Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 764: Battle

Chapter 764: Battle

Boom, boom, boom…

The muffled sounds of explosions reverberated through the air, stirring Konan awake from her momentary distraction caused by the Wood Release.

She turned to look at the gradually dispersing flames twenty kilometers behind her, her expression turned solemn: “That’s…”

“What’s going on?”

Shisui was also drawn to the explosions behind him, his expression is serious: ‘Is it Pain?’

He suddenly raised his head to look at Konan in the air. Unfortunately, Konan’s expression remained as cold as ever, and Shisui couldn’t read anything from her expression.

At this time, the paper rain had stopped, and the Wood Locking Wall filled with paper fragments split open, revealing Tenzo standing still underneath, while Itachi and the others quickly turned into afterimage and dispersed in different directions.

Just as Konan regained her focus and was about to launch another wave of attacks, Tenzo formed hand seals to initiate a counterattack: “Wood Release: Killing Thorn Technique!”

Tenzo’s right hand transformed abruptly into a thick and long thorn-covered vine, shooting towards Konan in the sky.

Konan’s eyes narrowed. Facing Wood Release, she didn’t dare to be careless. She immediately crossed her arms, and countless paper pieces erupted, resembling a hundred machine guns firing simultaneously at the thorny vine. The explosive ‘bullets’ clashed violently with the thorny vine, creating brilliant sparks before erupting into… explosion!

Boom, boom, boom……

Under the intense explosion, the thorny vines in the sky were immediately blown apart!

Tenzo’s face changed drastically: ‘Damn… There are Explosive Tags mixed in the paper!’

He quickly retracted the broken thorny vines, reverting to his fleshy form. Although his right hand wasn't severed, the forearm is already torn, and blood splattered!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…

While feeling the severe pain, a buzzing sound echoed in Tenzo's ears. When he looked up, he saw that countless paper pieces had pierced through the ring-shaped shockwave generated by the explosion, descending like a torrent.

“Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!”

At this critical moment, Shisui, having silently approached, spouted a fireball.


Fireball burns blazingly, and it burns bigger and bigger. In a blink of an eye, it has a diameter of more than ten meters, resembling a crimson sun.

Plop, plop, plop…

The paper pieces from Konan descended into the fireball like raindrops, turning into ashes before even a single spark could be created.

“Use Fire Release!” Seeing that Fire Release worked well, he immediately reminded the others loudly.


Itachi immediately responded, “Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!”

Other members of the team followed suit, casting various Fire Release Ninjutsu.

“Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!”

“Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!”

Blazing flames erupted from different corners, voraciously devouring the paper pieces in the air.

“Vice-captain Shisui, everyone…Thank you!” Tenzo expressed his gratitude while holding his injured right hand.

“Step back!” Shisui calmly commanded.

In midair, Konan observed the situation. Seeing Tenzo’s injured right hand, doubts flashed in her eyes: ‘Wood Release… Is only that much?’

Although she was surprised in her heart, Konan’s expression remained unchanged, and her gaze shifted from Tenzo to Shisui.

Since the threat of Wood Release has been neutralized, her next target is Shisui.

Although the previous Fire Release restrained her Paper Ninjutsu effectively, Konan didn’t panic at all. Because, in addition to Paper Ninjutsu, she also has…

The power of money!

Paper Crane!

Konan waved her hand and scattered numerous paper pieces from her sleeves. In mid-air, these papers spontaneously folded into paper cranes, leisurely flapping their wings as they flew in all directions, covering Shisui, Tenzo, Itachi and the rest of Anbu’s members hiding in the dark!

Shisui immediately sensed that something was amiss.

‘The speed of these paper cranes is even slower compared to the previous papers. Can something like this really pose a threat?’

“These things are useless no matter how many come!”

Just as Shisui was puzzled, one of the Anbu hiding in the dark casually formed hand seals and spewed out a fireball, colliding directly with the paper cranes in the air. Then, the paper cranes…



A surging shockwave, accompanied by scorching flames, transformed into a rapidly expanding ring of fire, detonating all nearby paper cranes!

Boom, boom, boom…

A series series of terrifying explosions spread violently and quickly, forcing Shisui to retreat frantically!

“All of them … are Explosive Tags?!”

Shisui watched the countless paper cranes occupying most of his field of vision in the sky, and his face changed drastically. He suddenly remembered something, and his expression stiffened, looking as if he had been constipated for three days.

When he was undercover in Akatsuki, in order to gain Pain's trust, Shisui had worked very hard to complete every mission. And all the hard-earned money, apart from basic living expenses, entered Konan’s pocket through the White Zetsu’s clone.

If his guess is correct, many of these countless Explosive Tags were probably Shisui’s hard-earned money! Looking up at Konan in the sky, Shisui saw a continuous stream of Explosive Tags flying out of her sleeves as if they cost nothing, turning into paper cranes and flying in all directions.

These paper cranes seemed to have a life of their own, shifting left and right, crazily directing the explosions towards Shisui and his companions!

At this moment, Shisui felt uncomfortable and a bit aggrieved. But there were things he couldn't say out loud, so he had to divert his attention and turned his head and looked towards Uchiha Itachi, Tenzo and the others, just in time to see them being forced to retreat in a miserable manner by the explosions from the paper cranes.

Fortunately, after the hellish training from Kanpū, everyone's overall quality had significantly improved. Although they appeared to be in a sorry state, the formation among them remained undisturbed. And as long as there was a suitable opportunity, they could counterattack at any time!

It’s just, where would that opportunity come from?

Shisui has a solemn expression on his face.

If it were only a matter of strength, Shisui didn't believe that his team would be pushed to such a sorry state by Konan alone. Even if Konan can fly, and even if Konan has prepared countless papers!

But adding this continuous supply of Explosive Tags…it made it difficult for them!

At this moment, not to mention counterattacking, they couldn't even get close to her!

While Shisui retreated to evade the continuous explosions, he looked towards Konan, who was releasing Explosive Tags wildly regardless of the cost, thinking to himself that unless the Explosive Tags on the other side were exhausted, he could only use Susanoo to endure the explosions, and get close to Konan.

As for Genjutsu…

Shisui squinted his eyes, and threw a Sharingan’s Genjutsu at her. In the next moment, he saw Konan’s entire body vaguely splitting, as if turning into flipping paper man, and then, there was no more.

‘Sure enough, she was well-prepared!’

Shisui suspected that the ‘Konan’ in front of him is just a paper clone, and the real Konan might be hidden in the countless sheets of paper, or maybe she transformed into a paper lying on the ground. In short, she must be silently observing them while hiding in the dark.

‘What should I do!’

Shisui felt uncomfortable. He joined Akatsuki by himself. Although he managed to abduct a White Zetsu’s clone and brought back a lot of precious information to Konoha, his own information also fell into Akatsuki’s hands, so his Genjutsu, his Body Flicker Technique were all countered by Konan's pay-to-win Explosive Tags!

‘Do I really have to use Susanoo?’

Shisui squinted. At this moment, he was over a hundred meters away from Konan, and he cannot see her figure clearly. If he used Susanoo to fight…

Twenty kilometers away.

On a hill a hundred meters high.

Nagato sat in a special wheelchair, with greasy split red hair, thin cheeks, and sunken eye sockets. At this moment, he was squinting his eyes emotionlessly, staring at the rapidly approaching figure in the depths of the dense forest in front of the hill.

‘Konoha has indeed learned the information about me and the Six Paths of Pain!’

‘Shisui of the Body Flicker, Jiraiya, and that traitorous White Zetsu’s clone…’

‘You guys, good!’

Nagato slowly closed his eyes, and in the next moment, Deva Path, Asura Path, Preta Path, Human Path and Naraka Path standing behind him simultaneously opened their Rinnegan.

As for Animal Path, it was still concealed by Konan's side, secretly guarding her.

Nagato, under the guise of Deva Path, floated slowly in mid-air, while Preta Path, Asura Path, Human Path, and Naraka Path surrounded Nagato. At this time, Kanpū has passed through the forest, reaching the foot of the hill, leaving only a long slope between him and the Six Paths of Pain!

Observing the figure rising from the top of the hill, Kanpū couldn't control his own hands: “Lightning Release: Heavy Thundercloud!”

The majestic Chakra turned into Lightning Attribute surged into his right hand. In an instant, thunderous explosions erupted, turning into a massive azure beam of light that angrily shot towards Deva Path Pain!


In the sound of breaking through the air, the lightning beam arrived in front of Deva Path Pain almost instantly.


“Shinra Tensei!”

Deva Path Pain stretched out his hand expressionlessly. Pupil power flowed, and an invisible force instantly broke the lightning beam as if it were crumbling deadwood, effortlessly dissolving it into nothingness!

‘Impressive, truly impressive!’

Kanpū felt like he was making history and got so excited that he activated Sage Mode. Following that, he unleashed Sage Art: Lightning Release: Heavy Thundercloud!

In Sage Mode, Kanpū’s lightning beam now took on a black-purple hue, and every thunder within it was filled with a violent aura of destruction!

The mountains swayed, the air trembled, and the black-purple lightning beam left circular shockwaves in the air, silently descending in front of Deva Path Pain.

It wasn't until the black-purple radiance covered Deva Path Path’s face that a series of sonic booms swiftly reached from below the hill.


But even as the black-purple radiance completely covered Deva Path Path’s face, he didn't move at all.


“Blocking Technique Absorption Seal!”

Preta Path, who is standing in front of Nagato, has taken action!

From who knows when, a layer of invisible shield has spread in front of Deva Path Pain. When Kanpū’s lightning beam touched the shield, an irresistible force suddenly emanated from Preta Path.

The Senjutsu Chakra contained in the black-purple lightning uncontrollably flowed into Preta Path's body, and the black-purple lightning beam is also rapidly becoming smaller and thinner!

The black-purple radiance covering Deva Path Pain’s face also dissipated rapidly.

At this moment, he said coldly: “Gekko Kanpū, an attack at that level can’t hurt me at all.”


With a few flickers, Kanpū has already crossed a hundred meters and appeared at the top of the hill. Ten meters in front of him was Preta Path, who had absorbed most of his Sage Art Lightning Release.

At this moment, a sinister smile appeared at the corner of Kanpū’s mouth.


Deva Path Pain looked at the eerie smile at the corner of Kanpū’s mouth and instantly sensed something’s wrong. He looked down and saw Preta Path's delicate body has already… distorting!

The black Chakra rods, like uncontrollable spikes, protruded and bulged within him, torturing his body into an unrecognizable shape!

‘What's going on?!’

Deva Path Pain’s heart shook, and then, he found out that he had lost the field of view of Preta Path in his Rinnegan!

In other words, Nagato’s consciousness within Preta Path had been forcibly eliminated by some unknown force!

Kanpū chuckled at this.

In the original work, Preta Path absorbed Naruto’s Senjutsu Chakra and ultimately transformed into a stone frog.

This was because Naruto's Sage Mode carried the characteristics of Mount Myōboku, while Ryuchi Cave’s Sage Mode did not result in turning into a stone frog, but instead led to snake transformation and going berserk!

However, Kanpū’s Sage Mode was acquired through cheating, so Preta Path did not transform into snake after absorbing his Senjutsu Chakra, but Senjutsu Chakra’s berserk is inevitable!

Ding, ding…

As the black Chakra rods fell to the ground, Preta Path finally twisted and fell limp on the ground.

At this brief moment, Asura Path, who is standing behind Nagato, has already opened fire.

“Flaming Arrow Warhead!”

Ten missiles streaked through graceful arcs, closing in on Kanpū from both sides.

At the same time, Naraka Path, who is standing on the right side of Nagato, had already summoned the King of Hell and stealthily extended its perverted pig hand, reaching for Preta Path lying on the ground.

Kanpū sneered, completely ignoring the ten missiles approaching him. He casually pulled out a Flying Thunder God Kunai and threw it towards… Nagato!

‘As long as I catch him, then Six Paths of Pain is as useless as trash…’

But at this moment, a strange gravitational force suddenly descended from the sky!

“Bansho Ten'in!”

Seeubg Kanpū’s Flying Thunder God Kunai, Deva Path Pain decisively acted!

Under the influence of a powerful gravitational force, Kanpū and the Flying Thunder God Kunai he threw out were uncontrollably drawn towards the sky.

Kanpū frowned, feeling this move is really disgusting.

Seeing that the ten missiles were about to land on him, and Naraka Path is about to throw Preta Path into the King of Hell’s mouth, Kanpū, who is pulled into the air by gravity, decisively took action: Sage Art: Lightning Release: Heavy Thundercloud!


Wktn the thunderous roar, the black-purple lightning beam erupted from Kanpū’s hand. Simultaneously, with Minato’s reflexes, Kanpū used the Flying Thunder God Technique just as the ten missiles were about to hit, instantly disappearing!

Boom, boom, boom…

In the air, the ten missiles collided, exploding thunderously!

Below the hill…

Accompanied by a slowly bursting invisible shockwave, Kanpū landed silently.

He looked up, and saw that the top of the hill covered with bursting red flames, amidst which faint traces of lightning were visible.

Kanpū didn't say anything, only feeling that he was too straightforward and reckless just now. With a thought, he disappeared again.

In the next instant, Kanpū appeared in front of Deva Path Pain floating in the air.

Deva Path Pain held the Flying Thunder God Kunai sucked up by Bansho Ten’in, still not fully recovered from the rapid and unexpected turn of events. Before he could react, Kanpū suddenly appeared on him.

Kanpū didn’t have time to prepare anything in a hurry, so he created Sage Art: Rasengan in seconds, and slammed it into Deva Path Pain’s forehead.


Deva Path Pain looked at the Sage Art: Rasengan getting closer and closer, with the sound of rapidly spinning wind and thunder in his ears. For a moment, he seemed unable to react.

But fortunately, his instinct is still there.

Feeling the crisis, Deva Path Pain pushed his left hand forward: “Shinra Tensei!”


An invisible shockwave instantly broke the Sage Art: Rasengan, but in the instant the shockwave was about to land on Kanpū’s body, he disappeared once again.

‘Teleported away?’

Deva Path Pain, belatedly realizing, looked at the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand. His eyes narrowed, and he promptly hurled it far away.

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