Naruto cross pupil

Chapter 44 Fat Keding's Attributes

"Bai Yue, I didn't expect you to be so good. It was a wonderful match." Xiaozhi said excitedly. "Hehe, there, a Pokmon trainer must learn to correctly guide the combat power of Pokémon." Bai Yue said. "That's right, there are many Pokémon that don't have personality traits, often because it matches the personality of the Pokémon trainer itself, so many Pokémon trainers attribute to Pokémon after failure. Can't see themselves mistake." Xiao Gang said.

"Go and rest, don't you guys have a game tomorrow? I won't go to watch the game. I also want to help Fat Keding lose weight. Just tell me the result when you come back." Bai Yue said.The four returned to their respective rooms to rest.Huoyue looked at Fat Keding lying on the bed, and jumped onto the chair to sleep.Bai Yue is the floor shop.

When Fat Keding woke up, he was very moved when he saw Bai Yue sleeping on the ground. He jumped to the ground and turned into Bai Yue's arms.Bai Yue was woken up by Fat Keding, and Fat Keding happily kissed Bai Yue's face to express his cordial greetings.It's a pity that Bai Yue felt something foreign on her face, and turned to look at her backpack. The backpack was opened wide, and it was obvious that Fat Keding had eaten all the food inside.

"Fat Keding, you thief." Bai Yue shouted.Fat Keding Sa Yazi jumped off the stairs, Bai Yue chased him to the balcony, Fat Keding rushed to the street and ran away. "Bai Yue, what's wrong with Fat Keding?" Xiao Guang asked standing on the balcony. "It's nothing, Fat Keding ate up everything in my backpack and ran away." Bai Yue said with some frustration.

When eating breakfast, Bai Yue ate intermittently. Now he can't understand why Fat Keding left him. Letting him lose weight doesn't mean that he should go on a diet. He really can't figure it out.

"Bai Yue, do you want to watch the game and relax?" Xiao Zhi asked. "No, I'm not going. I'm going to prepare the ingredients. Fat Keding ate all the food, and I have to prepare food for the rest of the Pokmon." Bai Yue said.

Bai Yue came to the gym and saw Fat Keding was training, "Bai Yue, Fat Keding came early enough, why did you come later than Pokémon?" Charles asked. "This guy stole all the food in the morning and then ran away. I thought he was leaving. I came this time to exercise and change my mood." Bai Yue said.

"It turned out to be like this. I said he felt fat again." Charles said. "Mr. Charles, please train him. I am not in the mood for being made by him now. I just educated others yesterday to understand the character of Pokémon and follow his characteristics. As a result, I have such an escape behavior this morning. , It's really a slap in the face." Bai Yue said. "Alright." Charles said, looking at Bai Yue who was not in a good mood.

Bai Yue came to the training ground, sat under the shade of a tree, and entered the state of cultivation by herself.Huoyue stood under the sun, quietly feeling the flame energy contained in the sun.Time is passing, and the position of the sun is changing. At noon, the sun shines on where Bai Yue is sitting, and Bai Yue wakes up from her practice.The heart became calm again, Huo Yue opened her eyes, and the flames in her eyes disappeared. "It seems that your mood has completely calmed down." Huo Yue said. "Yes, what about you, has your strength increased again?" Bai Yue said. "That's necessary." Huo Yue said proudly. "That's good. From now on, the battle will be yours. I'll save myself from worrying about the rest of the Pokémon." Bai Yue said. "That won't work, absolutely not. As a god, I won't make a move." Huo Yue shook her head and said.

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"Miss Joy said that Bai Yue didn't come back. It seems that Fat Keding's escape has hit him hard." Xiaozhi said. "That's inevitable. If you give wholeheartedly, if you don't get understanding and return, you will inevitably feel depressed." Xiao Gang said. "I still want to be introduced to him by my new partner, Little Flame Monkey." Xiaozhi said.

"Okay, Bai Yue is in a bad mood now, you should stop introducing Little Flame Monkey to him, and think about how you can beat us in tomorrow's game." Xiao Guang said. "That's right, Miss Joey, help me check the situation of Little Flame Monkey." Xiaozhi handed the Pokémon balls of Little Flame Monkey and Turtle to Joey.

Bai Yue sat on the roof, Fat Keding and Bai Yue looked at the sky together, holding the food that Bai Yue made for him - moon cakes in his hand, and quickly finished eating, drooling at the full moon in the sky.Huoyue looked at Fat Keding from the other side, he suspected that Baiyue was not only taking over a mouthful, but also a fool.Bai Yue looked at the sky and the moon, and she was in a good mood at this moment.Taking advantage of Bai Yue's carelessness, Fat Keding quickly took the mooncake from Bai Yue's hand, and ate it in two bites.Bai Yue glared at Fat Keding, but Fat Keding turned his head away in embarrassment, actually swallowing what was in his mouth.

After seven days of rigorous training, Fat Keding finally lost some weight, he doesn't look so obese, and he feels much better when he holds him.Bai Yue left Yuanzhi City and walked towards Random Town.There's going to be the next Grand Prix there, so they'll definitely be there.

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The three of Xiaozhi stopped and went, Bai Yue chased them for three days and finally caught up with them by the river. "You are walking so slowly. I was worried that I would be separated from you, but I didn't expect to meet you here." Bai Yue said. "Bai Yue, you're finally fine. We're going to Random Town, you can go with us and see the Pokémon Contest." Xiaozhi said.

"Okay, just to test the results of Fat Keding's cultivation." Bai Yue said. "Fat Keding, isn't he gone?" Xiaoguang asked. "No, it turned out that I misunderstood him. He went to the gym for training by himself. After so many days of hard work, he finally lost weight." Bai Yue said.

Bai Yue let Fat Keding out, "Fat Keding, he looks a lot thinner and taller." After finishing speaking, Xiao Guang stepped forward to pick up Fat Keding, "I can pick him up now , It seems that he is really working hard." Xiaoguang put down Fat Keding, and handed him a piece of bread.Fat Keding ate it excitedly, and even took a peek at Bai Yue after eating.

"He's such a worthless guy, he just knows how to eat. If you eat too much, give me a good exercise." Bai Yue scolded with a smile. "It seems that Fat Keding would rather lose weight, sweat, and suffer physically, than let his mouth suffer." Xiao Gang said. "That's it, a typical foodie." Bai Yue said.

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