Nanites SON!

Nomad War-3

Leaving the 'War' tent, David returned to his tent to find a yawning Rebecca, sort of just sitting on his cot with Lucy sitting in the chair across the tent.

''Now that we have the biggest camp located, we'll raid that ourselves. We'll continue to push the other smaller camps, leaving some survivors if it looks like they're running to the main camp. The only thing I want is to keep one alive, it doesn't matter really, but I'd prefer one with a higher rank, someone who's been connected to their personal links before.''

''Going to signal boost and then put a Daemon?'' Lucy asked as he sat next to Rebecca, laying his head onto her lap he got comfortable. Relaxing as she began to rub her fingers through his hair, scratching into his scalp.

''Yeah, basically going to make it so I can get to all of them, then going to let that Daemon run free and continue to collect information, been wondering how long it would take Nanites to be able to grab as many people, and how fast it can spread. Once I get all of them marked, and I'm sure I've gotten all of them, I'll make all of them gather in a large horde somewhere then just let Rebecca go nuts.''

Rebecca squealed as she suddenly leaned down, locking David into an intense kiss, her feet swinging rapidly back and forth in excitement. Small levels of genocide pleased the gun-gremlin.

Once she released David she was all smiles, continuing to rub her hands through David's hair.

''Well, that's nice and all, but once we take out all of the shivs in the area, what then?'' Lucy asked, moving her chair over to them to have her legs laid across David's chest, in which he raised a hand and began to use one to massage her foot, getting a groan out of her in response.

''Going to start working on the Trash project, need it to be slow... Still need to check Atlanta about that, but it should be fine. For now, we'll focus on metal stuff, get it crunched down into cubes, and then have it delivered further from the city. Give the Nomads access to all that scrap and they're bound to make some mean machines, with all the decent Nomads in the area working on it, it will make decent progress over time... Going to build a person to start 'experimenting' on stuff that will eat trash and the like. Once we get that company set up, we can begin large-scale cleaning...''

''Also going to start buying up all the real estate I can, going to start taking over NC with different names, different faces. Thinking about running for Mayor.''

Rebecca snickered at that, imagining David as a politician, Lucy nodding along.

''Becoming the Mayor would allow us a lot more access to do things... 'openly' as well as a lot more resources and connections to get things done...David?''

''Yes, beautiful?''

''I want you to build my a Netrunning chair.'' Lucy said with conviction.

David raised a brow, turning to look at her, and even Rebecca lifted her head to look seriously at Lucy.

''I... I can do that, are you planning to start exploring again?''

''Yeah... It's still a fear, I can feel it occasionally gripping at me, especially when I'm running in the city and I can see the wall in the distance... But I know if it's a chair built by you and the nanites, I'll be safe no matter what... I want to start restoring the old net.''

David nodded, he would let Bast to begin working on something like that for now, it 'technically' would be the biggest project he's started, clean air, clean the city, bring back animals, or even play God. None of that would be compared to this project, David trusted her skills, especially with the skills she could show off with her upgraded tech, even with just a normal top-of-the-line Arasaka chair... But David would make a Netrunning chair that would make her a God within the net, old or new.

The day continued to pass, David micromanaging along with Lucy as Rebecca got some rest for the night.

They had a few injuries throughout the day but nothing that normal stims couldn't fix over time.

Once night began to start falling and they confirmed that the shivs had all moved to a 'final defense' Lucy, Rebecca and David all headed out already suited up.

Lucy and David would play overwatch this time, while Rebecca had her fun in the compound. To make sure she didn't kill everyone, the first person she took down was a high-ranking member and then covered him in a nanite shield that encompassed him. 

David used that to pull him out of the combat with ease as Rebecca had her fun, pulling some metal from the base so he could build the powerful signal booster.

Lucy knelt near the cliff they were one, her tech sniper charged and was ready for runaways.

The occasional charge up then the thoom of a rifle shot filled the air as David made the man jack into the signal booster. Creating the 'Hunter' Daemon on the fly while he did so. After confirming the signal booster was working as he wanted it to, by encompassing almost half the globe despite it being slapped together quickly he grinned.

This would infect enough of them that any it didn't reach would be infected anyway once they came in contact with the net, new or old, or even called someone.

It was untraceable, and by the time anyone would notice it was in their head, they'd have been long since dead.

Once David finished uploading the Daemon he watched as his own hud got updated with all the marks in the base.

<Davvy, we've got civies who need medical.> R

David hailed the AVs easily, it wouldn't take them long to get here as David's mask shifted to expose enough of his face that he could kiss Lucy quickly before he let his Gravity harness pull him forwards towards the camp.

His hud updated with a little marker showing where Rebecca was exactly and how to get to her, needing to jog down some stairs past mountains of viscera and gore before he came to what looked to be a Scavenger den, hospital tables, gurneys, dried blood and pulled cyberwear everywhere.

Making his way to the back he found Rebecca applying first aid to someone who was missing one of their arms, still bleeding. 

David walked in just as she was using a boosted stim onto the person, it quickly moving to stop the bleeding and causing the man to go under as David began to check the others. Rebecca gave him a kiss before she took off, determined to finish her vacation as more sounds of war continued.

There was one girl, she hadn't had anything pulled out of her body, but as David was about to stim her, she got his arm.

David took a look at her eyes, then immediately understood that look. A look he's seen far to much, in both lives.

The eyes of someone who didn't want to be saved, who would much rather just die peacefully than live anymore.

''I want to.... Go on my terms...'' She whispered.

''Do you want m-''

''No... Me... I want it to be the last thing... I fight for.'' She released a long breath.

David thought about it for a moment before he reach his waist. His suit pushed out his revolver.

If she wanted to fight for it, then he would give her the hardest fight to pull the trigger.

When he handed it to her she was surprised, it was much heavier than normal revolvers for sure, and once she got it into her mouth, her shaking hands began to steady.

Calmness started to wash over her as she had to use three fingers to pull the trigger with all she had left.

True to the reason he had made it, it was not for organic normal people to use, as the round tore through her head and blasted the top of her head clear off, the kickback strong enough to throw her back into the wall. David caught the revolver before it hit the ground, holstering it as the suit pulled it back in out of the way, nanites moving to clean and reload the revolver automatically.

The last thing David did for her was making sure he watched her fight the whole time, it was much easier than the times before because he had a suit to keep the blood from getting on him or his eyes.

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