Nanites SON!


Enjoying the nightlife in the Afterlife was always a pleasant experience, especially with the small army of mercs ready to defend the place at any given moment in case something did happen.

With David relaxing with his girls he let his eyes flick through the many requests being sent to him, either from people contacting him directly for help to 'fix' a problem or from someone else in the fixer business sending it to him.

All Fixers had something they were 'better' at finding, and David's goal as a fixer was to be the fixer that could always find 'the right crew' for a job even if that meant including himself or one of his own members in such a job.

It was during his lazy signing that he got a call from Wakako Okada, a fixer that ran a business out of Westbrook District in Japantown from a pachinko parlor on Jig-Jig street, one of the high-ranking fixers on the 'Fixer Table' so to speak.

She worked closely with the Tyger Claws, but not the 'Common' street rabble, the high-ranking ones, the big bosses. All her children are high-ranking members as well.

David raised a brow as he watched before he accepted the call.


<Ah... David Martinez, the new Fixer on the block... Who rose to popularity quite quickly due to his encounter with Adam Smasher... I have a job that might interest you. It requires a more... gentle approach, and I have no available people for the job. I was told by Rogue that you might-might however.> W

His eyes looked to Rogue who was currently enjoying a drink in silence as she stared at the stage in the Afterlife, there was no band playing currently and it was just ambient music to fit the place playing on the speakers, but she looked almost sad while she stared at the stage.

David focused back on his call.

<Depends on the job, send the dets.>

<It is a... Private matter, could we meet in person? I believe it is time I put a face to the rumors as well.> W

He tapped the back of Samus' neck as he began to get the girls ready to move. Lucy had asked that David stopped moving 'alone', they all knew he could handle himself, let alone anyone who tried anything. But it made them feel better to still be included, and that didn't stop him from sneaking away to do things, like planning dates or checking personally on things just to stretch his legs.

<Me and my crew will head over, want anything while we're out?> David chuckled as he stood, everyone, stretching as they started to get up as well.

<Come to the parlor on Jig Jig, and no. Though I warn you, there are some low-level bounty thugs hanging around Japantown right now. It seems greed has fooled them into thinking they are bigger than they truly are.> W

<Will see you in a bit.>

David let the call fall off as he went to Rogue, putting a hand on the back of the couch he leaned down to speak into her ear.

''Wakako wants to meet to pass a gig onto me, thanks for the company," David whispered into her ear which got a chuckle from Rogue as she put a hand over her chest.

''And here I was hoping my flirting was finally getting to you, have fun... Also, I heard there were bounty hunters running around down there..." Rogue stated as he stood up.

David nodded. ''Wakako warned me 'Blinded by Greed' she said, I'll see you later Rogue.''

David moved to join the girls as they all headed out, David passing a bundle of Eddies into the bouncer's hand at the door which got a grunt of acceptance out of the stoic man as they all got into Bast.

Lucy had won rock paper scissors so she was the one that got to get comfortable on his lap, and Samus won the shotgun seat leaving Kiwi and Rebecca in the back seat.

Once they were all in he let Bast start driving them down to Japantown.

''So Wakako wants to meet?'' Samus asked from the passenger seat. Reaching up she pulled her hair out of the ponytail, digging her nails into her hair as she scratched at her scalp and fluffed out her hair before pulling it back into a ponytail.

''Yeah, got a gig to pass onto me, needs a quiet, delicate like touch to it and she doesn't have any bodies for it. Wants to meet in person to discuss it, might be something pretty serious if so.''

''Ugh, that means we have to deal with Tyger Claws, doesn't it?'' Kiwi groaned out, relaxing into Bast's seat.

''Bounty hunters in the area, it's up to them if they want to cause any trouble with us. Let me know if anyone wants to end the high.'' David commented, scratching along Lucy's collarbone which made her tilt her head back to allow him more room and relax into the feeling.

There was a chorus of 'Fuck that' across the board so David just chuckled and let Bast drive.

...About twenty minutes later they were pulling up next to the storefront of the Pachinko Parlor that Wakako worked out of, nothing had happened on the way here and they were all thankful for it.

Heading into the store there were machines lined up to the side of the walls with a teenage girl at the back, seeing them enter she blew a bubble with the bubblegum she was chewing, jerking her head back to the door behind her as it popped.

Heading past the people playing with the machines and the girl the door slid open, heading further in they had to push the beaded curtains to the side as everyone entered the office, David being the last one.

Wakako leaned back in her desk, resting in her chair.

''It is good to finally meet you David and company, I know neither of us has the time to just sit around so here is the information on the mission." Wakako nodded to the shard nearest to them on the desk David stepped forward and took it, slotting it in as he shared it to the others while he began to flip through it.

It was an official request from a high-ranking government official that suspects the NCPD is not as 'clean' as they would make others believe.

Samus was the one to react visibly to the information but she kept herself suppressed as they all scrolled through it.

It was a normal intel-gathering job, sneak into the precinct and find out any, and all information that will either point to people being innocent, or guilty of things. With that information, it would then be used to replace the bad with the good.

Similar in nature to what David was already doing himself, but this was for a branch down here in Japantown that he hadn't gotten around to yet.

Lucy nudged him a bit to get his attention.

Looking over he noticed her holding up the peace sign, or what it meant to them.


Ah, that's a good idea. After a few more minutes of getting all the information he wanted he nodded, taking the shard out as he slipped it into his jacket.

''I've got just the right people in mind for something like this, I'll keep you updated.'' David stated, getting a nod from Wakako as they all left, climbing back into Bast.

''So, gather intel first ourselves, then send in V?'' Kiwi asked, already pulling up her vidboard as she began to do her own searching.

''That sounds like a plan to me, Samus. You know anyone down here?'' David asked, turning to look at her.

She nodded. ''I do, Officer Sanchez, I used to run a similar route to him, we'd get drinks. He's a good cop.''

''Get in contact with him, let him know you want to meet him. Once I confirm he's a good cop, we'll let him in and ask if he can name anyone acting suspicious, he'll also be a good person to have on the inside in case V needs help in any way.'' David looked down at Lucy in his lap, leaning forward to give her a quick kiss before he asked. 

''The mods we were planning?''

Lucy nodded, putting the information onto his hud. ''Already done, I'll just need to update her neural.''

''Good, she's already been training with it... Let's go scope the place out, set it up to be the perfect real-world trial for V.''

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