Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Impure World Reincarnation

"Open your mouth, Sato kun."

Hinata lovingly held up her hand and showed Sato the fruit she wanted to feed him.


Sato smiled and opened his mouth. He was lying on top of Hinata's lap, looking up at her face. Hinata missed him as much as he missed her; she had been taking care of him since he got here an hour ago.


Karui, meanwhile, snorted from the other room. She was feeling pissed off at Hinata. How dare this girl spend time with her boss before she could? She should be the one feeding him and taking care of him right now; she was his assistant.


The more Karui thought about it, the more angry she felt. So what if Hinata was going to marry Sato later on? They weren't married yet. She should know her place.

"Sato sama.."

Suddenly, the door opened, and a tired, almost drained-looking Itachi walked into the room.

"Sato, are the preparations ready?"

Behind him was the fourth Raikage; his fingers were swollen, and he looked as if he had trouble moving his hand.

"Raikage sama, what happened? You seem injured? Don't tell me you lost to Itachi."

Sato didn't get up from Hinata's lap; he happily waved at them both with a look that seemed to be laughing.

Raikage's face became hard to look at. Glaring at the calm Itachi, Raikage clicked his tongue.

"Nonsense, I won the fight."

Itachi turned towards the Raikage and stared at him with an emotionless face.

"Only because I ran out of chakra, you couldn't damage my susanoo or my yata mirror. You are nothing before me, Raikage A."

Raikage's eyes bulged, and his nose was about to spew hot air from sheer anger. This goddamn brat would be dead if he wasn't so loyal to Sato.

"Now, Itachi, there is no need to anger Raikage Sama."

Sato instantly decided to step in. Itachi was pushing the Raikage's buttons a lot; he didn't want his home to be destroyed in case the Raikage lost his mind.

"That's right, Itachi; please don't be so rude. And Hinata, what are you doing in front of Raikage Sama? Don't be so shameless and get up."

Karui found this the right time to cut in; she scolded Hinata on top of that. This girl was making her boss look bad.

"Karui san, it's okay; Raikage sama won't mind; Sato sama is tired after his long journey."

Hinata smiled at Karui and gently rubbed her hands through Sato's hair. She had a gentle smile, but the look in her eyes was almost challenging for Karui.

"You.. don't go too far; I am his assistant. I know what's right for him."

Hinata tilted her head and spoke softly.

"And I am his fiancee; please behave yourself. I know more than you do; Sato kun needs rest."

Karui trembled with anger; she glared at Hinata, and Hinata glared back, with veins popping on her face, a sign that her Byakugan was activated.

'What happened to them?'

Raikage and Itachi looked at the two girls fighting a barely disguised cold war, and they turned to Sato for answers.

But he himself was clueless; he had no idea what was going on.

'Did they fight or something? There's a story here.'

Sato was very curious about what happened. But it was clear that these two didn't want to talk about it.

Whatever, this doesn't concern him anyway; they will come to him if they need help. He can always ask Neji or Haku if he wants to know.

"It's okay, Hinata; I will rest later; I have a job to do now. Reviving people."

Getting up from Hinata's lap, Sato stood up and stretched himself.

"Shisui and Samui have finished the preparations, Raikage Sama. They have set up the ritual array in the backyard; please come with me."

Sato explained the current situation to Itachi and Raikage A, then walked towards the backyard.

Itachi, Raikage, Hinata, and Karui followed behind him. From his Headhunter squad, only they were here right now. Yugito, Neji, and Haku were out on a mission today.

"Sato sama!"

"Sato sama."

Shisui and Samui found Sato coming and greeted him together. They were standing side by side, very much sticking to one another.

"It looks like it went well between you two."

Sato smiled happily when he saw the two of them blushing. Shisui was more embarrassed than Samui, who was trying to maintain her cool face, but the flushing face gave her away.

"Ahem, Sato sama, Raikage sama, we have set up the ritual array. Shisui has learned to cast the jutsu as well."

"It's just that, this sacrifice; he is just a special Jonin. Third Raikage Sama's strength will be much weaker than his prime."

Samui coughed and spoke about the situation. She was amazed that they were reviving the third Raikage, but she wasn't sure why they didn't try to find a stronger sacrifice.

The stronger the sacrifice, the stronger Third Raikage Sama would be after his revival.

"That's okay; we don't need Father to be at full strength right away. We are cloning a body for him; he will gain his strength back when he gets his real body."

"Until then, edo tensei revival is just fine."

The Raikage cleared Samui's doubts. He was in a good mood right now; he was going to see his father again.

It's just that he hoped that everything would go well. The afterlife was a whole new territory for him. God knows what will happen if they mess up the ritual.

"You kids, stay away from the ritual array; we don't know if Konoha's jutsu will work right. We don't know what we will summon from the pure land."

"We should be careful, in case we summon something evil instead of Father's soul."

Raikage A pushed the kids behind him; he even pushed Itachi behind him without any discrimination. For him, Itachi was a rude brat, but still a kid—a kid of his village.


Itachi noticed the gesture and showed a little surprise; he smiled soon after. It felt nice to see a Kage who didn't hide behind kids like the third Hokage likes to do.

"Samui, you leave as well."

Shisui asked Samui to leave; she nodded and told Shisui to be careful before flashing away to the roof of Sato's house.

"Sato sama, Raikage sama, I am about to begin."

Shisui became serious, and the atmosphere became still. The air was somehow feeling cold when Shisui started casting impure world reincarnation.






Shisui clapped his hands and put them on the ground. Suddenly, the unconscious special Jonin sacrifice began to twitch.


The special join sat up abruptly, his eyes bloodshot, and his screams, which were still human a few seconds ago, turned demonic.

It was clear to everyone after using the jutsu once that what came out of the sacrifice's mouth wasn't a human voice.

"Sato kun."

Hinata grabbed Sato's hand with fear; these inhumane screams were scaring her.



The screams suddenly stopped. They stopped as soon as the dirt and dust had finished covering the sacrifice.

The special jonin was gone, and in his place stood Third Raikage, with cracks all over his body and an aura of decay around him.


Raikage A clenched his fist and called out to the zombie-like figure.

Hearing the voice, Third Raikage's cracked face moved a little, and his eyes slowly opened.


Raikage A frowned, his father's eyes—they weren't right. The whites of his eyes had turned black; these eyes, they weren't the eyes of the living.

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