Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 19 God Creates the World in Seven Days

Time goes back to not long ago.

Unlike the chaos in the outside world at this time, Ryan's creation is still continuing in the [Moon].

At the core of the [Moon], chaotic time is released. Just like the beginning of creation, time has no scale at this moment.

This is a characteristic that Ryan deliberately retained. In his view, both ordered and chaotic time and space have their value, as long as it is controllable, it has meaning to exist.

So in the newly born world, the deeper it is, the more chaotic the time sequence is. The more "shallow" it is, the more order prevails.

But at the core, it is as orderly as the outside world, and that is Ryan's future residence.

At this moment, in the new interface, Ryan has no body, and his spirit floats at the root of the world. The matter decomposed by the divine body combines with the source power in the life bottle, and a substance that is both virtual and real is born.

He used this substance to form the earth and water, which is the most basic substance in the world, but Ryan needs something else to separate them.

"Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, to separate the waters from the waters," he said.

So the spiritual world had a firmament, separating the waters under the firmament from the waters above the firmament.

He called the firmament Heaven. There was evening and there was morning; this was the second day.


There was light and darkness, there was a firmament, and the world also needed a bearing entity. Then Ryan's spirit moved to the center of the waters, which was also the center of the world.

"Let the waters under the sky be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear," he said.

So the waters gathered together in one place, and he called the dry land Earth, and the gathering place of the waters Seas.

"Let the earth bring forth green grass, seed-bearing plants, and fruit-bearing trees, each according to its kind, with fruit in its seed on the ground!"

So the earth brought forth green grass and seed-bearing plants, each according to its kind, and fruit-bearing trees, each according to its kind, with fruit in its seed on the ground.

There was evening and there was morning; this was the third day.


The earth appeared, the ocean was separated, and with the help of the life bottle, Ryan started from the simplest plants and created creatures evolved by spirituality.

He could feel that the battle outside was getting more and more intense, and the birth of the two gods of the dark night was also accelerating. But he didn't care about it. After all, in this chaotic interface of time sequence, he could easily stretch a day to seven days.

Ryan's spirit looked up at the empty sky, and he condensed the concepts of the moon and celestial bodies. The spiritual world does not need the sun, but there is more than one moon.

He said: "In the sky, there must be lights to divide the day and night; these lights will serve as signs to determine the seasons, days and years; they will shine in the sky and illuminate the earth!"

So he created a big light, divided into seven; and created stars, corresponding to the seasons, days and years.

He placed these lights in the sky to illuminate the earth, to control the day and night, and to divide the light and darkness.

There was evening and morning; this was the fourth day.


The celestial bodies appeared, and Ryan's accumulation was almost exhausted. But in addition to what he gained in this life, he also had what he had left in his previous life.

There were no stars in the outside world yet, but the origin of the stars was already being nurtured. When he created the stars, the origin of the world corresponding to them began to be absorbed by him. This absorption will not stop until the real star god is born.

Extracting flowers, birds, fish and insects from his memory, Ryan poured the liquid in the life bottle again. He was still unable to create things alone in reality, but in the spiritual realm, he was the only supreme.

"Water must breed creatures; there must be winged creatures flying on the ground and in the sky!" he said.

So he created big fish and various living creatures that could move in the water, each according to their kind; and he created various winged creatures, each according to their kind.

He blessed them so that they could reproduce with each other. So they gained the ability to reproduce and could gradually increase.

There was evening and morning; this was the fifth day.


The original life appeared, and then, it was the hardest part.

Ryan wanted to create humans, but this was beyond his ability, because in his memory, there were no pure, spiritual humans.

So he gave up his original idea and mixed his own bones and blood with the source of life; he separated the good, the bad, the excellent, and the ordinary. He would use them to create life separately.

He said: "Let the earth bring forth living creatures, each according to its kind: livestock, insects, and beasts of the earth, each according to its kind!"

So he created the beasts of the earth, each according to its kind; livestock, each according to its kind; all kinds of insects on the earth, each according to its kind.

He said: "I will make them in my image, in my likeness; let them rule over all life in the sea, in the air, on the earth, and on the interface!"

So he created the divine life in his own image; that is, he created them in his image; spirituality is opposite to matter, so the feminine-dominated divine appears in the form of women.

He blessed them and promised them eternal life. He ordered them to manage the order of this world on his behalf.

There was evening and there was morning; this was the sixth day.


The devouring of many origins by the spirit is coming to an end. Time, space and spirit are the foundation of the existence of this world, and order and chaos are divided inside and outside the world.

Ryan stood at the root of the world, and he created a new body for himself. He had already taken away most of the power of the Life Aquarius, and the remaining was the source power corresponding to matter.

From then on, the liquid in the Aquarius could only act on matter, not on the spirit. All spiritual life in the world is governed by the master of the spirit.

The world became more and more furious. Of course, the anthropomorphic word "furious" may not be appropriate. It was just instinctively preventing the loss of power. The birth of the two gods of the dark night is about to come to an end, but Ryan also ushered in the last day of creation.

He took off the priesthood of prophecy, he took off the priesthood of history, and finally, he took out the three oracle tablets.

He threw the three into the origin of the new interface, and the spirit digested them in an instant.

So the time and fate of the Chaos world were shaken, and their source power was continuously injected into the new interface. Under the transformation of spiritual power, the oracle tablets were reborn in the world.

From then on, the world of Chaos no longer had a destined fate. What the spirit did not interfere with was destined, and what the spirit interfered with was unknown.

Reaching out his hand, Ryan picked up the first slate. As at the beginning, there was a motto engraved on the stone tablet - know yourself.

Ryan kept this line of words, but he wrote new content on it - know the world, then know yourself.

He used the power of memory to engrave everything he had witnessed since the beginning of creation on the stone tablet. He gave it [history] and engraved it with new words belonging to the spiritual world.

In this way, a powerful artifact embryo was born. It symbolizes the past of the world and is a constant truth.

Reaching out again, Ryan picked up the second stone tablet. There was also a line of words engraved on it - don't do anything excessively.

He left this line of words and added a new motto - don't do anything excessively, the law is its standard.

He engraved the calendar on it and all the rules between the interfaces on it. The content on it will change as the interface is improved. From this moment on, it is the [Code of Creation].

Finally, he picked up the third stone tablet. "Promises bring pain", this is the content on it.

He erased this line of words and extracted the source power belonging to the most ancient text. Ryan put this slab aside before it was born.

At this moment, in the root of the world, several artifacts are being nurtured. Some belong to life, some belong to time, and they are all creations born spontaneously from the origin. Ryan took a look and let them continue to be nurtured.

Then, he stretched his hand out of the world, intercepted some blood foam dropped by the Father, and then sat in the center of the interface.

All things in the world are complete, and he called this interface [Spirit World].

There is night and morning; this is the seventh day.


At the same time, outside the spirit world. The new interface has stabilized, and in the sky of the underworld, the figure of Ms. Ye quietly emerges.

"A step late."

The black skirt swayed lightly, and the invisible power was released. The next moment, in front of this supreme figure, the entire underworld began to tremble slightly.

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