Nanites SON!

Day in the Life-Evening

''WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING DAVID?'' Mama Welles shouted before her hand quick as a whip cracked across David's cheek.

He didn't move to dodge the slap or prevent it, he took it without hesitation, though he was glad he turned his jaw at the last moment, with the force she hit him with if he hadn't moved to absorb more of the impact, she would've hurt her hand more then just a sting.

Mama wasn't angry that they got attacked, it was Night City, one of the biggest reasons why she loved David like her own was because she knew that if her babies were with him, their older brother. 

They'd be safe because he would put himself between them and the devil if he had to.

No, she was angry because he made them solve it. He made her babies kill, they had ended their first life, too soon.

V and her many brothers stood off to the side watching the altercation. 

Jackie's jaw was tight as he watched, Mama had been grilling into David the moment he walked in, but David, never one to sugarcoat told her what happened word for word.

He wanted to step in and defend David, to tell Mama why he did it, and why he was willing to do it, but David had been very firm in telling the two of them to not say a damn word to defend him. David knew what he was getting into when he did it. That included the consequences of his actions.

''THEY'RE BARELY TEENAGERS DAVID! They're already surrounded by death enough because of how close they are to the other kids of Valentino's, how close they are to the people who are less fortunate! They already see death every day, why the HELL! did you have to make them a part of it?!''

Everyone was scared, few people would be brave enough to give her a reason to be angry at them.

Even fewer would stay around for the aftermath.

There was a moment of tense silence before Mama stepped forward and embraced David tightly, hugging him hard.

David wrapped his arms around her to hug her, noticing how her shoulders shook gently. Looking at the boys and V, he tilted his head to the side. Telling them to leave the room, they all noticed why and all silently nodded.

Mama hated to cry in front of her kids, even if they knew she did it behind closed doors sometimes, no Mother liked showing that type of weakness, not in front of her children.

So when V was the last one out, looking back to David for a moment before shutting the door softly, locking themselves out of the dining room, David spoke softly.

''There gone Mama, just us here.''

David's soft words were all it took for her soft shakes to turn into full jerks as she began to cry, sobbing into his broad chest, his fingers gripping at his jacket as she refused to let him go.

It took a few minutes but she was able to at least calm herself down from the worst of it. Tears still fell as she lifted her head to look up at him, her hands finally moving to rub at his face, checking the slight swelling on his cheek. ''I'm sorry Hijo, I didn't mean to.''

''It's fine Mama, if anyone has the right to smack the chrome out of me it's you.'' He smiled down at her, his joke got her to let out a little laugh.

She stepped away a bit, starting to fix his shirt and jacket, her eyes softening a bit as she stared at the jacket as she fixed the collar.

''You've grown into it well... She'd be proud David, you're doing good work... So many lives have been changed because of you. Changed for the better, good people are starting to get a second chance, and I can not thank you enough because of it... None of us can, do you know how much it surprised them all to taste real meat in so long? I needed to make another batch of chili just to feed them because they loved it so much.''

David chuckled a bit, nodding as he let her fuss over him, having her fuss over him brought him relaxation, even if occasionally it made him remember the times his mother did the same. Her red hair was pulled into a messy bun as she fussed at his appearance before work, to make sure he looked his best for school.

''Yeah, she would be proud, but she would've knocked some teeth out, she would've straight punched me, maybe even started kicking my ass.''

Mama giggled softly, her hands smoothing out his shirt as she stared at his chest, her eyes unfocusing as she thought about the past, she was getting older every day, and it was moments like these that reminded her David wasn't a little trouble maker anymore, he was an adult one.

''Thank you, David... Even if I hate it, they would've had to kill eventually, even if it was in self-defense, no matter what... You know I'm not angry at you, right?'' She asked, looking up at him as her eyes focused again.

''Of course, I know that you're angry at the world we live in, where it makes such a thing seem needed when it shouldn't be.''

She nodded, moving in to hug him tightly once more. ''Yeah... I'm glad it was with you because I know no matter what you would have everything under control... You'd keep them safe.''

David nodded, kissing the top of her head which got her to laugh, pulling back to look up at him with a squint, before using her finger to tap her cheek. ''Not on my watch Mister, just because you're taller than me now doesn't mean you get to skip kissing me properly.''

David leaned down to kiss her cheek with a chuckle before he stood straight, letting them stand in silence for a bit before David asked. 

''So... About that chili?''


David sat in Bast, rubbing his stomach, now fat and happy as he relaxed in the driver seat.

''David, Samus is calling you.'' Bast spoke softly, causing David to groan before he sighed heavily, praying to whatever god would listen that it wouldn't be something that would require him to come in guns blazing.


<David? Want to come and pick me up? Head out for a bite to eat?> S

David sighed out loud, relief flooding him, glad he didn't need to move yet because of the food baby. He could use nanites to break everything down if he needed to, but he would prefer to bask in the fullness and aftermath that is good fuckin' chili.

<Can't, got plans for the night already, and I just ate at the Wells place, if you're fast enough though you might be able to get some chili for yourself.>

<Chili? Oh, that actually sounds really good, I'll need to hop on the bike then.> S

<We can go out for lunch on Wednesday? I plan to head to the range with a few new weapons, you're free to join me.>

<Wednesday? I can do that, pick me up?> S

<See you at 9 then.>

Samus ended the call and David reclined back in his seat, stretching out.

Due to how comfortable he was he went further and beyond with his stretch, causing his leg to shake violently as he roared out.

Once he stopped yelling he let his body go limp, just laying there in the driver's seat.

''Do you want me to drive us to Father Padre's?'' Bast asked, softly once more.

''Yes please, and remind me to get everyone a better set of wheels, Lucy, Rebecca, and I can't be the only ones riding around in a swanky whip.''

''Jackie would love a motorcycle, he was looking at them while he was in the car, he's especially interested in an ARCH Nazaré."

David brought up the specs of the bike on his hud as Bast begin driving, starting the drive to Padre's place while David begin to wonder how he would go about just, giving cars to people.

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