Nanites SON!

Next morning

As he came to, David moved out of the tangle of limbs that was Rebecca and Lucy.

Making a quick breakfast that he ate while personally checking up on Kiwi, double checking to make sure everything was alright before he made his way to the workout facility that had been installed.

The gym was fully stocked with modified equipment meant to stress test even David's current equipment if he really wanted to.

Some might consider it stupid for someone like David to work out, after all with his equipment, he was already as strong as he 'could' get, but that was wrong.

The nanites running through David brought him in-depth information. Even as he worked out and didn't 'gain' anything right away, the nanites would record the information, while estimating the 'growth' he would have, and then at a later point, David would rebuild his body to add the adding growth. He was already bulked up as much as he wanted to be, now it was about maximizing what he could do, while also breaking down the layers of his organic body and rebuilding them.

Stronger, more durable, and able to withstand a stronger load. Undergoing cyber-induced metaphysical changes, tightening muscle fibers to be so tight that if he wanted to he could snap punch without using his arms to get through steel plating.

One inch punching armor apart, he was increasing what as a human he could do, even if what he was doing was entering a level of supernatural.

There might be a point that David didn't need the tech to be a super soldier.

As he entered the Gym he had the nanites carry his gravity harness to him as he put it on as well, maximizing the gains by being under the additional load of gravity was one of the better parts of this tech, even if the practical flight was neat.

In the middle of his intense workout session, Lucy sauntered in in casual clothing, eating her breakfast wrap and sitting on David's back as he was currently in the middle of pushups.

The weight affecting him increased, which only caused the gravity harness to increase that loud as David let out a soft grunt, it taking more effort to get a single proper pushup out now as well.

''So, we got a job... The kind of job that we can wait on, but the biggest problem is it's a stealthy type of job.'' Lucy said as she laid over him, distributing the weight over him as she showed him her vidboard.

Despite the additional load, and the fact he was working out he still paid attention to it.

It was a job for the NCPD, there was a large bust they wanted to do, but they wanted someone to sneak in and scout the place out, and gather as much information as they could about what was going on the inside.

The problem is there was evidence of them soon moving their operation to a new city in a few months, meaning it would be to hard to get an informant on the inside.

David grunted a bit as he pushed himself up. ''What's the problem? Even Rebecca could do this, she wouldn't like it, but her suit is capable of it.''

''No problem, it just made me think, we don't have a lot of 'stealth' friends to offer this job to. Kiwi could of course, once she woke up this job gave us enough time to have her catch up with everything new she could do, and then actively test it. But what if something time-sensitive was to come in in the future, and one of us is busy, or indisposed?'' Lucy questioned, resting her chin on David's head as she pulled the vidboard back up, typing away.

David rumbled in thought as he continued to do his pushups, he did his best thinking while working out or on the shitter. So it was the perfect time to catch him with questions like these.

His mind wandered for a few moments before he locked on.

''Military Training shards, build a few for stealth training, the simple things at first, and then the further in-depth ones in other shards. People might not be interested in learning them at first, but we'll start adding 'Stealth' bonuses to certain missions that can be done so stealthy like making more people interested in getting that extra cash.''

''That's smart, but would we be able to find someone who could complete that kind of training in a few months?'' Lucy asked, moving her chin to rest it on David's shoulder plate, kissing at his neck, and behind his ear.

''V. She's already trained to be a nimble fighter, she's skilled with knives, and blades in general. Smaller frame, good sense of balance, great awareness, and able to use her senses to the best of her ability...'' David grunted as he lowered again, holding it for a moment before pushing himself back up.

''She also takes to training fast, she's also smart. So she could be the person to test the training shards and then speak to you about where they can be improved. Kiwi had already started to teach her a little about hacking as well.'' 

Lucy hummed softly before she slid her body around to be under him, holding her vidboard above his head out of his way as he lowered down once more. This time placing a kiss along her collarbone before he pushed himself back up.

''That's a good idea... We should further entice her with a pair of mantis blades.'' Lucy stated as she continued to swipe through her vidboard.

''Not mantis blades.'' David grunted out, lowering down to kiss her showing cleavage before pushing himself back up.

''Have a new idea, check it.'' David and Lucy's eyes glowed softly at the transfer of information.

Lucy's brows when up as she looked at the blueprint he sent her.

Blades, but not like the mantis blades, more like arm blades, with smaller versions, and larger versions. From a few inches to the entire length of a forearm that could be hidden inside a plating covering inside the arm.

It also had a few examples of how it would leave the wrist, either through it raised from the wrist like a launcher and then deploying the blade, or letting the wrist adjust slightly to have the blade exit from the bottom or top of the wrist.

As well as a few possible designs of it also being able to deploy from the elbow.

Lucy noticed that some of the demonstrated moves were similar to the game David played when he had free time. Deus Ex.

''You're bringing augments into the real world?'' Lucy asked, bursting into giggles as this time he had lowered to kiss her.

''Only for people, we trust... These would be incredibly stronger than the mantis blades, the mantis blades are inherently flawed in their limbs. This design makes the blades as strong as you are, but their deployment could slide through even the strongest metals like butter.''

Lucy whistled a bit as she continued to examine all the blueprints he sent. ''I'm really interested in the Icarus landing one. Being able to take out groups of enemies like that from above would be useful.''

David nodded. ''Peps launcher would be useful as well, like my knuckles but in a focused blast with a range... The game's version of it can be improved since 'balance' issues aren't a thing in real life.''

''You've got special upgrades hidden away as well, don't you?'' Lucy chuckled.

''Aw Drats.'' David joked as he lowered again, kissing her once more.

''I do, but only because they would be making direct use of nanites, and until I can confirm the tech works without flaws, I won't give it to you and Becca.''

Lucy smiled up at him, only to stop as she looked up to her vidboard, scowling at it before she put it in front of David's face to bring his attention to the screen.

Saburo Arasaka was making a speech, talking some shit about the levels of toxicity being currently found in waters around one of their main plants.

That wasn't what Lucy was directing his attention to, the vidboard was see-through, and Her finger was pressed against the back, pointing at someone in the background.

Adam Smasher, and it looked like there were a few upgrades on him.

David only chuckled softly at the information, shaking his head. ''See what I mean? An army of them.''

The gravity began to lower, letting David get up and stand, bouncing a bit on his feet to shrug off the feeling of increased gravity, taking deep breaths.

Because of the upgrades he had made to his body, the gravity didn't bother his organs any, but it was still an uncomfortable feeling, to be under such pressure. So after every training session, he spent some time out of gravity to get a light workout in to shrug off the weird feeling.

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