Nanites SON!

Atlanta, again…

David stood there, breathing in the night air. ''Ahhh... Atlanta... God this city smells like shit.'' David frowned as he stared out of the many lights and night life of the city.

''You mean not slowly being cleansed and filtered out properly, though... Not even Nightcity smelt this bad, jesus.'' Rebecca groaned, having put a mask on for the entirety they've been near Atlanta, so did Lucy. It was just... rank.

''Well, it will take some time but it'll get cleaned to, take a look at this.''

David seemed to pull at the air, as he seemed to pull a data stream from somewhere like he was just pulling a book off the shelf, and a holographic screen opened up in front of them hovering over his 'watch'.

''City reports trash going missing... Not sure why I need to cover this fucking story, isn't it good that it's dissapearing? Maybe someone is finally fucking eating it after going crazy or something. 'Experts' say the city has been experiencing this for a few months and they are only now noticing because of how slow it has been happening. We are unsure of at this time where the trash is going, but it seems none of it is making it's way into other parts of the city, or into the ocean.''

David let the data strand go and the holographic screen vanished.

''Surprised it took them so long to notice... What do you think would happen if all the city disappeared over night?'' Lucy asked, leaned up against David as they sat on one of the taller roofs, currently having a little steak out of the target Rogue had sent them after in the first place.

Talk first, and if that fails, bring him in forcibly, but make sure he remains alive. Rogue want's to speak with him very personally first.

''Want to find out?'' David chuckled softly, causing both girls to turn to look at him.

''Would that be safe?'' Rebecca asked, unsure.

''It would do no harm... Maybe at least, human minds are strange. But if you want to see what would happen, I'll do it for you two. Play God for just a night, that is.''

Luy and Rebecca left him, leaving him there to go talk away from his ears. Not minding in the least, choices like these were hard to bring David into, normal was getting stranger and stranger as time passed on.

He could fly for fucks sake, so the two of them occasionally needed to do this, isolate David out of some conversations to bounce ideas back and forth without someone who could, for lack of better terms.

Become a God at any moment he chose.

About ten minutes later they came back, happy as before as they both returned to his lap and leaned into his chest.

''Tell us what you would do first.'' Lucy said, kissing his cheek without moving the mask.

''Well, first thing is I would spread my... Frightening plague cloud over the entirety of the city, and make all living life pass out in place, make it so that I have a window to operate. I would then consume all the trash my nanites have marked over the months they've been around. Which is an absolute shit ton. I'm talking everywhere, including abandoned train tunnels that the homeless use for homes when their desperate.''

''I would then use the materials and supplies I get from everything breaking down and use it to repair, and scrub the city as a whole clean... I would also go through all the junk shops, piles, and such and clean those up as well, but even after all that I would still leave a mass of nanites ready to move at any point to clean the city again, but next time I won't make everyone sleep, I'll leave a few awake during next clean, and then the next more people awake, until eventually everyone watches as a swarm decendces upon their city, cleans everything and then mysteriously vanishes shortly after.''

''It would leave people in a rage to find out what it is, and since Most cities are pretty cut off intel-wise, this information won't reach Night city for a bit yet, but I'll periodically use a small batch of information nanites to monitor the situation as a while. Just to see what happens when something like this happens, and if accepted, how long does it take masses to simply 'accept' the swarm.''

''Wouldn't people start asking questions? What if someone does know what nanites can do?'' Rebecca countered after thinking about it for a bit, and it caused David to chuckle.

''By this point, I'm not sure what I have is really nanites, just labeled that to make me not question reality... But, if someone is able to identify these, somehow by information they have sitting around they never thought about until now, or else wise. I'll handle it. One of the perks of being a Tech God, in a world full of tech.''

Lucy and Rebecca looked at each other for a bit before they nodded. ''Do it.''

David snapped his fingers, and then passed out just like the girls. 

Plausible deniability, just in case Rogue asked if they saw what had happened.

A few minutes later they came to with ease, the air already smelling a lot better as the nanites were moving to clean the atmosphere as well, just at a much slower rate.

David cracked his neck a bit as he woke up first.

What about the people who suddenly fell asleep at the wheel, the people doing something that could've hurt them? Such a small thing wasn't worth mentioning, not when none of said things happened.

David could've lifted a car with the nanites if he wanted to, and there were many ways to prevent such small incidents from happening, this was a time to play God, not a time to make a few mistakes during an experiment.

However, they did find someone passed out laying across the roof in front of them, David chuckled a bit as the girls slowly roused from their induced slumber.

''Is that..Mm.'' Rebecca rumbled, rubbing at her eyes, that was the best nap she's had all week... No one would mention it was still Monday.

''The target? Yes. Going to wrap him in a pretty little ribbon and bow, and put him in the trunk of the AV. We'll stay a few more days here to experience all the chaos ourselves, then we'll head back to Night City... I think while we wait to see the effects of my little bought of Godhood, I'm going to continue going through Arasaka records. A few things recently I found interesting, like plans for a spaceship, a right proper one... Actually.''

He activated Bast, and despite being as far away from Night City as he was, she began to drive towards them, getting past the checkpoint would be easy for her simply because she could use the nanites she had to have 'something' appear to be driving her and to hand off any papers she needed to give to get past a checkpoint.

He opened his hands an a vidboard constructed in his hands as he began to play with it. He could've used the nanites to do it many times faster, but it felt good to get his hands 'dirty' so to speak, and to actually work on things himself.

''Oh, starting plan 'Turn Bast into a transformer.'?'' Lucy asked, which caused David to snort.

''Yes, sure. I've got a few days, and having Bast be able to be all transports we needed would be much easier then me just having all these extra transportation devices laying around. Also, it would make it much easier to begin upgrading her. Save me room in the garage to do more activities, as well as save me the headache of needing to have multiple licenses, and papers on me at all times. Could just keep them all in Bast.''

''You think we could make Bast a hot and-'' Rebecca started

''No.'' David cut off quickly.

''I am not going to turn my car, into an android. Because you're both just as bad as degenerates that eventually, you would somehow be able to manipulate me into sleeping with it, no matter how hard I have a defense up about it, eventually I'll crack, and you both know that, but as long as I never make her an android, I don't need to hear your sweet nothing whispers about it.''

They both looked at him, Lucy setting a hand on his cheek. ''Oh, David... What's stopping us from doing that about turning her into an android in the first place?''

David sighed heavily, so much good about being in a good relationship.

But when it came to weird things like this, why'd they have to be able to slowly chip away at him?

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