Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 5: Chakra

"Yes, come to the east section of the forest at 5 a.m. tomorrow, and please go and tell your friend at the door that she doesn't have to worry about you," said the old man with a smile.

Both of them laughed at Yomi's antics. As they said goodbye, Kaida took his leave. When he opened the gate of the office, Yomi fell forward, her face as red as a tomato. Offering his hand again, Kaida said, "Let's go. I have something important to tell you."

This time, Yomi took his hand, too ashamed to say anything. They made their way toward the general playground and sat on a bench under the shadow of a tree.

"So, why were you eavesdropping on us? Were you worried about me?" Kaida said in a playful tone, to which Yomi replied, "Who was worried about you... I was just checking whether you would put the whole blame on me."

"Oh? So why did you try to save me when Suri was trying to bully me?" Kaida asked.

"Well, putting that aside, I have something to tell you. I already unlocked my chakra yesterday when I woke up, and the old man said that he would train me so that I can become a powerful—no, the most powerful—ninja in the world."

Kaida expected a flustered or happy reaction from Yomi, but when he looked at her, he became worried as he saw tears in her eyes. Before he could ask what was wrong, she started speaking.

(Kaida's perspective...)

"You liar, we both promised each other that we would become ninjas together. But now you're going to leave me like everyone else. Kaida, I hate you!"

Ah, I don't know why, but this felt more painful than yesterday's headache. This pain was in my chest, and I wanted to remove it. Before I could think of anything, my mouth started to speak on its own.

"Who said that I am going to become a ninja alone? I am telling you this because you are also going to get training from the old man with me, so we can both go to the academy together."

Hearing this, she asked with a smile, "Really? You're not lying, right?"

Now, with just a smile from Yomi, the pain went away like it never existed in the first place. But now I had to ask the old man for another favor. Well, that aside...

"Of course, I am not lying. After all, I am a man."

"No, you are just a boy," she said with a laugh.


After playing for some time, they both went back to the orphanage where Kaida showed his room to Yomi, and both of them decided to use it as their training area.

(No dirty thoughts, guys. They are both just four years old children...)

When Yomi went back to her room, Kaida made a run toward the old man's office to ask for another favor.

Knock, knock...

"Old man, it's me, Kaida. Can I come in?"

"Come in, Kaida. I was waiting for you, and before you ask, yes, you can also bring Yomi with you to training."

For some time, Kaida couldn't speak. When he understood what had happened, he asked, "How did you know that I was going to ask you about this?"

"Hah, boy, I have seen more of life than you. Trust me, your life is going to be a roller coaster ride from now on. Now, if you don't have anything else to ask, you can go back to your work. I am busy."

Kaida simply thanked the old man and went back to his room.


The rest of the day went normally. Suri, after being treated by the nurse, kept avoiding me, but Yomi started to act more friendly, not that I hated it.

(At night...)

Hmm, I was interested in how this chakra would feel, and since I now have access to it, I don't think I can stop myself from trying to use it. So, let's just use it.

Kaida sat in a lotus position and began to concentrate on his breathing while trying to find the position of chakra in his body. After nearly 10 minutes...

Somewhere near the solar plexus, there is a warm feeling. I think this is where chakra is stored in our body, so the details of anime were true, and I can trust them to a certain extent. Well, coming back to our main topic, let's try to move it.

(After 15 minutes...)

Hmm, it's more difficult than I thought. Why does it not even move a little? Maybe my method is wrong. I was trying to move my muscles in that area to indirectly move my chakra, but since it is not working, let's try a different approach. Hmm, I can't think of it as a body part since it gets used up and refilled in our body. It is safer to assume it as an air?

Let's try it this way. This time, let's try to move it as I am breathing. This time there was some movement in my chakra reserve—not much, but it was there.

After some time...

Hmm, there is some movement in my chakra reserve, but it is more like a vibration than actual movement. Well, since I tried everything I could think of, tomorrow I'll just ask the old man about this.


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