Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Defeat at last

Sato bit his lips; his mind was thinking of a solution; he had to stop the tailed beast's ball before it hit them.

"If this was any other tailed beast, I would push the attack back into their mouth. But seven tails doesn't have an open mouth."

Sato pulled his hair in frustration; the tailed beast ball was about to take shape by now, and Chomie was getting ready to attack.

"Can I kick it out? No, it would explode upon my kick. Maybe push it out of the way? No, it's not possible to touch it."

"Dammit, do I really have to try and block it? I don't think I'll survive that."

Sato was looking around the battlefield at lightning-fast speed; he was searching for anything that could help him.

Then suddenly, his eyes fell on a water tank—a large water tank made of iron.

"Got it! I remember, Kumra's tailed beast ball collapsed after it hit 8 different tailed beast balls at once."

"I could fire my own tailed beast ball and do a DragonBall-style ki blast clash."

Sato thought of a hasty solution: although he didn't have a tailed beast ball of his own, he could use the railgun. An attack with the same amount of power as a tailed beast ball.

This wasn't a good solution; it was a very hasty one in fact, but Sato had no other option.


Bending down, Sato ripped out the water tank. If he wanted to use an attack that could deflect such a large amount of power, a regular Kunai railgun wouldn't work.

Kurama's tailed beast ball was deflected by the combined effort of all the other tailed beasts. Not just one. Sato had to recreate a massive railgun blast to do something similar.

And his ammunition of choice was this water tank. This iron water tank was large enough to create a massively powerful attack.

"This won't be easy. I can fire normal railguns without too much of a problem, but this is a big one."

Putting his hands in front of him, Sato turned towards the unconscious Hinata, took a deep breath, and refocused on Chomie.


A large amount of lightning began flashing around Sato, and the iron water tank soon started trembling. A buzzing sound was coming from the large container.

"It's vibrating. What is that attack? The power contained within that iron tank is growing exponentially."

Shibuki murmured. Sato's fight just now had opened his eyes; this was the first time he had seen a battle of this level. Sato's current railgun left him completely speechless.

This was far beyond anything he had ever sensed before.


On the other side, Sato was sweating; his sweat was also evaporating due to his lightning cloak.

But the lightning around him was starting to flash less and less. Sato was running out of steam.

"I should have expected this; I simply don't have enough chakra to charge such a massive attack."

"Jonin-level reserves aren't enough; I am about to run out of chakra, and I am still not sure I can stop this."

Sato's hasty idea was indeed too hasty; he understood this was a dead end. It wasn't possible to clash with the seven tails with this level of power.


To make matters worse, Chomie had finished creating the tailed beast ball and let it rip towards Sato without wasting time.

"It's coming."

Most ninjas would despair in such a situation, almost out of chakra and with no way to defeat the enemy. But Sato wasn't most people.

He was a reincarnated soul with the knowledge of a subject called physics.


Sato used the remaining bit of his chakra to appear below the tailed beast ball and aimed the charged railgun at an angle.

Sato didn't attack the tailed beast ball from the front, but he decided to hit it from below. This way, the force from his attack wouldn't be cancelled out by Chomie's.

"In simple terms, your attack will be deflected, by science!"

"Maximum output: Railgun!"

Sato yelled out his attack name and let it fly.


A massive sonic boom rang out, it took Sato's railgun a fraction of a second to reach the tailed beast ball.

The water tank rammed into the tailed beast ball, instantly deflecting it from its original path.

Sato's attack was so fast that the tailed beast ball didn't even get the chance to explode, before it was thrown up a considerable distance.


Then, a massive explosion turned the sky orange. A heat wave swept throughout the hidden waterfall village, almost burning the hair off of people.

But no further damage was done; Sato knew that deflecting Chomie's attack had worked. He was currently panting from weakness and staring into the smoke.


Turning his head towards a sudden bug-like sound, Sato watched Chomie fly towards him aggressively. Making him twitch his eyes and stand up shakily.

"Did it not work? Do you still have excess energy?"

Sato mumbled, crouching down. He slowly took the posture of chakra-enhanced strength. The power he used to use back in the day, when he had almost no chakra.

Even if he was out of strength, he was still Sato. He didn't come this far with a system, but with his own willpower. Going down without a fight was not his style.


Sato watched Chomie aggressively rush towards him and get ready to throw punch.


When suddenly, Chomie started to shrink and turned into Fu. Who was falling from the sky?


Sato's punch instantly turned into a hug, and he caught Fu in his arms.

"You are okay, Sato! I am sorry! I am so sorry!"

This was all Shibuki could hear from a distance before the world became silent. The dust cloud surrounding Fu and Sato didn't let him see what they were doing back there.

"I wonder why they suddenly stopped talking. I hope she's alright."

Shibuki muttered in a worried voice. Meanwhile, Hinata, who had woken up because of the explosion, closed her Byakugan with a sigh.

"She's fine. There's no need to check."

Shibuki was started but nodded with relief, although he didn't understand why Hinata sounded so depressed. It must be because she failed to help Sato, Shibuki thought.

Shaking her head, Hinata patted her cheek and looked at Shibuki.

"We did what we promised; now it's your turn, Shibuki Sama. I hope we can have a good chat."

Hinata was trying to keep Shibuki occupied. She knew Sato was busy talking to Fu; she didn't want to disturb whatever he was planning to do.

The hero water was their goal this time, and Fu, who had surely drunk it, was okay. Hinata knew this was great news for Sato. She decided to take the leader away from them so Sato could talk with Fu peacefully.

But that was all she was willing to do. She felt uncomfortable when Fu was alone with Sato. She didn't forget what Fu did back then. Hinata had decided to convince Sato to go back home after this.

She was done with their vacation; they will take the hero water and get out; the next time they will leave their village, will be for the upcoming Chunin exams in Konoha.

About 6–7 months were remaining. Sato will be a true Kage-level ninja by then, both in strength and chakra reserves.

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon


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