Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Itachi’s choice

After some heated discussion, everyone had a job assigned to them.

"So here's what we will do, Sister will tell Raikage sama that Shisui wants to settle down in our village."

"Shisui himself is responsible for finding a girlfriend, preferably Samui unless she isn't your type."

"Itachi is responsible for informing Konoha that Shisui found true love."

"Make sure they understand he did not betray the village, it dosen't matter what the truth is, but we must say it like this.."

Sato assigned everyone tasks, then pointed towards himself and said.

"I myself will go to Konoha with Itachi, he will protect me during this time."

"Someone from the hidden cloud needs to represent Shisui's lover, I'll be doing that."

Yugito frowned when she heard this, she didn't think Sato going to Konoha by himself was a good idea.

Especially with someone like Itachi on his side.

"That's not a good idea, Itachi is not a reliable person, I don't believe he has the guts to fight against Konoha to keep you safe."

"You yourself aren't strong either, you might be an S class Ninja with Matatabi's chakra, but that's temporary."

"You can't regenerate her chakra by yourself, you are an S class for just one battle, after that fight you will be back to Chunin strength."

Sato shrugged, he understood Yugito's concern but he was not too worried.

Just like Yugito, he didn't trust Itachi either, but logically speaking, Itachi should protect Sato as long as he was stopping the Uchiha from rebelling.

This way he will have Itachi protecting him on his journey, and this was an Itachi who had just unlocked his Mangekyo.

Which means it was a non blind Itachi with fully working eyes, this was a very strong helper.

But this wasn't the only reason he had to go alone.

"It's not that I don't want someone from our village to protect me in Konoha, but a strong Kumo ninja can't go to Konoha right now."

"If I bring a strong Ninja with me right after we rescued the criminal Shisui, Konoha will see this as an obvious act of aggression."

"To appear non threatening, a Konoha ninja needs to guard me instead, Itachi should be able to handle that job."

Sato looked at Itachi who remained silent and gave a soft nod.

But Yugito was not satisfied with this.

"Nonsense, I can't trust this guy, he can spy on his clan and best friend for the Hokage, he is obviously brainwashed."

"There is no way in hell I am leaving your protection to this moron, he might have that weird looking Sharingan, but he is not trustworthy."

Itachi felt his heart sink, he knew his actions in Konoha were seen as acts of betrayal, frankly, he himself wouldn't trust someone like him either.

Shisui meanwhile tried to defend Itachi.

"No, Itachi didn't know, he was confused by Hokage sama's words-"

"Shut up."

Yugito frowned and prevented Shisui from speaking further.

"No matter how close you are to this guy, I am not leaving my brother in the hands of someone like him."

"Can you guarantee that he is not lying to us right now? What's the proof that he won't just betray Sato if Hokage 'sama' asks him nicely?"

Shisui wanted to say that Itachi wouldn't betray his own people, but his words got stuck in his throat.

He just remembered that Itachi even betrayed him..

Watching his closest friend Shisui unable to defend himself made Itachi close his eyes.

He understood that he had completely lost his credibility.

Even Shisui who was like his elder brother could not trust him, much less foreign helpers of another village.

"I see.. under what conditions can you trust me?"

Itachi opened his eyes and asked Yugito.

Yugito sneered at his peaceful face, the more she saw him the more she disliked the guy.

He was a complete backstabber yet acted so high and mighty.

"Oh I don't know, if you were brainwashed to follow Sato instead of the Hokage, maybe I wouldn't have issues trusting you."

"But that can't happen now can it, you are the Hokage's dog, nobody can brainwash someone as thoroughly brainwashed as you again!"

Yugito harshly put down Itachi, but Itachi was Itachi, he still didn't give a crap about her attitude.

Which made veins pop on her temple.

This bastard was ignoring her even after she said so much, he was pissing her off.

"If that's what will make you trust me, then it's possible."

Yugito frowned when Itachi said this out of nowhere.

But she smirked and attacked him again.

"Really? So are you ready to experience our hidden cloud's brainwashing program?"

"But I don't think it'll work on you, you are already beyond saving, who the hell in their right mind spies on their family for a third person! You are insane."

Yugito was mercilessly hitting Itachi again and again, she might not have any personal problems with this guy, but he was getting under her skin with his attitude.

A backstabber like him does not deserve to have such a calm attitude.

"That would not be necessary."

Itachi curtly replied without any anger, which made even more veins pop on Yugito's head.

Yet what he said next made her confused instead of angry.

"If Sato sama can't go to Konoha because he can't trust me for his protection, he won't be able to convince everyone and all our plans will fail."

"But you can't trust someone like me without confirming my loyalty either, I understand that as well."

"So if you want me to follow Sato sama beyond any shadow of doubt, Shisui can make that happen."

Itachi looked at Shisui, who was taken aback by Itachi's words.

Itachi was saying this while pointing towards his eyes, which made Shisui frown.

Itachi was like his brother, he certainly knew about his Mangekyo technique, Kotoamatsukami, the justu which can change someone's consciousness permanently.

But was Itachi suggesting that he should use it on him?? Wasn't that a bit too extreme?

"Itachi, are you sure? It dosen't have to be you protecting Sato sama in Konoha, we can always think of something else."

Shisui seriously adviced but Itachi shook his head.

"No, this is beyond Sato sama's protection, I am not a trustworthy partner, me being around will cause a lot of problems to our plan."

"Unless I can be trusted there will always be a problem, I am the weak link in this group, the most suspicious person and potential traitor."

"I have already made up my mind, you have decided to follow Sato sama, there is no reason I can't do the same."

Itachi smiled warmly at Shisui, showing geniune emotions for the first time.

"My loyalty in exchange for a peaceful home where Sasuke can grow up.."

"I am happy with that."

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