Nanites SON!

Side Story: Sneaky V 2

Eventually, a cop who was halfway out of his uniform came to the door. ''Finally, I can head home, let's get my shit off before they find a reason for me to stay any longer.''
Pressing numbers on the keypad, the officer pushed his way into the room as it unlocked.
Looking up V watched the data stream from the keypad, down the hall, and toward the middle of the department.
Taking a breath she began to sneak her way further into the department, stopping when she needed to wait for a safe time to let her ghost recharge, or to get a layout of the place. The Augmented Reality lens that David had given her made a map of the place as she traveled.
The longer she spent in certain places, the longer the AR had to 'note' things down, eventually making it so that even if she wasn't in the room anymore, she could tell where all the items on a desk were.
It would also notify her if anything was different from the last 'scan' if she was looking for something in particular. Eventually, she made it into what looked to be a more closed-off section of the police department, and after wandering around for a bit she eventually found the room she was looking for.
A security room where everything was being monitored, and watched and all passcodes were being examined. But the door also had a passcode on it.
Checking the inside of the room she noticed no one was inside currently, with a little note on the window that said. 'Bathroom'
Her eyes glowed as she scanned the keypad, scanning the oils of fingerprints on the key, how often keys were pressed and how worn down they looked, letting her hack software begin to pull it apart as she tried to figure it out for herself.
From deduction, it would be 1834, so when her hacking software showed her she was right she grinned smugly, it was the small victories.
Getting into the room was easy after she knew the code, inside to her left were a few server mainframes, the temperature of the room noticeably dropping a few degrees once she entered. Closing the door behind her, she made sure to find a place just beneath the desk where she wouldn't be seen from the window and dropped her ghost, able to directly link herself to the back of a computer out of sight.
Now that she had direct access to the systems she made a code 0009 for any keypad that after she input it would automatically wipe any recording of it off the system, and not alert anyone that it had been used.
She also downloaded a map of the entire department, updating what she had in her AR lens, as well as imputing a code to pretty much 'ignore her' intrusions into any device.
She was also able to grab all work schedules, along with desk numbers, and computers assigned to each officer. Noting that at least three were on vacation, and another 12 were off shift.
Now that she had everything she needed she pulled her personal jack back from the terminal and returned it to her wrist. She would search the offices of the ones not there currently, the safe ones being the ones on vacation, the only one that was near coming back was Richards, and he had another three days.
Making her way out of the security room she headed for the second floor where Richard's personal office was.
When she found it the blinds were drawn shut and the lights were off, clearing showing he wasn't 'home.'
Getting into the office was easy with her new skeleton key code, shutting the door firmly behind her she made sure no one would see her as her eyes darkened, but switched to night vision mode as she began to search through the office.
It would take awhile, but before V had come here, once she knew the kind of job she would be doing had done something that David taught her.
Let her fancy scanners do their job, and only have certain keywords appear, that pop out and bring attention to them, so as she flipped through all the case files Richards had in his cabinet, along with any other physical evidence, or items he had in his office she took her time.
Even deep scanning items as simple as staplers. You never know if one might be hiding some secret code beneath it or something.
Once she did the entire physical office, she jacked into his terminal, making sure it booted through using the system she had taken over herself.
Letting her equipment scan the entirety of the computer she stored all information and files away. Even if the cop wasn't dirty, David still asked for her to keep all the data she found, not like she would run out of storage anytime soon, not with that fact her upgraded integrated storage was 50 petabytes.
That wasn't including the fact she could simply packet a large portion of data and then upload it to David through a personal link, or to Bast.
Once she got everything scanned and pocketed away, no things immediately jumped out at her except Richard's most recent case. Leaving it highlighted as a folder to remind her to look at it she turned the terminal's screen off and then placed a USB into the computer.
Any other computer connected to the same system would begin to be tracked by this one, and since no one should enter the room anytime soon it was the best place to place the first one. The more terminals she had under her control would make the takeover faster, until she would have all digital data, down to keystrokes at her command.
Once she did that she placed a thin string onto the door, a piece of her monowire given 'life'.
It was simply made to let her know if someone entered the room, she would activate the USB which was also a small robot so she could hide it for retrieval later.
Her next few targets went smoothly, and it only stopped slightly when she got to the third floor and found the Netrunner area.
Getting a USB in one of the chairs would hurry the process of takeover by quite a bit, however, it would also record all the data Netrunners rub against.
She didn't have the storage for a constant stream of random data, but Bast could handle it...
Finding herself in a secluded corner, she contacted Bast directly.
<Hello V, how was your first mission?> Bast
<Fine, I'm about to connect a Netrunner chair, but I don't have the systems for the constant stream of data, can-can you?>
<Of course, David had allocated a massive server farm to me to record any data I wanted, here are my encrypted broadcasting codes. Don't worry about hiding my trace, I'll do it for you.> B
<Thanks Bast.>
Ending the call, V went back to the empty chair, the reason why she wanted to get a chair was simply, not only did it have access to a lot of data at once, but it made a lot more data much easier to access.
You could also take off a portion of the chair and hide a USB connection inside it, making it much harder to find, especially since the chairs that the NCPD used were factory-issue chairs that included a cleverly hidden connection meant only for factory use to reset preowned chairs.
Of course, she didn't want to reset it, but it was the perfect place to hide her own USB and click the plate back into place without much noise.
Now she had a few terminals and a chair at her disposal she returned to her duties, waiting for the chances she could have to get through more offices and to find more evidence and information on everything she could.

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