Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 27 New Era

On Odiles Mountain, everything was just as Ryan expected.

The banquet at Kailash lasted for three months. Except for Cronus, even Mnemosyne put aside the unhappiness in her heart and enjoyed the long-lost free time.

They left everything behind, and for the first time in their lives, they had no one to restrain them. It's a pity that there is no "wine" in the world at this time, so the gods can't get drunk.

Three months later, the banquet is coming to an end. As early as the first month had passed, the Earth Mother had hidden under the sacred mountain to recuperate her ravaged origin, so at this time only the Titan brothers were still having a banquet on the sacred mountain. But as time went by, the atmosphere became a little more subtle.

It is undisputed that Cronus would become the God-King. But the former god-king regarded the gods as servants, which was unacceptable to the gods.

Just because Uranus can do it, doesn't mean Cronus can do it too. He did not have the power of the Heavenly Father, so the Titans could not help but have their own little thoughts.

Especially Oceanus and Hyperion, one of them is the original eldest son, and the other holds the powerful sun priesthood. Even if they cannot become god kings, they still want to become "kings" in their own fields.

Finally, in the delicate atmosphere, Oceanus was the first to get up. He looked at his former younger brother, now his 'brother'. Because of his sudden behavior, the Titans all paid attention to him.

Seeing this, Cronus remained calm, but his gloomy mood added a bit of panic. Now is no longer the time to fight before. The power that Rhea helped him borrow from the 'past' has been lost, and the power of the God King has just been gathered. Now, his power is weaker than ever.

If he fought with someone at this time, he would have to seek Rhea's help, but this would only further expose his problems.

"My brother, do you have anything to say to me?"

"On such a celebratory day, I will give your request serious consideration."

Cronus tried his best to act gentle and dignified. He didn't even call his former eldest brother "younger brother".

"You are worrying too much, Cronus, I am not here to oppose you." The Lord of the Ocean shook his head.

He could feel that something was wrong with Cronus' mood, but he didn't think that the other person was afraid of him.

In his mind, Cronus just didn't want to openly confront him. After all, as the lord of the outer sea and the river around the world, even if Cronus is stronger than him, as long as he hides in the sea, the other party can't do anything to him.

But he had no intention of challenging Cronus' throne. After all, even if the other party can't do anything to him, the other Titans will never surrender to him.

In fact, except for Rhea, who knew the inside story, the Titans had already recognized Cronus' power. But recognition is recognition, they are not willing to bow their knees in front of the new God King as they serve the Heavenly Father.

"You have proven your strength, Cronus, I am no match for you." He said: "I just want to say goodbye to you. After all, I may rarely come here again. I want to return to the sea. , that’s where I should be.”

With that said, Oceanus waved to his sister. Tesis hesitated for a moment, but looking at her brother, she walked forward together.

"I'll leave Mount Odiles to you. I'm going to be my uncle's neighbor. I wish you a speedy recovery, Mother Goddess. I also wish you eternal kingship, Cronus."

After saying goodbye at last, Oceanus did not wait for a response, but picked up his sister and flew away from the sacred mountain.

He was not afraid of Cronus becoming ruthless. He is not the Father, and he does not have the power of one against many. If he dared to attack him, Oceanus believed that his brothers would not stand by and watch.

Watching the Lord of the Ocean and the Goddess of Raw Water leave, Cronus's expression was a little stiff, but it soon returned to normal.

At least it's not the worst outcome. Even if there is no lack of origin, he actually doesn't expect his brothers to bow to him.

After trying to calm down, Cronus was about to say something to lighten the atmosphere, but Theia and Hyperion stood up immediately, making it difficult for him to maintain his expression.

After God Lord Ocean left, he had realized that he could not make these brothers surrender. So he was prepared to give in voluntarily, rather than being forced by the gods.

But obviously, the Sun God did not intend to give him this opportunity.

"Haha, my newly enthroned Majesty, just like the eldest brother and eldest sister, we are also preparing to leave."

"After all, the sun is not as warm as the Holy Mountain. I still prefer it there."

Hyperion couldn't help but feel a little happy when he looked at his 'former brother' who looked a little ugly.

You have tried all your best to deceive your father from the beginning, but so what?

Even if you sit on the throne of God King, no one will really surrender to you!

"I think you won't force us to stay with you like my father once did." Hyperion said with a smile, as if he really respected the God King in front of him:

"That kind of cruel behavior is not what a god-king should do."

"Of course, you are right." Cronus said coldly. Among the brothers, Hyperion has always been the most ambitious.

Perhaps due to the influence of the priesthood, the Sun is born with a thirst for power.

"Then go back to your sun. Since you like it there so much, just stay up there forever."

"Haha, of course. As the center of the starry sky, I should stay there."

With a chuckle, Hyperion didn't take the God King's words seriously.

The earth belongs to the mother goddess and the mountain god, the ocean belongs to the two sea gods, and the starry sky belongs to him. He was very curious, what was left of Kronos as the king of gods?

"Let's go, Theia. I wish you a speedy recovery, mother. I also wish you eternal kingship, my dear brother."

The sun god left with the god of light and vision, and the sacred mountain suddenly became much emptier.

Seeing this, the remaining Titans looked at each other. They finally stood up one by one and said goodbye to Kronos.

Phoebe and Koos went to the sky together. As the gods of celestial bodies and light bodies, they will be neighbors with Hyperion and the others; Themis did not leave explicitly, but she said she wanted to go to the earth to take a walk, after all, she had been confined to the sacred mountain for too long; Mnemosyne still hated Ryan, and she wanted to try to visit Ms. Night to find out what happened to Ryan.

She didn't dare to go directly to the underworld to confirm, after all, she knew very well how weak her power was.

In the end, only Rhea, Crius and Iapetus stayed.

The weather was unpredictable, so Crius stayed here and used the sacred mountain as a foothold. Rhea had always been close to Kronos under the influence of power, so she didn't plan to leave.

As for Iapetus, he simply felt that he was too weak, so he stayed on the sacred mountain.

"You are welcome to stay. I am not your father. You can do whatever you want here."

With a forced smile, Kronos didn't care whether his frustration was noticed. Today's things have made him, the new king, lose face, but he had no way to deal with it.

"You just need time, Kronos." Rhea comforted her brother:

"When you fully control the power of the king of the gods, it will be different."

"I will be with you. Even if you are not as good as your father and mother, you can gradually establish your own kingship."

"Yes, you are right, Rhea. At least you have always been by my side."

Feeling a little relieved, Kronos arranged accommodation for Crius and Iapetus. When he was alone, he stood on the top of Mount Odisha and looked down at the earth.

Under the night sky, there were stars, and the empty earth was silent.

In any case, the old era had passed, and the new era had arrived. At least, he was now the God King.

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