Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Sato’s overwhelming strength

Sato knew there was something wrong with the leader's invitation. He gave Hinata a look, which meant he would talk to her later.

Hinata glared at Sato for a few seconds before looking away. She was a little mad, but she knew Sato was about to tell her something before they were attacked. He wasn't going to hide anything.

Hinata trusted Sato; she believed that even if something happened between those two, it must be because Fu did it.

"Let's go, Sato kun."

Hinata shook her head and spoke softly. Sato smiled back in return, and they quickly began following the leading ninja. Soon, Sato and Hinata were at the door of village leader Shibuki.

"C-Come in."

A stuttering voice came from the inside; this was the leader's voice. Sato and Hinata looked at each other and walked in.

"Welcome.. I am Shibuki; hello, hello."

Shibuki, the waterfall village's leader, was speaking extremely nervously. Hinata thought that he was scared after seeing Sato's railgun.

But Sato knew that wasn't the case; Shibuki was just a coward, a really big coward who inherited the village leader position after his father's death.

"Shibuki Sama, you called us?"

Immediately, Sato knew what approach he should take with this guy; he knew that even if there was a conspiracy, Shibuki must have no idea about it.

This nervous wreak of a man would never be able to hide a conspiracy, which means that guy named Suien must be planning something independently.

That man was like the Danzo of Hidden Waterfall Village.

"Yes, yes, I called you; please take a seat, both of you."

Shibuki felt a bit better after Sato spoke to him politely. He might be a coward, but he was a good guy.

This was why he decided to talk to Sato about Fu. Not only was Fu their village's jinchuriki, she was like his younger sister. He was the only one in this village who genuinely cared about Fu.

"Sorry for calling you so suddenly. I wanted to talk to you about someone. Your friend Fu isn't a normal girl; I can't tell you, but she is very important to our village."

"I understand this might be personal, but Fu is like my sister, and I know she is very close to you. I want to know your thoughts about this matter."

Shibuki drank some tea and moistened his throat; he continued after that.

"I heard both of you are wandering ninjas; I am not pressuring you or anything, but if you agree to stay with Fu, I will accept you into Hidden Waterfall Village."

"I will give both of you a legal waterfall ninja identity and the Jonin position, as you definitely have the strength. Please think about it."

Sato was speechless, and so was Hinata. If Sato and Hinata were truly wandering ninjas, this would be an amazing deal. Shibuki was definitely sincere; he really wanted the best for Fu.

But the thing is, Sato was the next Raikage, and Hinata was his wife. Shibuki was essentially asking him to join the waterfall village and confirming his relationship with Fu, in front of Hinata. There was no way this would work.

"I see... and this proposal of yours, does Fu know about it?"

Sato tapped the table before him; he was thinking that if Shibuki wanted to talk about a proposal, then why was Fu suddenly attacked?

Shibuki was also confused and replied with a light frown.

"Suien was supposed to tell her; but his squad started fighting against her, they have stopped fighting now. They should be here any minute; maybe there was some misunderstanding."

Shibuki tried to think of reasons for the fight, but he was coming blank: why would Suien attack Fu?


Shibuki was lost in thought, which is why he didn't realize that his surroundings had suddenly become silent. Too silent.


Suddenly, the door to Shibuki's office was opened with a bang, and Suien walked in proudly.

"Suien, you are here. Where is Fu? Didn't you bring her?"

Shibuki tried to ignore Suien's disrespect, but Suien smirked, which soon turned into a look of disgust.

"Shibuki. You still don't understand, do you? I thought you would have realized when we attacked Fu, but I guess you are too slow."

Suien gave Shibuki a disgusted look before turning towards Sato with the same expression.


And then his face suddenly stopped making any expression; his head had hit the floor hard enough to crack the stone tiles.

"Don't look at me with such disgusting eyes. Trash."

Sato was grabbing Suien's hair and pushing his face against the floor. Hard. He had just rammed Suien's face directly onto the stone floor.

Suien's teeth were broken, his mouth was full of blood, and his head was buzzing. He miscalculated! He didn't realize he was walking into a lion's den.

"Cough, cough, let me. Let me go. I have the jinchuriki; I have her. Shibuki tells him to let me go. Quickly."

Suien was frantically trying to struggle against Sato's iron grip; he had no idea Sato was so bloody strong. This was the strength of an S-class Ninja. What the hell?

"Hah, do you think I will stop if he tells me to? You did something to Fu, didn't you, you bastard? Hinata searched for her. Find her."

Sato squeezed Suien's head hard enough to crack his skull. Suien was screaming with a mouthful of blood, and Shibuki was trembling in his seat.

He didn't know what to do; this was completely out of his expertise.


Hinata's radar started working, and soon she turned towards the north.

"Some ninja have captured her; oh my god, they are trying to break some kind of seal on her body. Why isn't Fu struggling?"

Hinata exclaimed with shock, and Sato's eyes shrank. Was Suien trying to release the seven tails? What a madman!

"Ha.. hahaha.. what the hell? You figured it out. Yes, the jinchuriki is under my control. Shibuki, you are not fit for the leader position."

"Let me go, or I'll unleash the seven tails on this village."

Suien coughed and threatened. Sato frowned, and after a few seconds, he loosened his grip on Suien's head.

Suien spat blood from his mouth and got up with a wobble. He was taking deep breaths while laughing as if he had won.

"Hahaha. I always wanted to be the leader, yet too many people support you, Shibuki. I knew I needed strength to overpower their support."

"I thought of drinking the hero water at first, but then I thought about the jinchuriki. Normally, I wouldn't have considered her; she is too difficult to control."

"But then she met you; you became her weakness. Look at her now; she knows she will die if her seal is unlocked, but she doesn't even struggle. All because I told her I would let you go if she cooperated with me."

Suien laughed at Sato; the buzzing in his head was becoming more intense, but he was too happy to care.

"So that was your plan—controlling the jinchuriki and becoming village leader. I see. Thank you for explaining."

Sato nodded with a calm face, and lightning started cracking around his body. Suien instantly panicked.

"Wait! Wait! If you kill me, my men will really remove her seals; she won't survive if Seven Tails goes berserk."

"Your best option is to let me go; as long as she works for me, I will not kill any of you. Nobody needs to get hurt.

Suien said it almost hysterically, but Sato's vanished before his eyes.


Suien had no idea what happened after that; his thought process had stopped. But everyone else in the room saw what had happened.

Suien's headless body had fallen to the ground, and as for his head, it had vaporized from Sato's black lightning lariat.

"I am not Shibuki; nobody can act recklessly before me and live to tell the tale. As for the seven tails, let him come."

"I will fight that monster myself."

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon


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