Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Time skip

Darui didn't stay in the Raikage office after his defeat, he quickly apologized and left the place.

It was only after he left, that Raikage hit Sato on the head.


"You bastard! Why do you have paper bombs strapped to your jacket!?"

Raikage A angrily yelled at Sato, who was rubbing his now painful head.

"Ouch.. why did you hit me A sama, I won didn't I."

Sato grumbled but quickly changed his words when he saw that A was about to hit him again.

"Sorry sorry! I did this after I came back from my mission yesterday."

Sato clenched his fist, he looked as if he was remembering something sad.

"You know Raikage sama, when we were returning back from Konoha, a bounty hunter named Kakuzu attacked us."

"He was there for my head, but I was a burden during the entire fight, because of me sister was going to die."

Sato's eyes became shadowed when he remembered Yugito almost being torn in half.

"I had never felt as helpless as I had back then, that's why after I got back I decided to do something about it."

"I thought if I end up being a burden once more, I can at least take down the enemy with me, and let my sister escape unharmed."

"So I made this trap, if the time comes this would be my final act as a kumo ninja, I'll kill our enemy at the cost of my life."

When Sato said this, the Raikage office became silent.

Yugito was almost crying because Sato did this for her, she didn't even know that her scar had affected Sato so much.

Neji was also looking at Sato with pride filled eyes, but the Raikage, he had a very different thought running in his mind.

'This boy.. he reminds me so much of the third Raikage..'

'Him fighting against a hundred Inuzuka by himself, his leadership abilities and now his courage to sacrifice himself for his comrades.'

'All of this reminds me so much of you, father.'

The Third Raikage had died under a similar thought process as Sato, he had decided to hold back 10000 men by himself so that his companions could survive.

Sato preparing for a similar situation after just one mission, told Raikage A that Sato inherently had the same level of courage as his father did.

This made him even more sure of his choice, he wanted Sato to inherit the Raikage position.

Darui was no longer the suitable choice in his mind, only someone with as much courage as Sato was the right choice.


But that didn't mean he was going to allow Sato to walk around with paper bombs strapped to him!

"Ouch! Why did you hit me again?"

Sato rubbed his head with a painful look and A had fire coming out of his nose.

"Stop strapping such traps to your body bastard! And don't walk around the Raikage's office with a live trap!"

Raikage A angrily pulled Sato's collar and tore open his jacket.


Turning on his thunder armour, A used his hand and destroyed the trap into a million small pieces.

Sato watched all that with a twitch of his eyes, he had worked so hard to make the trap and now it's destroyed.

'This guy, he is treating me like he treats killer B, did I get his approval or what?'

Sato thought with weirdness, he was wondering if he somehow managed to get Raikage A's approval.

He didn't do anything special, but maybe A liked his actions, A was the type of man to respect someone based on their courage to face death.

"Now go home! You got 2 more years to train and prepare yourself, don't disappoint me!"

Raikage A turned and walked into his office, before closing the door, he said one last thing.

"You can take care of the Hyuga children with confidence, no one will take away your companions from you."

When he heard Raikage's promise, Sato smiled widely.

Now that the Raikage had given him assurance, he didn't even need do anything, Neji and Hinata were as good as his subordinates.

'This was one of the main reasons I wanted to become Raikage's heir, to keep Neji and Hinata with me.'

'But this is no longer a problem for me, I can fully foucus on training myself now.'

Sato clicked his neck and loosened his body, he had a lot of time left to train.

There wasn't much else he wanted to do in these two years, the Uchiha coup will also take another 3 years.

He could care about the Uchiha after he becomes Raikage's heir, his words will hold more value when he gets the position.

'So it's just training for me, two years of nothing but training.'

'I wonder how strong I will become with the help of Matatabi, my chakra will definitely increase a lot, that's for sure.'


While Sato was thinking about his future, Yugito had already taken him back home using body flicker.

Hinata and Karui were outside the house and quickly found the group coming back.

Yugito stopped, she let go of Sato and Neji then folded her hands, she then gave all the children a serious look.

"Listen up you lot, I will train you guya as Sato's subordinates for two whole years, it will be intense training, but you will do it."

"Sato is working hard for you guys, you can't relax either when your boss is working hard."

These people were about to become Sato's shadow guard, and Yugito was going to drill this into their heads.

Shadow guard should be absolutely loyal and she will make sure these guys understand that.

After all, Sato didn't have much time left, he needed his own group of men after he becomes the Raikage's heir.

His own A-B combination so to speak, every Raikage needs reliable companions around him, Sato was no exception.

"Training? We are ready, when do we start?"

Karui said with excitement, she was the oldest member of team Sato, so she agreed on behalf of everyone.

Yugito meanwhile nodded proudly at their willingness to train.

"We start now, no time to waste."


Seperating a fire clone, Yugito let her clone go with the children while her body stayed behind with Sato.

"So what's my training plan?"

Sato watched them go and asked Yugito, Yugito got ready for the training and said while stretching herself.

"We will increase your chakra amount using Matatabi's help, your natural amount will increase a lot if she helps you."

"As for combat training, we will focus on your close combat fighting style."

"You are going to become Raikage's heir anyway, so you will get to use their special thunder armour, we should prepare you for such a fighting style."

Sato agreed, he had no opinion on this, his fighting style was anyways similar to Raikage's thunder armour fighting style.

The only difference was the he won't need to use a sword anymore, he could use his fingers as a sword after getting the thunder armour, other than that everything was the same.

"Okay let's start then sister."

"Excellent, let's do it."

And just like that, Sato's training began.

Months passed by and so did years, day by day Sato became stronger while his bond with his subordinates became better.

It didn't take long, two years had passed in the blink of an eye, today was the day of academy admissions, Sato had turned six a few days ago.

A new phase of Sato's life was about to begin.

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