kronos in their minds.

In the past, how much pressure he brought to them, now, how much pleasure he can get. So, under the attention of the gods, the figure took a step and walked out of the palace.

Step, step--

At first, he was covered by the shadows, but soon, he was exposed to the sight of the gods. A familiar figure appeared in the sun, but surprisingly, although there was only one person for some reason, Kronos did not look flustered at all.

He stood there, standing below the gods, at the top of the sacred mountain. Looking down at his father from the sky, Zeus felt that he was the one standing below.

His eyes narrowed slightly, although he didn't know why, but his intuition told him that something was wrong with the god in front of him.

"You finally came out, Kronos, are you ready to face my judgment?"

He was a little uneasy, but Zeus didn't know what was wrong, so he had to use sound and strength to cover it up. He held the artifact in his hand tightly, the holy object filled with the power of thunder's 'destruction', but this time, the surging power did not calm this inexplicable uneasiness.

He looked at the king of gods, hoping to see the other party's fear, worry, panic, anger, which would make Zeus feel that he really wanted to win, but there was nothing. On the sacred mountain, the thin figure didn't even stay on Zeus for a moment.

He just stood there, like a master, looking around at the gods.

Or, he was the master of this world.

Some gods looked at him, some avoided him, and some looked sarcastic, but Kronos was not affected at all. His demeanor was very leisurely, not like he was on the battlefield, but like he was strolling in his own back garden, looking at the plants for people to enjoy.

And he was the gardener responsible for pruning them.

"It's all in good order."

After a while, just when Zeus was about to lose control, Kronos spoke.

A low and magnetic voice came out. It was not loud, but it unexpectedly appeared in the ears of every god.

The other gods did not react. This was just the last elegy of the God King. They were also happy to listen to what the other party wanted to say. Only the face of the Ocean Lord gradually became solemn.

As a true god at the top of the powerful gods, he was the only one besides Zeus who noticed something wrong. Unfortunately, he also felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

The authority of the God King, the power of time and space, everything showed that this was the Kronos he was familiar with. In this case, where is the problem?

He began to be alert to the surroundings. Perhaps the danger came from other existences.


In the starry sky, the core of the zodiac domains.

At some point, the heroic spirits that had been wandering here disappeared, and the starry sky also dimmed. In the sun, Hyperion's divine body had been reshaped thousands of years ago, but he was still confined in it and could not move.

However, his body could be bound, but his spirit was getting higher and higher. The more silent the side of the [sun] burst, the more it would breed destruction.

Until today, an abrupt voice sounded here, breaking the silence here.

"You all came in a row."


He was stunned for a moment, listening to the familiar voice ringing in his ears. Perhaps it was because he had been sealed for too long, the original sun god did not react for a while. After all, how could there be anyone else in the core of the sun here except him?

But the next moment, Hyperion instantly recognized the owner of the voice, the brother who made him "think about it all the time". His eyes widened, and his divine power shook the seals around him, trying to leave this eternal prison.

Unfortunately, trapped by the chain of law, Hyperion's resistance was useless, so after trying to no avail, he could only roar wildly at the owner of the voice.

"Kronos, is that you, is that you?!"

"Are you here to laugh at me, is that so? Wait! When I get out, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

However, unlike the figure on the sacred mountain, the roar of the sun god was confined to this celestial body, and no one else could hear it.

However, even he himself did not notice that with his struggle and vibration, the originally unbreakable chain of law silently showed a trace of cracks.


On the Delphi Plain, the Earth Mother was struggling.

A yellow skirt covered her body, and a trace of sadness appeared on her cheeks. Gaia really didn't expect that just a few golden apples and ten years of blocking for Zeus would lead to this point.

The youngest son who once fought against the father for her was about to be overthrown, and her imprisoned child was also released. Gaia's anger had gradually subsided. She wanted to regret it, but the other children stood on Zeus' side, making her hesitant and difficult to make up her mind.

But at this moment, when Kronos' voice sounded in her ears, Mother Earth stood up suddenly. She looked at the distant west, the sacred mountain where she had lived for a long time, and showed an unbelievable look on her face.

Just now, the voice of the God King crossed half of the continent and echoed in her ears with the same accuracy and clarity. But what she couldn't understand was that she didn't notice any fluctuations in power at all.

Turning billions of miles into a square inch, without showing any fireworks, this control of the power of time and space is definitely not something that a powerful god can do.

Like a finger and an arm, it was natural, which reminded Gaia of the feeling when she was in harmony with the earth. It was not that she was controlling the power, but that she became the rule itself.

That feeling of being like heaven and earth made her unforgettable.

"But it's impossible, how could this happen, is this Kronos?"

"His priesthood is not enough-wait, no, it's not him! It's you, Ryan, Erebus, who, who did it, where did you take him?!"

Shocked at first, Gaia realized that something was wrong in an instant. The being who spoke seemed to be her child, but it was definitely not her child.

Relying on the authority of time and space to touch the greatness, this is not something Kronos can do. Even his previous delusion was just to do this with the authority of the God King.

Thinking of the silver humans, the plans of the dark masters, and Ryan's prophecy, Gaia finally realized that she had definitely made a big mistake unintentionally.

The other two had their own ideas, only she thought that what she saw was all.

No longer hesitating, the earth responded to the call of its master. The boundless khaki light curtain rolled back from the eight wastelands, they wrapped the earth mother in the air, and rushed towards the sacred mountain frantically.

She could accept the failure of her child, but she could never accept his silent demise.


At the same time, in the Land of No Light, the Lord of Darkness also stood at the edge of his domain at some point.

One step forward, it was the underworld, and one step back, it was his home where he had lived for tens of thousands of years. The light of the underworld moon shone in front of him, dividing light and darkness here. Erebus hid in the darkness, just like every day in the past.

No one knew what he was thinking, he just wore a faint smile, watching the disputes on the earth.

He also heard the voice just now, but it was no big deal. Gaia still had two suspects, but he knew he didn't do it, so it was obvious who did it.

As for Nyx, Erebus was sure that the other party might be sitting in the Land of Eternal Night watching the show, but this matter itself had absolutely nothing to do with her.

It was not that he underestimated the other party, but this seemed incredible, but it was very reasonable to think about it carefully, and probably no one else could do it.

However, the Lord of Darkness was not discouraged. Some things seem difficult to understand, often because there is an information gap between the two sides. Just like ordinary gods don't actually understand the original gods, Erebus doesn't understand the other side.

Understanding is the prerequisite for victory. He didn't lie to Gaia about this.

"Haha, it's really interesting, a genius idea. I don't know what you will do with this opportunity?"

"Whatever it is, it's your business. I just want to know the secrets I want to know."

Silently, the entire lightless realm was actually ready to respond to its master at any time. Erebus would not really sit back and watch, but all this would have to be done after his goal was achieved.

Sensing the power hidden in the souls of the silver humans, the Dark Lord had a hunch that he would achieve his wish.

Perhaps today is the day to understand the secret of the opening of the world.


"You are all here in a good time."

Accompanied by the simple words of the God King, the invisible power was far-reaching and shook the world's pattern. But at this moment, in front of Mount Odysseus, no god realized this.

In today's vast world, they can no longer perceive changes everywhere as they did in the past. In their eyes, the God King just used a little trick to convey his voice to the gods present by unknown means.

Even though the God King is already old, this little thing is still not difficult for him.

So under their thoughtful eyes, Zeus continued his performance.

"Of course, Kronos, as you can see, we are all gathered together!"

In front of the gods, Zeus' voice became even louder. He looked at his father, and a powerful force surged in him.

Black clouds covered the sky, silver and purple intertwined. With the blessing of the artifact [Thunder Arrow], they released a divine power that was enough to make anyone other than the original god avoid it.

Feeling this power, his heart settled down, and Zeus continued to speak loudly:

"We are gathered here because of your mistake."

"As the king of gods and the leader of the gods, your behavior is unbearable for the sons of the world and the incarnations of the law. This is exactly what you-"

"That's enough."

The voice was very light, just two simple words, but it directly overshadowed Zeus's original high-sounding talk. He wanted to speak again, but for some reason, no sound came out when his mouth opened and closed.

With a sinking heart, Zeus immediately realized that his previous premonition had come true. His expression became solemn. Although he didn't know how the other party did it, Kronos at this moment was definitely different from the previous fight.

Not only these methods, but also some details. If the other party did not still hold the authority of time and space, and the power of the God King was also surrounding him, Zeus would even think that this was another god.

But authority is not wrong, so he can only attribute the change to the fact that his father had some psychological changes during this period.

"Stop talking about those high-sounding words, let's get back to the point, the ministers who should have bowed down before me. I know you are all very dissatisfied with me, in various senses."

Seeing Zeus's "quietness", Kronos nodded with satisfaction. Looking around, he saw that his group of "ministers" were dissatisfied, and it was obvious that Zeus was "silent", so they had to listen quietly.

After all, they were not the protagonists today.

So in silence, facing the "rebels" all over the sky, the God King continued.

"At this point, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong. Since you want to knock me off the throne, then go ahead."

"It's true that a God King should have his own way of leaving. But I want to tell you that if I want to leave, it's not because of your coercion, but because I want to."

The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile. In his perception at this moment, everything in the world was in his hands. He sensed Gaia coming from afar and the turbulence on the sun, but he didn't take it seriously.

Now, for the first time, he felt this direct and unmatched power. He couldn't wait to verify it himself.

However, in view of the earlier agreement, he had one more thing to say before taking action.

So he smiled gently, and as a father, he gave the blond god in front of him a life admonition.

"And you, Zeus, I know you are already a little impatient. But as a father, I will give you another piece of advice."

"What I give you is yours. What I don't give you, you can't take."

Without any sign, when the voice fell, in an instant, the gods suddenly realized that the light around them had dimmed at some point.

"What is that?"

I don't know who spoke first, but when the gods looked up, they finally saw the scene.

It was a big hand, stretching between heaven and earth.

At this moment, in the sky, Chaos's sky was covered.


"How is it, are you satisfied?"

Unlike the noise outside, everything in the fourth spiritual world remained the same. Ryan was dressed in black, and not far from him, a figure stood silently.

In the surrounding void, three light cocoons that gave birth to gods were hanging there, they were the three gods of [Spring], [Summer] and [Autumn]. Faintly, bursts of heartbeats came from it, and vitality spread in this interface.

They could have been born a long time ago. But for some reason, the power of the spirit world restricted them and kept them in this state of being born but not yet born.

"I'm quite satisfied. At least, your admonition to my rebellious son really suits my heart. It's a pity that I can't see the second half."

Shaking his head slightly, the figure looked at Ryan. He once again admitted that language is magical.

"Let's start. I can't wait."

Where you start, you end. The opposite is also true.

Where you should end, you should start from there and start over.

I updated a lot today, I don’t know if there are any omissions. And I feel that some of what I wanted to write in the last chapter was not written. Maybe after writing another 100 chapters and gaining experience, I will come back to revise it.

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