Naruto : Hidden Cloud


6 months wasn't a long time for a ninja; in these six months, Sato relaxed like never before.

Training was useless to him at this time; he was pretty much the freest person in the hidden cloud, with Killer B right behind him.

That guy too had nothing to do, except write raps all day long.

"Sato sama, this is the list of teams from the hidden cloud; should I hand it over to Konoha?"

Karui asked while flipping through a sheet. They were walking on a dirt road right now.

Konoha's gate was right before them; Sato's team had come to Konoha for chunin exams.

"Of course, show them. We have nothing to hide. That list only records our team names."

There were two teams participating from Hidden Cloud; the first team was Sato, Haku, and Hinata, with team leader Samui.

The second team was Neji, Karui, and Omoi, with team leader Darui. Yes, Darui, he had become a Jonin recently.

"We will act separately after we go in. Darui, your team is responsible for information gathering."

"Our team is responsible for beating people up and making a name for hidden cloud. Am I clear?"

Sato reminded his team about their duties, everyone nodded and accepted his arrangements.

After all, Samui and Darui might act like the leaders, but the true leader was Sato, their future Raikage.

"Good, let's go."

Sato's group walked towards the front gate, showing their identity. The group managed to get in without any problems.

"This feels good. There is no smell of roots in the air; Danzo's absence is very clear."

Sato mumbled; he was feeling great coming back to Konoha.


Sato's nose suddenly twitched, and he looked in a particular direction. He could smell the smell of desert from that direction.

'Gaara? I've got to meet him.'

Sato grinned. He was curious about the one-tail jinchuriki; he wanted to meet the boy.

"Haku, Hinata, let's go, Samui; you check our hotel in the meantime."

Sato chose a direction and went ahead; his group scattered according to their plan.

Hinata and Haku quickly walked together with Sato, standing on his right and left, respectively.

Sato casually followed the smell and turned a few times before he found a team of three walking down the road.

"Hidden sand village? What should we do with them, Sato sama?"

Haku asked curiously, and Sato smiled while cracking his knuckles.

"We are here to make trouble; those three aren't good people; we beat them up."

"Haku, you take care of that puppet guy; Hinata, you handle that fan-holding girl; and I will handle the red-haired jinchuriki."

Sato smiled widely. At first, he wanted to meet them normally, but the sheer aura of arrogance coming off of them was pissing him off.

Only he could act arrogant in these exams. Not the loser kids of a loser Kazekage.


Sato instantly vanished and appeared before the trio. Which made the three siblings pause.

"Who are you?"

Kankuro questioned Sato with contempt; just like Sato thought, they were overflowing with arrogance.

Why won't they act arrogant? They were here to attack Konoha, they would obviously look down on everyone here.

But Sato wasn't from here; he had no reason to give a shit about Kankuro.

"Did I ask you to talk about your worthless trash? I am not here for you, weakling."

"There is someone much more amazing in your group than your sorry ass."

Sato scolded Kankuro with a look of contempt, which made the boy freeze in shock and then tremble in anger.

Just when he was about to unleash his puppet crow, Temari put her hand on her brother's shoulder.

"No need, Kankruo; I'll handle this. Tell me, big guy, what do you want from me?"

Temari walked forward with grace and asked Sato with a smile.

Sato raised his eyebrows at her and shooed her away with disgust.

"What made you think I was talking about you, you sorry excuse for a ninja? Get out of my face."

"By amazing, I mean that red-haired guy; his chakra is amazing."

Temari froze just like her brother; her face slowly became red from absolute shame.

She was going to scream at Sato for not having eyes before Sato vanished and appeared before Gaara.


"Hey there, I sense something special inside you. You are the one-tail Jinchuriki, aren't you?

Sato grabbed Gaara's shoulder before his protective sand could react. Shocking all three siblings simultaneously.

Kankuro and Temari became pale. How did this guy know about the monster inside Gaara? Gaara was their secret weapon; it would be bad if his secret was leaked.

"Take off your hand, or I'll kill you."

Gaara came out of his shock, and his killing intent began boiling.

Sato didn't care and squeezed Gaara's shoulder harder, almost making the boy's bones creak.

"Make me."

Sato grinned, his tiger-like teeth on full display. Gaara's eyes had become bloodshot. His sand was starting to seep out of his gourd.

Sato didn't care; his body also started crackling with electricity. He looked Gaara in the eye and said,

"Before you attack, I suggest you look at your siblings."

Gaara frowned and turned at them, then gritted his teeth in disappointment. Both Temari and Kankuro were beaten down by Hinata and Haku at some point.

"Both of you are useless."

Gaara has had enough; the sand is falling off his body more and more, he was losing his cool by the second.

"Stop it, Gaara; don't do it; we can't expose ourselves!"

Temari said in a low but urgent voice that she was panicked; she didn't think they would mess up so badly.

Where did these three monsters come from?!

"Wow, you are not totally useless after all."

Sato clapped and praised Temari, who was blushing, both from anger and from shame.

"You should relax, Gaara. I came to you because you seem similar to me."

"If you can talk to the monster inside you, ask him about me. He should know, you can consider me the two tails, just like you are the one tail."

Sato's words made Temari and Kankuro gulp in fear, so this is why they couldn't beat Sato. He was a monster, like Gaara.

"You are like me?"

Gaara asked, clearly confused about what Sato said. Sato smiled and let go of Gaara.

He looked at him and confirmed.

"I am! It was nice to meet you. Now then, what can you pay me? To keep me from talking about your plan."

"Don't look at me like that; I am not from Konoha, and I don't care what you do here. But I won't keep quiet without hush money."

Sato smiled slyly; his continuous offense totally caught the three relatively inexperienced siblings off guard.

They were fumbling; Sato had to keep up the offense for a bit longer, and he might get some good jutsus or treasures from them.

"How about one of us goes with you as a hostage until we are done?"

Suddenly, a mature voice spoke from the side. Sato turned towards the voice and saw a man walk forward.

"I am Baki, their jonin sensei, Headhunter Sato; we were not planning on taking action against the hidden cloud."

"We hope the hidden cloud stays out of this as a neutral party."

"As a show of sincerity, you can take Temari or Kankuro with you until we are done. We assure you, we will not harm your team during our mission."

Baki looked serious, but Sato cursed the man. This man came in and ruined all his plans. He had almost fooled the three siblings.

But instead of free ninjutsu, Sato got a hollow promise. Whatever, this is how an elite ninja behaves.

His plan was randomly made anyway; no harm was done. At least this way, he made it clear to the hidden sand that the hidden cloud was not a part of this.

If something went wrong, nobody could blame the hidden cloud. Hidden Cloud was a neutral party.

But Sato wasn't going to just roll over without taking some more benefits for himself.

"Not enough; we want a cut from your profit, or the hostage stays with us."

"We don't care what your plan for Konoha is; we just want 15% of the profits."

Sato threatened Baki, who looked thoughtful for a second before agreeing.

"Fine. Who do you want to take as a hostage? Anyone works except Gaara."

Baki said seriously, he compromised due to Sato's status.

Sato hummed and thought out loud. 

"You won't do; Kankuro is worthless; Temari, well, she has a fan, and the weather is hot."

"It's you then, Temari; I hope you know how to use that big fan. Keep us cool, understand?"

Sato smiled, and Temari almost broke her fan on the spot. She wanted to yell that this was a Ninja fan, not a regular fan!

"I understand, Headhunter Sama."

But Temari gave a shaky smile and waved her fan, cooling Sato down like a maid.

"Heh, good job; you are much more pleasing to the eye now. Let's go, Hinata, Haku."

The four people walked away. Temari looked at Kankruo angrily one last time before quickly fanning Sato.

If not for her stupid brother clashing with Sato, she wouldn't be reduced to a maid. What a tragedy.

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon


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