Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 204: Kiba vs Naruto...

Title: Kiba vs Naruto...


Kiba just gives a side glance towards his father. His body shivers a little, he is nervous beyond belief. He has so many regrets, he was never really good enough to compare to his siblings. Yoruichi is Konoha's Ace and an S Rank ninja, she and Itachi used to be in the same class and if not for Yami stopping her from graduating early she wouldn't have fallen short of the Uchiha Itachi, the Clan Slayer. Then there is Hana, his sister,  she is already an Elite Ninja at the young age of eighteen, she is also studying under Tsunade, as she will take over when the Slug Sannin retires as the Head of Medical Staff in Konoha.

'Then there is my brother.' Contemplates Kiba. His brother, though seemingly not that talented in the ninja arts, he was always the intelligent one and he is now the Daimyo. Even at twelve years old, his reign is already considered revolutionary.

'I need to prove to father and… myself that I am worthy of being Yami Inuzuka's son. I will make him proud.' Thinks Kiba, he doesn't ridicule Naruto or anything like that. If he did it, he knows that his father would look down on him. He always says that an enemy must NEVER be underestimated.

He puts Akamaru down from the hood of his hoodie, Kiba then gets down on his four limbs.

<Four Legged Technique>

His canine lingthen, his eyes turn into slits and his nails become sharper.


He disappears from the eyes of the Genin and Naruto can't see him at all. When Kakashi sees this, he turns to Kurenai, who has a smirk on her face as she looks at Kiba. 

"It seems like Kiba will get the Chunin promotion this time." Says Kakshi, his lone eye staring deeply at Kurenai. Who looked at him and had a mocking smile. 

"True, ever since he became a Genin, Kiba has been training eight hours a day. I just train him like Yami -sensei used to train us. It seems like that has quite the effect." As Kurenai says that, she gives Yami a split second look. 

On the other hand when Sakura hears this, she gets a little excited. "Woah! So you were trained by the Hokage?"

Kurenai smiles at this. "Yep. It isn't widely known, but back in the day me, Guy and Asuma used to be in the same team."

Guy picks up on this and gives Kurenai a thumbs up while loudly exclaiming. "YEAH! THAT WAS SUCH A YOUTHFUL TIME. We having each other's backs while surrounded by enemies. It truly brings back happy memories."

Asuma just sighs at this. "That was fun for you? We almost died on multiple occasions. It was terrifying, there were even some people who wanted to hurt Yami -sensei emotionally so they hunted us."

Kurenai just chuckles at this. "It was definitely dangerous, but I think that at the same time. We found comrades and friends for life at those difficult moments."

The Genin just look at the interactions between the three with wide eyes. Never knowing that some of their teachers were teammates back in the day and they even studied under the 5th Hokage.

On the other hand, in the battle down below. Kiba had pinned Naruto down on the ground and was punching him on the face repeatedly.

"Give up." Says Kiba, with a cold look on his eyes.

"Never." Says Naruto, even as his face was all black and purple.


Kiba just punches again, this time in the mouth. Knocking out a few of Naruto's teeth.

"Give up."

"Newer." Says Naruto, unable to form straight words with his teeth knocked off.

Kiba nods at this. "I understand."

He then just...


Slaps Naruto's ears with his palms, with the power behind the hit rapturing his eardrums as blood starts coming out of Naruto's ears. While his eyes go dull as he sinks into unconsciousness, Kiba then gets up and let's go of Naruto's hands that he had trapped with his legs. He didn't even allow Naruto to use any Jutsu at all.

The referee sees this and says. "Naruto Uzumaki is knocked out the winner is Kib-"


But as he is about to say that, inside Naruto's mind. He opens his eyes and looks around. He is in front of a giant cage.

"Where am I?" Asks Naruto, confused by the situation. "I was just fighting Kiba."

Suddenly a harsh and malicious voice comes from the surroundings. "If you can even call that a fight."

Naruto looked around confused. "W -Who are you?"

"Since that man is out there I can't come outside. But I can give you my chakra, and you will defeat the son of that man." Says the voice, Naruto looks around and finally he notices the giant red eye inside the dark cage. 

Naruto couldn't help but ask. "Who-" 

But before he could finish, he felt his conscience return back to his body.


As soon as red chakra starts coming out of Naruto's body. The Konoha Jonin immediately are about to go and stop Naruto but an invisible pressure stops them all. 

They look at the source and see that it was the Hokage who stopped them. 

"What… is that?" Asks Sakura as she can feel the heavy and malicious chakra coming out of Naruto.

Kiba too looks at this with wide eyes.


But Naruto disappears from his view as…


He feels a tremendous pain on his stomach, he coughs out of blood. Suddenly he can feel hundreds of punches hit him. 'W -What… is this really that loser Naruto. What the hell, that is cheating. Where did this malicious chakra even come from.'

As blows rain down on Kiba, he is slammed into the walls and he grabs Kiba by the hair.


And bashes his head on the floor. The Jonin and the referee wanted tk stops this but Yami calmly signals them not to do so.

Naruto then keeps bashing Kiba's head on the ground until his face is unrecognizable, his nose is bloody and twisted. But he was still conscious, and as he was about to fall unconscious and his head is pulled up by Naruto, he caught sight of his father. Yami like always just had a calm look on his face.

Akamaru on the other hand…


Jumped towards Naruto, but the puppy was just easily bashed aside and thrown into a wall. Kiba sees this and wants to.get up and fight but he can't. He feels as if his whole body is broken, he isn't far from the truth as his ribs and arms are broken.

'So it seems like I can't win father.' Thinks Kiba, as he gives up. He can't help but remember what his father told him when he graduated. 



Kiba looks at his father. "So dad, Yoruichi told me that you have a gift for me for graduation. What is it?"

Yami smiles at this and ruffles Kiba's hair. "Remember son, losers are losers, so you must NEVER lose to someone. No matter who they are. Once a loser will always be a loser, unless you are born blessed that is."

Kiba seems confused at this, but in the end he smiles. "Don't worry dad… I will never lose to someone."

He gives his father a thumbs up while saying that. Yami just laughs at this and gets close to Kiba. "Then this will be your gift from me son."


*flashback end*


'I DON'T WANT TO LOSE.' Thinks Kiba agitated. 'I WILL NEVER LOSE.'

His hand moves and grasps Naruto's wrist. "I WILL NEVER LOSE, TO NO ONE. I am Kiba Inuzuka, I can NEVER lose."

Such a simple ideology, that was all he wanted to not lose so he wouldn't shame his father.


Naruto's wrists break under Kiba's grasp as dark tattoos start appearing all over Kiba's body.

Every Jonin's eyes widen at this. 

"He can already use it?" Asks Kurenai in bewilderment. 

Slowly Kiba's skin is covered by tattoos and his hair starts growing behind his back.

<Inuzuka Secret Technique: Werewolf Mode>



Really having a hard time writing the ending of this story of patreòn. I know what and how to write it obviously, this ending has been planned ever since the beginning of the story. Though it changed and it got more detail along the way... I feel a little sad...????

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


(23 chapters in advance)


(I post pictures of different characters and such)

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