Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Shisui’s secret

Sato, Neji and Hinata kept discussing their team's name for the entire evening.

It wasn't until it was almost night that they managed to decide on a name.

"Headhunter squad! We are the Headhunter squad."

Sato exclaimed with satisfaction, this was a name he liked a lot, both Neji and Hinata seem to like it too.

"Sato kun.. we should go to sleep, it's past bedtime.."

Hinata softly said from the side, and Neji looked like he just remembered that it was indeed time to sleep!

Sato meanwhile paused and scratched his head.

'I sometimes forget that we are still kids with a set bedtime.'

Sato then looked outside and felt even more absurd, it was eight o clock, how is this bedtime?

"Hyuga takes rules and regulations to a whole another level man."

Sato shook his head but he let the two children Hinata and Neji do what they wanted to do anyway.

As this might be their last day here, they should do everything according to their wishes.

"Okay, you guys can go to bed, I will return to my guesthouse."

"Then next time we meet, I'll bring you to your new home in hidden cloud."

"You guys will like it there, we have a whole mountain to ourselves."

Sato jumped up on his feet and smiled at Hinata and Neji.

Neji also stood up and gave Sato a Hyuga salute.

"Goodnight Sato san."

Hinata also got up and softy gave her own salute.

"Sato kun, good night.."

Smiling a last time at his two new friends, Sato waved them goodbye and flickered out of the Hyuga house.


"Aah! Sato kun vanished!"

Hinata seemed shocked and scared, she was three and hadn't begun her training yet, so she didn't know body flicker.

But Neji didn't look scared, he looked like he knew what this technique was.

"Hinata, I think that's the body flicker ninjutsu, father told me about it once."

"It's supposed to be a technique only Chunin can master, but dad said really talented genin can also do it."

Neji explained to Hinata, he was four so he had been training for an entire year now, he had much more knowledge than Hinata did.

"Oh.. that's great."

Hinata sighed with relief that her new friend and saviour didn't just vanish into thin air.

That would have been too much for her young mind to handle.

"Let's go to sleep sister, we need to be in our best condition to help Boss Sato."

Neji patted Hinata's shoulder and took his sister to her room, he then left for the branch family house.

He wanted to spend his last night in his home, remembering his father.


Meanwhile Sato was flickering through Konoha streets, he stopped suddenly when he found a tree, a tree which he found particularly interesting.

"So you are here Shisui."

Sato grinned and looked at the tree before him, there was a symbol carved onto the trunk, this sign was something he and Shisui had agreed on.

The symbol being here meant Shisui was going to meet him at last.


And he was right, as soon as Sato recognised him, Shisui walked out from behind the tree.

He had a wry smile on his face and his head was down, he was very clearly depressed.

Sato didn't mind that and smiled happily.

"Look at you, so depressed, did you find Danzo's documents about massacring the Uchiha?"

"Or did you find something else, like Sharingans plucked out of mysteriously dead Uchiha."

Shisui looked at Sato with a shocked face, how did Sato know! He had just found out about it this afternoon.

"How did you know..? Yes, Danzo is experimenting with Sharingan and is planning to get a Mangekyo, I learnt this from a researcher there."

"I think he had plans to kill me, his experiments need a Mangekyo and I am the only one who has that eye."

Shisui sighed sadly, he had searched the root base deeply, he missed nothing and even used his right eye's Kotoamatsukami on the head researcher.

The head researcher told him a lot of shady things and that's where he got to know about Danzo's Sharingan experimenting plan.

"How did I know? I spent so long in Konoha that I have long since understood how your village works."

"Considering Konoha's attitude towards the Uchiha, and how Konoha handle their problems in general, this was an easy conclusion to reach."

Sato waved his hand as if what he said was not worth mentioning, but Shisui twitched his lips.

Sato might not think it was a big deal but it very much was, Sato's mind was so sharp Shisui sometimes felt as if he was not taking to a four year old but to a seasoned veteran.

"Haha, Sato sama, you are taking yourself too lightly."

"Your mind is very sharp, I have only seen the Nara patriarch rivaling your level of wisdom."

"You deeply understood Konoha in such a short time, while I never understood Konoha after living in this village all my life..

"If the Uchiha wants to survive, we need the wisdom of someone on your level, and you are the only one who is willing to help us out right now."

"If you can help the Uchiha clan as long as I submit to you today, I would gladly do it."

Shisui shook his head as if he was accepting his fate, but Sato gave him a disgusted look.

"You don't have to pretend Shisui, I know exactly what you did behind my back."

"You might think you were being sneaky, but there are few things that can hide from my eyes."

Shisui heard this and became startled, his forehead slowly started to sweat and his palms became tensed.

He had the look of someone getting caught doing something shady, and Sato didn't fail to notice that.

And it made him even more clear of his guess.


Sato said grimly while walking slowly towards Shisui, and Shisui started to back away in an embarrassed way.

He was clearly stronger than Sato but his guilty feelings and Sato's sharp eyes were making him unable to put up a fight.

Shisui kept stumbling back and soon his body hit the tree trunk, stopping him from running away anymore.

This was it, he had to face the consequences of his actions now.

Sato meanwhile just looked at Shisui straight in the eye and after a few seconds sighed with the shake of his head.

"So I was right, Shisui, you really.."

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