Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 772: My Name is Uchiha Shin

Chapter 772: My Name is Uchiha Shin

‘My name is Shin. I am an orphan, and I have no feelings.’

‘My biggest dream is to follow the one of Konoha’s legendary Sannin, Orochimaru to learn cloning technology.’

‘Today, I finally saw Orochimaru-sama I've been yearning for!’

‘I must seize this opportunity to change myself and my life!’

Shin’s blood is surging and he paced outside the Land of Rice Fields’ Daimyo’s mansion. In addition to excitement on his face, there’s also has a hint of restlessness.

Daimyo’s mansion.

Orochimaru and Land of Rice Fields’ Daimyo sat facing each other, sipping tea.

“Orochimaru, I agree to you establishing a Shinobi Village in my country, but the name of the Shinobi Village must be Tanbogakure, not something like Otogakure. I absolutely can’t accept it!” Land of Rice Fields’ Daimyo put down his teacup and he stared directly at Orochimaru’s golden vertical pupils. His face is full of sense of justice and inviolability. (T/N: Tanbo means Rice Fields.)

If Orochimaru dared to use force against him, he would dare to kill… Cough, he would dare to shout for help!

Orochimaru, however, showed no intention of using force. A cold smile played on his lips as he calmly extended his index finger, dipped it in the tea, and wrote a series of numbers on the tea table.

Land of Rice Fields’ Daimyo glanced at it and couldn't maintain eye contact, he then takes in sharp breaths: Hiss!

“Dear Orochimaru, your sincerity has moved me. Happy cooperation!” Land of Rice Fields’ Daimyo looked at Orochimaru with gratification, and his eyes were full of warmth.

“Happy cooperation.”

Orochimaru sneered and said, “Remember, don’t leak out my information, or you won't get a single penny.”

Land of Rice Fields’ Daimyo couldn't help but glance at the string of numbers on the tea table, realizing that it was ten times higher than the bounty for Orochimaru in the black market. He secretly thought that only a fool would report Orochimaru to Konoha.

With the cooperation details settled, Orochimaru left the Daimyo's mansion.

At this time, it was already dark outside the Daimyo's mansion, and there was no one around. However, to Orochimaru's surprise, after walking for two steps, a shadow suddenly dashed out from a corner, blocking his way.


It was Shin, who had been waiting anxiously for a long time, looking at Orochimaru with shining eyes. Trembling with excitement, he said, “Orochimaru-sama, my name is Shin, please let me follow you. I am willing to do anything, anything at all!!”


Orochimaru emitted a series of cold laughs, smacking Shin away like a fly, sending him flying ten meters. And then, he continued on his way.

“Damn it!”

Shin painfully crawled up from the ground, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. Looking at Orochimaru’s fading back, he was unwilling to be abandoned by ‘fate' like this. He desperately chased after Orochimaru, and shouted, “Orochimaru-sama, please, as long as I can follow you to learn the cloning technology, I am willing to do anything you want me to do, even if it means becoming your test subject!!”

‘Test subject?’

Orochimaru's footsteps halted. He had previously sent Kimimaro as a ‘test subject' to Abyss, and as a result, almost all his base was destroyed!

‘Could this little brat be intentionally sent by Abyss to annoy me?’

Orochimaru stared at Shin with killing intent.

Orochimaru’s killing-intent is not something that an average person can resist. Although Shin stubbornly raised his head, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his legs were shaking.

Just as Shin was about to give in, Orochimaru suddenly withdrew his killing intent and chuckled: “Very well, you can follow me.”


Shin was overjoyed, “Thank you, Orochimaru-sama!”


Orochimaru sneered again and again.

He had initially thought of killing this little brat directly, but then after thinking about it, if this little brat was sent by Abyss, he could repay them in kind, fiercely taking revenge on Abyss.

If not, then, as this little brat wishes, he can treat him as a test subject.

As for learning cloning technology?

That's something someone can achieve just because they want to.

Don't overestimate yourself!

Orochimaru, accompanied by Shin, rushed to an underground base deep in a dense forest the next afternoon.

This is Orochimaru’s newly established base. Apart from a few subordinates responsible for guarding, the entire Shinobi World was unaware of its existence!

Orochimaru took Shin to a laboratory in the base, tied him to the operating table, and began… interrogating.

First, it was physical interrogation, mainly dissecting him alive with a surgical knife, without anesthesia.

Next is Genjutsu interrogation, using Genjutsu to make him lose himself and reveal his deepest secrets.

After being busy for a long time, Orochimaru confirmed that this little demon called Shin, is not a double agent sent by Abyss.

Orochimaru admitted his mistake: “Shin, what happened just now was a test for you. I hope you won't resent me for the sake of the cloning technology.”

While saying this, Orochimaru skillfully and quickly sewed up Shin's abdomen with a needle and thread.

Waves of intense pain assaulted Shin's mind, but he knew he couldn't harbor resentment. As once he harbored hatred, he would die!

“Orochimaru-sama, as long as I can learn cloning technology, I can bear any price!” Shin said firmly.

“Very good.”

Orochimaru was very pleased with Shin's determination and decided to leave him with a memento.

‘Well, let’s give you the Cursed Seal of Heaven!’

Orochimaru didn’t feel sorry for Shin’s newly stitched body, and directly implanted the Cursed Seal of Heaven with his soul into the center of Shin's chest.

‘If you can endure this, I'll acknowledge your value as a test subject.’

‘However, you, a human being who is not even Genin, it is impossible to bear the backlash of the Cursed Seal of Heaven.’

Orochimaru coldly sneered as he watched Shin, waiting quietly.

Half an hour passed, but nothing happened.

‘Did the Cursed Seal fail?’

Orochimaru frowned slightly, and carefully inspected it again. Then, he found that the Cursed Seal of Heaven was indeed firmly imprinted on Shin's body.

‘How could there be no backlash?’

As the creator of the Cursed Seal of Heaven and Earth, Orochimaru is well aware of the dangers of these two Cursed Seal. Not only was using them risky, but even imprinting them had a considerable degree of danger!

‘How could there be no reaction at all?’

Orochimaru looked Shin’s sleepy face, and suddenly he had a bold guess.

He turned around and left the laboratory, weaving through a series of twists and turns until he reached a storage room.

Inside were valuable items Orochimaru had retrieved from several research bases he personally destroyed.

Among them is a pair of Sharingan.

Orochimaru looked this pair of 2-Tomoe Sharingan with a trance-like gaze.

This pair of Sharingan was obtained from a Uchiha’s Shinobi five days before he defected to Konoha. Five days later, Kanpū, Kakashi and Shisui came to him.…

Speaking of which, these Sharingan are the fuse of him defecting from Konoha!

Orochimaru had once transplanted this pair of Sharingan to himself, but unfortunately, there was rejection, so he had no choice but to remove them and preserve them in a special solution.

Today, he planned to find a new owner for these Sharingan.

Returning to the previous laboratory, Orochimaru saw that Shin had passed out. However, he didn’t care and directly transplanted the 2-Tomoe Sharingan into Shin.

During the experiment, Shin, awakened by intense pain, tried to struggle, but his head and limbs were tightly bound with straps, rendering him completely immobile.

At the end of the experiment, Orochimaru wiped the blood from Shin's eye sockets and coldly ordered: “Open your eyes.”

“Oro, Orochimaru-sama…” Shin opened his eyelids, revealing a pair of 2-Tomoe Sharingan with a faint blood glow.

“How do you feel?” Orochimaru asked, his dark and hoarse voice carried a hint of anticipation.

“Feel? I don't feel much. It's just that things seem clearer.”

Shin blinked a few times, somewhat frightened, and asked, “Orochimaru-sama, what did you do to my eyes?”

Orochimaru took out a mirror in response to Shin’s question.

Shin subconsciously looked into it and was instantly stunned by the pair of eyes reflected in the mirror.

‘These eyes… are so beautiful!!’

“This is Sharingan, the Kekkei Genkai of Uchiha Clan.”

Orochimaru revealed a sharp smile, “From now on, they are yours.”


‘Kekkei Genkai of Konoha’s Noble Clan, Uchiha Clan?’

‘So beautiful…’

Shin exclaimed excitedly: “I, I… from now on, I am Uchiha Shin!!”

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