Nanites SON!

Day in the Life- Afternoon

"Come on Jackie! One last rep, just get it over the rack!'' David continued to speak encouragement to Jackie as he huffed and puffed as he struggled to bench the last rep of his 150-pound bar.

Jackie sure was built something tough, any normal kid at 14 would struggle around 110, let alone be able to do a full set with it, but Jackie was pushing through.

David's hands hovered beneath the bar as he followed Jackie pushing it up ready to catch it in case Jackie let it go.

''Come on choom, you're about to break the record for those under 15 years old! Just a little more!'' David urged on as other buddies around the public gym started to cheer.

This seemed to bring it in for Jackie as he breathed out hard and lifted the rest of the weight up over the lip of the rack David grabbed it, pulling it back and onto the rack as Jackie's arms gave out and he started breathing hard.

The gym around them burst into a roar of cheers before they started to all say in chorus.

''Change the Name! Change the Name! Change the Name!''

Jackie looked at David for help and he leaned down to help pick the boy up, making it so he could watch as the 25 lb plate with Jackie's name on it was lifted, the gym roaring as the name already on the record for the boys at 14 was changed with his recorded max as of now.

The gym roared once more, David chuckling as he felt the ground rumble beneath them, glad that they were on the ground floor gym so it didn't bother other residents.

Jackie's name was now up there alongside V's in the female category.

''I'm so glad... I could do it.'' Jackie breathed out hard as he took a drink of water.

''You still get three months left before your 15th birthday, see if you can't raise it a bit higher, eh?'' David chuckled, slapping his back.

''Alright, I promised I would take you out to lunch if you could do it.'' David said as he helped Jackie up and to the washrooms, letting him take his time in the shower while David played a game on his hud.

''Hey David? Do you think we could invite V as well?'' Jackie called from the showers.

''You making moves on my Sister?'' David called out, getting a roar of laughter out of Jackie.

''The hell with that! She's too white for my blood! No, she just wanted to spend more time with you, you've been so busy the last few weeks and she's been doing nothing but training.''

''Not sure why you requested that instead of just inviting her anyway.'' David chuckled as he turned his gaze a bit to the side away from his game. His eyes glowed softly as he contacted V, noticing the speech he immediately activated his Sandy. It was still a work-in-progress thing but Lucy said she would crack it sometime today or tomorrow.

<David? Is this your weekly call to make sure I'm not dead-dead?> V

<Better, meet me in the garage. Jacki, you and I are going out for lunch.>

<Nova! Let me hop out and get my shirt on!> V

<Your... Training without your shirt on?>

<Well yeah, they're just NPCs, and it helps me train in case I ever don't have clothes to start with. Not like anyone is going to see?> V

<V, I still need to review the data to see how far you're coming in your training...>

David sighed, shaking his head as there was a noise he didn't want to think about from her. <It's fine, I'll get Lucy to review the data for me and just give me the updates herself. Go crazy, ya damn nudist.>


<But do you see her tits hanging out?>

<No! But her ass is!> V

<Well, it's a lot of ass to hold, so what a little of it han->

David chuckled as the call cut off, meaning V hung up on him.

Dropping his Sandy he called out.

''V's going to meet us in the garage, so hurry up!''

"Almost done, just dropped the soap so I had to get it!''

Hearing that, David grinned before he heard a quick bellow.

''NOT LIKE THAT! I MEANT... FUCK BRO DON'T TELL ANYONE I SAID THAT!'' Jackie hollered, causing David to shake his head.

''Of course, cross my heart, Jackie!'' David called out, leaning back against the wall as he continued to play his game for another few minutes before Jackie finally got out, standing up the both of them walked to the elevator, taking it down to the private garage all of David's buildings had.

Once they stepped out V was leaning against Bast, a Eurobeat melody playing from Bast that V was moving her head to.

''Finally, what took you guys so long, you get lost in all that testosterone?'' V joked as she walked up to hug David.

David ruffled her hair which got a smile out of her as she looked up at him.

''Nah, Jackie said he dropped the soap in the shower, so there was a hold-up.''

Jackie wheeled around to stare, horrified at David.

He wasn't angry or upset he was already betrayed, but the fact it was to V of all people.

V, who got a slow, sly ass grin as she slowly turned to look at Jackie.

''Oh no Bro... Whatever will we tell Misty?'' V said slowly, and methodically.

David laughed as he watched the color drain from Jackie's face with each word until it looked like he was physically struck with the last one.

V broke away from David and she began to sprint away as Jackie started to chase her around the garage.


''Yeah! Because you always blush, stumbling over your words, and mumbling is considered 'Cool Badass' Maybe more like the stuttering idiot!''

David chuckled as they continued to run around the garage, ducking into Bast as her door opened.

''Afternoon Bast, any good places for food around us?''

''There is a taco stand a few blocks away with relatively high reviews, and since it's just after lunch break there isn't a lot of people in line.''

David leaned back as V dived in through his open window and into the passenger seat. ''HA! SHOTGUN THAT GONK!'

Jackie grumbled as he got into the back seat. ''Get a sister they said.''

David watched as V tried to get herself upright, she had dived over and slid onto the floorboard and got herself stuck. Bast opened the passenger door and David reached down like he was reaching for a beer and hoisted V back onto her seat.

''Seat belts you two, we're going to get tacos.''


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